Esempio n. 1
def load_graz(filename):
   # load the training 
   data_mat = scio.loadmat('dataset_BCIcomp1.mat')
   data = data_mat['x_train'].astype('double')
   #print data.shape
   data = data.swapaxes(-3, -2)
   data = data.swapaxes(-1, -3)
   labels = data_mat['y_train'].astype('int').ravel()
   #print data.shape

   # convert into wyrm Data
   axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
   axes[0] = labels
   axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
   names = ['Class', 'Time', 'Channel']
   units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
   dat_train = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
   dat_train.fs = 128
   dat_train.class_names = ['left', 'right']

   # load the test data
   #test_data_mat = loadmat(test_file)
   data = data_mat['x_test'].astype('double')
   data = data.swapaxes(-3, -2)
   data = data.swapaxes(-1, -3)

   # convert into wyrm Data
   axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
   axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
   names = ['Class','Time', 'Channel']
   units = ['#','ms', '#']
   dat_test = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
   dat_test.fs = 128

   # map labels 2 -> 0
   dat_test.axes[0][dat_test.axes[0] == 2] = 0
   dat_train.axes[0][dat_train.axes[0] == 2] = 0

   return dat_train, dat_test
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: drajguru/wyrm
def load_bcicomp3_ds1(dirname):
    """Load the BCI Competition III Data Set 1.

    This method loads the data set and converts it into Wyrm's ``Data``
    format. Before you use it, you have to download the training- and
    test data in Matlab format and unpack it into a directory.

    .. note::

        If you need the true labels of the test sets, you'll have to
        download them separately from

    dirname : str
        the directory where the ``Competition_train.mat`` and
        ``Competition_test.mat`` are located

    epo_train, epo_test : epoched ``Data`` objects


    >>> epo_test, epo_train = load_bcicomp3_ds1('/home/foo/bcicomp3_dataset1/')

    # construct the filenames from the dirname
    training_file = path.sep.join([dirname, 'Competition_train.mat'])
    test_file = path.sep.join([dirname, 'Competition_test.mat'])

    # load the training data
    training_data_mat = loadmat(training_file)
    data = training_data_mat['X'].astype('double')
    data = data.swapaxes(-1, -2)
    labels = training_data_mat['Y'].astype('int').ravel()
    # convert into wyrm Data
    axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
    axes[0] = labels
    axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
    names = ['Class', 'Time', 'Channel']
    units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
    dat_train = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat_train.fs = 1000
    dat_train.class_names = ['pinky', 'tongue']

    # load the test data
    test_data_mat = loadmat(test_file)
    data = test_data_mat['X'].astype('double')
    data = data.swapaxes(-1, -2)
    # convert into wyrm Data
    axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
    axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
    names = ['Epoch', 'Time', 'Channel']
    units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
    dat_test = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat_test.fs = 1000

    # map labels -1 -> 0
    dat_test.axes[0][dat_test.axes[0] == -1] = 0
    dat_train.axes[0][dat_train.axes[0] == -1] = 0

    return dat_train, dat_test
Esempio n. 3
def load_bcicomp3_ds1(dirname):
    """Load the BCI Competition III Data Set 1.

    This method loads the data set and converts it into Wyrm's ``Data``
    format. Before you use it, you have to download the training- and
    test data in Matlab format and unpack it into a directory.

    .. note::

        If you need the true labels of the test sets, you'll have to
        download them separately from

    dirname : str
        the directory where the ``Competition_train.mat`` and
        ``Competition_test.mat`` are located

    epo_train, epo_test : epoched ``Data`` objects


    >>> epo_test, epo_train = load_bcicomp3_ds1('/home/foo/bcicomp3_dataset1/')

    # construct the filenames from the dirname
    training_file = path.sep.join([dirname, 'Competition_train.mat'])
    test_file = path.sep.join([dirname, 'Competition_test.mat'])

    # load the training data
    training_data_mat = loadmat(training_file)
    data = training_data_mat['X'].astype('double')
    data = data.swapaxes(-1, -2)
    labels = training_data_mat['Y'].astype('int').ravel()
    # convert into wyrm Data
    axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
    axes[0] = labels
    axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
    names = ['Class', 'Time', 'Channel']
    units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
    dat_train = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat_train.fs = 1000
    dat_train.class_names = ['pinky', 'tongue']

    # load the test data
    test_data_mat = loadmat(test_file)
    data = test_data_mat['X'].astype('double')
    data = data.swapaxes(-1, -2)
    # convert into wyrm Data
    axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
    axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
    names = ['Epoch', 'Time', 'Channel']
    units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
    dat_test = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat_test.fs = 1000

    # map labels -1 -> 0
    dat_test.axes[0][dat_test.axes[0] == -1] = 0
    dat_train.axes[0][dat_train.axes[0] == -1] = 0

    return dat_train, dat_test
Esempio n. 4
train_labels = np.array(train_labels, dtype=np.int8)
test_labels = np.array(test_labels, dtype=np.int8)

#sorted_by_labels = [[], [], []]
#for i, label in enumerate(train_labels):
#    sorted_by_labels[int(label[0])].append(train_instances[i])
#shape = (2, len(sorted_by_labels[1][0]), len(sorted_by_labels[1][0]))
#csp_training_data = np.ndarray(sorted_by_labels[1:2]) # only want positive classes in our CSP training data
train_data = Data(
     range(0, np_train_instances.shape[1]),
     range(1, 26)], ["class", "time", "channel"], ["#", "1s/250", "#"])
train_data.fs = 250
train_data.class_names = ["none", "left", "right"]
test_data = Data(
     range(0, np_test_instances.shape[1]),
     range(1, 26)], ["class", "time", "channel"], ["#", "1s/250", "#"])
test_data.fs = 250

#dat_train, dat_test = load_bcicomp3_ds1(DATA_DIR)
dat_train = train_data
dat_test = test_data


# load true labels