Esempio n. 1
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
Baseado no exemplo disponibilizado pela biblioteca
Exemplo de escrita dos dados da leitura do conversor ADC
em uma arquivo txt

Gustavo Voltani von Atzingen 15/04/2017

Curso IoT 2017 - IFSP Piracicaba
import time
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO

pinos = GPIO(debug=False)
pinos.pinMode(14, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)

while 1:
    with open('dados.txt', 'a') as f:
        valor = pinos.analogRead(14)
        f.write(str(valor) + '\n')
    print str(valor) + '\n'
Esempio n. 2
# coding: latin1
Baseado no exemplo disponibilizado pela biblioteca
Exemplo de manipulação de GPIO como entrada usando a bilbioteca wiringx86

Gustavo Voltani von Atzingen 15/04/2017
Updated: 28/09/2017

Curso IoT 2017 - IFSP Piracicaba

import time
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO

pinos = GPIO(debug=False)
numero_pino = 13

pinos.pinMode(numero_pino, pinos.INPUT)

    while True:
        print pinos.digitalWrite(numero_pino)

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print '\nLimpando o uso para fechar o programa'
Esempio n. 3
import time
from upm import pyupm_temperature as upm 
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO 

pinos = GPIO(debug=False)
pino_sensor_temperatura = 0
pino_cooler = 5
pino_sensor_luminosidade = 15
pino_LED = 4
pino_sensor_umidade = 16
pino_bomba = 6

pinos.pinMode(pino_sensor_luminosidade, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_LED, pinos.OUTPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_sensor_umidade, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_bomba, pinos.OUTPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_cooler, pinos.OUTPUT)

def leitura_temperatura():
	temperatura = upm.Temperature(pino_sensor_temperatura)
	celsius = temperatura.value()
	return celsius

def liga_cooler():
	pinos.digitalWrite(pino_cooler, pinos.HIGH)

def desliga_cooler():
	pinos.digitalWrite(pino_cooler, pinos.LOW)

def leitura_LDR():
	luminosidade = pinos.analogRead(pino_sensor_luminosidade)
Esempio n. 4
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
Curso IoT 2017 - IFSP Piracicaba
Professor: Gustavo Voltani von Atzingen
alterações: Giovana Tangerino
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO
from upm import pyupm_jhd1313m1 as lcd

#pinos GPIO
pino_led_red = 8  #D8
pino_led_green = 7  #D7
pino_led_blue = 6  #D6

# numeracao dos pinos conectados aos sensores de acordo com a bibliteca usada
pinos = GPIO(debug=False)
tela = lcd.Jhd1313m1(0, 0x3E, 0x62)

pinos.pinMode(pino_led_red, pinos.OUTPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_led_green, pinos.OUTPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_led_blue, pinos.OUTPUT)

def escreve_lcd(texto_linha1, texto_linha2):
    tela.setCursor(0, 0)
    tela.setCursor(1, 0)

__author__ = 'Semih YILDIRIM'

from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect
import time
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as Galileo
from threading import Timer

plug_status = {'a':'off', 'b':'off', 'c':'off'}

gpio = Galileo(debug = False)

plug_a_ctrl = 9
plug_b_ctrl = 10
plug_c_ctrl = 11

gpio.pinMode(plug_a_ctrl, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.pinMode(plug_b_ctrl, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.pinMode(plug_c_ctrl, gpio.OUTPUT)

gpio.digitalWrite(plug_a_ctrl, gpio.HIGH)
gpio.digitalWrite(plug_b_ctrl, gpio.HIGH)
gpio.digitalWrite(plug_c_ctrl, gpio.HIGH)

class parse_command:
    global plug_a_ctrl
    global plug_b_ctrl
    global plug_c_ctrl

Esempio n. 6
import time
from upm import pyupm_temperature as upm
from upm import pyupm_servo as servo
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO
from upm import pyupm_jhd1313m1 as lcd

pino_sensor_temperatura = 0
pino_rele = 5
pino_pot = 15
pino_servo = 8

pinos = GPIO(debug=False)
pinos.pinMode(pino_rele, pinos.OUTPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_pot, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_servo, pinos.OUTPUT)
temperatura = upm.Temperature(pino_sensor_temperatura)
sg_servo = servo.ES08A(pino_servo)
tela = lcd.Jhd1313m1(0, 0x3E, 0x62)

def leitura_temperatura():
    return temp.value()

def leitura_pot():
    resulado = pinos.analogRead(pino_pot)
    voltagem = resulado * 5.0 / 1023.0
    return voltagem

def liga_rele():
Esempio n. 7
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
Curso IoT 2017 - IFSP Piracicaba
Professor: Gustavo Voltani von Atzingen
alterações: Giovana Tangerino
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO
from upm import pyupm_temperature as upm

# numeracao dos pinos conectados aos sensores de acordo com a bibliteca usada
pino_pot = 14  #Gbiblioteca PIOGalileo: A0=14, A1=15
pino_sensor_temperatura = 1  #biblioteca pyupm_temperature: A0=0, A1=1

pinos = GPIO(debug=False)
pinos.pinMode(pino_pot, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)
temperatura = upm.Temperature(pino_sensor_temperatura)

def get_temp():
    return temperatura.value()

def get_pot():
    resultado_adc = pinos.analogRead(pino_pot)
    voltagem = resultado_adc * 5.0 / 1023.0
    return voltagem, resultado_adc
Esempio n. 8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Import the time module enable sleeps between turning the led on and off.
import time

# Import the GPIOEdison class from the wiringx86 module.
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO

# Create a new instance of the GPIOEdison class.
# Setting debug=True gives information about the interaction with sysfs.
gpio = GPIO(debug=True)
pin = 4
analogpin = 16  # 13 digital, Analog inputs: 14-A0,15-A1,16-A2,17-A3,18-A4,19-A5
state = gpio.HIGH

# Set pin 13 to be used as an output GPIO pin.
print 'Setting up pin %d' % pin
gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.pinMode(analogpin, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT)

print 'Blinking pin %d now...' % pin
    while (True):
        # Write a state to the pin. ON or OFF.
        gpio.digitalWrite(pin, state)
        value = gpio.analogRead(analogpin)
        temp = value * 5 / 1024.0
        temp_2 = temp - 0.5
        temp_3 = (temp_2 / 0.01)
        print "Value from " + str(analogpin) + " is: " + str(
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as Galileo

gpio = Galileo(debug = True)

def pinnumber(pin):
    if pin >= 14 or pin <=1:
	return "Pin is not defined";
	return pin;

def turnmode(level):
    if level == "on":
	level = gpio.HIGH
    elif level == "off":
	level = gpio.LOW
	return "Turn mode is not defined";
    return level;

while True:
    pin = int(raw_input("Enter pin number between 2-13: "))
    level = raw_input("Enter turn mode on/off: ")

    gpio.pinMode(pinnumber(pin), gpio.OUTPUT)
    gpio.digitalWrite(pinnumber(pin), turnmode(level))
Esempio n. 10
# coding: latin1
Baseado no exemplo disponibilizado pela biblioteca
Exemplo de manipulação de GPIO como entrada usando a bilbioteca wiringx86

Gustavo Voltani von Atzingen 15/04/2017
Updated: 28/09/2017

Curso IoT 2017 - IFSP Piracicaba

import time
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO

pinos = GPIO(debug=False)
numero_pino = 13

pinos.pinMode(numero_pino, pinos.OUTPUT)

    while True:
        pinos.digitalWrite(numero_pino, pinos.HIGH)
        pinos.digitalWrite(numero_pino, pinos.LOW)

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print '\nLimpando o uso para fechar o programa'
    pinos.digitalWrite(numero_pino, pinos.LOW)
Esempio n. 11
 This will enable the output. Also connect the 3.3V pin of the breakout to Arduino pin 1.
import time
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO
PIN mapping for Analog:
	A0 - 14
	A1 - 15
	A2 - 16
	A3 - 17
	A4 - 18
	A5 - 19

# main instance
gpio = GPIO(debug=True)

# Hardware pin definitions
UVOUT = 14  # Analog A0 Output from the sensor
REF_3V3 = 15  # 3.3V power on the Arduino board

# setting pin type
# gpio.pinMode( _pin_, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.pinMode(UVOUT, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT)
gpio.pinMode(REF_3V3, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT)

def mapfloat(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    return float((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) +
Esempio n. 12
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
from __future__ import division
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify
from datetime import datetime
from time import time
import urllib2, json
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO
pinos = GPIO(debug=False)
from openweather import openweather
with open('config.txt') as json_data:
    config = json.load(json_data)
piracicaba = openweather(config['api_key'], '3453643')
from upm import pyupm_jhd1313m1 as LCD
lcd = LCD.Jhd1313m1(0, 0x3E, 0x62)
from upm import pyupm_servo as servo
from upm import pyupm_temperature as upm
import threading

pino_sensor_temperatura = 0
pino_rele1 = 4
pino_servo = 5
pino_rele2 = 8
pino_pot = 15
pino_pot2 = 16
pino_pot3 = 17

pinos.pinMode(pino_rele1, pinos.OUTPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_rele2, pinos.OUTPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_pot, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_pot2, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)
pinos.pinMode(pino_pot3, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)
Esempio n. 13
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO
from upm import pyupm_jhd1313m1 as lcd

# definicoes do lcd
tela = lcd.Jhd1313m1(0, 0x3E, 0x62)
tela.setCursor(0, 0)

# pinos fisicos conectados ao shield grove
pino_pot = 14
pino_botao = 5
pino_rele = 13

# cria o objeto para leitura do potenciometro
potenciometro = GPIO(debug=False)
potenciometro.pinMode(pino_pot, potenciometro.ANALOG_INPUT)

# cria o objeto para leitura do rele
rele = GPIO(debug=False)
rele.pinMode(pino_rele, rele.OUTPUT)

# cria o objeto para leitura do botao
botao = GPIO(debug=False)
botao.pinMode(pino_botao, botao.INPUT)

def leitura_pot():
        return potenciometro.analogRead(pino_pot)
    except Exception as e:
        print 'erro leitura_pot', e
def main(argv):
    gpio = GPIO(debug=True)
    pin = 13
    state = gpio.HIGH
    servo_pin = 9
    gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
    gpio.pinMode(servo_pin, gpio.PWM)

    # PWM period for G2 is same for all pins so second call is redundant
    pwm_period = 3000000
    gpio.setPWMPeriod(servo_pin, pwm_period)

    # Turn on LED
    gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.HIGH)

    # Read analog input from pin 14
    adc_l = 14 # A0

    # Set pin 14 to be used as an analog input GPIO pin.
    gpio.pinMode(adc_l, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT)

    # With a 100 Ohm resistor and 3.3K resistor and 10k Pot the min max vals 
    # read from the ADC are around
    min_val = 204
    max_val = 994
    val_range = float(max_val - min_val)

    # Servo min and max pulse in ms
    min_pulse = 500000
    max_pulse = 2500000
    pulse_range = float(max_pulse-min_pulse)

    print 'Analog reading from pin %d now...' % adc_l
        old_pulse_length = 0

            value_l = gpio.analogRead(adc_l)
            print value_l
            print ""

            norm_val = float(value_l - min_val) / val_range
            norm_val = min( max(0.0, norm_val), 1.0 )

            print norm_val

            # What is duty cycle?
            pulse_length = (norm_val * pulse_range) + min_pulse
            pulse_pct = float(abs(pulse_length - old_pulse_length)) / \

            # Only write new duty cycle if there is significant change from 
            # previous value 
            if pulse_pct > 0.02:
                gpio.analogWrite(servo_pin, \
                                 int(float(pulse_length)/pwm_period * 255.0))
            old_pulse_length = pulse_length


    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        gpio.analogWrite(servo_pin, 0)

        # Leave the led turned off.
        gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.LOW)

    print '\nCleaning up...'
Esempio n. 15
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
Baseado no exemplo disponibilizado pela biblioteca wiringx86 para GalileoBoard
Exemplo de leitura do conversor ADC ("leitura analógica")

Gustavo Voltani von Atzingen 15/04/2017
Updated: 28/09/2017

Curso IoT 2017 - IFSP Piracicaba
import time
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO

pinos = GPIO(debug=False)  # Degub False para evitar info no terminal
pinos.pinMode(14, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)  # A0 = 14, A1 = 15, ...

while 1:
    valor = pinos.analogRead(14)
    print valor
Esempio n. 16
def main(argv):
    gpio = GPIO(debug=True)
    pin = 13
    state = gpio.HIGH
    servo_pin = 9
    gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
    gpio.pinMode(servo_pin, gpio.PWM)

    # PWM period for G2 is same for all pins so second call is redundant
    pwm_period = 3000000
    gpio.setPWMPeriod(servo_pin, pwm_period)

    # Turn on LED
    gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.HIGH)

    # Read analog input from pin 14
    adc_l = 14  # A0

    # Set pin 14 to be used as an analog input GPIO pin.
    gpio.pinMode(adc_l, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT)

    # With a 100 Ohm resistor and 3.3K resistor and 10k Pot the min max vals
    # read from the ADC are around
    min_val = 204
    max_val = 994
    val_range = float(max_val - min_val)

    # Servo min and max pulse in ms
    min_pulse = 500000
    max_pulse = 2500000
    pulse_range = float(max_pulse - min_pulse)

    print 'Analog reading from pin %d now...' % adc_l
        old_pulse_length = 0

        while (True):
            value_l = gpio.analogRead(adc_l)

            print value_l
            print ""

            norm_val = float(value_l - min_val) / val_range
            norm_val = min(max(0.0, norm_val), 1.0)

            print norm_val

            # What is duty cycle?
            pulse_length = (norm_val * pulse_range) + min_pulse
            pulse_pct = float(abs(pulse_length - old_pulse_length)) / \

            # Only write new duty cycle if there is significant change from
            # previous value
            if pulse_pct > 0.02:
                gpio.analogWrite(servo_pin, \
                                 int(float(pulse_length)/pwm_period * 255.0))

            old_pulse_length = pulse_length


    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        gpio.analogWrite(servo_pin, 0)

        # Leave the led turned off.
        gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.LOW)

    print '\nCleaning up...'