Esempio n. 1
def make_wf_hat(hat, pv, nodes_per_hemi = 100):
    """ Makes wireframe hat consisting of base, bill and light sensors.

    global correction_matrix
    scale = 50
    # Make untransformed base, bill and lightSensor wireframes.
    base = wf.Wireframe()
    bill = wf.Wireframe()
    lightSensors = wf.Wireframe()

    hat_center = hat.position
    bill_center = 1 * hat_center
    ls_center = 1 * hat_center
    ls_center[1] += scale

    bill_center[0] += hat.billOffset * scale * np.cos(hat.theta)
    bill_center[2] += hat.billOffset * scale * np.sin(hat.theta)

    bill_radius = hat.billDiam / 2 * scale
    base_radius = hat.diam / 2 * scale

    lightSensors.make_circle(ls_center, base_radius, len(hat.lightSensors))
    bill.make_dense_circle(bill_center, bill_radius, nodes_per_hemi)

    bill.edges[:] = [x for x in bill.edges if (np.linalg.norm(bill.nodes[x[0]][0:3]
     - hat_center) > base_radius and np.linalg.norm(bill.nodes[x[1]][0:3]
     - hat_center) > base_radius)]

    base.make_sphere(hat_center, base_radius, nodes_per_hemi, 1 * np.pi, 20, 11)

    # Transform wireframes to viewing angle. 
    center = np.hstack((hat_center, 1))
    base.nodes = base.nodes - center
    bill.nodes = bill.nodes - center
    lightSensors.nodes = lightSensors.nodes - center

    rotateXMatrix = wf.rotateXMatrix(pv.viewing_angle)
    rotateYMatrix = wf.rotateYMatrix(pv.viewing_angle)

    rotateMatrix =, rotateXMatrix)
    rotateMatrix = 1 * rotateXMatrix

    # Update correction matrix.
    correction_matrix =, correction_matrix)

    bill.nodes =, rotateMatrix)
    base.nodes =, rotateMatrix)
    lightSensors.nodes =, rotateMatrix)

    bill.nodes = bill.nodes + center
    base.nodes = base.nodes + center
    lightSensors.nodes = lightSensors.nodes + center

    return wf.WireframeHat(base, bill, lightSensors)
Esempio n. 2
def view_projection(modelpath, testpath):

    pv = ProjectionViewer(1600, 1200,modelpath,modelpath)

    arm = wireframe.Wireframe()
    arm.addNodes([(0, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0)])
    arm.addEdges([(0, 1)])

    arm2 = wireframe.Wireframe()
    arm2.addNodes([(0,0,0), (100,00,0)])

    pv.addWireframe('model', arm2)
    pv.addWireframe('arm', arm)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, width, height, name="Wireframe Viewer"):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))

        self.wireframes = {}
        self.wireframe_colours = {}
        self.object_to_update = []

        self.displayNodes = False
        self.displayEdges = True
        self.displayFaces = True

        self.perspective = False  #300.
        self.eyeX = self.width / 2
        self.eyeY = 100
        self.view_vector = np.array([0, 0, -1])

        self.light = wf.Wireframe()
        self.light.addNodes([[0, -1, 0]])

        self.min_light = 0.02
        self.max_light = 1.0
        self.light_range = self.max_light - self.min_light

        self.background = (10, 10, 50)
        self.nodeColour = (250, 250, 250)
        self.nodeRadius = 4

        self.control = 0
Esempio n. 4
def Spheroid(a, b, resolution=10):
    """ Returns a wireframe spheroid centred on (x,y,z)
        with a radii of (rx,ry,rz) in the respective axes. """
    (x,y,z) = a
    (rx, ry, rz) = b
    spheroid   = wf.Wireframe()
    latitudes  = [n*np.pi/resolution for n in range(1,resolution)]
    longitudes = [n*2*np.pi/resolution for n in range(resolution)]

    # Add nodes except for poles
    spheroid.addNodes([(x + rx*np.sin(n)*np.sin(m), y - ry*np.cos(m), z - rz*np.cos(n)*np.sin(m)) for m in latitudes for n in longitudes])

    # Add square faces to whole spheroid but poles
    num_nodes = resolution*(resolution-1)
    spheroid.addFaces([(m+n, (m+resolution)%num_nodes+n, (m+resolution)%resolution**2+(n+1)%resolution, m+(n+1)%resolution) for n in range(resolution) for m in range(0,num_nodes-resolution,resolution)])

    # Add poles and triangular faces around poles
    spheroid.addNodes([(x, y+ry, z),(x, y-ry, z)])
    spheroid.addFaces([(n, (n+1)%resolution, num_nodes+1) for n in range(resolution)])
    start_node = num_nodes-resolution
    spheroid.addFaces([(num_nodes, start_node+(n+1)%resolution, start_node+n) for n in range(resolution)])

    return spheroid
Esempio n. 5
def Cuboid(a, b):
    (x,y,z) = a
    (w,h,d) = b
    """ Return a wireframe cuboid starting at (x,y,z)
        with width, w, height, h, and depth, d. """

    cuboid = wf.Wireframe()
    cuboid.addNodes(np.array([[nx,ny,nz] for nx in (x,x+w) for ny in (y,y+h) for nz in (z,z+d)]))
    cuboid.addFaces([(0,1,3,2), (7,5,4,6), (4,5,1,0), (2,3,7,6), (0,2,6,4), (5,7,3,1)])
    return cuboid
Esempio n. 6
def main(args):
    # Filepaths
    config_file ="wireframe.yaml")
    model_file ="pretrained_lcnn.pth.tar")

    w = wireframe.Wireframe(config_file, model_file, "")
    if not w.setup():
        print("w is setup successfully")

    save_wireframe_records(args.project_directory, w)
Esempio n. 7
def chunk(depth, height, width, size, coords):
    cubes = []
    x0, y0, z0 = coords
    for d in range(depth):
        for w in range(width):
            for h in range(height):
                cube = wf.Wireframe()
                coords = (x0+w*size,y0+h*size,z0+d*size)
    return cubes
Esempio n. 8
def HorizontalGrid(a, b, c):
    """ Returns a nx by nz wireframe grid that starts at (x,y,z) with width dx.nx and depth """
    (x,y,z) = a
    (dx,dz) = b
    (nx,nz) = c
    grid = wf.Wireframe()
    grid.addNodes([[x+n1*dx, y, z+n2*dz] for n1 in range(nx+1) for n2 in range(nz+1)])
    grid.addEdges([(n1*(nz+1)+n2,n1*(nz+1)+n2+1) for n1 in range(nx+1) for n2 in range(nz)])
    grid.addEdges([(n1*(nz+1)+n2,(n1+1)*(nz+1)+n2) for n1 in range(nx) for n2 in range(nz+1)])
    return grid
Esempio n. 9
def FractalLandscape(
        origin=(0, 0, 0), dimensions=(400, 400), iterations=4, height=40):
    import random

    def midpoint(nodes):
        m = 1.0 / len(nodes)
        x = m * sum(n[0] for n in nodes)
        y = m * sum(n[1] for n in nodes)
        z = m * sum(n[2] for n in nodes)
        return [x, y, z]

    (x, y, z) = origin
    (dx, dz) = dimensions
    nodes = [[x, y, z], [x + dx, y, z], [x + dx, y, z + dz], [x, y, z + dz]]
    edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)]
    size = 2

    for i in range(iterations):
        # Add nodes midway between each edge
        for (n1, n2) in edges:
            nodes.append(midpoint([nodes[n1], nodes[n2]]))

        # Add nodes to the centre of each square
        squares = [(x + y * size, x + y * size + 1, x + (y + 1) * size + 1,
                    x + (y + 1) * size) for y in range(size - 1)
                   for x in range(size - 1)]
        for (n1, n2, n3, n4) in squares:
            nodes.append(midpoint([nodes[n1], nodes[n2], nodes[n3],

        # Sort in order of grid
        nodes.sort(key=lambda node: (node[2], node[0]))

        size = size * 2 - 1
        # Horizontal edge
        edges = [(x + y * size, x + y * size + 1) for y in range(size)
                 for x in range(size - 1)]
        # Vertical edges
        edges.extend([(x + y * size, x + (y + 1) * size) for x in range(size)
                      for y in range(size - 1)])

        # Shift node heights
        scale = height / 2**(i * 0.8)
        for node in nodes:
            node[1] += (random.random() - 0.5) * scale

    grid = wf.Wireframe(nodes)

    return grid
Esempio n. 10
def testWireframe():
    """ Example of how to create wireframes node by node, and by using the basicShape module.
        Creates a triangle and cuboid wireframe and outputs their node, edge and face values. """

    # Create a triangle by explictly passing the nodes and edges
    print "\nTriangle"
    triangle = wf.Wireframe([[100, 200, 10], [200, 200, 10], [125, 100, 500]])
    triangle.addEdges([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)])

    # Create a cuboid using the basicShape module
    print "\nCuboid"
    cuboid = shape.Cuboid((100, 100, 10), (20, 30, 40))
Esempio n. 11
def initializeCube():
    block = wf.Wireframe()

    block_nodes = [(x, y, z) for x in (-1.5, 1.5) for y in (-1, 1)
                   for z in (-0.1, 0.1)]
    node_colors = [(255, 255, 255)] * len(block_nodes)
    block.addNodes(block_nodes, node_colors)

    faces = [(0, 2, 6, 4), (0, 1, 3, 2), (1, 3, 7, 5), (4, 5, 7, 6),
             (2, 3, 7, 6), (0, 1, 5, 4)]
    colors = [(255, 0, 255), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255),
              (0, 255, 255), (255, 255, 0)]
    block.addFaces(faces, colors)

    return block
def main(args):
        images, reconstruction = setup_project_data(args.project_directory)
    except Exception as e:
        print("An exception occurred while trying to load project data: {}".format(e))

    # Filepaths
    config_file ="wireframe.yaml")
    model_file ="pretrained_lcnn.pth.tar")

    w = wireframe.Wireframe(config_file, model_file, args.device)
    if not w.setup():
        print("w is setup successfully")

    records = wireframe.project.generate_wireframe_records(args.project_directory, w, force=args.recompute)

    if args.reconstruction >= 0:
        reconstruction = [reconstruction[args.reconstruction]]

    wpcs = []

    for r in reconstruction:
        for imname, iminfo in r['shots'].items():
            print("Processing {}...".format(imname))
            wpc = wireframe.WireframePointCloud(args.project_directory,

    return wpcs, records
 def __init__(self):
     w = Window(800,400)
     self.dr = DataReader()
     self.wfv = WireframeViewer((0.4,0.1,0.5,0.8),self.dr)
     self.wfv.addWireframe('sphere', Sphere((0.5,0.5, 0.5), 0.4, resolution=24), displayNodes=False)
     dwf = wf.Wireframe()
     self.wfv.addWireframe('sphere_points', dwf, displayEdges=True)
     owf = wf.Wireframe()
     self.wfv.addWireframe('target', owf, nodeColor=(200,0,200))
     #TODO: add target node (need Stokes parameters of target node)
     s1 = 0.93
     s2 = -0.36
     s3 = 0
     (x,y,z), r = (0.5,0.5, 0.5), 0.4
     l = np.sqrt(s1**2+s2**2+s3**2)
     owf.addNodes([(x + r*s1/l, y + r*s3/l, z + r*s2/l )])
     osc = Oscilloscope((0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.8), self.dr)
     w.connect('mouse-motion', self.on_mouse_motion)
     w.connect('mouse-button-down', self.on_mouse_button_down)
     w.connect('quit', self.on_quit)
Esempio n. 14
def main(args):
    # Filepaths
    config_file ="wireframe.yaml")
    model_file ="pretrained_lcnn.pth.tar")

    w = wireframe.Wireframe(config_file, model_file, "")
    if not w.setup():
        print("w is setup successfully")

    # Controls how small the minimum connected component can be
    desired_edges = 2

    for imname in args.image:
        im, g, subgraphs = w.get_filtered_subgraphs(imname, desired_edges)
        g.plot_graph(g.g, im)
        print("\n\nFound {} subgraphs".format(len(subgraphs)))

        for s in subgraphs:
            g.plot_graph(s, im)

        print("\n\nReduced subgraphs to {} graphs".format(len(subgraphs)))
Esempio n. 15
                    pygame.draw.aaline(self.screen, self.edgeColour, (edge.start.x, edge.start.y), (edge.stop.x, edge.stop.y), 1)

            if self.displayNodes:
                for node in wireframe.nodes:
          , self.nodeColour, (int(node.x), int(node.y)), self.nodeRadius, 0)

    def translateAll(self, axis, d):
        """ Translate all wireframes along a given axis by d units. """

        for wireframe in self.wireframes.itervalues():
            wireframe.translate(axis, d)

    def scaleAll(self, scale):
        """ Scale all wireframes by a given scale, centred on the centre of the screen. """

        centre_x = self.width/2
        centre_y = self.height/2

        for wireframe in self.wireframes.itervalues():
            wireframe.scale((centre_x, centre_y), scale)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pv = ProjectionViewer(400, 300)

    cube = wireframe.Wireframe()
    cube.addNodes([(x,y,z) for x in (50,250) for y in (50,250) for z in (50,250)])
    cube.addEdges([(n,n+4) for n in range(0,4)]+[(n,n+1) for n in range(0,8,2)]+[(n,n+2) for n in (0,1,4,5)])
    pv.addWireframe('cube', cube)
Esempio n. 16
        centre_x = self.width / 2
        centre_y = self.height / 2

        for wireframe in self.wireframes.itervalues():
            wireframe.scale((centre_x, centre_y), scale)

    def rotateAll(self, axis, theta):
        """ Rotate all wireframe about their centre, along a given axis by a given angle. """

        rotateFunction = 'rotate' + axis

        for wireframe in self.wireframes.itervalues():
            centre = wireframe.findCentre()
            getattr(wireframe, rotateFunction)(centre, theta)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pv = ProjectionViewer(400, 300)

    cube = wf.Wireframe()
    cube_nodes = [(x, y, z) for x in (50, 250) for y in (50, 250)
                  for z in (50, 250)]
    cube.addEdges([(n, n + 4) for n in range(0, 4)] +
                  [(n, n + 1)
                   for n in range(0, 8, 2)] + [(n, n + 2)
                                               for n in (0, 1, 4, 5)])

    pv.addWireframe('cube', cube)
Esempio n. 17
from projectionViewer import ProjectionViewer
import wireframe
import numpy as np

cube = wireframe.Wireframe()
cube2 = wireframe.Wireframe()
cube3 = wireframe.Wireframe()

cube_nodes = [(x, y, z) for x in (50, 250) for y in (50, 250)
              for z in (50, 250)]
cube_nodes2 = [(x, y, z) for x in (250, 400) for y in (250, 400)
               for z in (250, 400)]
cube_nodes3 = [(x, y, z) for x in (1, 800) for y in (400, 401)
               for z in (1, 800)]

cube.addEdges([(n, n + 4) for n in range(0, 4)])
cube.addEdges([(n, n + 1) for n in range(0, 8, 2)])
cube.addEdges([(n, n + 2) for n in (0, 1, 4, 5)])
cube2.addEdges([(n, n + 4) for n in range(0, 4)])
cube2.addEdges([(n, n + 1) for n in range(0, 8, 2)])
cube2.addEdges([(n, n + 2) for n in (0, 1, 4, 5)])
cube3.addEdges([(n, n + 4) for n in range(0, 4)])
cube3.addEdges([(n, n + 1) for n in range(0, 8, 2)])
cube3.addEdges([(n, n + 2) for n in (0, 1, 4, 5)])

pv = ProjectionViewer(1200, 1000)
pv.addWireframe('cube', cube)
pv.addWireframe('cube2', cube2)
                        if node[2] > -self.perspective:
                            z = self.perspective/ (self.perspective + node[2])
                            x = 0.5  + z*(node[0] - 0.5)
                            y = 0.5 + z*(node[1] - 0.5)
                  , color, (int(x*w), int(y*h)), wireframe.nodeRadius, 0)
              , color, (int(node[0]*w), int(node[1]*h)), wireframe.nodeRadius, 0)
#Sphere from                            
def Sphere((x,y,z), r, resolution=10):
    """ Returns a wireframe spheroid centred on (x,y,z)
        with a radii of (rx,ry,rz) in the respective axes. """
    spheroid   = wf.Wireframe()
    latitudes  = [n*np.pi/resolution for n in range(1,resolution)]
    longitudes = [n*2*np.pi/resolution for n in range(resolution)]

    # Add nodes except for poles
    spheroid.addNodes([(x + r*np.sin(n)*np.sin(m), y - r*np.cos(m), z - r*np.cos(n)*np.sin(m)) for m in latitudes for n in longitudes])

    # Add square faces to whole spheroid but poles
    num_nodes = resolution*(resolution-1)
    spheroid.addFaces([(m+n, (m+resolution)%num_nodes+n, (m+resolution)%resolution**2+(n+1)%resolution, m+(n+1)%resolution) for n in range(resolution) for m in range(0,num_nodes-resolution,resolution)])

    # Add poles and triangular faces around poles
    spheroid.addNodes([(x, y+r, z),(x, y-r, z)])
    spheroid.addFaces([(n, (n+1)%resolution, num_nodes+1) for n in range(resolution)])
    start_node = num_nodes-resolution
    spheroid.addFaces([(num_nodes, start_node+(n+1)%resolution, start_node+n) for n in range(resolution)])
Esempio n. 19
		rotateFunction = "rotate" + axis

		for wireframe in self.wireframes.itervalues():
			center = wireframe.findCenter()
			getattr(wireframe, rotateFunction)(center, theta)

	def clearAll(self):
		self.wireframes = {}

pv = ProjectionViewer(800, 600)

"""for i in range(0,5):

tesseract = wireframe.Wireframe()
tesseract.addNodes([(x,y,z) for x in (150,350) for y in (100,300) for z in (150,350)]+[(x,y,z) for x in (200,300) for y in (150,250) for z in (200,300)])
#Basic edges for the two cubes
tesseract.addEdges([(n,n+4) for n in range(0,4)]+[(n,n+1) for n in range(0,8,2)]+[(n,n+2) for n in (0,1,4,5)]+[(n+8,n+12) for n in range(0,4)]+[(n+8,n+9) for n in range(0,8,2)]+[(n+8,n+10) for n in (0,1,4,5)])
#Edges for connecting the cubes
tesseract.addEdges([n,n+8]for n in range(0,8))

rectangle = wireframe.Wireframe()
rectangle.addNodes([(x,y,z) for x in (150,450) for y in (350,550) for z in (150,350)])
rectangle.addEdges([(n,n+4) for n in range(0,4)]+[(n,n+1) for n in range(0,8,2)]+[(n,n+2) for n in (0,1,4,5)])

prism = wireframe.Wireframe()
prism.addEdges([(0,1),(0,2),(1,2)] + [(x,3) for x in range(0,3)])

pv.addWireframe("prism", prism)
Esempio n. 20
            R = m.affine(m.rotX(0.1 * np.pi), np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        if (axis == 'y'):
            R = m.affine(m.rotY(0.05 * np.pi), np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        if (axis == 'z'):
            R = m.affine(m.rotZ(0.05 * np.pi), np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        if (axis == 'x-'):
            R = m.affine(m.rotX(-0.05 * np.pi), np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        if (axis == 'y-'):
            R = m.affine(m.rotY(-0.05 * np.pi), np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        if (axis == 'z-'):
            R = m.affine(m.rotZ(-0.05 * np.pi), np.array([0, 0, 0]))

        for wireframe in self.wireframes.values():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pv = ProjectionViewer(1600, 1200)

    arm = wireframe.Wireframe()
    arm.addNodes([(0, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0)])
    arm.addEdges([(0, 1)])

    arm2 = wireframe.Wireframe()
    arm2.addNodes([(0, 0, 0), (100, 00, 0)])
    arm2.addEdges([(0, 1)])

    pv.addWireframe('model', arm2)
    pv.addWireframe('arm', arm)
Esempio n. 21
def placeCube(loc,viewer):
	cube = wireframe.Wireframe()
	cube.addNodes([(x,y,z) for x in (loc[0]-100,loc[0]+100) for y in (loc[1]-100,loc[1]+100) for z in (loc[0]-100,loc[0]+100)])
	cube.addEdges([(n,n+4) for n in range(0,4)]+[(n,n+1) for n in range(0,8,2)]+[(n,n+2) for n in (0,1,4,5)])
Esempio n. 22

print("Creating cubes...")
cube_nodes = [(x,y,z) for x in (CENTER_X-200, CENTER_X-100) \
                      for y in (CENTER_Y-50, CENTER_Y+50) \
                      for z in (-50, 50)]

cube_faces = [(0,2,6,WINE), (0,6,4,WINE), \
              (7,3,1,WINE), (1,5,7,WINE), \
              (4,6,7,AUSTIN), (7,5,4,AUSTIN), \
              (0,1,2,AUSTIN), (3,2,1,AUSTIN), \
              (0,4,1,SALMON), (1,4,5,SALMON), \
              (2,3,7,SALMON), (2,7,6,SALMON)]

cube1 = wireframe.Wireframe(cube_nodes, cube_faces)

cube_nodes = [(x,y,z) for x in (CENTER_X+100, CENTER_X+200) \
                      for y in (CENTER_Y-50, CENTER_Y+50) \
                      for z in (-50, 50)]

cube_faces = [(0,2,6,SEA), (0,6,4,SEA), \
              (7,3,1,SEA), (1,5,7,SEA), \
              (4,6,7,LIME), (7,5,4,LIME), \
              (0,1,2,LIME), (3,2,1,LIME), \
              (0,4,1,OLIVE), (1,4,5,OLIVE), \
              (2,3,7,OLIVE), (2,7,6,OLIVE)]

cube2 = wireframe.Wireframe(cube_nodes, cube_faces)
Esempio n. 23
                    node2d[1] <= -radius or node2d[1] >= self.height+radius):

      , color,

    def perspective(self, incl, az):
        return (
            int(self.halfWidth + self.camDist*np.sin(incl)*np.cos(az)),
            int(self.halfHeight + self.camDist*np.sin(incl)*np.sin(az))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cube = wireframe.Wireframe()
    cube.addNodes(np.array([(x,y,z) for x in (-10,10) for y in (-10,10) for z in (100,120)]))
    cube.addEdges([(n,n+4) for n in range(4)]+[(n,n+1) for n in range(0,7,2)]+[(n,n+2) for n in (0,1,4,5)])

    cube2 = wireframe.Wireframe()
    cube2.addNodes(np.array([(x,y,z) for x in (-10,10) for y in (10,30) for z in (100,120)]))
    cube2.addEdges([(n,n+4) for n in range(4)]+[(n,n+1) for n in range(0,7,2)]+[(n,n+2) for n in (0,1,4,5)])

    dots = wireframe.Wireframe()
    dots.addNodes(np.array([(x,y,z) for x in range(0,100,20) for y in range(0,100,20) for z in range(0,300,20)]))

    pv = ProjectionViewer(800, 600)
    pv.addWireframe('cube', cube)
    pv.addWireframe('cube2', cube2)
    pv.addWireframe('dots', dots)
Esempio n. 24
def drawRect(rect,viewer):
	rectangle = wireframe.Wireframe()
	rectangle.addNodes([(x,y,z) for x in (rect[0],rect[0]+rect[2]) for y in (rect[1],rect[1]+rect[3]) for z in (rect[0],rect[0]+rect[2])])
	rectangle.addEdges([(n,n+4) for n in range(0,4)]+[(n,n+1) for n in range(0,8,2)]+[(n,n+2) for n in (0,1,4,5)])
Esempio n. 25
import numpy as np
import wireframe as wf

def Cuboid((x, y, z), (w, h, d)):
    """ Return a wireframe cuboid starting at (x,y,z)
        with width, w, height, h, and depth, d. """

    cuboid = wf.Wireframe()
        np.array([[nx, ny, nz] for nx in (x, x + w) for ny in (y, y + h)
                  for nz in (z, z + d)]))
    cuboid.addFaces([(0, 1, 3, 2), (7, 5, 4, 6), (4, 5, 1, 0), (2, 3, 7, 6),
                     (0, 2, 6, 4), (5, 7, 3, 1)])

    return cuboid

def Spheroid((x, y, z), (rx, ry, rz), resolution=10):
    """ Returns a wireframe spheroid centred on (x,y,z)
        with a radii of (rx,ry,rz) in the respective axes. """

    spheroid = wf.Wireframe()
    latitudes = [n * np.pi / resolution for n in range(1, resolution)]
    longitudes = [n * 2 * np.pi / resolution for n in range(resolution)]

    # Add nodes except for poles
    spheroid.addNodes([(x + rx * np.sin(n) * np.sin(m), y - ry * np.cos(m),
                        z - rz * np.cos(n) * np.sin(m)) for m in latitudes
                       for n in longitudes])
Esempio n. 26
        """ Translate all wireframes along a given axis by d units. """

        for wireframe in self.wireframes.itervalues():
            wireframe.translate(axis, d)

    def scaleAll(self, scale):
        """ Scale all wireframes by a given scale, centred on the centre of the screen. """

        centre_x = self.width/2
        centre_y = self.height/2

        for wireframe in self.wireframes.itervalues():
            wireframe.scale((centre_x, centre_y), scale)

    def rotateAll(self, axis, theta):
        """ Rotate all wireframe about their centre, along a given axis by a given angle. """

        rotateFunction = 'rotate' + axis

        for wireframe in self.wireframes.itervalues():
            centre = wireframe.findCentre()
            getattr(wireframe, rotateFunction)(centre, theta)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pv = ProjectionViewer(900, 600)  #size of window

    terrain = wireframe.Wireframe()
    pv.addWireframe('terrain', terrain) ##runs the main loop
Esempio n. 27
import numpy as np
import wireframe
import ProjectionViewer as pview
import tools
from interpol import idw_mesh

if __name__ == '__main__':
    points ='../resources/demo5.mod1')))
    points = np.vstack([points, tools.gen_borders(0, 2, 0, 2)])
    res = idw_mesh(points, 100, 0.6)

    wr = wireframe.Wireframe()

    pv = pview.ProjectionViewerNP(800, 800)
Esempio n. 28
    save = args['data_save']
    save_pos = args['pos_save']

    # this is the folder where our
    # images are saved
    if not os.path.exists('./imgs_bmp'):

    p = Projector(256, 256, fps, save, save_pos, step)
    cube_nodes = [[x, y, z] for x in (0, 100) for y in (0, 100)
                  for z in (0, 100)]
    cube_nodes = np.array(cube_nodes)
    cube_faces = [[0, 1, 3, 2], [7, 5, 4, 6], [4, 5, 1, 0], [2, 3, 7, 6],
                  [0, 2, 6, 4], [5, 7, 3, 1]]
    cube_faces = np.array(cube_faces)
    cube_colors = [[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 0, 255], [255, 255, 0],
                   [255, 0, 255], [0, 255, 255]]
    cube_colors = np.array(cube_colors)
    cube_node_colors = [[0, 255, 0], [255, 255, 0], [0, 255, 255],
                        [150, 150, 255], [255, 0, 0], [0, 100, 255],
                        [255, 200, 255], [255, 255, 255]]
    cube_node_colors = np.array(cube_node_colors)
    cube = wf.Wireframe(cube_nodes, cube_node_colors, cube_faces, cube_colors)
    p.add_wireframe('cube1', cube)
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