class NewBookingConfirmForm(NewBookingPeriodForm): booked_for_user = PrincipalField(_(u'User'), [DataRequired()], allow_external=True) contact_email = StringField( _(u'Email'), [InputRequired(), IndicoEmail(multi=True)]) contact_phone = StringField(_(u'Telephone')) booking_reason = TextAreaField(_(u'Reason'), [DataRequired()]) uses_vc = BooleanField(_(u'I will use videoconference equipment')) used_equipment = IndicoQuerySelectMultipleCheckboxField( _(u'VC equipment'), get_label=lambda x: needs_vc_assistance = BooleanField( _(u'Request assistance for the startup of the videoconference session. ' u'This support is usually performed remotely.')) needs_assistance = BooleanField( _(u'Request personal assistance for meeting startup')) submit_book = SubmitField(_(u'Create booking')) submit_prebook = SubmitField(_(u'Create pre-booking')) def validate_used_equipment(self, field): if and not raise ValidationError(_(u'Videoconference equipment is not used.')) elif not and raise ValidationError( _(u'You need to select some Videoconference equipment')) def validate_needs_vc_assistance(self, field): if and not raise ValidationError(_(u'Videoconference equipment is not used.'))
class NewBookingConfirmForm(NewBookingPeriodForm): room_usage = RadioField( [DataRequired()], choices=[('current_user', _("I'll be using the room myself")), ('other_user', _("I'm booking the room for someone else"))]) booked_for_user = PrincipalField( _('User'), [HiddenUnless('room_usage', 'other_user'), DataRequired()], allow_external=True) booking_reason = TextAreaField(_('Reason'), [DataRequired()]) uses_vc = BooleanField(_('I will use videoconference equipment')) used_equipment = IndicoQuerySelectMultipleCheckboxField( _('VC equipment'), get_label=lambda x: needs_vc_assistance = BooleanField( _('Request assistance for the startup of the videoconference session. ' 'This support is usually performed remotely.')) needs_assistance = BooleanField( _('Request personal assistance for meeting startup')) submit_book = SubmitField(_('Create booking')) submit_prebook = SubmitField(_('Create pre-booking')) def validate_used_equipment(self, field): if and not raise ValidationError(_('Videoconference equipment is not used.')) elif not and raise ValidationError( _('Please select the type of videoconference that you will use.' )) def validate_needs_vc_assistance(self, field): if and not raise ValidationError(_('Videoconference equipment is not used.'))
class BillForm(FlaskForm): date = DateField(_("Date"), validators=[Required()], what = StringField(_("What?"), validators=[Required()]) payer = SelectField(_("Payer"), validators=[Required()], coerce=int) amount = CommaDecimalField(_("Amount paid"), validators=[Required()]) payed_for = SelectMultipleField(_("For whom?"), validators=[Required()], coerce=int) submit = SubmitField(_("Submit")) submit2 = SubmitField(_("Submit and add a new one")) def save(self, bill, project): bill.payer_id = bill.amount = bill.what = = bill.owers = [ Person.query.get(ower, project) for ower in ] return bill def fill(self, bill): = bill.payer_id = bill.amount = bill.what = = [int( for ower in bill.owers] def set_default(self): = self.payed_for.default def validate_amount(self, field): if == 0: raise ValidationError(_("Bills can't be null"))
class StoreForm(AddressAccountForm): name = StringField("Name", validators=[ InputRequired(), Length(2, 25, "Name does not respect our rules.") ]) picture = FileField("Select a picture...") edit_button = SubmitField("Edit") add_button = SubmitField("Add")
class BillForm(FlaskForm): date = DateField(_("Date"), validators=[DataRequired()], what = StringField(_("What?"), validators=[DataRequired()]) payer = SelectField(_("Payer"), validators=[DataRequired()], coerce=int) amount = CalculatorStringField(_("Amount paid"), validators=[DataRequired()]) external_link = URLField( _("External link"), validators=[Optional()], description=_("A link to an external document, related to this bill"), ) payed_for = SelectMultipleField(_("For whom?"), validators=[DataRequired()], coerce=int) submit = SubmitField(_("Submit")) submit2 = SubmitField(_("Submit and add a new one")) def save(self, bill, project): bill.payer_id = bill.amount = bill.what = bill.external_link = = bill.owers = [ Person.query.get(ower, project) for ower in ] return bill def fake_form(self, bill, project): bill.payer_id = self.payer bill.amount = self.amount bill.what = self.what bill.external_link = "" = bill.owers = [ Person.query.get(ower, project) for ower in self.payed_for ] return bill def fill(self, bill): = bill.payer_id = bill.amount = bill.what = bill.external_link = = [int( for ower in bill.owers] def set_default(self): = self.payed_for.default def validate_amount(self, field): if == 0: raise ValidationError(_("Bills can't be null"))
class Filtrar(FlaskForm): desde = DateField("Desde", validators=[fecha_en_pasado], default=date(1, 1, 1)) hasta = DateField("Hasta", validators=[fecha_en_pasado], texto = StringField("Contenido") submit = SubmitField("Aceptar") reset = SubmitField("Reset")
class LoginForm(FlaskForm): username = StringField('Username', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=5, max=30)]) password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired()]) remember = BooleanField('Remember me') submit = SubmitField('Login')
class MemberForm(FlaskForm): name = TextField(_("Name"), validators=[Required()]) weight = CommaDecimalField(_("Weight"), default=1) submit = SubmitField(_("Add")) def __init__(self, project, edit=False, *args, **kwargs): super(MemberForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.project = project self.edit = edit def validate_name(form, field): if == raise ValidationError(_("User name incorrect")) if (not form.edit and Person.query.filter( ==, Person.project == form.project, Person.activated == True).all()): raise ValidationError(_("This project already have this member")) def save(self, project, person): # if the user is already bound to the project, just reactivate him = person.project = project person.weight = return person def fill(self, member): = = member.weight
class UploadForm(FlaskForm): upload = FileField( 'Choose an image...', validators=[FileRequired(), FileAllowed(images, 'Images only!')]) clusters = IntegerField('clusters', ) submit = SubmitField('Analyse image')
class RegistrationForm(FlaskForm): """ This is the form used to register new users. See routes.register.""" username = StringField('Username', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=5, max=20)]) email = StringField('Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()]) password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=8)]) confirm_password = PasswordField( 'Confirm Password', validators=[DataRequired(), EqualTo('password')]) submit = SubmitField('Sign me up.') def validate_username(self, username): """Check whether another user with the same USERNAME already exists in the database.""" user = User.query.filter_by( if user: raise ValidationError('Username already exists.') def validate_email(self, email): """Check whether another user with the same EMAIL ADDRESS already exists in the database.""" user = User.query.filter_by( if user: raise ValidationError('Email is already in use.')
class LoginForm(FlaskForm): #定义表单中的各个项 username=StringField(label='用户名',validators=[DataRequired()])#文本框 要求必须输入内容 #求必须输入内容 password=PasswordField(label='密码',validators=[DataRequired()])#密码框要求必须输入内容 #要求必须输入内容 submit=SubmitField() #提交按钮
class PasswordReminder(FlaskForm): id = StringField(_("Project identifier"), validators=[DataRequired()]) submit = SubmitField(_("Send me the code by email")) def validate_id(form, field): if not Project.query.get( raise ValidationError(_("This project does not exists"))
class Register(FlaskForm): email = EmailField('Email', [ DataRequired('Por favor, informe seu email.'), Email('Por favor, use um email válido.'), Length(max=255, message='Email muito longo, por favor tente outro.') ]) username = StringField('Nome de Usuário', [ DataRequired('Por favor, informe seu nome de usuário.'), Length( 4, 25, 'O nome de usuário deve ter entre %(min)d a %(max)d caracteres.'), Regexp( '[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+', re.IGNORECASE, 'O nome de usuário pode conter letras, números, "_", "-" e ".".') ]) password = PasswordField('Senha', [ DataRequired('Por favor, informe sua senha.'), Length(4, 16, 'A senha deve ter entre %(min)d a %(max)d caracteres.'), EqualTo('confirm', 'As senhas não conferem.') ]) confirm = PasswordField('Confirme a Senha', [ DataRequired('Por favor, confirme sua senha.'), EqualTo('password', 'As senhas não conferem.'), Length(4, 16, 'A senha deve ter entre %(min)d a %(max)d caracteres.') ]) submit = SubmitField('Cadastrar') def validate_email(form, field): if UserModel.query.filter_by( raise ValidationError('Este e-mail já está cadastrado.') def validate_username(form, field): if UserModel.query.filter_by( raise ValidationError('Este nome de usuário já está cadastrado.')
class UpdateDPForm(FlaskForm): dp_image = FileField( "Change", validators=[FileAllowed(["jpeg", "jpg", "png"])], render_kw={"accept": ".png,.jpg,.jpeg"}, ) submitDp = SubmitField("Upload")
class UpdateAccountInfoForm(FlaskForm): username = StringField( "Name", validators=[ DataRequired(), Length(min=3, max=50, message="Name must be 3 to 50 characters long"), ], ) email = StringField("E-mail", validators=[DataRequired(), Email()]) contact = IntegerField( "Contact", validators=[ DataRequired(), NumberRange( min=1000000000, max=9999999999, message="Contact number should have 10 digits (no spaces)", ), ], render_kw={ "inputmode": "numeric", "minlength": "10", "maxlength": "10" }, ) password = PasswordField("Password *", validators=[DataRequired()]) submitInfo = SubmitField("Save Changes") def validate_password(self, password): if not encryptor.check_password_hash(current_user.password, raise ValidationError("Incorrect Password")
class RegisterForm(FlaskForm): username = StringField('Username', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=5, max=30)]) user_email = EmailField( 'Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=5, max=30), Email()]) password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(max=30)]) confirm_password = PasswordField( 'Confirm Password', validators=[DataRequired(), EqualTo('password')]) accept = BooleanField('Accept conditions') submit = SubmitField('Register') def validate_username(self, username): user = User.objects( if user: raise ValidationError( message= 'Account with given username already exists. Try a different one.' ) def validate_user_email(self, user_email): user = User.objects( if user: raise ValidationError( message= 'Account with given email already exists. Try a different one.' )
class ChangeProfilePictureForm(FlaskForm): # Form Fileds profilePicture = FileField( 'Update Profile Picture', validators=[FileAllowed(['jpg' 'png'], 'File Not Allowed')]) submit = SubmitField("Update Profile Picture")
class LoginForm(FlaskForm): email = StringField('Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()]) password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired()]) remember = BooleanField('Remember Me') submit = SubmitField('Login')
class Recover(FlaskForm): email = EmailField('Email', [ DataRequired('Por favor, informe seu email.'), Email('Por favor, use um email válido.'), Length(max=255, message='Email muito longo, por favor tente outro.') ]) submit = SubmitField('Recuperar')
class LoginForm(FlaskForm): email = StringField("Email", validators=[DataRequired(), Email()]) password = PasswordField("Password", validators=[DataRequired()]) remember = BooleanField("Remember") # Jodi cookies hishebe egulo save korte chai submit = SubmitField("Login")
class PasswordResetRequestForm(FlaskForm): email=StringField('Email',validators=[DataRequired(),Length(1,64),Email()]) captcha = CaptchaField('验证码') captcha_input = StringField('', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(4, 4), Captcha_equalTo('hidden_right_captcha', '验证码错误')]) hidden_right_captcha = HiddenField() submit=SubmitField('发送重置密码邮件')
class ChangePasswordForm(FlaskForm): # Form Fileds currentPassword = PasswordField( "Current Password", validators=[Optional(), Length(min=6, max=20)]) password = PasswordField( "Password", validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=6, max=20)]) confirmPass = PasswordField("Repeat Password", validators=[ DataRequired(), Length(min=6, max=20), EqualTo('password') ]) submit = SubmitField("Change Password") # Constructor that gets the user, so we can check the credentials and raise ValidationErrors def __init__(self, foundUser, *args, **kwargs): self.foundUser = foundUser super(ChangePasswordForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Validates the current password def validate_currentPassword(self, currentPassword): if bcrypt.check_password_hash( self.foundUser.password, ) == False and current_user.isAdmin == False: raise ValidationError( 'Wrong Password. Please contact the admin for assistance.') # Validates if the password is correct and if not -> raises an error that can be seen in the front-end def validate_password(self, password): if bcrypt.check_password_hash(self.foundUser.password, raise ValidationError('No change in password!')
class ModifyBookingForm(NewBookingSimpleForm): submit_update = SubmitField(_(u'Update booking')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._old_start_dt = kwargs.pop('old_start_dt') self._old_end_dt = kwargs.pop('old_end_dt') super(ModifyBookingForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) del self.room_id del self.submit_book del self.submit_prebook def validate_start_dt(self, field): super(NewBookingSimpleForm, self).validate_start_dt(field) new_start_dt = now = if self._old_start_dt < now and new_start_dt != self._old_start_dt and not session.user.is_admin: raise ValidationError( _(u"The start time is in the past and cannot be modified.")) if self._old_start_dt >= now and new_start_dt < now and not session.user.is_admin: raise ValidationError( _(u'The start time cannot be moved into the past.')) def validate_end_dt(self, field): super(NewBookingSimpleForm, self).validate_end_dt(field) new_end_dt = now = if self._old_end_dt < now and new_end_dt != self._old_end_dt and not session.user.is_admin: raise ValidationError( _(u"The end time is in the past and cannot be modified.")) if self._old_end_dt >= now and new_end_dt < now and not session.user.is_admin: raise ValidationError( _(u'The end time cannot be moved into the past.'))
class LoginForm(FlaskForm): """ Login Form """ email = EmailField(validators=[InputRequired('Please enter your email.')]) password = PasswordField( validators=[InputRequired('Please enter your password.')]) remember_me = BooleanField() submit = SubmitField('Login')
class BookForm(FlaskForm): name = StringField(label="Book Name", validators=[DataRequired()]) author = StringField(label="Book Author", validators=[DataRequired()]) rating = SelectField(label="Rating", validators=[DataRequired()], choices=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) submit = SubmitField("submit")
class RegistrationForm(FlaskForm): username = StringField( 'username_label', validators=[ InputRequired(message="Username required"), Length(min=4, max=25, message="Username must be between 4 and 25 characters") ]) email = StringField('email_label', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()]) password = PasswordField( 'password_label', validators=[ InputRequired(message="Password required"), Length(min=8, message="Password must be at least 8 characters") ]) confirm_pswd = PasswordField( 'confirm_pswd_label', validators=[ InputRequired(message="Password required"), EqualTo("password", message="Passwords must match") ]) submit_button = SubmitField("Register") def validate_username(self, username): user_object = User.query.filter_by( if user_object: raise ValidationError("Username already exists.") def validate_email(self, email): user_object = User.query.filter_by( if user_object: raise ValidationError("Account with this email already exists.")
class profileForm(FlaskForm): fullname = StringField('Полное имя', validators=[InputRequired('Полное имя требуется.')]) username = StringField( 'Имя пользователя', validators=[InputRequired('Имя пользователя требуется для.')]) email = StringField('Эл. адрес', validators=[ InputRequired(), Email(message='Эл. адрес требуется для.') ]) picture = FileField('Update Profile Picture', validators=[FileAllowed(['jpg', 'png'])]) submit = SubmitField('Update Profile') def validate_username(self, username): if != current_user.username: user = UserInfo.query.filter_by( if user: raise ValidationError( 'A user is already exists with this username!!!') def validate_email(self, email): if != email = UserInfo.query.filter_by( if email: raise ValidationError( 'A user is already exists with this Email!!!')
class MessageForm(Form): digest = TextField( "Pyzor digest*", validators=[length(40, 40, "Invalid Digest"), required()]) message = FileField('Raw message*') name = TextField('Name') email = EmailField('Email') comment = TextAreaField('Other details') recaptcha = RecaptchaField() submit = SubmitField() def __init___(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MessageForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.msg = None self.raw_message = None self.logger = app.logger def validate(self): if not Form.validate(self): return False self.raw_message = flask.request.files["message"] try: digest = pyzor.digest.DataDigester( email.message_from_string(self.raw_message)).value if digest != self.add_error("digest", "Digest does not match message.") return False client = pyzor.client.Client(timeout=20) try: response = client.check(digest) except pyzor.TimeoutError as e: self.add_error("message", "Temporary error please try again.") self.logger.warn("Timeout: %s", e) return False except pyzor.CommError as e: self.add_error("message", "Temporary error please try again.") self.logger.warn("Error: %s", e) return False if not response.is_ok(): self.add_error("message", "Temporary error please try again.") self.logger.warn("Invalid response from server: %s", response) return False if int(response["Count"]) == 0: self.add_error("message", "Message not reported as spam.") return False if int(response["WL-Count"]) != 0: self.add_error("message", "Message is already whitelisted.") return False except AssertionError: self.add_error("message", "Invalid message.") return False return True def add_error(self, field, message): try: self.errors[field].append(message) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.errors[field] = [message]
class PasswordReset(FlaskForm): password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=8)]) confirm_password = PasswordField( 'Confirm Password', validators=[DataRequired(), EqualTo('password')]) submit = SubmitField('Change my password.')
class LoginForm(FlaskForm ): #esto sirve para crear formularios, en este caso, de login. user_name = StringField('Nombre de usuario', validators=[DataRequired()]) #importado de fields password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired() ]) #con validación de datos submit = SubmitField('Enviar') #botón para enviar los datos