def buttons_daemon (thread_name, delay): gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pinButtons = [2,3,4] state = [0,0,0] k = PyKeyboard() for i in pinButtons: gpio.pinMode(i, gpio.INPUT) while True: for i in xrange(3): state[i] = gpio.digitalRead(pinButtons[i]) if state[1] == 1 and state[2] == 0 and state[3] == 0: #Up Arrow k.tap_key('up') if state[2] == 1 and state[1] == 0 and state[3] == 0: #Down Arrow (tab) k.tap_key('tab') if state[3] == 1 and state[1] == 0 and state[2] == 0: #OK (enter) k.tap_key('enter') #if state[] time.sleep(delay)
def start_stream(sensor_pin=14, fs=10): """ Reads values from analog pin 14 and forwards them to a LSL-stream. """ # Setup the LSL stream uuid = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(3)) stream_info = lsl.StreamInfo('luminosity', 'analog', 1, fs, 'float32', uuid) stream_outlet = lsl.StreamOutlet(stream_info) # Setup GPIO gpio = GPIO(debug=False) gpio.pinMode(sensor_pin, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT) interval = 1.0 / fs try: while True: value = gpio.analogRead(sensor_pin) stream_outlet.push_sample([value]) time.sleep(interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nCleaning up...") gpio.cleanup()
def start_stream(sensor_pin=14, fs=10): # Setup the LSL stream uuid = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(3)) stream_info = lsl.StreamInfo('luminosity', 'analog', 1, fs, 'float32', uuid) stream_outlet = lsl.StreamOutlet(stream_info) # Setup GPIO gpio = GPIO(debug=False) gpio.pinMode(sensor_pin, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT) interval = 1.0 / fs try: while True: value = gpio.analogRead(sensor_pin) stream_outlet.push_sample([value]) time.sleep(interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nCleaning up...") gpio.cleanup()
u_id = "A2837C04-4AE1-441A-95D5-C25E6D9D1D10" def reg(): APPLICATION_ID = "TBhSWVtf7LUzCUxUlhF5wFfLKdquF4jEJjK1cVqQ" REST_API_KEY = "j3QxkFjL9zzOiSMrUqlQYFh5VZRKSrvWh3A7Ob3a" register(APPLICATION_ID, REST_API_KEY) class UserTable(ParseObject): pass reg() gpio.pinMode(4, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.pinMode(5, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.pinMode(6, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.pinMode(7, gpio.OUTPUT) def handler_left(): gpio.digitalWrite(4, gpio.LOW) gpio.digitalWrite(5, gpio.LOW) gpio.digitalWrite(6, gpio.HIGH) gpio.digitalWrite(7, gpio.LOW) def handler_straight(): gpio.digitalWrite(4, gpio.HIGH) gpio.digitalWrite(5, gpio.LOW)
import time from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pin1 = 3 pin2 = 4 pin3 = 5 pin4 = 6 index = 0 print 'Setting up pin %d' % pin1 gpio.pinMode(pin1, gpio.OUTPUT) print 'Setting up pin %d' % pin2 gpio.pinMode(pin2, gpio.OUTPUT) print 'Setting up pin %d' % pin3 gpio.pinMode(pin3, gpio.OUTPUT) print 'Setting up pin %d' % pin4 gpio.pinMode(pin4, gpio.OUTPUT) print 'Go up now...' try: while (True): gpio.digitalWrite(pin4, gpio.LOW) gpio.digitalWrite(pin2, gpio.HIGH) time.sleep(0.01) gpio.digitalWrite(pin1, gpio.LOW) gpio.digitalWrite(pin3, gpio.HIGH) time.sleep(0.01) gpio.digitalWrite(pin2, gpio.LOW) gpio.digitalWrite(pin4, gpio.HIGH)
# Import the time module enable sleeps between turning the led on and off. import time # Import the GPIOEdison class from the wiringx86 module. from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO # Create a new instance of the GPIOEdison class. # Setting debug=True gives information about the interaction with sysfs. gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pin = 13 analogpin = 14 print 'Setting up all pins...' # Set pin 14 to be used as an analog input GPIO pin. gpio.pinMode(analogpin, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT) # Set pin 13 to be used as an output GPIO pin. gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT) print 'Analog reading from pin %d now...' % analogpin try: while (True): # Read the voltage on pin 14 value = gpio.analogRead(analogpin) # Turn ON pin 13 gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.HIGH) # Sleep for a while depending on the voltage we just read. The higher # the voltage the more we sleep.
from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO import paho.mqtt.client as paho, os, urlparse, time gpio = GPIO(debug=False) analogpin = 17 gpio.pinMode(analogpin, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT) # Define event callbacks def on_connect(mosq, obj, rc): print("rc: " + str(rc)) def on_message(mosq, obj, msg): print(msg.topic + " " + str(msg.qos) + " " + str(msg.payload)) def on_publish(mosq, obj, mid): print("mid: " + str(mid)) def on_subscribe(mosq, obj, mid, granted_qos): print("Subscribed: " + str(mid) + " " + str(granted_qos)) def on_log(mosq, obj, level, string): print(string) mqttc = paho.Client() # Assign event callbacks mqttc.on_message = on_message mqttc.on_connect = on_connect mqttc.on_publish = on_publish mqttc.on_subscribe = on_subscribe # Uncomment to enable debug messages
from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO import requests # Create a new instance of the GPIOEdison class. # Setting debug=True gives information about the interaction with sysfs. gpio = GPIO(debug=False) outpin = 3 analogpins = range(14, 17) url_finger = "" url_sensor = "" print 'Setting up all pins...' # Set pin 14 to be used as an analog input GPIO pin. for analogpin in analogpins: gpio.pinMode(analogpin, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT) # Set pin 13 to be used as an output GPIO pin. gpio.setPWMPeriod(outpin, 20000000) gpio.pinMode(outpin, gpio.PWM) #print 'Analog reading from pin %d now...' % analogpin while (True): data = [] level = 12 gpio.analogWrite(outpin, level) for analogpin in analogpins: data.append(gpio.analogRead(analogpin)) data = 'no' # low, med, high if (data < 998): data = 'low'
# Import the time module enable sleeps between turning the led on and off. import time # Import the GPIOEdison class from the wiringx86 module. from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO # Create a new instance of the GPIOEdison class. # Setting debug=True gives information about the interaction with sysfs. gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pin = 3 brightness = 0 fadeAmount = 5 # Set pin 3 to be used as a PWM pin. print 'Setting up pin %d' % pin gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.PWM) print 'Fading pin %d now...' % pin try: while(True): # Write brightness to the pin. The value must be between 0 and 255. gpio.analogWrite(pin, brightness) # Increment or decrement the brightness. brightness = brightness + fadeAmount # If the brightness has reached its maximum or minimum value swap # fadeAmount sign so we can start fading the led on the other direction. if brightness == 0 or brightness == 255: fadeAmount = -fadeAmount
#The Module can be downloaded from: from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO #import pymongo #from pymongo import MongoClient import time import urllib2 # Create a new instance of the GPIOEdison class. # Setting debug=True gives information about the interaction with sysfs. gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pin = [1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18] # Set pins to be used as an output GPIO pin. for i in pin: print 'Setting up pin %d' % i gpio.pinMode(i, gpio.OUTPUT) ####### MONGODB STUFF ######## #Connect to the database at #client = MongoClient('mongodb://*****:*****') #client = MongoClient('mongodb://technoshaman.local:27017') #client = MongoClient('mongodb://') #db = client.thesis_prototype_1 #connect to the collection #collection = db.data_consume ############################### counter = 0 try: while(True):
# you are using a different board such as an Intel® Galileo Gen2, just change the # import below. wiringx86 uses the same API for all the boards it supports. # Import the GPIOEdison class from the wiringx86 module. from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO # Create a new instance of the GPIOEdison class. # Setting debug=True gives information about the interaction with sysfs. gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pin = 13 button = 2 print 'Setting up pins %d and %d...' % (pin, button) # Set pin 13 to be used as an output GPIO pin. gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT) # Set pin 2 to be used as an input GPIO pin. gpio.pinMode(button, gpio.INPUT) print 'Reading from pin %d now...' % button try: while (True): # Read the state of the button state = gpio.digitalRead(button) # If the button is pressed turn ON pin 13 if state == 1: gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.HIGH) # If the button is not pressed turn OFF pin 13
# Import the time module enable sleeps between turning the led on and off. import time # Import the GPIOEdison class from the wiringx86 module. from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO # Create a new instance of the GPIOEdison class. # Setting debug=True gives information about the interaction with sysfs. gpio = GPIO(debug=False) state = gpio.HIGH pins = 20 # Set all pins to be used as output GPIO pins. print 'Setting up all pins...' for pin in range(0, pins): gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT) print 'Blinking all pins now...' try: while(True): for pin in range(0, pins): # Write a state to the pin. ON or OFF. gpio.digitalWrite(pin, state) # Toggle the state. state = gpio.LOW if state == gpio.HIGH else gpio.HIGH # Sleep for a while. time.sleep(0.5) # When you get tired of seeing the led blinking kill the loop with Ctrl-C.
#!/usr/bin/python # import time from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pinButtons = [2,3,4] state = [0,0,0] for i in pinButtons: gpio.pinMode(i, gpio.INPUT) while True: for i in range(3): state[i] = gpio.digitalRead(pinButtons[i]) if state[i] == 1: print "Boton en pin " + str(pinButtons[i]) + " pulsado." time.sleep(3)
# you are using a different board such as an Intel® Galileo Gen2, just change the # import below. wiringx86 uses the same API for all the boards it supports. # Import the GPIOEdison class from the wiringx86 module. from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO # Create a new instance of the GPIOEdison class. # Setting debug=True gives information about the interaction with sysfs. gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pin = 13 button = 2 print 'Setting up pins %d and %d...' % (pin, button) # Set pin 13 to be used as an output GPIO pin. gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT) # Set pin 2 to be used as an input GPIO pin. gpio.pinMode(button, gpio.INPUT) print 'Reading from pin %d now...' % button try: while(True): # Read the state of the button state = gpio.digitalRead(button) # If the button is pressed turn ON pin 13 if state == 1: gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.HIGH) # If the button is not pressed turn OFF pin 13
gpio = GPIO(debug=False) u_id = "A2837C04-4AE1-441A-95D5-C25E6D9D1D10" def reg(): APPLICATION_ID = "TBhSWVtf7LUzCUxUlhF5wFfLKdquF4jEJjK1cVqQ" REST_API_KEY = "j3QxkFjL9zzOiSMrUqlQYFh5VZRKSrvWh3A7Ob3a" register(APPLICATION_ID, REST_API_KEY) class UserTable(ParseObject): pass reg() gpio.pinMode(4, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.pinMode(5, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.pinMode(6, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.pinMode(7, gpio.OUTPUT) def handler_left(): gpio.digitalWrite(4, gpio.LOW) gpio.digitalWrite(5, gpio.LOW) gpio.digitalWrite(6, gpio.HIGH) gpio.digitalWrite(7, gpio.LOW) def handler_straight(): gpio.digitalWrite(4, gpio.HIGH) gpio.digitalWrite(5, gpio.LOW) gpio.digitalWrite(6, gpio.HIGH)
# Import the time module enable sleeps between turning the led on and off. import time # Import the GPIOEdison class from the wiringx86 module. from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO # Create a new instance of the GPIOEdison class. # Setting debug=True gives information about the interaction with sysfs. gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pin = 13 state = gpio.HIGH # Set pin 13 to be used as an output GPIO pin. print 'Setting up pin %d' % pin gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT) print 'Blinking pin %d now...' % pin try: while (True): # Write a state to the pin. ON or OFF. gpio.digitalWrite(pin, state) # Toggle the state. state = gpio.LOW if state == gpio.HIGH else gpio.HIGH # Sleep for a while. time.sleep(0.5) # When you get tired of seeing the led blinking kill the loop with Ctrl-C. except KeyboardInterrupt:
Hitting Ctrl-C stops motor. """ #!usr/bin/python from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO import time gpio = GPIO(debug=False) pin = 9 pin2 = 13 fastness = 100 delta = 5 gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.PWM) gpio.pinMode(pin2, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.digitalWrite(pin2, gpio.HIGH) try: while (True): gpio.analogWrite(pin, fastness) fastness = fastness + delta if fastness == 0 or fastness == 255: delta = -delta time.sleep(0.03) except KeyboardInterrupt: gpio.analogWrite(pin, 0) gpio.cleanup()
from wiringx86 import GPIOEdison as GPIO import time gpio = GPIO(debug=False) time.sleep(2) gpio.setPWMPeriod(3, 20000000) gpio.pinMode(3, gpio.PWM) gpio.pinMode(14, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT) gpio.pinMode(15, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT) gpio.pinMode(16, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT) time.sleep(1) while 1: gpio.analogWrite(3, 5) time.sleep(3) gpio.analogWrite(3, 9) time.sleep(2) print "14: " + str(gpio.analogRead(14)) print "15: " + str(gpio.analogRead(15)) time.sleep(1)