def __init__(self, ifid, proc=None): """ Initialize a class instance network interface corresponding to 'ifid' on the host associated with the 'proc' object. The 'ifid' argumen can be either the network interface name or its hardware address (e.g., the PCI address of the network card corresponding to the network interface). By default this class is intialized for the local host, but 'proc' can be used to pass a connected 'SSH' object, in which case all operation will be done on the remote host. This object will keep a 'proc' reference and use it in various methods. """ if not proc: proc = Procs.Proc() self._ifid = ifid self._proc = proc self.ifname = None self.hwaddr = None self._sysfsbase = None self._saved_ip_info = {} self._ip_tool_present = None sysfsbase = _SYSFSBASE.joinpath(ifid) if FSHelpers.isdir(sysfsbase, proc=proc): # 'ifid' is a network interface name. self.ifname = ifid self._sysfsbase = sysfsbase self.hwaddr = self._get_hw_addr() else: # 'ifid' is probably a HW address (e.g., PCI address). self.ifname = self._hw_addr_to_ifname() if not self.ifname: self._raise_iface_not_found() self.hwaddr = ifid self._sysfsbase = _SYSFSBASE.joinpath(self.ifname)
def _deploy_prepare(args, toolname, minkver): """ Validate command-line arguments of the "deploy" command and prepare for builing the helpers and drivers. The arguments are as follows. o args - the command line arguments. o toolname - name of the tool being deployed (e.g., 'ndl'). o minkver - the minimum required version number. """ args.tmpdir = None args.kver = None if not args.ihost: args.ihost = "localhost" if not args.bhost: args.bhost = args.ihost if args.ihost != args.bhost and not args.bhost == "localhost": raise Error("build host (--build-host) must be the local host or the same as deploy host " "(--host)") if args.ihost == "localhost" and args.bhost == "localhost": for attr in ("username", "privkey", "timeout"): if getattr(args, attr) is not None: _LOG.warning("ignoring the '--%s' option as it not useful for a local host", attr) if not args.timeout: args.timeout = 8 else: args.timeout = Trivial.str_to_num(args.timeout) if not args.username: args.username = "******" if args.privkey and not args.privkey.is_dir(): raise Error(f"path '{args.privkey}' does not exist or it is not a directory") if hasattr(args, "drvsrc"): if not args.drvsrc: args.drvsrc = FSHelpers.search_for_app_data("wult", _DRV_SRC_SUBPATH/f"{toolname}", pathdescr=f"{toolname} drivers sources") if not args.drvsrc.is_dir(): raise Error(f"path '{args.drvsrc}' does not exist or it is not a directory") if hasattr(args, "helpersrc"): if not args.helpersrc: args.helpersrc = FSHelpers.search_for_app_data("wult", _HELPERS_SRC_SUBPATH/f"{toolname}", pathdescr=f"{toolname} helper sources") if not args.helpersrc.is_dir(): raise Error(f"path '{args.helpersrc}' does not exist or it is not a directory") with contextlib.closing(get_proc(args, args.bhost)) as proc: if not FSHelpers.which("make", default=None, proc=proc): raise Error(f"please, install the 'make' tool{proc.hostmsg}") if not args.ksrc: args.kver = KernelVersion.get_kver(proc=proc) if not args.ksrc: args.ksrc = Path(f"/lib/modules/{args.kver}/build") else: args.ksrc = FSHelpers.abspath(args.ksrc, proc=proc) if not FSHelpers.isdir(args.ksrc, proc=proc): raise Error(f"kernel sources directory '{args.ksrc}' does not exist{proc.hostmsg}") if not args.kver: args.kver = KernelVersion.get_kver_ktree(args.ksrc, proc=proc)"Kernel sources path: %s", args.ksrc)"Kernel version: %s", args.kver) if KernelVersion.kver_lt(args.kver, minkver): raise Error(f"version of the kernel{proc.hostmsg} is {args.kver}, and it is not new " f"enough.\nPlease, use kernel version {minkver} or newer.") args.tmpdir = FSHelpers.mktemp(prefix=f"{toolname}-", proc=proc) if hasattr(args, "drvsrc"): _LOG.debug("copying the drivers to %s:\n '%s' -> '%s'", proc.hostname, args.drvsrc, args.tmpdir) proc.rsync(f"{args.drvsrc}/", args.tmpdir / "drivers", remotesrc=False, remotedst=True) args.drvsrc = args.tmpdir / "drivers""Drivers will be compiled on host '%s'", proc.hostname) if hasattr(args, "helpersrc"): _LOG.debug("copying the helpers to %s:\n '%s' -> '%s'", proc.hostname, args.helpersrc, args.tmpdir) proc.rsync(f"{args.helpersrc}/", args.tmpdir / "helpers", remotesrc=False, remotedst=True) args.helpersrc = args.tmpdir / "helpers""Helpers will be compiled on host '%s'", proc.hostname) with contextlib.closing(get_proc(args, args.ihost)) as proc: if not args.kmodpath: args.kmodpath = Path(f"/lib/modules/{args.kver}") if not FSHelpers.isdir(args.kmodpath, proc=proc): raise Error(f"kernel modules directory '{args.kmodpath}' does not exist{proc.hostmsg}")"Drivers will be deployed to '%s'%s", args.kmodpath, proc.hostmsg)"Kernel modules path%s: %s", proc.hostmsg, args.kmodpath) if hasattr(args, "helpersrc"): if not args.helpers_path: args.helpers_path = get_helpers_deploy_path(proc, toolname)"Helpers will be deployed to '%s'%s", args.helpers_path, proc.hostmsg)