Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.native_object ="RsaKey *")
        ret = _lib.wc_InitRsaKey(self.native_object, _ffi.NULL)
        if ret < 0:
            raise WolfCryptError("Invalid key error (%d)" % ret)

        self._random = Random()
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.native_object ="RsaKey *")
        ret = _lib.wc_InitRsaKey(self.native_object, _ffi.NULL)
        if ret < 0:  # pragma: no cover
            raise WolfCryptError("Invalid key error (%d)" % ret)

        self._random = Random()
        ret = _lib.wc_RsaSetRNG(self.native_object, self._random.native_object)
        if ret < 0:  # pragma: no cover
            raise WolfCryptError("Key initialization error (%d)" % ret)
Esempio n. 3
    def make_key(cls, size, rng=Random()):
        Generates a new key pair of desired length **size**.
        ecc = cls()

        ret = _lib.wc_ecc_make_key(rng.native_object, size, ecc.native_object)
        if ret < 0:
            raise WolfCryptError("Key generation error (%d)" % ret)

        return ecc
Esempio n. 4
            def make_key(cls, size, rng=Random()):
                Generates a new key pair of desired length **size**.
                rsa = cls(None)
                if rsa == None:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise WolfCryptError("Invalid key error (%d)" % ret)

                ret = _lib.wc_MakeRsaKey(rsa.native_object, size, 65537,
                if ret < 0:
                    raise WolfCryptError("Key generation error (%d)" % ret)

                rsa.output_size = _lib.wc_RsaEncryptSize(rsa.native_object)
                rsa.size = size
                if rsa.output_size <= 0:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise WolfCryptError("Invalid key size error (%d)" % ret)

                return rsa
Esempio n. 5
        def sign(self, plaintext, rng=Random()):
            Signs **plaintext**, using the private key data in the object.

            Returns the signature.
            plaintext = t2b(plaintext)
            signature ="byte[%d]" % self.max_signature_size)

            signature_size ="word32[1]")
            signature_size[0] = self.max_signature_size

            ret = _lib.wc_ecc_sign_hash(plaintext, len(plaintext), signature,
                                        signature_size, rng.native_object,

            if ret != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                raise WolfCryptError("Signature error (%d)" % ret)

            return _ffi.buffer(signature, signature_size[0])[:]
Esempio n. 6
            def sign_raw(self, plaintext, rng=Random()):
                Signs **plaintext**, using the private key data in the object.

                Returns the signature in its two raw components r, s
                plaintext = t2b(plaintext)
                R ="mp_int[1]");
                S ="mp_int[1]");

                R_bin ="unsigned char[%d]" % self.size )
                S_bin ="unsigned char[%d]" % self.size )

                ret = _lib.mp_init(R)
                if ret != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise WolfCryptError("wolfCrypt error (%d)" % ret)
                ret = _lib.mp_init(S)
                if ret != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise WolfCryptError("wolfCrypt error (%d)" % ret)

                ret = _lib.wc_ecc_sign_hash_ex(plaintext, len(plaintext),
                                            R, S)
                if ret != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise WolfCryptError("Signature error (%d)" % ret)

                ret = _lib.mp_to_unsigned_bin(R, R_bin)
                if ret != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise WolfCryptError("wolfCrypt error (%d)" % ret)

                ret = _lib.mp_to_unsigned_bin(S, S_bin)
                if ret != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise WolfCryptError("wolfCrypt error (%d)" % ret)

                return _ffi.buffer(R_bin, self.size)[:], _ffi.buffer(S_bin,
Esempio n. 7
def rng():
    return Random()