def OnClickedSave(self, event): # wxGlade: WatchdockFrame.<event_handler> result = -1 img_tag = self.get_imgtag_in_continfo( self.container_line) #[20:57].strip() self.cmDlg.SetRepository(self.cont_id, img_tag) self.cmDlg.CenterOnParent() result = self.cmDlg.ShowModal() if result == wx.ID_OK: msg = self.cmDlg.GetMsgValue() name = self.cmDlg.GetNameValue() imgtag = self.cmDlg.GetTagValue() self.cmDlg.Hide() self.cmDlg.Destroy() cmd = 'docker container commit -a "%s" -m "%s" %s %s' % ( name, msg, self.cont_id, imgtag) # print('commit cmd ================================>',cmd) with busy.BusyInfo( "Committing the container '%s' to the image '%s' ..." % (self.cont_id, imgtag), bgColour=wx.Colour(118, 113, 113)): wx.SafeYield() self.run_cmd_sync(cmd) if self.testing: return self.refresh() else: print('You canceled') self.cmDlg.Destroy()
def OnClickedRestart(self, event): # wxGlade: WatchdockFrame.<event_handler> # if self.testing: # self.restart(self.cont_id) # return with busy.BusyInfo("ReStarting container... ", bgColour=wx.Colour(118, 113, 113)): wx.SafeYield() self.restart(self.cont_id)
def OnclickedDelete(self, event): # wxGlade: WatchdockFrame.<event_handler> with busy.BusyInfo("Deleting image... ", bgColour=wx.Colour(118, 113, 113)): wx.SafeYield() self.run_cmd_sync('docker image rm ' + self.img_id) self.btn_del.Disable() if self.testing: #to prevent from getting dirty self.last_cmd_out due to refresh() return wx.CallAfter(self.refresh)
def OnClickedStart(self, event): # wxGlade: WatchdockFrame.<event_handler> with busy.BusyInfo("Starting container... ", bgColour=wx.Colour(118, 113, 113)): wx.SafeYield() self.start(self.cont_id)
def OnChoice(self, event): # wxGlade: WatchdockFrame.<event_handler> #Add vagrant docker commands with busy.BusyInfo("Receiving vagrant docker information... ", bgColour=wx.Colour(118, 113, 113)): wx.SafeYield() self.refresh()