Esempio n. 1
    def cluster_data_volume(self, cluster_id, intercluster_only=False):

        :param cluster_id:
        :param intercluster_only:
        :rtype: pq.bit

        cluster = self._find_cluster(cluster_id)

        if not intercluster_only:
            # Handle the intra-cluster data volume
            segment_pairs = itertools.permutations(cluster.segments, 2)
            internal_volume = np.sum(
                [segment_volume(s, d, self.env) for s, d in segment_pairs])
            internal_volume = 0

        # Handle the inter-cluster data volume

        external_segments = list(
            set(self.sim.segments) - set(cluster.segments))
        # Outgoing data ...
        segment_pairs = list(
            itertools.product(cluster.segments, external_segments))

        # Incoming data ...
        segment_pairs += list(
            itertools.product(external_segments, cluster.segments))
        external_volume = np.sum(
            [segment_volume(s, d, self.env) for s, d in segment_pairs])

        total_volume = internal_volume + external_volume
        return total_volume
Esempio n. 2
    def communication_delay(self, begin, end):
        Compute the communication delay between any two segments. This is done
        as per Equation 1 in FLOWER.

        :param begin:
        :type begin: core.segment.Segment
        :param end:
        :type end: core.segment.Segment

        :return: The total communication delay in seconds
        :rtype: pq.second

        travel_delay = self.movement_model.shortest_distance(begin,
                                                             end) / self.env.mdc_speed

        if begin.cluster_id == end.cluster_id:
            transmission_count = 1
        elif (begin.cluster_id == self.sim.centroid.cluster_id) or (
                    end.cluster_id == self.sim.centroid.cluster_id):
            transmission_count = 2
            transmission_count = 3

        transmission_delay = transmission_count
        transmission_delay *= data.segment_volume(begin, end, self.env)
        transmission_delay /= self.env.comms_rate

        relay_delay = self.holding_time(begin, end)

        total_delay = travel_delay + transmission_delay + relay_delay
        return total_delay
Esempio n. 3
    def communication_delay(self, begin, end):
        Compute the communication delay between any two segments. This is done
        as per Equation 1 in FLOWER.

        :param begin:
        :type begin: core.segment.Segment
        :param end:
        :type end: core.segment.Segment

        :return: The total communication delay in seconds
        :rtype: pq.second

        duration, path = self.movement_model.shortest_distance(begin, end)
        travel_delay = duration / self.env.mdc_speed

        path_clusters = self.count_clusters(path)

        transmission_delay = len(path_clusters)
        transmission_delay *= data.segment_volume(begin, end, self.env)
        transmission_delay /= self.env.comms_rate

        relay_delay = self.holding_time(path_clusters[1:])

        total_delay = travel_delay + transmission_delay + relay_delay
        return total_delay
Esempio n. 4
    def communication_delay(self, begin, end):
        Compute the communication delay between any two segments. This is done
        as per Equation 1 in FLOWER.

        :param begin:
        :type begin: core.segment.Segment
        :param end:
        :type end: core.segment.Segment

        :return: The total communication delay in seconds
        :rtype: pq.second

        travel_delay = self.movement_model.shortest_distance(
            begin, end) / self.env.mdc_speed

        if begin.cluster_id == end.cluster_id:
            transmission_count = 1
        elif (begin.cluster_id == self.sim.centroid.cluster_id) or (
                end.cluster_id == self.sim.centroid.cluster_id):
            transmission_count = 2
            transmission_count = 3

        transmission_delay = transmission_count
        transmission_delay *= data.segment_volume(begin, end, self.env)
        transmission_delay /= self.env.comms_rate

        relay_delay = self.holding_time(begin, end)

        total_delay = travel_delay + transmission_delay + relay_delay
        return total_delay
Esempio n. 5
    def communication_delay(self, begin, end):
        Compute the communication delay between any two segments. This is done
        as per Equation 1 in FLOWER.

        :param begin:
        :type begin: core.segment.Segment
        :param end:
        :type end: core.segment.Segment

        :return: The total communication delay in seconds
        :rtype: pq.second

        duration, path = self.movement_model.shortest_distance(begin, end)
        travel_delay = duration / self.env.mdc_speed

        path_clusters = self.count_clusters(path)

        transmission_delay = len(path_clusters)
        transmission_delay *= data.segment_volume(begin, end, self.env)
        transmission_delay /= self.env.comms_rate

        relay_delay = self.holding_time(path_clusters[1:])

        total_delay = travel_delay + transmission_delay + relay_delay
        return total_delay
Esempio n. 6
    def communication_delay(self, begin, end):
        Compute the communication delay between any two segments. This is done
        as per Equation 1 in FLOWER.

        :param begin:
        :type begin: core.segment.Segment
        :param end:
        :type end: core.segment.Segment

        :return: The total communication delay in seconds
        :rtype: pq.second

        duration, path = self.movement_model.shortest_distance(begin, end)
        path_clusters = self.count_clusters(path)

        segment_speed_pairs = list()
        path_index = 0
        last_segment = None
        for path_cluster in path_clusters:
            segments = list()
            if last_segment:

            while path[path_index] in path_cluster.tour.objects:
                last_segment = path[path_index]

                path_index += 1
                if path_index >= len(path):

            segment_speed_pairs.append((path_cluster.mdc_speed, segments))

        travel_delay = 0.  # * pq.second
        for speed, segments in segment_speed_pairs:
            cluster_distance = 0  # * pq.meter
            start_segment = segments[0]
            for end_segment in segments[1:]:
                distance = np.linalg.norm(
                    start_segment.location.nd - end_segment.location.nd)
                cluster_distance += distance

            travel_delay += cluster_distance / speed

        transmission_delay = len(path_clusters)
        transmission_delay *= data.segment_volume(begin, end, self.env)
        transmission_delay /= self.env.comms_rate

        relay_delay = self.holding_time(path_clusters[1:])

        total_delay = travel_delay + transmission_delay + relay_delay
        return total_delay
Esempio n. 7
    def centroid_data_volume(self, cluster_id):

        :param cluster_id:
        :rtype: pq.bit

        centroid = self._find_cluster(cluster_id)

        # Handle the intra-centroid data volume
        segment_pairs = itertools.permutations(centroid.segments, 2)
        volume = np.sum(
            [segment_volume(s, d, self.env) for s, d in segment_pairs])

        cluster_pairs = list()
        # Handle the incoming volume from each cluster
        for cluster in self.sim.clusters:

            other_clusters = list(self.sim.clusters)
            for other_cluster in other_clusters:
                # Cluster -> Other Cluster
                cluster_pairs.append((cluster, other_cluster))

                # Other Cluster -> Cluster
                cluster_pairs.append((other_cluster, cluster))

        for src_cluster, dst_cluster in cluster_pairs:
            src_segments = src_cluster.segments
            dst_segments = dst_cluster.segments

            segment_pairs = itertools.product(src_segments, dst_segments)
            volume += np.sum(
                [segment_volume(s, d, self.env) for s, d in segment_pairs])

        return volume
Esempio n. 8
def cell_volume(src, dst, env):

    :param src:
    :type src: flower.cell.Cell
    :param dst:
    :type dst: flower.cell.Cell
    :param env:
    :type env: core.environment.Environment

    if (src, dst) in data_memo:
        return data_memo[(src, dst)]

    segment_pairs = itertools.product(src.segments, dst.segments)
    total_volume = 0.  # pq.bit
    for src, dst in segment_pairs:
        total_volume += segment_volume(src, dst, env)

    data_memo[(src, dst)] = total_volume
    return total_volume
Esempio n. 9
    def cluster_data_volume(self, cluster_id, intercluster_only=False):

        :param cluster_id:
        :param intercluster_only:
        :rtype: pq.bit

        current_cluster = self._find_cluster(cluster_id)
        cluster_index = self.sim.clusters.index(current_cluster)
        cluster_tree, preds = sp.breadth_first_order(self.cluster_graph,

        children_indexes = list()
        for index in cluster_tree:
            if preds[index] == cluster_index:

        cluster_graph = self.cluster_graph.toarray()
        cluster_graph[cluster_index] = 0
        cluster_graph[:, cluster_index] = 0

        components_count, labels = sp.connected_components(cluster_graph,

        cluster_groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for index, label in enumerate(labels):
            if index == cluster_index:


        # Build a set of "super clusters." These are just collections of all
        # segments from the clusters that make up each child branch from the
        # current cluster.
        super_clusters = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for label, clusters in cluster_groups.items():
            for cluster in clusters:

        # Now, we get the list of segment pairs that will communicate through
        # the current cluster. This does not include the segments within the
        # current cluster, as those will be accounted for separately.
        sc_index_pairs = itertools.permutations(super_clusters.keys(), 2)
        segment_pairs = list()
        for src_sc_index, dst_sc_index in sc_index_pairs:
            src_segments = super_clusters[src_sc_index]
            dst_segments = super_clusters[dst_sc_index]
                list(itertools.product(src_segments, dst_segments)))

        intercluster_volume = np.sum([segment_volume(src, dst, self.env)
                                      for src, dst in segment_pairs])

        if not intercluster_only:
            # NOW we calculate the intra-cluster volume
            segment_pairs = itertools.permutations(
                current_cluster.tour.objects, 2)
            intracluster_volume = np.sum([segment_volume(src, dst, self.env)
                                          for src, dst in
            intracluster_volume = 0

        # ... and the outgoing data volume from this cluster
        other_segments = list(
            set(self.sim.segments) - set(current_cluster.tour.objects))
        segment_pairs = itertools.product(current_cluster.tour.objects,
        intercluster_volume += np.sum([segment_volume(s, d, self.env)
                                       for s, d in segment_pairs])

        return intercluster_volume + intracluster_volume