Esempio n. 1
def allProps(clsEOS, dicSAM, clsIO, clsUNI):

    iERR = 0

    nComp = clsEOS.NC
    nUser = clsEOS.NU
    nSplt = clsEOS.NP
    nSamp = clsEOS.NS

    print("allProps: Attempting to assign Component Properties")

    #-- Find the type (Library or SCN) of first Nc-1 components ---------

    for iC in range(nUser - 1):

        cName = clsEOS.gPP("CN", iC)

        typC = typeC.get(cName)

        if typC == None:
            print("allProps: Component ", iC + 1, cName,
                  " is not Library or SCN - Error")
            iERR = -1
            return iERR

        #print("iC,cNam,typC ",iC,cName,typC)

#== Library Components ================================================

        if typC == 'L':

            isLibComp(iC, cName, clsEOS)

#== SCN Components ====================================================

        elif typC == 'S':  #-- SCN     Component

            molWt = scnMW[cName]

            heavyComp(molWt, -1.0, iC, clsEOS)

                "Component ({:2d}) = {:4s} is assumed to be a SCN - Properties Assigned/Calculated"
                .format(iC + 1, cName))

#== Not Library or SCN ================================================


            print("Component Name ", cName, " Not Recognised - Error")
            iERR = -1

#  Process the Plus Fraction(s)
#  If more than one sample, split using Whitson Quadrature Method

#-- Mole Weight of Penultimate Component: 'Last' component = nComp-1 --

    cPlus = clsEOS.gPP("CN", nUser - 1)  #-- Name of the User Plus Fraction

    if nSamp > 1 or nSplt > 1:

            "Component ({:2d}) = {:4s} is Plus Fraction to be Split into {:1d} Pseudos"
            .format(nUser, cPlus, nSplt))

        iERR = splitPlus(dicSAM, clsEOS)

        if iERR < 0:
            return iERR

        print("Plus Fraction Splitting Completed")


        molWt = dicSAM[0].mPlus
        specG = dicSAM[0].sPlus

            "Component ({:2d}) = {:4s} is Plus Fraction with No Split Requested - Properties Calculated"
            .format(nUser + 1, cPlus))

        heavyComp(molWt, specG, nUser - 1, clsEOS)

#  Sort the Binary Interaction Parameters

    nComp = clsEOS.NC

    #print("compProps: Set BICs, N = ",nComp)


    print("Binary Interaction Parameters (BIPs) Assigned/Calculated")

    #  Do we need to sort the components?  Most to Least Volatility

    clsEOS, dicSAM = sortComponents(clsEOS, dicSAM)

    #  Output the data

    sTit = "Initialisation"

    WO.outputProps(clsIO, clsEOS, dicSAM, sTit)

    #  Write Fluid Description to the SAV file

    WO.outputSave(sTit, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsIO)

    #  Generate (Approximate) Phase Plots

    CP.allSamplesPhasePlot(clsEOS, dicSAM, clsIO)

    #  End of Routine

    return iERR
Esempio n. 2
def readDef(clsIO, dicSAM, clsUNI):

    iERR = 0
    iCnt = 0
    fInP = clsIO.fInP
    fOut = clsIO.fOut

    macEPS = calcMacEPS()  #-- Compute Machine Epsilon

    #  Parse Input File Line by Line

    for curL in fInP:

        iCnt += 1

        #-- Current Line in curL; split into List tokS

        tokS = curL.split()
        nTok = len(tokS)

        #-- Blank or Comment? -----------------------------------------------

        if nTok == 0:  #-- Blank line

            if tokS[0][:2] == "--": pass
            elif tokS[0][:4].upper() == "ENDD": break
            elif tokS[0][:3].upper() == "DEB":
                iERR = RE.readDebug(clsIO)
            elif tokS[0].upper() == "EOS":

                #-- Equation of State -----------------------------------------------

                EOS = tokS[1].upper()

                clsEOS = classEoS(EOS)

                print("Equation of State Specified as ", EOS)

                sCom = "--"

                WO.outputHeader(fOut, sCom, clsIO)
                WO.outputEOS(fOut, sCom, clsIO, clsEOS)

            elif tokS[0].upper() == "NCOMP":

                nComp = int(tokS[1])
                clsEOS.NC = nComp
                clsEOS.setNComp(nComp)  #-- Dimension the Arrays

            elif tokS[0].upper() == "NSAMP":

                nSamp = int(tokS[1])
                clsEOS.NS = nSamp

            elif tokS[0].upper() == "PROPS":

                curL = next(fInP)  #-- Property Names
                curL = next(fInP)  #-- Property Units

                for iC in range(nComp):

                    curL = next(fInP)
                    tokS = curL.split()
                    nTok = len(tokS)

                    if nTok != 17:
                        print("DEFINE PROPS: Expecting 17 Columns, Only ",
                              nTok, " Read")
                        iERR = -1

                    sN = tokS[0]
                    Mw = float(tokS[1])
                    Tc = float(tokS[2])
                    Pc = float(tokS[3])
                    Vc = float(tokS[4])
                    Zc = float(tokS[5])
                    AF = float(tokS[6])
                    Tb = float(tokS[7])
                    SG = float(tokS[8])
                    PA = float(tokS[9])
                    SS = float(tokS[10])
                    MA = float(tokS[11])
                    MB = float(tokS[12])
                    CA = float(tokS[13])
                    CB = float(tokS[14])
                    CC = float(tokS[15])
                    CD = float(tokS[16])

                    clsEOS.sPP("CN", iC, sN)
                    clsEOS.sPP("MW", iC, Mw)
                    clsEOS.sPP("TC", iC, Tc)
                    clsEOS.sPP("PC", iC, Pc)
                    clsEOS.sPP("VC", iC, Vc)
                    clsEOS.sPP("ZC", iC, Zc)
                    clsEOS.sPP("AF", iC, AF)
                    clsEOS.sPP("TB", iC, Tb)
                    clsEOS.sPP("SG", iC, SG)
                    clsEOS.sPP("PA", iC, PA)
                    clsEOS.sPP("SS", iC, SS)
                    clsEOS.sPP("MA", iC, MA)
                    clsEOS.sPP("MB", iC, MB)
                    clsEOS.sPP("CA", iC, CA)
                    clsEOS.sPP("CB", iC, CB)
                    clsEOS.sPP("CC", iC, CC)
                    clsEOS.sPP("CD", iC, CD)

            elif tokS[0].upper() == "BIP":

                curL = next(fInP)  #-- Component Names

                for iC in range(nComp):

                    curL = next(fInP)
                    tokS = curL.split()
                    nTok = len(tokS)

                    if nTok != nComp + 1:
                        print("DEFINE BIP: Expecting ", nComp + 1,
                              " Columns, Only ", nTok, " Read")
                        iERR = -1

                    iTok = 1
                    while iTok < nTok:
                        KIJ = float(tokS[iTok])
                        clsEOS.sIJ(iC, iTok - 1, KIJ)
                        iTok += 1

            elif tokS[0].upper() == "SAMPLES":

                curL = next(fInP)  #-- Sample Names
                tokS = curL.split()
                nTok = len(tokS)

                for iSamp in range(nSamp):
                    sName = tokS[iSamp + 1]
                    csSAM = RS.classSample(sName)
                    dicSAM[iSamp] = csSAM

                for iC in range(nComp):

                    curL = next(fInP)
                    tokS = curL.split()

                    if nTok != nSamp + 1:
                        print("DEFINE SAMPLES: Expecting ", nSamp + 1,
                              " Columns, Only ", nTok, " Read")
                        iERR = -1

                    for iSamp in range(nSamp):
                        ZI = float(tokS[iSamp + 1])
                        if ZI < macEPS: ZI = 1.0E-20  #-- Protect against Z = 0
                        dicSAM[iSamp].sZI(iC, ZI)


#  Has any slop crept into the sample definitions?

    for iSamp in range(nSamp):
        sumT = 0.0
        for iC in range(nComp):
            sumT = sumT + dicSAM[iSamp].gZI(iC)
        sumT = 1.0 / sumT
        for iC in range(nComp):
            zI = sumT * dicSAM[iSamp].gZI(iC)
            dicSAM[iSamp].sZI(iC, zI)

#== Back-calculate the C7+ Properties =================================

    backCalcPlusFracProps(clsEOS, dicSAM)

    #  Do we need to sort the components?  Most to Least Volatility

    clsEOS, dicSAM = CR.sortComponents(clsEOS, dicSAM)

    #  Output the data

    sTit = "Initialisation from a saved DEFINE"

    WO.outputProps(clsIO, clsEOS, dicSAM, sTit)

    #  Write Fluid Description to the SAV file

    WO.outputSave(sTit, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsIO)

    #  Generate (Approximate) Phase Plots

    CP.allSamplesPhasePlot(clsEOS, dicSAM, clsIO)

    #== Return values =====================================================

    return iERR, clsEOS, dicSAM
Esempio n. 3
def readGroup(clsIO,clsEOS0,clsEOSG,dicSAM0,dicSAMG,dicEXP0,clsUNI) :

    print("Reading User Data for Grouping")

    iERR  = 0
    iLine = 0
    nOld  = clsEOS0.NC   #-- "Old" Number of Components in "Old" Class
    nNew  = 0
    nTst  = 0
    iSam  = 0           #-- By default, we will weight by Sample[0]
    qExp  = False

    fInP = clsIO.fInP

    dicGRP = {}          #-- Dictionary to hold the new Groups

#== Loop over lines in the Input File =================================    

    for curL in fInP :

        iLine += 1

        if iLine > 100 :
            print("Too Many Lines of GROUP Data - Error")
            iERR = -1

        tokS = curL.split()
        nTok = len(tokS)

        if   nTok                == 0      : pass           #-- Blank line!
        elif tokS[0][:2]         == "--"   : pass           #-- Comment!
        elif tokS[0][:4].upper() == "ENDG" : break          #-- ENDGROUP => Exit
        elif tokS[0][:3].upper() == "DEB"  :                #-- DEBUG
             iERR = RG.readDebug(clsIO)
             if iERR < 0 : break
        elif tokS[0][:4].upper() == "RUNE" : qExp = True    #-- Run Experiments
        elif tokS[0][:2].upper() == "SA"   :                #-- SAMPLE for weighting

            samNam = tokS[1]
            iSam   = checkSamp4Grp(samNam,dicSAM0)
            if iSam < 0 :
                print("Sample ",samNam," Proposed for Weighting Not Found - Error")
                iERR = -1
                return iERR

        else :

#== Must be reading New Name and Old-Names ============================

            newNam = tokS[0]
            clsGRP = classGRP(newNam)   #-- Create the New Group

            dicGRP[nNew] = clsGRP       #-- Add to the Dictionary of Groups
            nNew += 1                   #-- Increment the Counter

            oldNam = []

            iTok = 1
            while iTok < nTok :
                nTst += 1                   #-- Test the number of "old" comps
                iTok += 1


#  Process Data

    #print("nOld,nNew,nTst ",nOld,nNew,nTst)

    c*K = [False for i in range(nOld)]
    if nTst != nOld :
        print("Currently have ",nOld," Components defined: Only ",nTst," Read - Error")
        iERR = -1
        return iERR,clsEOS0,dicSAM0,dicEXP0

    for iNew in range(nNew) :
        oldNam = dicGRP[iNew].oldNam
        oldNum = []
        nGrp   = len(oldNam)
        for iGrp in range(nGrp) :
            sCom = oldNam[iGrp]
            iCom = checkComp4Grp(sCom,clsEOS0)
            if iCom < 0 :
                print("Old Component Name ",sCom," Not Found - Error")
                iERR = -1
                return iERR,clsEOS0,dicSAM0,dicEXP0
                c*K[iCom] = True

#-- Do we have all 'old' components used? ---------------------------
    for iC in range(nOld) :
        if not c*K[iC] :
            sCom = clsEOS0.gPP("CN",iC)
            print("Component " + sCom + " Not Found Amongst 'Old' Components - Error")
            iERR = -1
            return iERR,clsEOS0,dicSAM0,dicEXP0
#==  Do we want experiments run before and after grouping? ============

    if qExp :
        dicEXPG = deepcopy(dicEXP0)
        sExt   = " - Before Grouping"

#  Perform the Grouping

    iERR = calcGroup(iSam,dicGRP,clsEOS0,clsEOSG,dicSAM0,dicSAMG)

    if iERR == 0 :
        print("Grouping Performed")
    else :
        print("Grouping Failed: Program Stopping")
        return iERR,clsEOS0,dicSAM0,dicEXP0

#-- Write New System to the Output File -----------------------------

    sTit = "Grouping From " + str(nOld) + " Components To " + str(nNew)


#-- Save the new EoS/Sample Definitions -----------------------------    

    sTit = "Grouping From " + str(nOld) + " Components To " + str(nNew)

#  Re-run existing experiments?

    if qExp :
        sExt   = " - After  Grouping"
        for iExp in range(len(dicEXPG)) : dicEXPG[iExp].IsAct = True
        qReg = False

#  Perform deepcopy to put Grouped EOS/Samples into Main Sets

    clsEOS0 = deepcopy(clsEOSG)
    dicSAM0 = deepcopy(dicSAMG)
    if qExp :
        dicEXP0 = deepcopy(dicEXPG)

#== End of Routine ====================================================

    return iERR,clsEOS0,dicSAM0,dicEXP0
Esempio n. 4
def runRegression(mIter, clsIO, clsEOS0, dicSAM0, dicEXP0, dicREG, qExp,

    #== Set Output File Name [rootName.reg] ===============================

    if not clsIO.qReg:
        pathReg = clsIO.patR + ".reg"
        fReg = open(pathReg, 'w')
        fReg = clsIO.fReg

    sCom = "--"

    WO.outputHeader(fReg, sCom, clsIO)
    WO.outputEOS(fReg, sCom, clsIO, clsEOS0)

    #== Number of Variables ===============================================

    nVar = len(dicREG)

    #-- Initial (normalised) variables ----------------------------------

    xVec = NP.ones(nVar)

    #  Run the experiments with the initial EoS and set of sample info

    runRegExps(clsIO, clsEOS0, dicSAM0, dicEXP0, qExp)

    #== Initial residuals vector ==========================================

    qWrt = True

    fReg.write("  Regression Output:  Initial Residuals\n")

    ssq0, regI = calcResSSQ(qWrt, dicEXP0, qExp, clsIO)

    nReg = len(regI)  #-- Number of items in Residual Vector

    iTer = 0
    #print("iVar,ssqI {:2d}{:10.5f}".format(iTer,ssq0))

    #== Take a (deep) copy of the EoS class and Samples dictionary ========

    clsEOS1 = deepcopy(clsEOS0)
    dicSAM1 = deepcopy(dicSAM0)
    dicEXP1 = deepcopy(dicEXP0)

    #  Main Loop

    qConv = False
    nIter = 1

    while not qConv:

        #  Build Jacobian by perturbing each variable in turn

        jacO = calcJaco(clsIO, dicREG, clsEOS0, clsEOS1, dicSAM0, dicSAM1,
                        dicEXP1, qExp, xVec, regI)

        #  Calculate the Gradient and Hessian

        Grad =, regI)
        Hess =, jacO.T)  #-- Note Transpose!

        #  Calculate the update vector delX

        delX = rotDisc(nIter, Grad, Hess, dicREG, dicSAM1, clsEOS1, clsIO)

        #writeVector("Grad   ",Grad)
        #writeVector("delX   ",delX)

        #  Check if Variables Bounded?

        delX, Grad = checkBounds(nIter, clsEOS0, dicREG, dicSAM0, xVec, delX,
                                 Grad, Hess, clsIO)

        #   Line Search

        ssq1, xVec, regI = lineSearch(clsIO, dicREG, dicSAM0, dicSAM1, clsEOS0,
                                      clsEOS1, dicEXP1, qExp, ssq0, xVec, delX,


        #  Progress in SSQ?

        if abs((ssq1 - ssq0) / ssq1) < 1.0E-04:
            print("Regression converged!")
            qConv = True
            ssq0 = ssq1

        nIter += 1

        if nIter > mIter:
            print("Regression - Reached Max-Iterations = ", mIter)

#== Plot Before/After Results =========================================

    qReg = True
    GP.regPlots(clsIO, dicEXP0, dicEXP1, dicSAM1, qReg, clsUNI)

    #  (Deep) copy the working EoS/Samples back to the main EoS/Samples

    clsEOS0 = deepcopy(clsEOS1)
    dicSAM0 = deepcopy(dicSAM1)
    dicEXP0 = deepcopy(dicEXP1)

    #  Write Final Set of Residuals

    fReg.write("  Regression Output:  Final Residuals\n")

    ssq0, regI = calcResSSQ(qWrt, dicEXP0, qExp, clsIO)

    #  Write New EoS & Experiments to Print File

    iERR, sTyp = regVarType(dicREG)

    if sTyp == "REG": sExt = "Regular EOS Variables"
    elif sTyp == "PLS": sExt = "Plus Fraction Variables"
    elif sTyp == "LBC": sExt = "LBC Viscosity Variables"

    sTit = "Regression Using " + sExt

    WO.outputProps(clsIO, clsEOS0, dicSAM0, sTit)

    #-- Only Print the Regession "Active" Experiments [qExp] ------------

    nExp = len(dicEXP0)
    qSav = [True for i in range(nExp)]

    for iExp in range(nExp):
        qSav[iExp] = qExp[iExp]
        clsEXP0 = dicEXP0[iExp]
        clsEXP0.IsAct = qExp[iExp]

#-- Print the Experiments -------------------------------------------

    WO.outputExps(clsIO, dicEXP0, dicSAM0, clsUNI)

    #-- Restore the IsAct Flag ------------------------------------------

    for iExp in range(nExp):
        clsEXP0 = dicEXP0[iExp]
        clsEXP0.IsAct = qSav[iExp]

    sTit = "Regression Using " + sTyp + " Variable Types"
    WO.outputSave(sTit, clsEOS0, dicSAM0, clsIO)

    return clsEOS0, dicSAM0, dicEXP0