Esempio n. 1
def munge(title, values):
    t0, v0 = values[0]
    start_time = parsetime(t0)

    ylabel = ' '.join(title.split(' ')).lower()
    if title.split(' ')[1] != 'spinlock' and \
      title.split(' ', 1)[1] in no_scale_per_second_list:
        seconds = 1
        t1, v1 = values[1]
        seconds = (parsetime(t1) - start_time).seconds
        ylabel += ' per second'
        if seconds == 0:
            seconds = 1

    # Split the values into a dictionary of y-axis values keyed by the x axis
    ydata = {}
    for t, v in sorted(values):
        if args.abstime:
            # Build the time series, milliseconds since the epoch
            x = int(mktime(parsetime(t).timetuple())) * 1000
            # Build the time series as seconds since the start of the data
            x = (parsetime(t) - start_time).seconds
        ydata[x] = float(v) / seconds

    return ylabel, ydata
Esempio n. 2
def munge(title, values):
    t0, v0 = values[0]
    start_time = parsetime(t0)

    ylabel = ' '.join(title.split(' ')).lower()
    if title.split(' ')[1] != 'spinlock' and \
      title.split(' ', 1)[1] in no_scale_per_second_list:
        seconds = 1
        t1, v1 = values[1]
        seconds = (parsetime(t1) - start_time).seconds
        ylabel += ' per second'
        if seconds == 0:
            seconds = 1

    # Split the values into a dictionary of y-axis values keyed by the x axis
    ydata = {}
    for t, v in sorted(values):
        if args.abstime:
            # Build the time series, milliseconds since the epoch
            x = int(mktime(parsetime(t).timetuple())) * 1000
            # Build the time series as seconds since the start of the data
            x = (parsetime(t) - start_time).seconds
        ydata[x] = float(v) / seconds

    return ylabel, ydata
Esempio n. 3
def timesort(s):
    # Sort the timestr via its parsetime() value so that the year gets
    # added and it properly sorts.  Times are only %b %d %H:%M:%S and
    # may improperly sort if the data crosses a month boundary.
    t = operator.itemgetter('#time')
    timestr = t(s)
    return parsetime(timestr)
Esempio n. 4
def timesort(s):
    # Sort the timestr via its parsetime() value so that the year gets
    # added and it properly sorts.  Times are only %b %d %H:%M:%S and
    # may improperly sort if the data crosses a month boundary.
    t = operator.itemgetter('#time')
    timestr = t(s)
    return parsetime(timestr)
Esempio n. 5
def munge_dict(values_dict, abstime):
    sorted_values = sorted(values_dict, key=timesort)
    start_time = parsetime(sorted_values[0]['#time'])

    ret = []
    for v in sorted_values:
        if abstime:
            # Build the time series, milliseconds since the epoch
            v['#time'] = int(mktime(parsetime(v['#time']).timetuple())) * 1000
            # Build the time series as seconds since the start of the data
            v['#time'] = (parsetime(v['#time']) - start_time).seconds
        next_val = {}
        for title, value in v.items():
            if title.find('uS') != -1:
                title = title.replace('uS', 'ms')
                value = float(value) / 1000
            if title == 'totalsec':
                value = 0
            if title == 'checkpoints' and value == 'N':
                value = 0
            elif title.find('time') != -1:
                title = 'time'
            elif title.find('latency') == -1 and \
              title.find('checkpoints') == -1:
                title = title + ' (thousands)'
                value = float(value) / 1000
            next_val[title] = value

    # After building the series, eliminate constants
    d0 = ret[0]
    for t0, v0 in d0.items():
        skip = True
        for d in ret:
            v = d[t0]
            if v != v0:
                skip = False
        if skip:
            for dicts in ret:
                del dicts[t0]

    return ret
Esempio n. 6
def munge_dict(values_dict, abstime):
    sorted_values = sorted(values_dict, key=timesort)
    start_time = parsetime(sorted_values[0]['#time'])

    ret = []
    for v in sorted_values:
        if abstime:
            # Build the time series, milliseconds since the epoch
            v['#time'] = int(mktime(parsetime(v['#time']).timetuple())) * 1000
            # Build the time series as seconds since the start of the data
            v['#time'] = (parsetime(v['#time']) - start_time).seconds
        next_val = {}
        for title, value in v.items():
            if title.find('uS') != -1:
                title = title.replace('uS', 'ms')
                value = float(value) / 1000
            if title == 'totalsec':
                value = 0
            if title == 'checkpoints' and value == 'N':
                value = 0
            elif title.find('time') != -1:
                title = 'time'
            elif title.find('latency') == -1 and \
              title.find('checkpoints') == -1:
                title = title + ' (thousands)'
                value = float(value) / 1000
            next_val[title] = value

    # After building the series, eliminate constants
    d0 = ret[0]
    for t0, v0 in d0.items():
        skip = True
        for d in ret:
            v = d[t0]
            if v != v0:
                skip = False
        if skip:
            for dicts in ret:
                del dicts[t0]

    return ret
Esempio n. 7
def munge_dict(values_dict, abstime):
    sorted_values = sorted(values_dict, key=timesort)
    start_time = parsetime(sorted_values[0]["#time"])

    ret = []
    for v in sorted_values:
        if abstime:
            # Build the time series, milliseconds since the epoch
            v["#time"] = int(mktime(parsetime(v["#time"]).timetuple())) * 1000
            # Build the time series as seconds since the start of the data
            v["#time"] = (parsetime(v["#time"]) - start_time).seconds
        next_val = {}
        for title, value in v.items():
            if title.find("uS") != -1:
                title = title.replace("uS", "ms")
                value = float(value) / 1000
            if title == "totalsec":
                value = 0
            if title == "checkpoints" and value == "N":
                value = 0
            elif title.find("time") != -1:
                title = "time"
            elif title.find("latency") == -1 and title.find("checkpoints") == -1:
                title = title + " (thousands)"
                value = float(value) / 1000
            next_val[title] = value

    # After building the series, eliminate constants
    d0 = ret[0]
    for t0, v0 in d0.items():
        skip = True
        for d in ret:
            v = d[t0]
            if v != v0:
                skip = False
        if skip:
            for dicts in ret:
                del dicts[t0]

    return ret
Esempio n. 8
def munge(title, values):
    t0, v0 = values[0]
    start_time = parsetime(t0)

    ylabel = ' '.join(title.split(' ')).lower()
    if title.split(' ')[1] != 'spinlock' and \
      title.split(' ', 1)[1] in no_scale_per_second_list:
        seconds = 1
        t1, v1 = values[1]
        seconds = (parsetime(t1) - start_time).seconds
        ylabel += ' per second'
        if seconds == 0:
            seconds = 1

    stats_cleared = False
    if args.clear or title.split(' ', 1)[1] in no_clear_list:
        stats_cleared = True

    # Split the values into a dictionary of y-axis values keyed by the x axis
    ydata = {}
    last_value = 0.0
    for t, v in sorted(values):
        if args.abstime:
            # Build the time series, milliseconds since the epoch
            x = int(mktime(parsetime(t).timetuple())) * 1000
            # Build the time series as seconds since the start of the data
            x = (parsetime(t) - start_time).seconds

        float_v = float(v)
        if not stats_cleared:
            float_v = float_v - last_value
            # Sometimes WiredTiger stats go backwards without clear, assume
            # that means nothing happened
            if float_v < 0:
                float_v = 0.0
            last_value = float(v)
        ydata[x] = float_v / seconds

    return ylabel, ydata
Esempio n. 9
def munge(title, values):
    t0, v0 = values[0]
    start_time = parsetime(t0)

    ylabel = ' '.join(title.split(' ')).lower()
    if title.split(' ')[1] != 'spinlock' and \
      title.split(' ', 1)[1] in no_scale_per_second_list:
        seconds = 1
        t1, v1 = values[1]
        seconds = (parsetime(t1) - start_time).seconds
        ylabel += ' per second'
        if seconds == 0:
            seconds = 1

    stats_cleared = False
    if args.clear or title.split(' ', 1)[1] in no_clear_list:
        stats_cleared = True

    # Split the values into a dictionary of y-axis values keyed by the x axis
    ydata = {}
    last_value = 0.0
    for t, v in sorted(values):
        if args.abstime:
            # Build the time series, milliseconds since the epoch
            x = int(mktime(parsetime(t).timetuple())) * 1000
            # Build the time series as seconds since the start of the data
            x = (parsetime(t) - start_time).seconds

        float_v = float(v)
        if not stats_cleared:
            float_v = float_v - last_value
            # Sometimes WiredTiger stats go backwards without clear, assume
            # that means nothing happened
            if float_v < 0:
                float_v = 0.0
            last_value = float(v)
        ydata[x] = float_v / seconds

    return ylabel, ydata