def buildColorsSubmenu():
    Returns tuple (color sub menu, dict from menu id to color name)
    colorMap = {}
    colorsMenu = wx.Menu()

    colorsMenu1 = wx.Menu()
    colorsMenu.AppendMenu(wx.NewId(), u'A-L', colorsMenu1)
    colorsMenu2 = wx.Menu()
    colorsMenu.AppendMenu(wx.NewId(), u'M-Z', colorsMenu2)

    # Set showColored to False if we are on Win 95/98/ME and use an unicode build
    #   of wxPython because it would crash then
    showColored = not (wx.GetOsVersion()[0] == wxWIN95 and isUnicode())

    for cn in _COLORS:  # ["BLACK"]:
        colorsSubMenu = None
        translatedColorName = _(cn)
        if translatedColorName[0] <= 'L':
            colorsSubMenu = colorsMenu1
        ## elif translatedColorName[0] <= 'Z':
            colorsSubMenu = colorsMenu2

        menuID = wx.NewId()
        colorMap[menuID] = cn
        menuItem = wx.MenuItem(colorsSubMenu, menuID, translatedColorName,

        if showColored:
            cl = wx.NamedColour(cn)


            # if color is dark, text should be white
            #   (checking green component seems to be enough)
            if cl.Green() < 128:


    return (colorsMenu, colorMap)
Esempio n. 2
Version 0.5


# Version Info
__version__ = "0.5"

import wx
import webbrowser

# Let's see if we can add few nice shadows to our tooltips (Windows only)
_libimported = None

if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
    osVersion = wx.GetOsVersion()
    # Shadows behind menus are supported only in XP
    if osVersion[1] > 5 or (osVersion[1] == 5 and osVersion[2] >= 1):
            # Try Mark Hammond's win32all extensions
            import win32api
            import win32con
            import win32gui
            import winxpgui
            _libimported = "MH"
        except ImportError:
            _libimported = None
        _libimported = None

# Define a bunch of predefined colour schemes...
Esempio n. 3
    Return if running on Mac OSX
    return '__WXMAC__' in wx.PlatformInfo

def isLinux():
    Return if running on Linux system
        return os.uname()[0] == "Linux"
    except AttributeError:
        return False

_ISWIN9x = wx.GetOsVersion()[0] == wxWIN95
_ISWINNT = wx.GetOsVersion()[0] == wxWINDOWS_NT

def isWin9x():
    Returns True if OS is Windows 95/98/ME
    return _ISWIN9x

def isWinNT():
    Returns True if OS is Windows NT/2000/XP...
    return _ISWINNT
Esempio n. 4
def findDirs():
    Returns tuple (wikiAppDir, globalConfigDir)
    from os.path import dirname
    wikiAppDir = None
    if not wikiAppDir and not hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
        wikiAppDir = dirname(os.path.abspath(getsourcefile(lambda:0)))
        # We are in WikidPad/lib/pwiki, go up two levels
        wikiAppDir = dirname(dirname(wikiAppDir))

    isWindows = (wx.GetOsVersion()[0] == wxWIN95) or \
            (wx.GetOsVersion()[0] == wxWINDOWS_NT)

#     try:
    if not wikiAppDir:
        wikiAppDir = dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))

    if not wikiAppDir:
        wikiAppDir = r"C:\Program Files\WikidPad"
    globalConfigDir = None

    # This allows to keep the program with config on an USB stick
    if os.path.exists(pathEnc(os.path.join(wikiAppDir, CONFIG_FILENAME))):
        globalConfigDir = wikiAppDir
    elif os.path.exists(pathEnc(os.path.join(wikiAppDir, "." + CONFIG_FILENAME))):
        globalConfigDir = wikiAppDir
        globalConfigDir = os.environ.get("HOME")
        if not (globalConfigDir and os.path.exists(pathEnc(globalConfigDir))):
            # Instead of checking USERNAME, the user config dir. is
            # now used
            globalConfigDir = wx.StandardPaths.Get().GetUserConfigDir()
            # For Windows the user config dir is "...\Application data"
            # therefore we go down to "...\Application data\WikidPad"
            if os.path.exists(pathEnc(globalConfigDir)) and isWindows:
                    realGlobalConfigDir = os.path.join(globalConfigDir,
                    if not os.path.exists(pathEnc(realGlobalConfigDir)):
                        # If it doesn't exist, create the directory

                    globalConfigDir = realGlobalConfigDir

#     finally:
#         pass

    if not globalConfigDir:
        globalConfigDir = wikiAppDir

    # mbcs decoding
    if wikiAppDir is not None:
        wikiAppDir = mbcsDec(wikiAppDir, "replace")[0]

    if globalConfigDir is not None:
        globalConfigDir = mbcsDec(globalConfigDir, "replace")[0]
    return (wikiAppDir, globalConfigDir)