Esempio n. 1
    def test_copy_from(self):
        state_a = sol.State()
        state_b = sol.State()

        state_a.notes = {42: 0}
        state_a.message = object()
        state_a.velocity = 43
        state_a.pitch_bend == 45
        state_a.pressure == 46
        for n in range(128):
            state_a._cc[n] = n


        assert state_b.message is state_a.message
        assert state_b.note == state_a.note
        assert state_b.velocity == state_a.velocity
        assert state_b.pitch_bend == state_a.pitch_bend
        assert state_b.pressure == state_a.pressure
        for n in range(128):
            assert ==

        # Check for deep copy
        state_a.notes = {43: 0}
        assert state_b.note != state_a.note
        state_a._cc[0] = 100
        assert !=
Esempio n. 2
    def test_process_midi_types_pressure(self):
        s = sol.Sol()
        state = sol.State()

        msg = make_message(smolmidi.CHANNEL_PRESSURE, 64)
        s._process_midi(msg, state)
        assert math.isclose(state.pressure, 0.5, rel_tol=0.01)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_process_midi_types_cc(self):
        s = sol.Sol()
        state = sol.State()

        msg = make_message(smolmidi.CC, 42, 64)
        s._process_midi(msg, state)
        assert math.isclose(, 0.5, rel_tol=0.01)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_default_state(self):
        state = sol.State()

        assert state.message is None
        assert state.note is None
        assert state.velocity == 0
        assert state.pitch_bend == 0
        assert state.pressure == 0
        for n in range(128):
            assert state._cc[n] == 0
Esempio n. 5
    def test_process_midi_types_pitch_bend(self):
        s = sol.Sol()
        state = sol.State()

        msg = make_message(smolmidi.PITCH_BEND, 0x00, 0x40)
        s._process_midi(msg, state)
        assert state.pitch_bend == 0

        msg = make_message(smolmidi.PITCH_BEND, 0x00, 0x00)
        s._process_midi(msg, state)
        assert state.pitch_bend == -1

        msg = make_message(smolmidi.PITCH_BEND, 0x00, 0x80)
        s._process_midi(msg, state)
        assert state.pitch_bend == 1
Esempio n. 6
    def test_process_midi_types_note_on_off(self):
        s = sol.Sol()
        state = sol.State()

        msg = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_ON, 42, 64)
        s._process_midi(msg, state)
        assert state.note == 42
        assert math.isclose(state.velocity, 0.5, rel_tol=0.01)

        msg = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_OFF, 42, 0)
        s._process_midi(msg, state)
        assert state.note is None
        assert state.velocity == 0

        # Note on with 0 velocity should be treated as Note Off
        msg = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_ON, 42, 0)
        s._process_midi(msg, state)
        assert state.note is None
        assert state.velocity == 0
Esempio n. 7
 def test_empty(self):
     state = sol.State()
     assert state.latest_note is None
     assert state.oldest_note is None
     assert state.highest_note is None
     assert state.lowest_note is None
Esempio n. 8
 def make_state(self):
     state = sol.State()
     state.notes = {40: 4, 41: 3, 43: 2, 44: 1}
     return state
Esempio n. 9
def test_poly_note_stealing(monotonic_ns):
    state = sol.State()
    outputs = sol.Outputs()

    p = poly.Poly()

    # No notes, all outputs should be default states.
    monotonic_ns.return_value = 0
    p.update(state, outputs)

    assert outputs.cv_a == 0
    assert outputs.cv_b == 0
    assert outputs.cv_c == 0
    assert outputs.cv_d == 0
    assert outputs.gate_1 is False
    assert outputs.gate_2 is False
    assert outputs.gate_3 is False
    assert outputs.gate_4 is False

    # Play one note, assert that it gets assigned.
    state.message = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_ON, 40, 127)
    p.update(state, outputs)

    assert outputs.cv_a == helpers.note_to_volts_per_octave(40)
    assert outputs.cv_b == 0
    assert outputs.cv_c == 0
    assert outputs.cv_d == 0
    assert outputs.gate_1 is True
    assert outputs.gate_2 is False
    assert outputs.gate_3 is False
    assert outputs.gate_4 is False

    # Release the note, assert that it's gate gets released.
    monotonic_ns.return_value = 1 * _NS_TO_S
    state.message = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_OFF, 40)
    p.update(state, outputs)

    assert outputs.gate_1 is False

    # Play four notes, assert that they all get assigned.
    monotonic_ns.return_value = 1 * _NS_TO_S
    state.message = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_ON, 40, 127)
    p.update(state, outputs)
    monotonic_ns.return_value = 2 * _NS_TO_S
    state.message = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_ON, 41, 127)
    p.update(state, outputs)
    monotonic_ns.return_value = 3 * _NS_TO_S
    state.message = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_ON, 42, 127)
    p.update(state, outputs)
    monotonic_ns.return_value = 4 * _NS_TO_S
    state.message = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_ON, 43, 127)
    p.update(state, outputs)

    assert outputs.cv_a == helpers.note_to_volts_per_octave(40)
    assert outputs.cv_b == helpers.note_to_volts_per_octave(41)
    assert outputs.cv_c == helpers.note_to_volts_per_octave(42)
    assert outputs.cv_d == helpers.note_to_volts_per_octave(43)
    assert outputs.gate_1 is True
    assert outputs.gate_2 is True
    assert outputs.gate_3 is True
    assert outputs.gate_4 is True

    # Play one more note, it should replace the oldest (first)
    # note.
    state.message = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_ON, 44, 127)
    p.update(state, outputs)

    assert outputs.cv_a == helpers.note_to_volts_per_octave(44)

    # This should cause retrigger, so it should go False briefly
    # then go to True. step() must be called to update the gate
    # retrigger logic.
    assert outputs.gate_1 is False
    monotonic_ns.return_value = 5 * _NS_TO_S
    assert outputs.gate_1 is True

    # Release one of the notes in the middle. It should create
    # a "hole".
    state.message = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_OFF, 42)
    p.update(state, outputs)

    assert outputs.gate_3 is False

    # Now, play another note. It should get assigned to the
    # "hole".
    state.message = make_message(smolmidi.NOTE_ON, 45, 127)
    p.update(state, outputs)

    assert outputs.cv_c == helpers.note_to_volts_per_octave(45)
    assert outputs.gate_3 is True