def personalworkoutchart(request):
	user = request.user.username
	#when there is a post - render the request chart for the user
	if request.POST:
		form = graphrequestform(request.POST)
		if form.is_valid():
			data = form.cleaned_data
			monthint = int(data['month'])
			titlestring = 'Workouts for the Month of %s' % calendar.month_name[monthint]

			#set output based on workout chart style requested (weight style)
			if data['style'] == 'Weights Workout':
				#set chartit values
				workoutdata = \
						series =
							[{'options': {
								'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='CHEST', month=data['month'] )},
								'terms': [
								{'day_chest': 'day'},
								{'Chest Weight': 'weight'}]},

							{'options': {
								'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='LEGS', month=data['month'] )},
								'terms': [
								{'day_legs': 'day'},
								{'Legs Weight': 'weight'}]},

							{'options': {
								'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='BACK', month=data['month'] )},
								'terms': [
								{'day_back': 'day'},
								{'Back Weight': 'weight'}]},
				#more chartit valued
				cht = Chart(
					datasource = workoutdata,
						series_options =
								'type': 'column',
								'stacking': False},
								'terms': {
									'day_chest': [
										'Chest Weight'],
									'day_legs': [
										'Legs Weight'],
									'day_back': [
										'Back Weight'],
						chart_options = 
						{'title': {
							'text': titlestring },
						'xAxis': {
							'title': {
								'text': 'Weights by Day'}}})

				return render_to_response('chart.html', {'workoutchart':cht})
			#set workout type based on cardio type

				#set chartit values
				workoutdata = \
						series =
							[{'options': {
								'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='TREADMILL', month = data['month'] )},
								'terms': [
								{'day_treadmill': 'day'},
								{'Treadmill Duration': 'time'}]},

							{'options': {
								'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='STAIRS', month = data['month'] )},
								'terms': [
								{'day_stairs': 'day'},
								{'Stairs Duration': 'time'}]},

							{'options': {
								'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='ROWING', month = data['month'] )},
								'terms': [
								{'day_rowing': 'day'},
								{'Rowing Duration': 'time'}]},

				cht = Chart(
					datasource = workoutdata,
						series_options =
								'type': 'column',
								'terms': {
									'day_treadmill': [
										'Treadmill Duration'],
									'day_stairs': [
										'Stairs Duration' ],
									'day_rowing': [
										'Rowing Duration' ],
						chart_options =
						{'title': {
							'text': titlestring},
						'xAxis': {
							'title': {
								'text':  'Workout Duration by Day'}}})
				return render_to_response('chart.html', {'workoutchart':cht})
	#if the user didn't post, set the form 
		form = graphrequestform()
		args = {}
		args['form'] = form
		return render_to_response('requestworkout.html', args)
def myProfile(request):
	user = request.user.username

	args = {}
	args['profile'] = Profile.objects.get(username=user)
	args['user_auth'] = User.objects.get(username=user)
	args['my_chest_workouts'] = Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='CHEST').count()
	args['my_legs_workouts'] = Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='LEGS').count()
	args['my_back_workouts'] = Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='BACK').count()
	args['my_treadmill_workouts'] = Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='TREADMILL').count()
	args['my_stairs_workouts'] = Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='STAIRS').count()
	args['my_rowing_workouts'] = Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='ROWING').count()
	today =

	form = graphrequestform()
	args['chartform'] = form

	weightworkoutdata = \
			series =
				[{'options': {
					'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='CHEST', month=today.month )},
						'terms': [
						{'day_chest': 'day'},
						{'Chest Weight': 'weight'}]},

					{'options': {
						'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='LEGS', month=today.month )},
						'terms': [
						{'day_legs': 'day'},
						{'Legs Weight': 'weight'}]},

					{'options': {
						'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='BACK', month=today.month )},
						'terms': [
						{'day_back': 'day'},
						{'Back Weight': 'weight'}]},

	weightworkoutchart = Chart(
		datasource = weightworkoutdata,
			series_options =
				'type': 'column',
				'stacking': False},
				'terms': {
					'day_chest': [
						'Chest Weight'],
					'day_legs': [
						'Legs Weight'],
					'day_back': [
						'Back Weight'],
			chart_options =
				{'title': {
					'text': ' '},
				'xAxis': {
					'title': {
						'text': 'Weights by Day'}}})

	cardioworkoutdata = \
			series =
				[{'options': {
					'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='TREADMILL', month = today.month )},
					'terms': [
					{'day_treadmill': 'day'},
					{'Treadmill Duration': 'time'}]},

				{'options': {
					'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='STAIRS', month = today.month )},
					'terms': [
					{'day_stairs': 'day'},
					{'Stairs Duration': 'time'}]},

				{'options': {
					'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='ROWING', month = today.month )},
					'terms': [
					{'day_rowing': 'day'},
					{'Rowing Duration': 'time'}]},

	cardioworkoutchart = Chart(
		datasource = cardioworkoutdata,
			series_options =
					'type': 'column',
						'terms': {
							'day_treadmill': [
								'Treadmill Duration'],
							'day_stairs': [
								'Stairs Duration'],
							'day_rowing': [
								'Rowing Duration'],
			chart_options =
			{'title': {
				'text': ' '},
			'xAxis': {
				'title': {
					'text':  'Workout Duration by Day'}}})

	charts = [cardioworkoutchart, weightworkoutchart]
	args['charts'] = charts
	args['cur_month'] = today.strftime('%B')
	# Profile Image hash
	signer = Signer()
	img_hash = signer.sign('p-img-' + user)
	args['img_hash'] = img_hash

	return render_to_response('profiles-index.html', args)
def personalworkoutchart(request):
    user = request.user.username

    #when there is a post - render the request chart for the user
    if request.POST:
        form = graphrequestform(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            data = form.cleaned_data
            monthint = int(data['month'])
            titlestring = 'Workouts for the Month of %s' % calendar.month_name[

            #set output based on workout chart style requested (weight style)
            if data['style'] == 'Weights Workout':

                #set chartit values
                workoutdata = \
                  series =
                   [{'options': {
                    'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='CHEST', month=data['month'] )},
                    'terms': [
                    {'day_chest': 'day'},
                    {'Chest Weight': 'weight'}]},

                   {'options': {
                    'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='LEGS', month=data['month'] )},
                    'terms': [
                    {'day_legs': 'day'},
                    {'Legs Weight': 'weight'}]},

                   {'options': {
                    'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, weights_type='BACK', month=data['month'] )},
                    'terms': [
                    {'day_back': 'day'},
                    {'Back Weight': 'weight'}]},
                #more chartit valued
                cht = Chart(datasource=workoutdata,
                                'options': {
                                    'type': 'column',
                                    'stacking': False
                                'terms': {
                                    'day_chest': ['Chest Weight'],
                                    'day_legs': ['Legs Weight'],
                                    'day_back': ['Back Weight'],
                                'title': {
                                    'text': titlestring
                                'xAxis': {
                                    'title': {
                                        'text': 'Weights by Day'

                return render_to_response('chart.html', {'workoutchart': cht})

            #set workout type based on cardio type

                #set chartit values
                workoutdata = \
                  series =
                   [{'options': {
                    'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='TREADMILL', month = data['month'] )},
                    'terms': [
                    {'day_treadmill': 'day'},
                    {'Treadmill Duration': 'time'}]},

                   {'options': {
                    'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='STAIRS', month = data['month'] )},
                    'terms': [
                    {'day_stairs': 'day'},
                    {'Stairs Duration': 'time'}]},

                   {'options': {
                    'source': Workout.objects.filter(username=user, cardio_type='ROWING', month = data['month'] )},
                    'terms': [
                    {'day_rowing': 'day'},
                    {'Rowing Duration': 'time'}]},

                cht = Chart(datasource=workoutdata,
                                'options': {
                                    'type': 'column',
                                    'stacking': False
                                'terms': {
                                    'day_treadmill': ['Treadmill Duration'],
                                    'day_stairs': ['Stairs Duration'],
                                    'day_rowing': ['Rowing Duration'],
                                'title': {
                                    'text': titlestring
                                'xAxis': {
                                    'title': {
                                        'text': 'Workout Duration by Day'
                return render_to_response('chart.html', {'workoutchart': cht})

    #if the user didn't post, set the form
        form = graphrequestform()
        args = {}
        args['form'] = form
        return render_to_response('requestworkout.html', args)