def a_vs_b(ship_a, ship_b, agent_a, agent_b, ship_a_hull, trials,
    """This function runs multiple trials of ship_a firing upon ship_b.

        ship_a ((Ship, str)): Attacker and hull zone tuple.
        ship_b ((Ship, str)): Defender and hull zone tuple.
        agent_a  (BaseAgent): Agent to control the actions of ship a.
        agent_b  (BaseAgent): Agent to control the actions of ship b.
        ship_a_hull (str)   : Attacking hull zone.
        trials (int): Number of trials in average calculation.
        range (str): Attack range.
        List[(str, world_state or attack effect tuple)]
    state_log = []
    failures = 0
    for _ in range(trials):
        # Reset ship b for each trial
        world_state = WorldState()
        world_state.addShip(ship_a, 0)
        world_state.addShip(ship_b, 1)
        # Begin at round 1
        world_state.round = 1
        # Don't attempt forever in the case of some catastrophic reoccurring error.
        attempts = 0
        while ship_b.damage_cards() < ship_b.hull(
        ) and world_state.round <= ArmadaPhases.max_rounds:
            attempts += 1
            # Handle the attack and receive the updated world state
            world_state = handleAttack(world_state=world_state,
                                       attacker=(ship_a, ship_a_hull),
                                       defender=(ship_b, "front"),
            # Record the final state with the incremented round number.
            world_state.setPhase("status phase", "increment round number")
            world_state.round += 1
            state_log.append(('state', world_state.clone()))
            #except RuntimeError as err:
            #    # This is fine, the random agent will do illegal things plenty of times
            #    pass
        if 250 == attempts:
            raise RuntimeError("Too many failures for ship firing simulation.")
    return state_log