def printThread(thread, prefs): textWidth = prefs['termWidth'] replyIndent = prefs['replyIndent'] imgEnable = prefs['asciiImagesEnable'] for post in thread: postNum = post['no'] postTimeDate = post['now'] if imgEnable and 'tim' in post: imgUrl = "" + thread.getBoard() + "/src/" + str(post['tim']) + post['ext'] print aaFuncs.urlToAscii(imgUrl, prefs) print TermColor.cyan + "No. " + str(postNum) + ' ' + TermColor.purple + postTimeDate + TermColor.reset if 'com' in post: postTextRaw = post['com'] postTextClean = cleanCommentData(postTextRaw) else: postTextClean = "< no text >" print wrap(postTextClean, textWidth) + '\n' + TermColor.reset
def printThread(thread, prefs): textWidth = prefs['termWidth'] replyIndent = prefs['replyIndent'] imgEnable = prefs['asciiImagesEnable'] for post in thread: postNum = post['no'] postTimeDate = post['now'] if imgEnable and 'tim' in post: imgUrl = "" + thread.getBoard() + "/src/" + str(reply['tim']) + reply['ext'] print aaFuncs.urlToAscii(imgUrl, prefs) print TermColor.cyan + "No. " + str(postNum) + ' ' + TermColor.purple + postTimeDate + TermColor.reset if 'com' in post: postTextRaw = post['com'] postTextClean = cleanCommentData(postTextRaw) else: postTextClean = "< no text >" print wrap(postTextClean, textWidth) + '\n' + TermColor.reset
def printIndex(index, prefs): textWidth = prefs['termWidth'] replyIndent = prefs['replyIndent'] imgEnable = prefs['asciiImagesEnable'] ignoreReplies = prefs['ignoreReplies'] threadCount = 0 for thread in index: threadCount += 1 op = thread.getOp() opNum = op['no'] opTimeDate = op['now'] if 'sub' in op: opSubject = ' ' + op['sub'] else: opSubject = "" textPostsOmitted = "" if 'omitted_posts' in op: textPostsOmitted += + str(op['omitted_posts']) if op['omitted_posts'] == 1: textPostsOmitted += " post " else: textPostsOmitted += " posts " if imgEnable and 'omitted_images' in op: if op['omitted_images'] > 0: textPostsOmitted += "and " + str(op['omitted_images']) if op['omitted_images'] == 1: textPostsOmitted += " image reply " else: textPostsOmitted += " image replies " textPostsOmitted += "omitted." + TermColor.reset + "\n" if 'com' in op: opTextRaw = op['com'] opTextClean = cleanCommentData(opTextRaw) else: opTextClean = "< no text >" if imgEnable and 'tim' in op: imgUrl = "" + thread.getBoard() + "/src/" + str(op['tim']) + op['ext'] print aaFuncs.urlToAscii(imgUrl, prefs) print wrap( \ TermColor.cyan + TermColor.bold + str(threadCount) + ":" + TermColor.yellow + opSubject + TermColor.reset + TermColor.cyan + " No. " + str(opNum) + ' ' + TermColor.purple + opTimeDate + TermColor.reset + '\n' \ + opTextClean + '\n' + textPostsOmitted \ , textWidth) if not ignoreReplies: for reply in thread.getReplies(): indent = prefs['replyIndent'] replyNum = reply['no'] replyTimeDate = reply['now'] if imgEnable and 'tim' in reply: imgUrl = "" + thread.getBoard() + "/src/" + str(reply['tim']) + reply['ext'] print indentText(aaFuncs.urlToAscii(imgUrl, prefs, indent = True), indent) print getSpaces(indent) + TermColor.cyan + "No. " + str(replyNum) + ' ' + TermColor.purple + replyTimeDate + TermColor.reset if 'com' in reply: replyTextRaw = reply['com'] replyTextClean = cleanCommentData(replyTextRaw) else: replyTextClean = "< no text >" print indentText(wrap(replyTextClean, textWidth - indent), indent) + '\n' + TermColor.reset
def printIndex(index, prefs): textWidth = prefs['termWidth'] replyIndent = prefs['replyIndent'] imgEnable = prefs['asciiImagesEnable'] ignoreReplies = prefs['ignoreReplies'] threadCount = 0 for thread in index: threadCount += 1 op = thread.getOp() opNum = op['no'] opTimeDate = op['now'] if 'sub' in op: opSubject = ' ' + op['sub'] else: opSubject = "" textPostsOmitted = "" if 'omitted_posts' in op: textPostsOmitted += + str(op['omitted_posts']) if op['omitted_posts'] == 1: textPostsOmitted += " post " else: textPostsOmitted += " posts " if imgEnable and 'omitted_images' in op: if op['omitted_images'] > 0: textPostsOmitted += "and " + str(op['omitted_images']) if op['omitted_images'] == 1: textPostsOmitted += " image reply " else: textPostsOmitted += " image replies " textPostsOmitted += "omitted." + TermColor.reset + "\n" if 'com' in op: opTextRaw = op['com'] opTextClean = cleanCommentData(opTextRaw) else: opTextClean = "< no text >" if imgEnable and 'tim' in op: imgUrl = "" + thread.getBoard() + "/src/" + str( op['tim']) + op['ext'] print aaFuncs.urlToAscii(imgUrl, prefs) print wrap( \ TermColor.cyan + TermColor.bold + str(threadCount) + ":" + TermColor.yellow + opSubject + TermColor.reset + TermColor.cyan + " No. " + str(opNum) + ' ' + TermColor.purple + opTimeDate + TermColor.reset + '\n' \ + opTextClean + '\n' + textPostsOmitted \ , textWidth) if not ignoreReplies: for reply in thread.getReplies(): indent = prefs['replyIndent'] replyNum = reply['no'] replyTimeDate = reply['now'] if imgEnable and 'tim' in reply: imgUrl = "" + thread.getBoard( ) + "/src/" + str(reply['tim']) + reply['ext'] print indentText( aaFuncs.urlToAscii(imgUrl, prefs, indent=True), indent) print getSpaces(indent) + TermColor.cyan + "No. " + str( replyNum ) + ' ' + TermColor.purple + replyTimeDate + TermColor.reset if 'com' in reply: replyTextRaw = reply['com'] replyTextClean = cleanCommentData(replyTextRaw) else: replyTextClean = "< no text >" print indentText(wrap(replyTextClean, textWidth - indent), indent) + '\n' + TermColor.reset