def suspend_differences(self): """Get a fresh snapshot of processes and suspend it if PID is unknown. """ hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0x0) if hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: print(' [!] ERROR-suspend: CreateToolhelp32Snapshot. Code: %d' % (GetLastError(),)) return pe32 = PROCESSENTRY32() pe32.dwSize = sizeof(pe32) if not Process32First(hProcessSnap, byref(pe32)): print(' [!] ERROR-suspend: Process32First. Code: %d' % (GetLastError(),)) CloseHandle(hProcessSnap) return to_suspend = [] while 1: if pe32.th32ProcessID not in self.p: to_suspend.append(pe32.th32ProcessID) code = Process32Next(hProcessSnap, byref(pe32)) if not code: break CloseHandle(hProcessSnap) self.suspend_process(to_suspend)
def create(self, app_name=None, command_line=None, process_attributes=None, thread_attributes=None, inherit_h=False, creation_flags=0x0, environment=None, working_dir=None): """Creates a new process with the specified parameters. More: Args: app_name: module to execute command_line: command line to execute process_attributes: - thread_attributes: - inherit_h: new process inherit handles from calling process creation_flags: see environment: - working_dir: process working directory (i.e None = calling process working directory) Returns: tuple of (status, error_code) status: 0 on success, else 1 error_code: returned value from CreateProcess on success, else GetLastError() """ ret_code = CreateProcess(app_name, command_line, process_attributes, thread_attributes, inherit_h, creation_flags, environment, working_dir, byref(self.startupinfo), byref(self.process_information)) if not ret_code: return (1, GetLastError()) = self.process_information.dwProcessId self.hprocess = self.process_information.hProcess return (0, ret_code)
def suspend_process(self, pid): """Searches through processes threads and suspend the one with specified PID. Args: pid: int, process ID which should be suspended """ hThreadSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0x0) te32 = THREADENTRY32() te32.dwSize = sizeof(te32) if not Thread32First(hThreadSnapshot, byref(te32)): print(' [!] ERROR-suspend thread: Thread32First. Code: %d' % (GetLastError(),)) CloseHandle(hThreadSnapshot) return while 1: if te32.th32OwnerProcessID in pid: hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, None, te32.th32ThreadID) if hThread: SuspendThread(hThread) CloseHandle(hThread) code = Thread32Next(hThreadSnapshot, byref(te32)) if not code: break CloseHandle(hThreadSnapshot)
def resume(self): """Resume process. More: Returns: tuple of (status, error_code) status: 0 on success, else 1 error_code: returned value from ResumeThread on success, else GetLastError() """ ret_code = ResumeThread(self.process_information.hThread) if ret_code == DWORD(-1).value - 1: return (1, GetLastError()) return (0, ret_code)
def terminate(self): """Terminate process. More: Returns: tuple of (status, error_code) status: 0 on success, else 1 error_code: returned value from TerminateProcess on success, else GetLastError() """ ret_code = TerminateProcess(self.hprocess, 0x0) if not ret_code: return (1, GetLastError()) return (0, ret_code)
def snap(self): """Get a snapshot of processes on the system and save PID for every process. """ hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0x0) if hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: print(' [!] ERROR-snap: CreateToolhelp32Snapshot. Code: %d' % (GetLastError(),)) return pe32 = PROCESSENTRY32() pe32.dwSize = sizeof(pe32) if not Process32First(hProcessSnap, byref(pe32)): print(' [!] ERROR-snap: Process32First. Code: %d' % (GetLastError(),)) CloseHandle(hProcessSnap) return while 1: if pe32.th32ProcessID not in self.p: self.p.append(pe32.th32ProcessID) code = Process32Next(hProcessSnap, byref(pe32)) if not code: break CloseHandle(hProcessSnap)
def run(self): notify_filters = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES | \ FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION | \ FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY bufsize = (sizeof(FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION) + MAX_PATH * 2) * 100 buffer = create_string_buffer(bufsize) returned = DWORD(0) while 1: if self.stop: break for p, h in self.hfolders.items(): memset(buffer, 0, bufsize) if not ReadDirectoryChangesW(h, buffer, bufsize, True, notify_filters, byref(returned), None, None): print('ERROR: ReadDirectoryChanges() failed. Code: %x!' % GetLastError()) offs = 0 for _ in range(100): fni = cast( buffer[offs:offs + sizeof(FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION)], PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION).contents namelen, nextoffs = int(fni.FileNameLength), int( fni.NextEntryOffset) name = buffer.raw[offs + 12:offs + 12 + namelen].decode('utf16') evt = EVENTS.get(fni.Action) if evt is None: continue fn = os.path.join(p, name) if (not os.path.isdir(fn)) and fn not in self.results: try: size = '%s bytes' % os.path.getsize(fn) except Exception: size = 'missing' print('[%s] changed: %s (%s)' % (fn, evt, size), file=self.output) self.results.append(fn) if not nextoffs: break offs += nextoffs