def target(self, char, mode, targettype, target, args, item): char.turnto(target) # Check if the target tile is blocked or in a multi # target.validspawnspot() will automatically set the z # of the coord to the nearest top if (not target.validspawnspot() or wolfpack.findmulti(target)) and not if char.socket: char.socketclilocmessage(501942) return # Line of Sight (touch!! or else we can teleport trough windows) if not char.canreach(target, 12): if char.socket: char.socket.clilocmessage(500237) return if not self.consumerequirements(char, mode, args, target, item): return source = char.pos char.removefromview() char.moveto(target) char.update() if char.socket: char.socket.resendworld() wolfpack.effect(0x3728, source, 10, 15) wolfpack.effect(0x3728, target, 10, 15) char.soundeffect(0x1fe)
def doRemovemulti(char, args, target): # finding the multi multi = wolfpack.findmulti(target.pos) # Now we have the multi... or not if not multi: char.socket.sysmessage("No Multi here for removal!") return True else: # Lets make similar to demolish: # Looking for the list of items in the Multi listitems = multi.objects # Now... the Loop to remove all items contador = 0 for multiitem in listitems: # A bad but necessary way to check if its Char or item for a while (IsChar and IsItem have some problems on objects list) try: dir = multiitem.direction except: multiitem.delete() contador += 1 # Message about how many items are deleted in the house char.socket.sysmessage("Deleted %i items in house!" % contador) # Unregistering the House housing.unregisterHouse(multi) # Erasing Multi multi.delete() return True
def onUse( char, item ): # Adding the UID of the Multi here if not item.hastag( 'house' ): # I found a house here? multi = wolfpack.findmulti(item.pos) if not multi: return True item.settag( 'house', multi.serial ) gump0( char, gumpcallback, item ) return True
def onUse(char, item): # Adding the UID of the Multi here if not item.hastag('house'): # I found a house here? multi = wolfpack.findmulti(item.pos) if not multi: return True item.settag('house', multi.serial) gump0(char, gumpcallback, item) return True
def onCHLevelChange( char, level ): if not char.hastag( 'customizing' ): return multi = wolfpack.findmulti( int( char.gettag( 'customizing' ) ) ) char.socket.sysmessage( 'multi at: ' + str( multi.pos.z ) ) char.socket.sysmessage( 'char at: ' + str( char.pos.z ) ) alt = (level-1) * 49 if level == 3: char.moveto( wolfpack.coord( multi.pos.x, multi.pos.y, char.pos.z+1, ) ) if level == 2: char.moveto( wolfpack.coord( multi.pos.x+4, multi.pos.y+4, multi.pos.z+alt, ) ) if level == 1: char.moveto( wolfpack.coord( multi.pos.x, multi.pos.y, char.pos.z-1, ) ) char.update() return 1
def customize( char, item ): if not item.hastag( 'house' ): return multi = wolfpack.findmulti( int( item.gettag( 'house' ) ) ) multi.sendcustomhouse( char ) char.socket.sysmessage( str( multi.serial ) ) #char.socket.sysmessage( "Multi serial : %i" % multi.serial ) char.moveto( wolfpack.coord( multi.pos.x, multi.pos.y, multi.pos.z+7, ) ) char.update() #woodenpost = wolfpack.finditem( item.morez ) #woodenpost.delete() char.socket.customize( item ) char.settag( 'customizing', multi.serial ) return 1
def target(self, char, mode, targettype, target, args, item): char.turnto(target) # Check if the target tile is blocked or in a multi # target.validspawnspot() will automatically set the z # of the coord to the nearest top if (not target.validspawnspot() or wolfpack.findmulti(target)) and not if char.socket: char.socket.clilocmessage(501942) return # Line of Sight (touch!! or else we can teleport trough windows) if not char.canreach(target, 12): if char.socket: char.socket.clilocmessage(500237) return # New Location region = wolfpack.region(target.x, target.y, # NoTeleport Region? if region and region.noteleport: if char.socket: char.socket.sysmessage( tr("Teleport is not allowed in that Region")) return if not self.consumerequirements(char, mode, args, target, item): return source = char.pos char.removefromview() char.moveto(target) char.update() if char.socket: char.socket.resendworld() smokepuff(char, source) smokepuff(char, target)
def target(self, char, mode, targettype, target, args, item): char.turnto(target) # Check if the target tile is blocked or in a multi # target.validspawnspot() will automatically set the z # of the coord to the nearest top if (not target.validspawnspot() or wolfpack.findmulti(target)) and not if char.socket: char.socket.clilocmessage(501942) return # Line of Sight (touch!! or else we can teleport trough windows) if not char.canreach(target, 12): if char.socket: char.socket.clilocmessage(500237) return # New Location region = wolfpack.region(target.x, target.y, # NoTeleport Region? if region and region.noteleport: if char.socket: char.socket.sysmessage(tr("Teleport is not allowed in that Region")) return if not self.consumerequirements(char, mode, args, target, item): return source = char.pos char.removefromview() char.moveto(target) char.update() if char.socket: char.socket.resendworld() smokepuff(char, source) smokepuff(char, target)
def response( char, args, target ): if not char: return if skills.skilltable[ DETECTINGHIDDEN ][ skills.UNHIDE ] and char.hidden: char.removefromview() char.hidden = False char.update() # if we are in our house : reveal all hidden chars in this house # w/o checking skill house = wolfpack.findmulti( char.pos ) # it's our house if house and house.owner == char.serial: # get all chars in this house chars = house.chars() # set visible to the chars for echar in chars: if echar.hidden and echar.serial != char.serial: echar.hidden = 0 echar.update() # do we need to checkskill ? return char.socket.settag( 'skill_delay', int( wolfpack.time.currenttime() + DETECTHIDDEN_DELAY ) ) success = char.checkskill( DETECTINGHIDDEN, 0, 1000 ) # You can see nothing hidden there if not success: char.socket.clilocmessage( 500817, "", 0x3b2, 3 ) return pos = None item = None if target.pos: pos = target.pos elif target.item: item = target.item # when we target at a position : hidden people, dungeon trap, faction trap if pos: x = pos.x y = pos.y map = skill = char.skill[ DETECTINGHIDDEN ] reveal_range = 1 + skill / 100 # first, we test hidden chars chars = wolfpack.chars( x, y, map, reveal_range ) for tchar in chars: if not tchar.priv2 & 0x08: # hidden using hiding skill if tchar.hidden == 1: # FIXME : only hidden with lower skill will be revealed if tchar.skill[ HIDING ] <= skill: reveal_char( tchar ) # hidden using invisibility spell elif tchar.hidden == 2: # FIXME : only hidden with lower skill will be revealed if tchar.skill[ MAGERY ] <= skill: reveal_char( tchar ) # next, dungeon / factoin traps items = wolfpack.items( x, y, map, reveal_range ) for titem in items: if in dungeon_traps: if titem.visible: if titem.hastag( 'level' ): level = item.gettag( 'level' ) else: level = 1 # level from 1 to 5 if skill / 2 >= level: titem.addtimer( DUNGEON_TRAP_REVEAL_DURATION, "skills.detectinghidden.hide_trap", [ titem.visible ] ) titem.visible = 0 titem.update() # faction trap : no idea yet # now, we deal with the trap boxes - show trap items as color elif item: char.socket.sysmessage( "detecting trap box is not implemented yet." )
def response(char, args, target): if not char: return if skills.skilltable[DETECTINGHIDDEN][skills.UNHIDE] and char.hidden: char.reveal() # if we are in our house : reveal all hidden chars in this house # w/o checking skill house = wolfpack.findmulti(char.pos) # it's our house if house and house.owner == char.serial: # get all chars in this house chars = house.chars() # set visible to the chars for echar in chars: if echar.hidden and echar.serial != char.serial: echar.hidden = 0 echar.update() # do we need to checkskill ? return char.socket.settag('skill_delay', int(wolfpack.time.currenttime() + DETECTHIDDEN_DELAY)) skill = char.skill[DETECTINGHIDDEN] reveal_range = int(skill / 100) success = char.checkskill(DETECTINGHIDDEN, 0, 1000) if not success: reveal_range /= 2 pos = None item = None found = False if target.pos: pos = target.pos if target.item: item = target.item # when we target at a position : hidden people, dungeon trap, faction trap if pos: x = pos.x y = pos.y map = # first, we test hidden chars chars = wolfpack.chars(x, y, map, reveal_range) for tchar in chars: if not # hidden using hiding skill if tchar.hidden: ss = skill + random.randint(0, 21) - 10 ts = tchar.skill[HIDING] + random.randint(0, 21) - 10 if ss >= ts: reveal_char(tchar) found = True # hidden using invisibility spell #elif tchar.hasscript('skills.stealth'): # # FIXME : only hidden with lower skill will be revealed # if tchar.skill[ MAGERY ] <= skill: # reveal_char( tchar ) # next, dungeon / faction traps items = wolfpack.items(x, y, map, reveal_range) for titem in items: if in dungeon_traps: if not titem.visible: if titem.hastag('level'): level = item.gettag('level') else: level = 1 # level from 1 to 5 if skill / 2 >= level: titem.addtimer(DUNGEON_TRAP_REVEAL_DURATION, hide_trap, [titem.visible]) titem.visible = 1 titem.update() found = True # faction trap : no idea yet # now, we deal with the trap boxes - show trap items as color if item: char.socket.sysmessage("detecting trap box is not implemented yet.") elif not found: char.socket.clilocmessage(500817) # You can see nothing hidden there.