Esempio n. 1
def main():

  verbose = False
  recursive = False
  rename = True
  moving = True
  source = os.getcwd()
  output = os.getcwd()
  skip = -1
# Parse arguments
  for argind, arg in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]):
    if argind == skip: pass
    elif arg == "-v" : verbose = True
    elif arg == "-r" : recursive = True
    elif arg == "-n" : rename = False
    elif arg == "-c" : moving = False
    elif arg == "-o" :
      if len(sys.argv) <= argind+2:
        sys.exit("\nUnspecified Output directory.")
      output = sys.argv[argind+2]
      skip = argind+1

      if not os.path.isdir(output):
        print("\nOutput directory: "+output+" doesnt exist. Creating.")
          sys.exit("Cant create "+output)

    elif arg in ("-h", "-?") or arg.startswith("-") :
                    sys.exit("wotrepparser scans replay files and sorts them into categories (incomplete, result, complete, clanwar, error)." 
                             "\nUsage:" \
                             "\n\nwotrepparser file_or_directory -o output_directory -v -r -n" \
                             "\n\n-o  Specify output directory. Default is current." \
                             "\n-v  Verbose, display every file processed." \
                             "\n-r  Recursive scan of all subdirectories." \
                             "\n-n  Dont rename files." \
                             "\n-c  Copy instead of moving.")
    elif source == os.getcwd():
      if not os.path.exists(arg):
        sys.exit("\n"+arg+" doesnt exist.")
      source = arg

  print ("\nSource:", source)
  print ("Output:", output)
  print ("Moving:", moving, "Rename:", rename, "Verbose:", verbose, "Recursive:", recursive, "\n")

  t1 = time.clock()

  if os.path.isfile(source):
    listdir = [source]
    listdir = custom_listfiles(source, "wotreplay", recursive, "temp.wotreplay")

#  listdir = custom_listfiles("G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\clanwars\\", "wotreplay", False)
#  listdir += custom_listfiles("G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\complete\\", "wotreplay", False)
#  listdir += custom_listfiles("G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\incomplete\\", "wotreplay", False)
#  listdir = {"G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\incomplete\\20121213_0553_usa-T110_39_crimea.wotreplay"}

  if not os.path.exists("clanwar"):
  if not os.path.exists("incomplete"):
  if not os.path.exists("result"):
  if not os.path.exists("complete"):

  errors = 0
  for files in listdir:
    while True:
      chunks, chunks_bitmask, processing = wotdecoder.replay(files,7) #7 means try to decode all three blocks (binary 111)

      if processing >=10: #decoder encountered an error
        dest_index = 5
        errors += 1
        date = datetime.strptime(chunks[0]['dateTime'], '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M')
        dest = ["incomplete", "result", "complete", "complete", "clanwar", "error"]
        dest_index = processing-1
      if processing == 9: #mangled replay, but still have some useful data, lets treat it like Incomplete
        dest_index = 0

      if (processing == 3 and (len(chunks[0]['vehicles'])!=len(chunks[1][1]))) or \
         (processing == 4 and chunks[2]['common']['bonusType'] == 5): #cw

        clan_tag = ["", ""]
        dest_index = 4
        if rename:
          for playind, player in enumerate(chunks[1][1]):
            if playind == 0:
              first_tag = chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']
              clan_tag[chunks[1][1][player]['team'] - 1] = chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']
            elif first_tag != chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']:
              clan_tag[chunks[1][1][player]['team'] - 1] = chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']


          clan_tag[0] = clan_tag[0] +"_"*(5-len(clan_tag[0]))
          clan_tag[1] = clan_tag[1] +"_"*(5-len(clan_tag[1]))

# You can change cw filename format here.
          fileo = "cw"+date+"_"+clan_tag[0]+"_"+clan_tag[1]+"_"+winlose+"_"+"-".join(chunks[0]['playerVehicle'].split("-")[1:])+"_"+chunks[0]['mapName']+".wotreplay"

        if rename and (chunks_bitmask&2): #is second Json available? use it to determine win/loss
          fileo = date+"_"+winlose+"_"+"-".join(chunks[0]['playerVehicle'].split("-")[1:])+"_"+chunks[0]['mapName']+".wotreplay"
        elif rename and (chunks_bitmask&4): #is pickle available? use it to determine win/loss
          fileo = date+"_"+winlose+"_"+"-".join(chunks[0]['playerVehicle'].split("-")[1:])+"_"+chunks[0]['mapName']+".wotreplay"
          fileo = os.path.basename(files)

#      print ("\n"+files, fileo)

      if moving:
        shutil.move(files, output + os.path.sep + dest[dest_index] + os.path.sep + fileo)
        shutil.copy(files, output + os.path.sep + dest[dest_index] + os.path.sep + fileo)
      if verbose:
        print ("\n",dest[dest_index], " -->", fileo)
        print (wotdecoder.status[processing])

  t2 = time.clock()

  print ("\nProcessed "+str(len(listdir))+" files.", errors, "errors.")
  print  ("Took %0.3fms"  % ((t2-t1)*1000))
Esempio n. 2
def main():

  verbose = False
  recursive = False
  rename = True
  dry = False
  mode = 0
  b_r = 0
  overwrite = False
  source = os.getcwd()
  output = os.getcwd()
  skip = -1

# Parse arguments
  for argind, arg in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]):
    if argind == skip: pass
    elif arg == "-v" : verbose = True
    elif arg == "-r" : recursive = True
    elif arg == "-n" : rename = False
    elif arg == "-b" : b_r = 1
    elif arg == "-b1" : b_r = 2
    elif arg == "-b2" : b_r = 3
    elif arg == "-f" : overwrite = True
    elif arg == "-c" : mode = 1
    elif arg == "-c0" : mode = 2
    elif arg == "-o" :
      if len(sys.argv) <= argind+2:
        sys.exit("\nUnspecified Output directory.")
      output = sys.argv[argind+2]
      skip = argind+1

      if not os.path.isdir(output):
        print("\nOutput directory: "+output+" doesnt exist. Creating.")
          sys.exit("Cant create "+output)

    elif arg in ("-h", "-?") or arg.startswith("-") :
                    sys.exit("wotrepparser scans replay files and sorts them into categories (incomplete, result, complete, clanwar, error)."
                             "\nUsage:" \
                             "\n\nwotrepparser file_or_directory -o output_directory -v -r -n" \
                             "\n\n-o  Specify output directory. Default is current." \
                             "\n-v  Verbose, display every file processed." \
                             "\n-r  Recursive scan of all subdirectories." \
                             "\n-n  Dont rename files." \
                             "\n-b  Dump raw battle_results pickle to output_directory\\b_r\\number.pickle" \
                             "\n-b1 Decode battle_results pickle, save output_directory\\b_r\\number.json" \
                             "\n-b2 Same as above, but human readable json." \
                             "\n-f  Force overwrite. Default is ask." \
                             "\n-c  Copy instead of moving." \
                             "\n-c0 Dry run, dont copy, dont move.")

    elif source == os.getcwd():
      if not os.path.exists(arg):
        sys.exit("\n"+arg+" doesnt exist.")
      source = arg

  print ("\nSource:", source)
  print ("Output:", output)
  print ("Mode  :", ("move","copy","dry run")[mode]+",",("dont rename","rename")[rename]+("",", verbose")[verbose]+("",", recursive dir scan")[recursive]+ \
         ("",", raw battle_results pickle",", decoded battle_results json",", decoded human readable battle_results json")[b_r]+".\n")

  t1 = time.clock()

  if os.path.isfile(source):
    listdir = [source]
    listdir = custom_listfiles(source, "wotreplay", recursive, "temp.wotreplay")

#  listdir = custom_listfiles("G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\clanwars\\", "wotreplay", False)
#  listdir += custom_listfiles("G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\complete\\", "wotreplay", False)
#  listdir += custom_listfiles("G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\incomplete\\", "wotreplay", False)
#  listdir = {"G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\incomplete\\20121213_0553_usa-T110_39_crimea.wotreplay"}

  if not os.path.exists(output + os.path.sep + "clanwar"):
    os.makedirs(output + os.path.sep + "clanwar")
  if not os.path.exists(output + os.path.sep + "incomplete"):
    os.makedirs(output + os.path.sep + "incomplete")
  if not os.path.exists(output + os.path.sep + "result"):
    os.makedirs(output + os.path.sep + "result")
  if not os.path.exists(output + os.path.sep + "complete"):
    os.makedirs(output + os.path.sep + "complete")
  if not os.path.exists(output + os.path.sep + "error"):
    os.makedirs(output + os.path.sep + "error")
  if b_r>0 and (not os.path.exists(output + os.path.sep + "b_r")):
    os.makedirs(output + os.path.sep + "b_r")

  errors = 0
  dest = ["incomplete", "result", "complete", "complete", "clanwar", "error"]
  stats = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

  for files in listdir:
    while True:
#      print ("\n"+files)
      fileo = os.path.basename(files)

      chunks, chunks_bitmask, processing, version = wotdecoder.replay(files,7) #7 means try to decode all three blocks (binary 111)

      if processing == 3 and (len(chunks[0]['vehicles'])!=len(chunks[1][1])) or \
         processing == 4 and chunks[2]['common']['bonusType'] == 5: #fogofwar = cw, bonusType = 5 = cw
        dest_index = 4
        stats[dest_index] += 1
        if rename:
          date = datetime.strptime(chunks[0]['dateTime'], '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M')
          clan_tag = ["", ""]
          for playind, player in enumerate(chunks[1][1]):
            if playind == 0:
              first_tag = chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']
              clan_tag[chunks[1][1][player]['team'] - 1] = first_tag
            elif first_tag != chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']:
              clan_tag[chunks[1][1][player]['team'] - 1] = chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']


          clan_tag[0] = clan_tag[0] +"_"*(5-len(clan_tag[0]))
          clan_tag[1] = clan_tag[1] +"_"*(5-len(clan_tag[1]))

# You can change cw filename format here.
          fileo = "cw"+date+"_"+clan_tag[0]+"_"+clan_tag[1]+"_"+winlose+"_"+"-".join(chunks[0]['playerVehicle'].split("-")[1:])+"_"+chunks[0]['mapName']+".wotreplay"

      elif processing <6 and chunks_bitmask&2: #is second Json available? use it to determine win/loss
        dest_index = processing-1
        stats[dest_index] += 1
        if rename:
          date = datetime.strptime(chunks[0]['dateTime'], '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M')
          fileo = date+"_"+winlose+"_"+"-".join(chunks[0]['playerVehicle'].split("-")[1:])+"_"+chunks[0]['mapName']+".wotreplay"
      elif processing <6 and chunks_bitmask&4: #is pickle available? use it to determine win/loss
        dest_index = processing-1
        stats[dest_index] += 1
        if rename:
          date = datetime.strptime(chunks[0]['dateTime'], '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M')
          winlose=("Loss","Win_")[chunks[2]['common']['winnerTeam'] == chunks[2]['personal']['team']]
          fileo = date+"_"+winlose+"_"+wotdecoder.tank[chunks[2]['personal']['typeCompDescr']][0]+"_"+wotdecoder.maps[chunks[2]['common']['arenaTypeID'] & 65535][0]+".wotreplay"
      elif processing ==6: #bugged, but has valid score and can be renamed
        dest_index = 5
        stats[dest_index] += 1
        if rename:
          date = datetime.strptime(chunks[0]['dateTime'], '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M')
          fileo = date+"_"+winlose+"_"+"-".join(chunks[0]['playerVehicle'].split("-")[1:])+"_"+chunks[0]['mapName']+".wotreplay"
      elif processing ==8: #bugged, but has valid pickle, can be renamed and moved to result
        dest_index = 1
        stats[dest_index] += 1
        if rename:
          date = datetime.strptime(chunks[0]['dateTime'], '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M')
          winlose=("Loss","Win_")[chunks[2]['common']['winnerTeam'] == chunks[2]['personal']['team']]
          fileo = date+"_"+winlose+"_"+wotdecoder.tank[chunks[2]['personal']['typeCompDescr']][0]+"_"+wotdecoder.maps[chunks[2]['common']['arenaTypeID'] & 65535][0]+".wotreplay"
      elif processing ==1: #incomplete
        dest_index = processing-1
        stats[dest_index] += 1
      elif processing >6: #bugged, cant be renamed
        dest_index = 5
        stats[dest_index] += 1

      fileo = output + os.path.sep + dest[dest_index] + os.path.sep + fileo
      exists = os.path.isfile(fileo)
      ask = 0
      if not overwrite and exists:
        ask = getkeyboard(fileo, files)
        if ask == 2: overwrite = True
      else: ask = 1

      if mode == 0 and ask>0:
          shutil.move(files, fileo)

      elif mode == 1 and ask>0:
          shutil.copy(files, fileo)

      fileb_r = ""
      if b_r >0 and chunks_bitmask&4:
        fileb_r = output + os.path.sep + "b_r" + os.path.sep + str(chunks[2]['arenaUniqueID']) +("",".pickle",".json",".json")[b_r]
        exists = os.path.isfile(fileb_r)
        ask = 0
        if not overwrite and exists:
          ask = getkeyboard(fileb_r)
          if ask == 2: overwrite = True
        else: ask = 1

        if b_r == 1 and ask>0:
            fo = open(fileb_r,"wb")
            f = open(files, "rb")
            seek_size = struct.unpack("i",[0]
            if chunks_bitmask&2: #replay with Pickle can have 2 or 3 blocks, we are only interested in the last one and need to skip others
              seek_size = struct.unpack("i",[0]
            third_size = struct.unpack("i",[0]
            third_chunk =

        elif b_r == 2 and ask>0:
            fo = open(fileb_r,"w")

        elif b_r == 3 and ask>0:
            fo = open(fileb_r,"w")
            json.dump(chunks[2], fo, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

      if verbose:
        print ("\n"+files)
        print ("", dest[dest_index], " | ", wotdecoder.status[processing])
        print (fileo)
        print (fileb_r)

  t2 = time.clock()

  print ("\n{0:10} {1:>5}".format("Processed", str(len(listdir))))

  del dest[2]
  stats[2] += stats[3]
  del stats[3]
  for x in range(0, len(dest)):
    print ("{0:10} {1:>5}".format(dest[x], stats[x]))

  print  ("Took %0.3fms"  % ((t2-t1)*1000))
Esempio n. 3
def main():

  nickname = "*"
  clantag = "*"
  csens = re.IGNORECASE
  verbose = 1
  show_errors = False
  owner = False
  recursive = True
  full_path = False
  battle_result = False
  source = os.getcwd()
# Parse arguments
  skip = -1
  for argind, arg in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]):
    if argind == skip: pass
    elif arg == "-c" : csens = 0
    elif arg == "-v0" : verbose = 0
    elif arg == "-v1" : verbose = 1
    elif arg == "-v2" : verbose = 2
    elif arg == "-v3" : verbose = 3
    elif arg == "-v4" : verbose = 4
    elif arg == "-e" : show_errors = True
    elif arg == "-o" : owner = True
    elif arg == "-r" : recursive = False
    elif arg == "-p" : full_path = True
    elif arg == "-b" : battle_result = True
    elif arg == "-i" :
      if len(sys.argv) <= argind+2:
        sys.exit("\nUnspecified input directory.")
      source = sys.argv[argind+2]
      if not os.path.exists(source):
        sys.exit("\n"+source+" doesnt exist.")
      skip = argind+1

    elif arg in ("-h", "-?") or arg.startswith("-") :
                    sys.exit("findplayer scans replay files for players using nickname and/or clantag." 
                             "\nUsage:" \
                             "\n\nfindplayer nickname [clantag] -c -v0..3 -e -o -r -p -b -i input_file_or_directory" \
                             "\n\nTry `*` for string wildcard, `?` for character wildcard." \
                             "\n-c   Case sensitive search." \
                             "\n-v0  Verbose 0 = silent running, only give summary." \
                             "\n-v1  + list replay name, default." \
                             "\n-v2  + show match result, frag count." \
                             "\n-v3  + detailed stats." \
                             "\n-v4  + stats summary." \
                             "\n-e   Show errors." \
                             "\n-o   Include replay owner stats." \
                             "\n-r   Turn off recursive subdirectory scan." \
                             "\n-p   Show full patch." \
                             "\n-b   Scan battle_results(.dat) instead of wotreplays." \
                             "\n-i   Specify input directory. Default is current." \
                             "\n\nExamples:" \
                             "\n`*z_?l [1?3]` will match Rasz_pl[123]" \
                             "\n`[*]` will match any person in a clan." \
                             "\n`[]` will only match people without clan." \
                             "\n`??` will list all people with 2 letter nicknames." \
                             "\n`*` will match everyone.")
    elif arg.startswith("[") and arg.endswith("]"): clantag = arg[1:-1]
    else: nickname = arg

  print ("\nLooking for nickname:", nickname, " clantag: ["+clantag+"]")
  print ("Source:", source)
  print ("Verbose:", verbose, "Recursive:", recursive, "Errors:", ("hide","show")[show_errors])

  t1 = time.clock()

  if os.path.isfile(source):
    listdir = [source]
    if source.endswith(".dat"):
      battle_result = True
    listdir = custom_listfiles(source, ("wotreplay", "dat")[battle_result], recursive, "temp.wotreplay")

# Prepare regex filters
  regexnickname = fnmatch.translate(nickname)
  regexclantag = fnmatch.translate(clantag)
  reobjnickname = re.compile(regexnickname, csens)
  reobjclantag = re.compile(regexclantag, csens)

  matches = 0
  matches_kills = 0
  matches_stats = 0
  errors = 0

  f = open("tanks.json", "r")
  tanks = json.load(f)
  tank = {}
  for ta in tanks:
    tank [ (ta['tankid']<<8) + (ta['countryid']<<4) + 1 ] = ta['title']
  f = open("maps.json", "r")
  mapss = json.load(f)
  maps = {}
  mapidname = {}
  for ma in mapss:
    maps [ ma['mapid'] ] = ma['mapname']
    mapidname [ ma['mapid'] ] = ma['mapidname']

  owner_kills = 0
  owner_damage = 0
  owner_spotted = 0
  player_kills = 0
  player_damage = 0
  player_spotted = 0

  for files in listdir:
    while True:

      if verbose < 2:
        scan_mask = 1 #1 means try to only decode first block (binary 001)
        scan_mask = 7 #7 means decode everything (binary 111)
      if battle_result:
        chunks = ["", "", ""]
        chunks[2] = wotdecoder.battle_result(files)
        chunks_bitmask = 4
        processing = 4
        chunks, chunks_bitmask, processing = wotdecoder.replay(files, scan_mask)

#      pprint (chunks[0])
#      pprint (chunks[1])chunks[2]['arenaUniqueID']
#      pprint (chunks[2])

#      pprint (chunks[2]['personal']['accountDBID'])
#      pprint (chunks[2]['players'][ chunks[2]['personal']['accountDBID'] ]['name'])

      if (processing >=10) or (not chunks_bitmask&5): #ignore replays with errors, must have at least first Json or pickle
        errors += 1
        if show_errors:
          print ("\n\n---")
          print ("", ("",os.path.dirname(files)+os.path.sep)[full_path] + os.path.basename(files))
          print (wotdecoder.status[processing])
          print ("---", end="")

      match = False
      player_found = 0
      owner_found = 0
      owner_name = ""
      owner_clan = ""

      if chunks_bitmask&4:
        vehicles = chunks[2]['players']
        owner_name = chunks[2]['players'][ chunks[2]['personal']['accountDBID'] ]['name']
        owner_found = chunks[2]['personal']['accountDBID']
      elif chunks_bitmask&2:
        vehicles = chunks[1][1]
        owner_name = chunks[0]['playerName']
        vehicles = chunks[0]['vehicles']
        owner_name = chunks[0]['playerName']

      for player in vehicles:
        check_player_name = vehicles[player]['name']
        check_player_clan = vehicles[player]['clanAbbrev']
        if not match and reobjnickname.match(check_player_name) and reobjclantag.match(check_player_clan):
          match = True
          matches += 1
          player_found = player
          player_name = vehicles[player]['name']
          player_clan = "["+vehicles[player]['clanAbbrev']+"]"

        if owner_found==0 and (vehicles[player]['name'] == owner_name): #find owner playerID
          owner_found = player
          owner_clan = "["+vehicles[player]['clanAbbrev']+"]"

      if not match: break

      if verbose >0:
            print ("\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
            print ("", ("",os.path.dirname(files)+os.path.sep)[full_path] + os.path.basename(files))
            print ("---")
            print ("{0:39}{1:39}".format(player_name+player_clan, ("","| "+owner_name+owner_clan)[owner]))

      if chunks_bitmask&4:
        vehicle_player_found = chunks[2]['players'][player_found]['vehicleid']
        if owner:
          vehicle_owner_found = chunks[2]['players'][owner_found]['vehicleid']

      if verbose >1:
            if chunks_bitmask&4: #is pickle available?
              if chunks[2]['common']['finishReason']==3:
                win_loss = ("Loss","Win ")[chunks[2]['common']['winnerTeam']==chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_player_found]['team']]
              finishReason = "("+("", "extermination", "base capture", "timeout")[ chunks[2]['common']['finishReason'] ]+")"
              print ("--- {0:4} on {1:28}{2:>40}".format(win_loss, maps[ chunks[2]['common']['arenaTypeID'] ], finishReason))
            elif chunks_bitmask&2: #is second Json available?
              finishReason = ""
              print ("--- {0:4} on {1:28}{2:15}".format(("Loss","Win ")[chunks[1][0]['isWinner']==1], chunks[0]['mapDisplayName'], finishReason))
            else: #incomplete, all we can tell is tanks
              if owner:
                owner_string = "                       {0:<18}".format(chunks[0]['vehicles'][owner_found]['vehicleType'].split(":")[1])
                owner_string = ""
              print ("                     {0:<18}{1:39}".format(chunks[0]['vehicles'][player_found]['vehicleType'].split(":")[1], owner_string))

            if chunks_bitmask&4: #is second Json available?
              if owner:
                owner_string_kills = "| Kills  ={0:>5}".format( chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_owner_found]['kills'])
                owner_string_tank = "| {0:8} in {1:<27}".format( ("Died","Survived")[chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_owner_found]['health']>0], tank[ chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_owner_found]['typeCompDescr'] ])
                owner_kills += chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_owner_found]['kills']
                owner_string_kills = ""
                owner_string_tank = ""
              print ("{0:8} in {1:<27}{2:39}".format(("Died","Survived")[chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_player_found]['health']>0], tank[ chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_player_found]['typeCompDescr'] ], owner_string_tank ))
              print ("Kills  ={0:>5}{1:26}{2:39}".format(chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_player_found]['kills'], "", owner_string_kills ))
              player_kills += chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_player_found]['kills']
              matches_kills += 1

            elif chunks_bitmask&2: #is second Json available?
              if owner:
#                print (player_found, owner_found)
#                pprint (chunks[1][1])
                owner_string_kills = "| Kills  ={0:>5}".format( len(chunks[1][0]['killed']) )
                owner_string_tank = "| {0:8} in {1:<27}".format( ("Died","Survived")[ chunks[1][1][owner_found]['isAlive']==1 ], chunks[1][1][owner_found]['vehicleType'].split(":")[1] )
                owner_kills += chunks[1][2][owner_found]['frags']
                owner_string_kills = ""
                owner_string_tank = ""
              print ("{0:8} in {1:<27}{2:39}".format(("Died","Survived")[ chunks[1][1][player_found]['isAlive']==1 ], chunks[1][1][player_found]['vehicleType'].split(":")[1], owner_string_tank))
              print ("Kills  ={0:>5}{1:26}{2:39}".format(chunks[1][2][player_found]['frags'], "", owner_string_kills))
              player_kills += chunks[1][2][player_found]['frags']
              matches_kills += 1

      if verbose >2 and chunks_bitmask&4: #is pickle available? use it for detailed stats
        player = int(player)
        if owner:
          owner_string_damage = "| Damage ={0:>5}".format(chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_owner_found]['damageDealt'])
          owner_string_spotted = "| Spotted={0:>5}".format(chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_owner_found]['damageAssisted'])
          owner_damage += chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_owner_found]['damageDealt']
          owner_spotted += chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_owner_found]['damageAssisted']
          owner_string_damage = ""
          owner_string_spotted = ""
        print ("Damage ={0:>5}{1:26}{2:39}".format(chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_player_found]['damageDealt'], "", owner_string_damage))
        print ("Spotted={0:>5}{1:26}{2:39}".format(chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_player_found]['damageAssisted'], "", owner_string_spotted))
        player_damage += chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_player_found]['damageDealt']
        player_spotted += chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_player_found]['damageAssisted']
        matches_stats += 1
        if battle_result: #we are decoding battle_result, lets more-or-less reconstruct potential replay name
# its not 'pixel' accurate, im too lazy to get tank country and underscores correct.
          timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(chunks[2]['common']['arenaCreateTime']).strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M')
          print ("Belongs to~", timestamp+"_"+tank[ chunks[2]['vehicles'][vehicle_owner_found]['typeCompDescr'] ]+"_"+mapidname[ chunks[2]['common']['arenaTypeID'] ]+".wotreplay")



  if matches > 0:
    if verbose >3: # stats summary
      if owner:
        owner_string_kills = "| Kills  ={0:>9.2f}".format( owner_kills/matches_kills )
        owner_string_damage = "| Damage ={0:>9.2f}".format( owner_damage/matches_stats )
        owner_string_spotted = "| Spotted={0:>9.2f}".format( owner_spotted/matches_stats )
        owner_string_kills = ""
        owner_string_damage = ""
        owner_string_spotted = ""

      print ("\nSummary (average):")
      print ("Kills  ={0:>9.2f}{1:23}{2:39}".format(player_kills/matches_kills , "", owner_string_kills))
      print ("Damage ={0:>9.2f}{1:23}{2:39}".format(player_damage/matches_stats , "", owner_string_damage))
      print ("Spotted={0:>9.2f}{1:23}{2:39}".format(player_spotted/matches_stats , "", owner_string_spotted))

    print("\n\nFound", matches, "matches. ", end="")
    print("\n\nNo matches found. ", end="")
  print(errors, "errors.")

  t2 = time.clock()
  print  ("\nProcessing "+str(len(listdir))+" files took %0.3fms"  % ((t2-t1)*1000))
Esempio n. 4
def main():

    verbose = False
    recursive = False
    rename = True
    moving = True
    source = os.getcwd()
    output = os.getcwd()
    skip = -1

    # Parse arguments
    for argind, arg in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]):
        if argind == skip: pass
        elif arg == "-v": verbose = True
        elif arg == "-r": recursive = True
        elif arg == "-n": rename = False
        elif arg == "-c": moving = False
        elif arg == "-o":
            if len(sys.argv) <= argind + 2:
                sys.exit("\nUnspecified Output directory.")
            output = sys.argv[argind + 2]
            skip = argind + 1

            if not os.path.isdir(output):
                print("\nOutput directory: " + output +
                      " doesnt exist. Creating.")
                    sys.exit("Cant create " + output)

        elif arg in ("-h", "-?") or arg.startswith("-"):
            sys.exit("wotrepparser scans replay files and sorts them into categories (incomplete, result, complete, clanwar, error)."
                     "\nUsage:" \
                     "\n\nwotrepparser file_or_directory -o output_directory -v -r -n" \
                     "\n\n-o  Specify output directory. Default is current." \
                     "\n-v  Verbose, display every file processed." \
                     "\n-r  Recursive scan of all subdirectories." \
                     "\n-n  Dont rename files." \
                     "\n-c  Copy instead of moving.")
        elif source == os.getcwd():
            if not os.path.exists(arg):
                sys.exit("\n" + arg + " doesnt exist.")
            source = arg

    print("\nSource:", source)
    print("Output:", output)
    print("Moving:", moving, "Rename:", rename, "Verbose:", verbose,
          "Recursive:", recursive, "\n")

    t1 = time.clock()

    if os.path.isfile(source):
        listdir = [source]
        listdir = custom_listfiles(source, "wotreplay", recursive,

#  listdir = custom_listfiles("G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\clanwars\\", "wotreplay", False)
#  listdir += custom_listfiles("G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\complete\\", "wotreplay", False)
#  listdir += custom_listfiles("G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\incomplete\\", "wotreplay", False)
#  listdir = {"G:\\World_of_Tanks\\replays\\incomplete\\20121213_0553_usa-T110_39_crimea.wotreplay"}

    if not os.path.exists("clanwar"):
    if not os.path.exists("incomplete"):
    if not os.path.exists("result"):
    if not os.path.exists("complete"):

    errors = 0
    for files in listdir:
        while True:
            chunks, chunks_bitmask, processing = wotdecoder.replay(
                files, 7)  #7 means try to decode all three blocks (binary 111)

            if processing >= 10:  #decoder encountered an error
                dest_index = 5
                errors += 1
                date = datetime.strptime(
                    '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S').strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M')
                dest = [
                    "incomplete", "result", "complete", "complete", "clanwar",
                dest_index = processing - 1

            if processing == 9:  #mangled replay, but still have some useful data, lets treat it like Incomplete
                dest_index = 0

            if (processing == 3 and (len(chunks[0]['vehicles'])!=len(chunks[1][1]))) or \
               (processing == 4 and chunks[2]['common']['bonusType'] == 5): #cw

                clan_tag = ["", ""]
                dest_index = 4
                if rename:
                    for playind, player in enumerate(chunks[1][1]):
                        if playind == 0:
                            first_tag = chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']
                            clan_tag[chunks[1][1][player]['team'] -
                                     1] = chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']
                        elif first_tag != chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']:
                            clan_tag[chunks[1][1][player]['team'] -
                                     1] = chunks[1][1][player]['clanAbbrev']

                    winlose = ("Loss", "Win_")[chunks[1][0]['isWinner'] == 1]

                    clan_tag[0] = clan_tag[0] + "_" * (5 - len(clan_tag[0]))
                    clan_tag[1] = clan_tag[1] + "_" * (5 - len(clan_tag[1]))

                    # You can change cw filename format here.
                    fileo = "cw" + date + "_" + clan_tag[0] + "_" + clan_tag[
                        1] + "_" + winlose + "_" + "-".join(
                            [1:]) + "_" + chunks[0]['mapName'] + ".wotreplay"

                if rename and (
                        chunks_bitmask & 2
                ):  #is second Json available? use it to determine win/loss
                    winlose = ("Loss", "Win_")[chunks[1][0]['isWinner'] == 1]
                    fileo = date + "_" + winlose + "_" + "-".join(
                        [1:]) + "_" + chunks[0]['mapName'] + ".wotreplay"
                elif rename and (
                        chunks_bitmask &
                        4):  #is pickle available? use it to determine win/loss
                    winlose = ("Loss",
                               "Win_")[chunks[2]['common']['winnerTeam'] ==
                    fileo = date + "_" + winlose + "_" + "-".join(
                        [1:]) + "_" + chunks[0]['mapName'] + ".wotreplay"
                    fileo = os.path.basename(files)

#      print ("\n"+files, fileo)

            if moving:
                    files, output + os.path.sep + dest[dest_index] +
                    os.path.sep + fileo)
                    files, output + os.path.sep + dest[dest_index] +
                    os.path.sep + fileo)
            if verbose:
                print("\n", dest[dest_index], " -->", fileo)

    t2 = time.clock()

    print("\nProcessed " + str(len(listdir)) + " files.", errors, "errors.")
    print("Took %0.3fms" % ((t2 - t1) * 1000))