def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE): STCTextEditor.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id,bind_left_up_event = False, style=style) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightUp) accelTbl = wx.AcceleratorTable([(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('A'), wx.ID_SELECTALL),(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('C'), wx.ID_COPY),(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('V'), wx.ID_PASTE)]) self.SetAcceleratorTable(accelTbl) self._first_input = True self._input_start_pos = 0 wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST(self,self.OnMouseCaptureLost)
def _CreateControl(self, parent, id): txtCtrl = STCTextEditor.TextCtrl(parent, id, bind_left_up_event = False) txtCtrl.SetMarginWidth(1, 0) # hide line numbers txtCtrl.SetReadOnly(True) txtCtrl.SetEdgeMode( if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': font = "Courier New" else: font = "Courier" txtCtrl.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, faceName = font)) txtCtrl.SetFontColor(wx.BLACK) txtCtrl.StyleClearAll() txtCtrl.UpdateStyles() wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS(txtCtrl, self.OnFocus) #fix the bug when double click the file line and show messagebox which cause wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST problem wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST(txtCtrl,self.OnMouseCaptureLost) return txtCtrl
def handle_interaction(self, pixel_data): '''Run a UI that gets an angle from the user''' import wx if pixel_data.ndim == 2: # make a color matrix for consistency pixel_data = np.dstack((pixel_data, pixel_data, pixel_data)) pd_min = np.min(pixel_data) pd_max = np.max(pixel_data) if pd_min == pd_max: pixel_data[:, :, :] = 0 else: pixel_data = ((pixel_data - pd_min) * 255.0 / (pd_max - pd_min)) # # Make a 100 x 100 image so it's manageable # isize = 200 i, j, k = np.mgrid[0:isize, 0:int(isize * pixel_data.shape[1] / pixel_data.shape[0]), 0:3].astype(float) i *= float(pixel_data.shape[0]) / float(isize) j *= float(pixel_data.shape[0]) / float(isize) pixel_data = scind.map_coordinates(pixel_data, (i, j, k)) # # Make a dialog box that contains the image # dialog = wx.Dialog(None, title="Rotate image") sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) dialog.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Add( wx.StaticText(dialog, label="Drag image to rotate, hit OK to continue"), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) canvas = wx.StaticBitmap(dialog) canvas.SetDoubleBuffered(True) canvas.BackgroundColour = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0, wx.ALPHA_TRANSPARENT) sizer.Add( canvas, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) angle = [0] angle_text = wx.StaticText(dialog, label="Angle: %d" % angle[0]) sizer.Add(angle_text, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) def imshow(): angle_text.Label = "Angle: %d" % int(angle[0]) angle_text.Refresh() my_angle = -angle[0] * np.pi / 180.0 transform = np.array([[np.cos(my_angle), -np.sin(my_angle)], [np.sin(my_angle), np.cos(my_angle)]]) # Make it rotate about the center offset = affine_offset(pixel_data.shape, transform) x = np.dstack((scind.affine_transform(pixel_data[:, :, 0], transform, offset, order=0), scind.affine_transform(pixel_data[:, :, 1], transform, offset, order=0), scind.affine_transform(pixel_data[:, :, 2], transform, offset, order=0))) buff = x.astype(np.uint8).tostring() bitmap = wx.BitmapFromBuffer(x.shape[1], x.shape[0], buff) canvas.SetBitmap(bitmap) imshow() # # Install handlers for mouse down, mouse move and mouse up # dragging = [False] initial_angle = [0] hand_cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_HAND) arrow_cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW) def get_angle(event): center = np.array(canvas.Size) / 2 point = np.array(event.GetPositionTuple()) offset = point - center return -np.arctan2(offset[1], offset[0]) * 180.0 / np.pi def on_mouse_down(event): canvas.Cursor = hand_cursor dragging[0] = True initial_angle[0] = get_angle(event) - angle[0] canvas.CaptureMouse() wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(canvas, on_mouse_down) def on_mouse_up(event): if dragging[0]: canvas.ReleaseMouse() dragging[0] = False canvas.Cursor = arrow_cursor wx.EVT_LEFT_UP(canvas, on_mouse_up) def on_mouse_lost(event): dragging[0] = False canvas.Cursor = arrow_cursor wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST(canvas, on_mouse_lost) def on_mouse_move(event): if dragging[0]: angle[0] = get_angle(event) - initial_angle[0] imshow() canvas.Refresh(eraseBackground=False) wx.EVT_MOTION(canvas, on_mouse_move) # # Put the OK and Cancel buttons on the bottom # btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(dialog, wx.ID_OK) btn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btn = wx.Button(dialog, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALL, 5) dialog.Fit() result = dialog.ShowModal() dialog.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_OK: return angle[0] raise ValueError("Canceled by user in FlipAndRotate")