def confirm(self): selectedMod = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", ' ', self.modSelector.get()).strip() if selectedMod == "": selectedMod = self.mods[0] text = self.text.get(1.0, END).strip() err = xmlParser.checkIfTypesXML(text) if err == 1: windows.showError(self.window, "Beginning of type is wrong", "type has to start with <type ") if err == 2: windows.showError(self.window, "End of type is wrong", "Ending is wrong,\n" "Block possibly not closed") if err == 0: if text.startswith("<type n"): types = "<types>\n " + text + "\n</types>" # Outsource this to own logic windows.appendTypesToDatabase( types, self.window, selectedMod, True if self.useNewVal.get() == 1 else False) self.window.destroy()
def distributePricing(self): rarity_is_set = True if self.v.get() == "rar" else False selSubtype = self.subTypeListbox.get(ANCHOR) selSubtype = "" if selSubtype == "UNASSIGNED" else selSubtype # name, subtype, tradercat, buyprice, sellprice, rarity, nominal, traderexclude itemsOfSubtype = dao.getSubtypeForTrader(selSubtype) rarities = [] # rarity, nominal for item in itemsOfSubtype: rarities.append((item[5], item[6])) try: pricing = distribute(rarities, int(self.buyEntires[0].get()), int(self.buyEntires[1].get()), int(self.sellEntries[0].get()), int(self.sellEntries[1].get()), rarity_is_set) except IndexError: windows.showError( self.window, "No rarities", "Set the rarity for your items, or use nominals") buyPricing = pricing[0] sellPricing = pricing[1] for item in self.traderVal: try: keyValue = rarityForTrader[ item[1][0]] if rarity_is_set else item[1][2] except KeyError: keyValue = 0 self.setEntryVal(item[0][1], buyPricing[keyValue]) self.setEntryVal(item[0][2], sellPricing[keyValue])
def createDatabase(self): try: dao.createDB(self.database.get()) dao.loadDB(windows.getContent(windows.dataPath + "\\GENESIS.sql")) except Exception as e: windows.showError(self.window, "Error", "Failed to connect:\n" + str(e)) windows.deleteParams()
def testDB(self): self.passParams() try: dao.getNominalByType("gun") windows.connectionSuccess(self.window) except Exception as e: windows.showError(self.window, "Error", "Failed to connect:\n" + str(e)) windows.deleteParams()
def upgradeDB(self): try: dao.addColumns() except Exception: pass self.window.withdraw() upgradeDB.upgrade() self.window.deiconify() windows.showError(self.window, "Upgrade", "Your Database has been updated")