class BaseSetting(object): enable_themes = True use_bootswatch = False user_themes = [ # { # 'name': 'Blank Theme', # 'description': '...', # 'css': 'themes/material.css', # 'thumbnail': '...' # } ] default_theme = static('themes/paper.css')
class ThemePlugin(BaseAdminPlugin): enable_themes = False # {'name': 'Blank Theme', 'description': '...', 'css': 'http://...', 'thumbnail': '...'} user_themes = None use_bootswatch = False default_theme = static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-xadmin.css') bootstrap2_theme = static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-theme.css') def init_request(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.enable_themes def _get_theme(self): if self.user: try: return UserSettings.objects.get(user=self.user, key="site-theme").value except Exception: pass if '_theme' in self.request.COOKIES: if six.PY2: func = urllib.unquote else: func = urllib.parse.unquote return func(self.request.COOKIES['_theme']) return self.default_theme def get_context(self, context): context['site_theme'] = self._get_theme() return context # Media def get_media(self, media): return media + self.vendor('jquery-ui-effect.js', 'xadmin.plugin.themes.js') # Block Views def block_top_navmenu(self, context, nodes): pass
def static(self, path): return static(path)
class ThemePlugin(BaseAdminPlugin): enable_themes = False # {'name': 'Blank Theme', 'description': '...', 'css': 'http://...', 'thumbnail': '...'} user_themes = None use_bootswatch = False default_theme = static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-xadmin.css') bootstrap2_theme = static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-theme.css') def init_request(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.enable_themes def _get_theme(self): if self.user: try: return UserSettings.objects.get(user=self.user, key="site-theme").value except Exception: pass if '_theme' in self.request.COOKIES: func = urllib.parse.unquote return func(self.request.COOKIES['_theme']) return self.default_theme def get_context(self, context): context['site_theme'] = self._get_theme() return context # Media def get_media(self, media): return media + self.vendor('jquery-ui-effect.js', 'xadmin.plugin.themes.js') # Block Views def block_top_navmenu(self, context, nodes): themes = [ {'name': _(u"Default"), 'description': _(u"Default bootstrap theme"), 'css': self.default_theme}, {'name': _(u"Bootstrap2"), 'description': _(u"Bootstrap 2.x theme"), 'css': self.bootstrap2_theme}, ] select_css = context.get('site_theme', self.default_theme) if self.user_themes: themes.extend(self.user_themes) if self.use_bootswatch: ex_themes = cache.get(THEME_CACHE_KEY) if ex_themes: themes.extend(json.loads(ex_themes)) else: ex_themes = [] try: h = httplib2.Http() resp, content = h.request("", 'GET', '', headers={"Accept": "application/json", "User-Agent": self.request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}) content = content.decode() watch_themes = json.loads(content)['themes'] ex_themes.extend([ {'name': t['name'], 'description': t['description'], 'css': t['cssMin'], 'thumbnail': t['thumbnail']} for t in watch_themes]) except Exception as e: print(e) cache.set(THEME_CACHE_KEY, json.dumps(ex_themes), 24 * 3600) themes.extend(ex_themes) nodes.append(loader.render_to_string('xadmin/blocks/', {'themes': themes, 'select_css': select_css}))
class ThemePlugin(BaseAdminPlugin): enable_themes = False # {'name': 'Blank Theme', 'description': '...', 'css': 'http://...', 'thumbnail': '...'} user_themes = None use_bootswatch = False # 主题菜单,显示更多主题。默认值False -- 关 default_theme = static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-xadmin.css') bootstrap2_theme = static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-theme.css') def init_request(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.enable_themes def _get_theme(self): if self.user: try: return UserSettings.objects.get(user=self.user, key="site-theme").value except Exception: pass if '_theme' in self.request.COOKIES: if six.PY2: func = urllib.unquote else: func = urllib.parse.unquote return func(self.request.COOKIES['_theme']) return self.default_theme def get_context(self, context): context['site_theme'] = self._get_theme() return context # Media def get_media(self, media): return media + self.vendor('jquery-ui-effect.js', 'xadmin.plugin.themes.js') # Block Views def block_top_navmenu(self, context, nodes): themes = [ { 'name': _(u"Default"), 'description': _(u"Default bootstrap theme"), 'css': self.default_theme }, { 'name': _(u"Bootstrap2"), 'description': _(u"Bootstrap 2.x theme"), 'css': self.bootstrap2_theme }, ] select_css = context.get('site_theme', self.default_theme) if self.user_themes: themes.extend(self.user_themes) if self.use_bootswatch: ex_themes = cache.get(THEME_CACHE_KEY) if ex_themes: themes.extend(json.loads(ex_themes)) else: ex_themes = [] try: if six.PY3: #官方通过爬虫获取content,问题:登录时间长。改进:将爬虫结果直接写在这里。2019.12.30 content = { "version": "3.4.1", "themes": [{ "name": "Cerulean", "description": "A calm blue sky", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Cosmo", "description": "An ode to Metro", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Cyborg", "description": "Jet black and electric blue", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Darkly", "description": "Flatly in night mode", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Flatly", "description": "Flat and modern", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Journal", "description": "Crisp like a new sheet of paper", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Lumen", "description": "Light and shadow", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Paper", "description": "Material is the metaphor", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Readable", "description": "Optimized for legibility", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Sandstone", "description": "A touch of warmth", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Simplex", "description": "Mini and minimalist", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Slate", "description": "Shades of gunmetal gray", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Spacelab", "description": "Silvery and sleek", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Superhero", "description": "The brave and the blue", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "United", "description": "Ubuntu orange and unique font", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }, { "name": "Yeti", "description": "A friendly foundation", "thumbnail": "", "preview": "", "css": "", "cssMin": "", "cssCdn": "", "less": "", "lessVariables": "", "scss": "", "scssVariables": "" }] } watch_themes = content['themes'] ex_themes.extend([{ 'name': t['name'], 'description': t['description'], 'css': t['cssMin'], 'thumbnail': t['thumbnail'] } for t in watch_themes]) except Exception as e: print(e) cache.set(THEME_CACHE_KEY, json.dumps(ex_themes), 24 * 3600) themes.extend(ex_themes) nodes.append( loader.render_to_string('xadmin/blocks/', { 'themes': themes, 'select_css': select_css }))
def static(self, path): """ `xadmin.util.static` 的快捷方法,返回静态文件的 url。 """ return static(path)
def media(self): media = media.add_js([static('xadmin/js/quick-form.js'),]) media.add_css({'screen': [static('xadmin/css/bootstrap-modal.css')]}) return media
class ThemePlugin(BaseAdminPlugin): enable_themes = False # {'name': 'Blank Theme', 'description': '...', 'css': 'http://...', 'thumbnail': '...'} user_themes = None use_bootswatch = False default_theme = static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-xadmin.css') def init_request(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.enable_themes def _get_theme(self): if self.user: try: return UserSettings.objects.get(user=self.user, key="site-theme").value except Exception: pass if '_theme' in self.request.COOKIES: return urllib.unquote(self.request.COOKIES['_theme']) return self.default_theme def get_context(self, context): context['site_theme'] = self._get_theme() return context # Media def get_media(self, media): return media + self.vendor('jquery-ui-effect.js', 'xadmin.plugin.themes.js') # Block Views def block_top_navmenu(self, context, nodes): themes = [{ 'name': _(u"Default Theme"), 'description': _(u"default bootstrap theme"), 'css': self.default_theme }] select_css = context.get('site_theme', self.default_theme) if self.user_themes: themes.extend(self.user_themes) if self.use_bootswatch: ex_themes = cache.get(THEME_CACHE_KEY) if ex_themes: themes.extend(json.loads(ex_themes)) else: ex_themes = [] try: watch_themes = json.loads( urllib.urlopen( '').read())['themes'] ex_themes.extend([{ 'name': t['name'], 'description': t['description'], 'css': t['cssMin'], 'thumbnail': t['thumbnail'] } for t in watch_themes]) except Exception: pass cache.set(THEME_CACHE_KEY, json.dumps(ex_themes), 24 * 3600) themes.extend(ex_themes) nodes.append( loader.render_to_string('xadmin/blocks/', { 'themes': themes, 'select_css': select_css }))
class ThemePlugin(BaseAdminPlugin): enable_themes = False # {'name': 'Blank Theme', 'description': '...', 'css': 'http://...', 'thumbnail': '...'} user_themes = None use_bootswatch = False default_theme = static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-xadmin.css') bootstrap2_theme = static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-theme.css') def init_request(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.enable_themes def _get_theme(self): if self.user: try: return UserSettings.objects.get(user=self.user, key="site-theme").value except Exception: pass if '_theme' in self.request.COOKIES: if six.PY2: func = urllib.unquote else: func = urllib.parse.unquote return func(self.request.COOKIES['_theme']) return self.default_theme def get_context(self, context): context['site_theme'] = self._get_theme() return context # Media def get_media(self, media): return media + self.vendor('jquery-ui-effect.js', 'xadmin.plugin.themes.js') # Block Views def block_top_navmenu(self, context, nodes): themes = [ { 'name': _(u"Default"), 'description': _(u"Default bootstrap theme"), 'css': self.default_theme }, { 'name': _(u"Bootstrap2"), 'description': _(u"Bootstrap 2.x theme"), 'css': self.bootstrap2_theme }, ] select_css = context.get('site_theme', self.default_theme) if self.user_themes: themes.extend(self.user_themes) if self.use_bootswatch: ex_themes = cache.get(THEME_CACHE_KEY) if ex_themes: themes.extend(json.loads(ex_themes)) else: ex_themes = [] flag = False # 假如为True使用原来的代码,假如为Flase,使用requests库来访问 url_bootswath = "" header1 = { "Accept": "application/json", "User-Agent": self.request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] } headers2 = { 'content-type': 'application/json', "accept": "text / html, application / xhtml + xml, application / xml;q = 0.9, image / webp, image / apng, * / *;q = 0.8", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.117 Safari/537.36", "upgrade-insecure-requests": "1", } ck = "__cfduid=d13ae6de34090a59037f21e453bbc267a1526834776; cf_clearance=10fff22cb373a1c8b10204b489658f34b0c9ad8d-1526834783-3600; __utma=97413516.806424570.1526835277.1526835277.1526835277.1; __utmc=97413516; __utmz=97413516.1526835277.1.1.utmcsr=baidu|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic; __utmb=97413516.2.10.1526835277" cookies = {} for line in ck.split(';'): name, value = line.strip().split('=', 1) cookies[name] = value # 为字典cookies添加内容 watch_themes = [] try: if flag: h = httplib2.Http() resp, content = h.request(url_bootswath, 'GET', '', headers=headers2) if six.PY3: content = content.decode() watch_themes = json.loads(content)['themes'] else: session = requests.Session() content = session.get(url_bootswath, cookies=cookies, headers=headers2, verify=False) if six.PY3: if not isinstance(content.text, str): content = content.text.decode() watch_themes = json.loads(content.text)['themes'] except Exception as e: jsonFile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'themes3.json') with open(jsonFile, 'r') as f: watch_themes = json.loads(['themes'] ex_themes.extend([{ 'name': t['name'], 'description': t['description'], 'css': t['cssMin'], 'thumbnail': t['thumbnail'] } for t in watch_themes]) cache.set(THEME_CACHE_KEY, json.dumps(ex_themes), 24 * 3600) themes.extend(ex_themes) nodes.append( loader.render_to_string('xadmin/blocks/', { 'themes': themes, 'select_css': select_css }))
def bootstrap2_theme(self): return static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-theme.css')
def default_theme(self): return static('xadmin/css/themes/bootstrap-xadmin.css')
def media(self): return forms.Media(js=[static("xadmin//js/bootstrap-multiselect.js"), static("xadmin//js/widgets/multiselect.js")], \ css={'screen': [static('xadmin/css/bootstrap-multiselect.css'),]})
def media(self): return forms.Media(js=[static("xadmin//js/widgets/select-transfer.js"),], \ css={'screen': [static('xadmin/css/select-transfer.css'),]})