def create_meta_packs(): import shutil global metaget container = metacontainers.MetaContainer() savpath = container.path AZ_DIRECTORIES.append('123') letters_completed = 0 letters_per_zip = 27 start_letter = '' end_letter = '' for type in ('tvshow','movie'): for letter in AZ_DIRECTORIES: if letters_completed == 0: start_letter = letter metaget.__del__() shutil.rmtree(container.cache_path) metaget=metahandlers.MetaData(preparezip=prepare_zip) if letters_completed <= letters_per_zip: scan_by_letter(type, letter) letters_completed += 1 if (letters_completed == letters_per_zip or letter == '123' or get_dir_size(container.cache_path) > (500*1024*1024)): end_letter = letter arcname = '' % (type, start_letter, end_letter) arcname = os.path.join(savpath, arcname) metaget.__del__() zipdir(container.cache_path, arcname) metaget=metahandlers.MetaData(preparezip=prepare_zip) letters_completed = 0 xbmc.sleep(5000)
def show_torrent_info(info_hash): """ Display current torrent info :param info_hash: :return: """ torr_info = jsonrq.get_torrent_info(info_hash) info_dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() info_dialog.create(torr_info['name']) while not info_dialog.iscanceled(): info_dialog.update(torr_info['progress'], _('state: {0}; seeds: {1}; peers: {2}').format( torr_info['state'], torr_info['num_seeds'], torr_info['num_peers'] ), _('size: {0}MB; DL speed: {1}KB/s; UL speed: {2}KB/s').format( torr_info['size'], torr_info['dl_speed'], torr_info['ul_speed'] ), _('total DL: {0}MB; total UL: {1}MB').format( torr_info['total_download'], torr_info['total_upload']) ) xbmc.sleep(1000) torr_info = jsonrq.get_torrent_info(info_hash)
def apt_commit_complete(self): # on commit complete, remove the notification from the Home window self.window.setProperty('OSMC_notification', 'false') # remove the file that blocks further update checks try: os.remove(self.block_update_file) except: pass if self.check_if_reboot_required(): # the files flagging that an installed package needs a reboot are present # 0 "Prompt for all actions" -- PROMPT # 1 "Display icon on home screen only" -- PROMPT # 2 "Download updates, then prompt" -- PROMPT # 3 "Download and display icon" -- PROMPT # 4 "Download, install, prompt if restart needed" -- PROMPT # display dialogue saying that osmc needs to reboot reboot = DIALOG.yesno(lang(32077), lang(32079), lang(32080), yeslabel=lang(32081), nolabel=lang(32082)) if reboot: exit_osmc_settings_addon() xbmc.sleep(1000) xbmc.executebuiltin('Reboot') else: # skip further update checks until osmc has rebooted self.skip_update_check = True
def install_metapack(pack): packs = metapacks.list() pack_details = packs[pack] mc = metacontainers.MetaContainer() work_path = mc.work_path cache_path = mc.cache_path zip = os.path.join(work_path, pack) net = Net() cookiejar = ADDON.get_profile() cookiejar = os.path.join(cookiejar,'cookies') html = net.http_GET(pack_details[0]).content net.save_cookies(cookiejar) name = re.sub('-', r'\\\\u002D', pack) r = '"name": "%s".*?"id": "([^\s]*?)".*?"secure_prefix":"(.*?)",' % name r =,html) pack_url = '' pack_url += pack_url += '/d' + + '.zip' complete = download_metapack(pack_url, zip, displayname=pack) extract_zip(zip, work_path) xbmc.sleep(5000) copy_meta_contents(work_path, cache_path) for table in mc.table_list: install = mc._insert_metadata(table)
def Main(): restart_reload = False try: w = Translator( "Translator-Main.xml", CWD ) w.doModal() restart_reload = w.RestartXBMC_ReloadLanguage del w except: print_exc() xbmc.executebuiltin( "Dialog.Close(busydialog)" ) if restart_reload: choices = [ "Restart XBMC", "Reload Language", "Close Dialog" ] selected = xbmcgui.Dialog().select( "XBMC language file has been changed!", choices ) if selected == 0: if not UNDER_XBOX: xbmc.executebuiltin( "XBMC.Minimize()" ) xbmc.executebuiltin( "XBMC.RestartApp()" ) if os.environ.get( "OS", "win32" ) == "win32": os.startfile( os.path.join( CWD, "resources", "RestartXBMC", "windows.bat" ) ) elif selected == 1: xbmc.executebuiltin( "ActivateWindow(appearancesettings)" ) xbmc.sleep( 100 ) xbmc.executebuiltin( "SetFocus(-99)" ) xbmc.executebuiltin( "SetFocus(-80)" ) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( "XBMC Translator", "XBMC requires to restart to change your language.", "Or reload language." )
def Reload_Season(self): #-- load season list season_list = self.getControl(SEASON_LIST) season_list.reset() #---'Mode', u'Loader') xbmc.sleep(500) #--- list = self.getSeasonData() #-- set serial list for rec in list: name = rec['name'] item = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, thumbnailImage = rec['img']) item.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={ 'plot': rec['descr']}) label2=[] if len(rec['name_orig']) > 0: label2.append(rec['name_orig']) if len(rec['season_number']) > 0: label2.append(u'[COLOR=66FFFFFF]Сезон:[/COLOR] %s' % rec['season_number']) if len(rec['year']) > 0: label2.append(u'[COLOR=66FFFFFF]Год:[/COLOR] %s' % rec['year']) item.setLabel2(u'[CR]'.join(label2)) #item.setProperty('watch_started', 'True') item.setProperty('season_id', rec['season_id']) season_list.addItem(item) #---'Mode', self.mode) xbmc.sleep(500)
def Reload_Movie(self): del self.list[:] #-- load movie list movie_list = self.getControl(MOVIE_LIST) movie_list.reset() #---'Mode', u'Loader') xbmc.sleep(500) #--- list = self.getMovieData() #-- set serial list for rec in list: name = rec['name'] if len(rec['name_orig'])>0: name = name + ' - ' + rec['name_orig'] #name = name + ' (' + rec['season_number'] + u' сезон)' self.getControl(413).setLabel(name) for mov in rec['movie']: item = xbmcgui.ListItem(mov['movie_name'], thumbnailImage = rec['img']) item.setProperty('url', mov['url']) item.setProperty('img', rec['img']) item.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={ 'plot': rec['descr']}) #item.setProperty('watched', 'True') movie_list.addItem(item) #-- add new item to the list self.list.append({'name': mov['movie_name'], 'url': mov['url'], 'img': rec['img']}) #---'Mode', self.mode) xbmc.sleep(500)
def onPlayBackEnded(self): url = "http://"+LOCAL_IP+":"+str(VIDEO_PORT)+"/" xbmc.sleep(300) if os.path.exists("/proc/"+str(self.spsc_pid)) and xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsActive(epg.xml)") and settings.getSetting('safe_stop')=="true": if not xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO).isPlaying(): player = streamplayer(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO , spsc_pid=self.spsc_pid , listitem=self.listitem), self.listitem)
def handle_wait_socket(time_to_wait,title,text,segunda=''): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) connected = False ret = mensagemprogresso.create(' '+title) secs=0 percent=0 increment = int(100 / time_to_wait) cancelled = False while secs < time_to_wait: try: result = sock.connect(('',8902)) connected = True print("Connected to port 8902, server is working") break sock.close() except: print("Stil trying to connect") secs = secs + 1 percent = increment*secs secs_left = str((time_to_wait - secs)) if segunda=='': remaining_display = translate(40187) + " " + str(percent) + " %" else: remaining_display=segunda mensagemprogresso.update(percent,text,remaining_display) xbmc.sleep(1000) if (mensagemprogresso.iscanceled()): cancelled = True break if cancelled == True: return False elif connected == True: mensagemprogresso.close() return True else: mensagemprogresso.close() return False
def submit(self): token = self.plex_network.sign_into_myplex(self.name_field.getText(), self.password_field.getText()) if token is not None: self.name_label.setVisible(False) self.password_label.setVisible(False) self.name_field.setVisible(False) self.password_field.setVisible(False) self.manual_button.setVisible(False) self.cancel_button.setVisible(False) self.submit_button.setVisible(False) self.pin_button.setVisible(False) # tick mark self.tick = pyxbmct.Image("%s/resources/media/tick.png" % GLOBAL_SETUP['__cwd__'], aspectRatio=2) self.placeControl(self.tick, 2, 2, columnspan=2, rowspan=2) self.description.setText('Successfully Signed In') xbmc.sleep(2000) log_print("Successfully signed in") self.close() else: log_print("Not Successful signed in") self.display_manual(True)
def submit_pin(self): result = self.plex_network.check_signin_status(self.identifier) if result: self.digit_one.setVisible(False) self.digit_two.setVisible(False) self.digit_three.setVisible(False) self.digit_four.setVisible(False) self.manual_button.setVisible(False) self.cancel_button.setVisible(False) self.submit_button.setVisible(False) self.pin_button.setVisible(False) self.submit_pin_button.setVisible(False) # tick mark self.tick = pyxbmct.Image("%s/resources/media/tick.png" % GLOBAL_SETUP['__cwd__'], aspectRatio=2) self.placeControl(self.tick, 2, 2, columnspan=2, rowspan=2) self.description.setText('Successfully Signed In') xbmc.sleep(2000) log_print("Successfully signed in") self.close() else: log_print("Not Successful signed in") self.display_pin(True)
def run(self, oGuiElement, sTitle, sUrl): sPluginHandle = cPluginHandler().getPluginHandle(); #meta = oGuiElement.getInfoLabel() meta = {'label': sTitle, 'title': sTitle} item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=sUrl, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=self.sThumbnail) item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels= meta ) if (cConfig().getSetting("playerPlay") == '0'): sPlayerType = self.__getPlayerType() xbmcPlayer = xbmc.Player(sPlayerType) sUrl, item ) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(sPluginHandle, True, False, False) else: xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(sPluginHandle, True, item) timer = int(cConfig().getSetting('param_timeout')) xbmc.sleep(timer) while not xbmc.abortRequested: try: self.currentTime = self.getTime() self.totalTime = self.getTotalTime() except: break xbmc.sleep(1000)
def startPlayer(self): sPlayerType = self.__getPlayerType() xbmcPlayer = xbmc.Player(sPlayerType) oPlayList = self.__getPlayList() timer = int(cConfig().getSetting('param_timeout')) xbmc.sleep(timer)
def RESOLVETVDL(name, url, thumb): data = 0 try: data = GRABMETA(movie_name, year) except: data = 0 hmf = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(url) host = "" if hmf: url = urlresolver.resolve(url) host = hmf.get_host() if ".mp4" in url: ext = ".mp4" elif ".flv" in url: ext = ".flv" elif ".avi" in url: ext = ".avi" if not ext == "": console = "Downloads/TV Shows/" + dlfoldername params = {"url": url, "name": name, "thumb": thumb, "dlfoldername": dlfoldername} xbmc.sleep(1000) addToQueue(name, url, thumb, ext, console)
def update_states(self): xbmc.sleep(2000) # delay because MovieDB takes some time to update _, __, self.account_states = TheMovieDB.extended_episode_info(tvshow_id=self.tvshow_id,["season"],["episode"], cache_time=0) super(DialogEpisodeInfo, self).update_states()
def __init__(self): xbmc.Player().stop() self.log=Logger("TSEngine") self.push=Logger('OUT') self.alive=True self.progress = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() self.player=None self.files={} self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._sock.settimeout(3) self.progress.create(translate(40000),translate(40052)) self.tsserv =None self.conn=False self.title=None self.filename=None self.mode=None self.url=None self.local=False self.saved=False self.pos=[25,50,75,100] l=False while xbmc.Player().isPlaying(): l=True if xbmc.abortRequested: self.log.out("XBMC asked to abort request") return False if self.progress.iscanceled(): return False xbmc.sleep(300) settings.setSetting('active','1') if l: xbmc.sleep(500)
def panPlay(): li = xbmcgui.ListItem(_station[0]) li.setPath("special://home/addons/%s/silent.m4a" % _plugin) li.setProperty(_plugin, _stamp) li.setProperty('mimetype', 'audio/aac') _lock.acquire() start = time.time() panFill() while not _play: time.sleep(0.01) xbmc.sleep(1000) if xbmc.abortRequested: _lock.release() exit() if (threading.active_count() == 1) or ((time.time() - start) >= 60): if _play: break # check one last time before we bail xbmc.log("%s.Play BAD (%13s, %ds)" % (_plugin, _stamp, time.time() - start)) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(_name, 'No Tracks Received', '', 'Try again later') exit() _playlist.clear() _lock.release() time.sleep(0.01) # yield to the song threads xbmc.sleep(1000) # might return control to xbmc and skip the other threads ? xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(_handle, True, li) xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(10500)') xbmc.log("%s.Play OK (%13s) '%s - %s'" % (_plugin, _stamp,[-4:],
def update_servers(): server_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", '*.xml') server_files = sorted(glob.glob(server_path)) # ---------------------------- import xbmc import xbmcgui progress = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() progress.create("Update servers list") # ---------------------------- for index, server in enumerate(server_files): # ---------------------------- percentage = index * 100 / len(server_files) # ---------------------------- server_name = os.path.basename(server)[:-4] t = Thread(target=updater.update_server, args=[server_name]) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # ---------------------------- progress.update(percentage, ' Update server: ' + server_name) # ---------------------------- while threading.active_count() >= MAX_THREADS: xbmc.sleep(500) # ---------------------------- progress.close()
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) html = tries = 0 while tries < MAX_TRIES: data = {} r = re.findall(r'type="hidden"\s*name="([^"]+)"\s*value="([^"]+)', html) for name, value in r: data[name] = value data['method_free'] = 'Free Download' data.update(captcha_lib.do_captcha(html)) headers = { 'Referer': web_url } html =, data, headers=headers).content if tries > 0: xbmc.sleep(6000) if '>File Download Link Generated<' in html: r ="onClick\s*=\s*\"window\.open\('([^']+)", html) if r: return + '|User-Agent=%s' % (common.IE_USER_AGENT) tries = tries + 1 raise UrlResolver.ResolverError('Unable to locate link')
def forecast(loc,locid): xbmc.log('weather location: %s' % locid,level=log_level) retry = 0 while (retry < 6) and (not xbmc.abortRequested): query = get_weather(locid) if query != '': retry = 6 else: retry += 1 xbmc.sleep(10000) xbmc.log('Weather Download Failed',level=log_level) #xbmc.log('forecast data: %s' % query,level=log_level) retry = 0 while (retry < 6) and (not xbmc.abortRequested): fquery = get_forecast(locid) if fquery != '': retry = 6 else: retry += 1 xbmc.sleep(10000) xbmc.log('Forecast Download Failed',level=log_level) #xbmc.log('forecast data: %s' % fquery,level=log_level) if fquery != '': properties(query,fquery,loc,locid) else: clear()
def end(self): if util.DEBUG: xbmc.sleep(500) #Give threads a chance to finish import threading util.LOG('Remaining Threads:') for t in threading.enumerate(): util.LOG(' {0}'.format(
def run(self, content, name, url, year, imdb, tvdb, meta): if control.window.getProperty('PseudoTVRunning') == 'True': return, control.item(path=url)) self.getVideoInfo(content, name, year, imdb, tvdb) if self.folderPath.startswith('plugin://') and not meta == None: poster, thumb, meta = self.getMeta(meta) else: poster, thumb, meta = self.getLibraryMeta() item = control.item(path=url, iconImage='DefaultVideo.png', thumbnailImage=thumb) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) try: item.setArt({'poster': poster, 'tvshow.poster': poster, 'season.poster': poster}) except: pass item.setProperty('Video', 'true') item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true'), item) for i in range(0, 240): if self.isPlayingVideo(): break xbmc.sleep(1000) while self.isPlayingVideo(): try: self.totalTime = self.getTotalTime() except: pass try: self.currentTime = self.getTime() except: pass xbmc.sleep(1000) control.window.clearProperty('script.trakt.ids') time.sleep(5)
def VerifyKeymapHot(): dest = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath('special://profile/keymaps'), KEYMAP_HOT) if os.path.exists(dest): return False key = ADDON.getSetting('HOTKEY').lower() includeKey = key in ['f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'f10', 'f11', 'f12', 'g'] if not includeKey: DeleteKeymap(KEYMAP_HOT) return True cmd = '<keymap><Global><keyboard><%s>XBMC.RunScript(special://home/addons/plugin.program.super.favourites/</%s></keyboard></Global></keymap>' % (key, key) f = open(dest, mode='w') f.write(cmd) f.close() xbmc.sleep(1000) tries = 4 while not os.path.exists(dest) and tries > 0: tries -= 1 f = open(dest, mode='w') f.write(t) f.close() xbmc.sleep(1000) return True
def list_dialog(self, movie_id): xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(busydialog)") listitems = [LANG(32139)] account_lists = get_account_lists() for item in account_lists: listitems.append("%s (%i)" % (item["name"], item["item_count"])) listitems.append(LANG(32138)) xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(busydialog)") index = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(heading=LANG(32136), list=listitems) if index == 0: listname = xbmcgui.Dialog().input(heading=LANG(32137), type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM) if listname: list_id = create_list(listname) xbmc.sleep(1000) change_list_status(list_id=list_id, movie_id=movie_id, status=True) elif index == len(listitems) - 1: self.remove_list_dialog(account_lists) elif index > 0: change_list_status(list_id=account_lists[index - 1]["id"], movie_id=movie_id, status=True)
def context_menu(self): item_id = self.listitem.getProperty("id") if self.type == "tv": listitems = [LANG(32169)] else: listitems = [LANG(32113)] if self.logged_in: listitems += [LANG(14076)] if not self.type == "tv": listitems += [LANG(32107)] if self.mode == "list": listitems += [LANG(32035)] selection = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(heading=LANG(32151), list=listitems) if selection == 0: if set_rating_prompt(self.type, item_id): xbmc.sleep(2000) self.update(force_update=True) self.getControl(500).selectItem(self.position) elif selection == 1: change_fav_status(media_id=item_id, media_type=self.type, status="true") elif selection == 2: self.list_dialog(item_id) elif selection == 3: change_list_status(list_id=self.list_id, movie_id=item_id, status=False) self.update(force_update=True) self.getControl(500).selectItem(self.position)
def run(self): self.logMsg("Started") self.updateRecent() lastRun = lastProfilePath = xbmc.translatePath('special://profile') while (xbmc.abortRequested == False): td = - lastRun secTotal = td.seconds profilePath = xbmc.translatePath('special://profile') updateInterval = 60 if (xbmc.Player().isPlaying()): updateInterval = 300 if(secTotal > updateInterval or lastProfilePath != profilePath): self.updateRecent() lastRun = lastProfilePath = profilePath xbmc.sleep(3000) self.logMsg("Exited")
def onAction(self, action): if action.getId() in [ACTION_PARENT_DIR, ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU, KEY_NAV_BACK, KEY_CONTEXT_MENU]: self.close() return if self.getFocusId() == self.C_CHANNELS_LIST and action.getId() == ACTION_LEFT: listControl = self.getControl(self.C_CHANNELS_LIST) idx = listControl.getSelectedPosition() buttonControl = self.getControl(self.C_CHANNELS_SELECTION) buttonControl.setLabel('[B]%s[/B]' % self.channelList[idx].title) self.getControl(self.C_CHANNELS_SELECTION_VISIBLE).setVisible(False) self.setFocusId(self.C_CHANNELS_SELECTION) elif self.getFocusId() == self.C_CHANNELS_SELECTION and action.getId() in [ACTION_RIGHT, ACTION_SELECT_ITEM]: self.getControl(self.C_CHANNELS_SELECTION_VISIBLE).setVisible(True) xbmc.sleep(350) self.setFocusId(self.C_CHANNELS_LIST) elif self.getFocusId() == self.C_CHANNELS_SELECTION and action.getId() == ACTION_UP: listControl = self.getControl(self.C_CHANNELS_LIST) idx = listControl.getSelectedPosition() if idx > 0: self.swapChannels(idx, idx - 1) elif self.getFocusId() == self.C_CHANNELS_SELECTION and action.getId() == ACTION_DOWN: listControl = self.getControl(self.C_CHANNELS_LIST) idx = listControl.getSelectedPosition() if idx < listControl.size() - 1: self.swapChannels(idx, idx + 1)
def processVideoThemes(self, jsonGet, target): # Only process anything if it is enabled if self.uploadsDisabled: return # Check if we need to upload the TV Shows if (target == 'tvshows') and not self.isTvShowsEnabled: return # Check if we need to upload the movies if (target == 'movies') and not self.isMoviesEnabled: return # Get the videos that are in the library themeList = self.getVideos(jsonGet, target) lastFileUploaded = False for videoItem in themeList: # We want to wait between each upload, there is no rush and we do not want # to interfere with anything that is playing, so spread out the uploads # As each sleep is a tenth of a second, lets split the uploads by 5 minutes each uploadWait = 3000 while (uploadWait > 0) and lastFileUploaded: # Check to make sure we have not been requested to stop yet if xbmc.abortRequested: return # Wait for a tenth of a second xbmc.sleep(100) uploadWait = uploadWait - 1 lastFileUploaded = self.uploadThemeItem(videoItem) # Check if all uploads were disabled if self.uploadsDisabled or xbmc.abortRequested: return
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) html = form_values = {} stream_url = '' for i in re.finditer('<input type="hidden" name="([^"]+)" value="([^"]+)', html): form_values[] = xbmc.sleep(2000) html =, form_data=form_values).content r ="file\s*:\s*'([^']+)'", html) if r: stream_url = for match in re.finditer('(eval\(function.*?)</script>', html, re.DOTALL): js_data = jsunpack.unpack( match2 ='<param\s+name="src"\s*value="([^"]+)', js_data) if match2: stream_url = else: match2 ='<embed.*?type="video.*?src="([^"]+)', js_data) if match2: stream_url = if stream_url: return stream_url + '|User-Agent=%s&Referer=%s' % (common.IE_USER_AGENT, web_url) raise UrlResolver.ResolverError('Unable to resolve cloudyvideos link. Filelink not found.')
def LOAD_AND_PLAY_VIDEO(self, url, title, icon,year='',plot=''): progress = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() progress.create('Postęp', '') message = ptv.getLocalizedString(30406) progress.update( 10, "", message, "" ) xbmc.sleep( 1000 ) progress.update( 30, "", message, "" ) progress.update( 50, "", message, "" ) VideoLink = '' VideoLink = self.pp.getVideoLink(url) videoUrl = VideoLink progress.update( 70, "", message, "" ) pluginhandle = int(sys.argv[1]) if videoUrl == '': progress.close() d = xbmcgui.Dialog() d.ok('Nie znaleziono streamingu', 'Mo�e to chwilowa awaria.', 'Spr�buj ponownie za jaki� czas') return False if icon == '' or icon == 'None': icon = "DefaultVideo.png" if plot == '' or plot == 'None': plot = '' liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(title, iconImage=icon, thumbnailImage=icon, path=videoUrl ) liz.setInfo( type="video", infoLabels={ "Title": title} ) xbmcPlayer = xbmc.Player() progress.update( 90, "", message, "" ) progress.close() #listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=videoUrl) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz)
def settings_command(self, action): if action == 'update': self.call_child_script('update_manual') return 'Called child action - update_manual' if action == 'backup': self.update_settings() bckp = OSMC_Backups.osmc_backup(self.s, self.progress_bar) try: bckp.start_backup() except Exception as e: log('Backup Error Type and Args: %s : %s \n\n %s' % (type(e).__name__, e.args, traceback.format_exc())) ok = DIALOG.ok(lang(32096), lang(32097)) return 'Called BACKUP script complete' if action == 'restore': self.update_settings() bckp = OSMC_Backups.osmc_backup(self.s, self.progress_bar) try: bckp.start_restore() restart_required = bckp.restoring_guisettings if bckp.success != 'Full': ok = DIALOG.ok('Restore', 'Some items failed to restore.', 'See log for details.') for x in bckp.success: if x.endswith('userdata/guisettings.xml'): restart_required = False if restart_required: user_input_restart_now = DIALOG.yesno(lang(32110), lang(32098), lang(32099), yeslabel=lang(32100), nolabel=lang(32101)) if user_input_restart_now: subprocess.Popen( ['sudo', 'systemctl', 'restart', 'mediacenter']) except Exception as e: log('Backup Error Type and Args: %s : %s \n\n %s' % (type(e).__name__, e.args, traceback.format_exc())) ok = DIALOG.ok(lang(32096), lang(32097)) return 'Called RESTORE script complete' elif action == 'install': # check, _ = self.check_for_legit_updates() # if check == 'bail': # return 'Update not legit, bail' # if not self.EXTERNAL_UPDATE_REQUIRED: # __addon__.setSetting('install_now_visible', 'false') # self.call_child_script('commit') # return 'Called child action - commit' # else: ans = DIALOG.yesno(lang(32072), lang(32075), lang(32076)) if ans: __addon__.setSetting('install_now_visible', 'false') exit_osmc_settings_addon() xbmc.sleep(1000) subprocess.Popen( ['sudo', 'systemctl', 'start', 'manual-update']) return "Calling external update"
def end(self): if settings.getSetting("kill_type") == "1" or xbmc.getCondVisibility( ''): = False comm = 'SHUTDOWN' if self.conn: self.TSpush(comm) self.log.out("Ending") try: self._sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except: pass if self.tsserv: = False if self.tsserv: self.tsserv.join() self.log.out("end thread") self._sock.close() self.log.out("socket closed") if self.progress: self.progress.close() if settings.getSetting('engine-status') == "true": try: lat123._close() except: pass if xbmc.getCondVisibility(''): if settings.getSetting('shutdown-engine') == "true": subprocess.Popen('taskkill /F /IM ace_engine.exe /T', shell=True) else: pass elif xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'system.platform.linux' ) and not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.Platform.Android'): if settings.getSetting('shutdown-engine') == "true": try: self.proc.kill() self.proc.wait() if settings.getSetting( 'openelecx86_64' ) == "true" or settings.getSetting( 'openeleci386') == "true": os.system( "kill $(ps aux | grep '[a]cestream' | awk '{print $1}')" ) except: pass elif xbmc.getCondVisibility('system.platform.OSX'): if settings.getSetting('shutdown-engine') == "true": try: self.proc.kill() self.proc.wait() except: pass elif xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.Platform.Android') and settings.getSetting( "engine_app") == "0": if settings.getSetting('shutdown-engine') == "true": try: self.proc.kill() self.proc.wait() except: pass try: xbmc_user = os.getlogin() procshut_ace = subprocess.Popen( ['ps', '|', 'grep', 'python'], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in procshut_ace.stdout: match = re.findall(r'\S+', line.rstrip()) if match: if 'acestream' in match[-1] and len(match) > 2: if xbmc_user == match[0]: os.system("kill " + match[1]) else: os.system("su -c kill " + match[1]) except: pass if settings.getSetting( "kill_type" ) == "0" and not xbmc.getCondVisibility(''): if xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'system.platform.linux' ) and not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.Platform.Android'): os.system( "kill $(ps aux | grep '[a]cestream' | awk '{print $1}')") os.system( "kill $(ps aux | grep '[a]cestream' | awk '{print $2}')") os.system( "kill $(ps aux | grep '[s]' | awk '{print $2}')") if settings.getSetting('save') != "true": try: cache_file = self.lnk.split('/')[-2] if settings.getSetting('acestream_cachefolder') == '': acestream_cachefolder_file = os.path.join( os.getenv("HOME"), '.ACEStream', 'cache', cache_file) else: acestream_cachefolder_file = os.path.join( settings.getSetting('acestream_cachefolder'), cache_file) xbmcvfs.delete(acestream_cachefolder_file) except: pass elif xbmc.getCondVisibility('system.platform.OSX'): os.system("kill $(ps aux | grep '[s]')") if settings.getSetting('save') != "true": try: cache_file = self.lnk.split('/')[-2] acestream_cachefolder_file = os.path.join( os.getenv("HOME"), '.ACEStream', 'cache', cache_file) xbmcvfs.delete(acestream_cachefolder_file) except: pass elif xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.Platform.Android'): try: procshut_ace = subprocess.Popen( ['ps', '|', 'grep', 'python'], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in procshut_ace.stdout: match = re.findall(r'\S+', line.rstrip()) if match: if 'acestream' in match[-1] and len(match) > 2: os.system("kill " + match[1]) xbmc.sleep(200) except: pass if settings.getSetting('save') != "true": try: cache_file = self.lnk.split('/')[-2] if settings.getSetting('acestream_cachefolder') == '': acestream_cachefolder_file = os.path.join( '/sdcard', '.ACEStream', 'cache', cache_file) else: acestream_cachefolder_file = os.path.join( settings.getSetting('acestream_cachefolder'), cache_file) xbmcvfs.delete(acestream_cachefolder_file) except: pass = False self.log.out("Force Killing") try: self._sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except: pass if self.tsserv: = False if self.tsserv: self.tsserv.join() self.log.out("end thread") self._sock.close() self.log.out("socket closed") if self.progress: self.progress.close()
def get_link(self, index=0, title='', icon='', thumb=''): self.title = title self.log.out("play") self.tsserv.ind = index self.progress.update(89, translate(1005), '') for k, v in self.files.iteritems(): if v == index: self.filename = urllib.unquote(k).replace('/', '_').replace( '\\', '_') try: avail = os.path.exists(self.filename.decode('utf-8')) except: try: avail = os.path.exists(self.filename) self.filename = self.filename.encode('utf-8') except: self.filename = 'temp.avi' self.log.out('Starting file:%s' % self.filename) try: self.filename = settings.getSetting('folder') + self.filename except: self.filename = None save = False self.log.out('Get filename to save:%s' % self.filename) spons = '' if self.mode != 'PID': spons = ' 0 0 0' comm = 'START ' + self.mode + ' ' + self.url + ' ' + str(index) + spons self.TSpush(comm) self.progress.update(89, translate(1004), '') while not self.tsserv.got_url and not self.progress.iscanceled( ) and not self.tsserv.err: self.progress.update(int(self.tsserv.proc), self.tsserv.label, self.tsserv.line) xbmc.sleep(200) if xbmc.abortRequested: self.log.out("XBMC is shutting down") break if self.tsserv.err:'Failed to load file') self.progress.update(100, translate(1005), '') if settings.getSetting('save') == 'true': save = True else: save = False if self.tsserv.event and save: self.progress.update(0, translate(400006), " ") comm = 'SAVE %s path=%s' % (self.tsserv.event[0] + ' ' + self.tsserv.event[1], urllib.quote(self.filename)) self.TSpush(comm) self.tsserv.event = None succ = True while not os.path.exists(self.filename.decode( 'utf-8')) and not self.progress.iscanceled(): if xbmc.abortRequested or self.progress.iscanceled(): self.log.out("XBMC asked to abort request") succ = False break xbmc.sleep(200) if not succ: return False self.tsserv.got_url = self.filename.decode('utf-8') self.local = True = True self.progress.close() return self.tsserv.got_url
def sleep(time): while time > 0 and not xbmc.abortRequested: xbmc.sleep(min(100, time)) time = time - 100
else: playon = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( __language__(32004), __language__(32005), __language__(32003)) if (playon): xbmc.Player().pause() else: if (getSetting("BrowseForShow").lower() == "true"): browsenow = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( __language__(32006), __language__(32007)) else: browsenow = False xbmc.Player().stop() if browsenow: command = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "GUI.ActivateWindow", "params": { "window": "videos", "parameters": [ "videodb://2/2/%d/%d" ] }, "id": 1}' % ( playingTvshowid, playingSeason) result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(command) result = unicode(result, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') player_monitor = MyPlayer() while not xbmc.abortRequested: xbmc.sleep(100)
smartmontools.checkConfigurationFilesExistance() if addon.getSetting(consts.settingDBupdates) == "true": smartmontools.updateDatabase() if addon.getSetting(consts.settingRunDaemonOnStartup) == "true": smartd.startDaemon() if smartd.daemonRunning(): if addon.getSetting(consts.settingSmartdStartupPopup) == True: xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(smartmontools, " + addon.getLocalizedString(50001) + ", 7, " + icon + ")") # smartd started else: xbmc.log(consts.logHeader + "failed to start smartd", xbmc.LOGERROR) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(consts.dialogHeader, addon.getLocalizedString(50024)) def stopService(): smartd.stopDaemon() startService() while (not xbmc.abortRequested): xbmc.sleep(250) stopService()
def onClick(self, controlID): Logutil.log('onClick', util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) if (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_EXIT): # Close window button Logutil.log('close', util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) self.close() #OK elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_SAVE): Logutil.log('save', util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) #store selectedRomCollection if (self.selectedRomCollection != None): self.updateSelectedRomCollection() self.romCollections[] = self.selectedRomCollection configWriter = ConfigXmlWriter(False) success, message = configWriter.writeRomCollections( self.romCollections, True) if not success: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.localize(32021), message) self.close() #Cancel elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_CANCEL): self.close() #Rom Collection list elif (self.selectedControlId in (CONTROL_BUTTON_RC_DOWN, CONTROL_BUTTON_RC_UP)): if (self.selectedRomCollection != None): #save current values to selected Rom Collection self.updateSelectedRomCollection() #store previous selectedRomCollections state self.romCollections[] = self.selectedRomCollection #HACK: add a little wait time as XBMC needs some ms to execute the MoveUp/MoveDown actions from the skin xbmc.sleep(util.WAITTIME_UPDATECONTROLS) self.updateRomCollectionControls() #Media Path elif (self.selectedControlId in (CONTROL_BUTTON_MEDIA_DOWN, CONTROL_BUTTON_MEDIA_UP)): #HACK: add a little wait time as XBMC needs some ms to execute the MoveUp/MoveDown actions from the skin xbmc.sleep(util.WAITTIME_UPDATECONTROLS) self.updateMediaPathControls() elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_GAMECLIENT): success, gameclient = helper.selectlibretrocore( if success: self.selectedRomCollection.gameclient = gameclient control = self.getControlById(CONTROL_BUTTON_GAMECLIENT) if (gameclient == ""): control.setLabel("None") else: control.setLabel(gameclient) elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_EMUCMD): #maybe there is autoconfig support preconfiguredEmulator = None emulatorPath = '' dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() if ( == 'Linux' or == 'Macintosh' or == 'Windows'): emulatorPath = self.editTextProperty(CONTROL_BUTTON_EMUCMD, util.localize(32624)) else: if (xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.Platform.Android')): autoconfig = EmulatorAutoconfig( util.getEmuAutoConfigPath()) Logutil.log( 'Running on Android. Trying to find emulator per autoconfig.', util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) emulators = autoconfig.findEmulators( 'Android',, True) emulist = [] if (emulators): for emulator in emulators: if (emulator.isInstalled): emulist.append( util.localize(32202) % else: emulist.append( if (len(emulist) > 0): emuIndex =, emulist) Logutil.log('emuIndex: ' + str(emuIndex), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) if (emuIndex == -1): Logutil.log('No Emulator selected.', util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) else: preconfiguredEmulator = emulators[emuIndex] if (preconfiguredEmulator): emulatorPath = preconfiguredEmulator.emuCmd self.selectedRomCollection.emulatorParams = preconfiguredEmulator.emuParams control = self.getControlById(CONTROL_BUTTON_PARAMS) control.setLabel(self.selectedRomCollection.emulatorParams) else: emulatorPath = dialog.browse( 1, '%s ' % + util.localize(32139), 'files') if (emulatorPath == ''): return self.selectedRomCollection.emulatorCmd = emulatorPath control = self.getControlById(CONTROL_BUTTON_EMUCMD) control.setLabel(emulatorPath) elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_PARAMS): emulatorParams = self.editTextProperty(CONTROL_BUTTON_PARAMS, util.localize(32625)) self.selectedRomCollection.emulatorParams = emulatorParams elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_ROMPATH): self.editRomPath() elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_FILEMASK): self.editRomFileMask() elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_MEDIAPATH): self.editMediaPath() elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_MEDIAFILEMASK): self.editMediaFileMask() elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_ADDMEDIAPATH): self.addMediaPath() elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_REMOVEMEDIAPATH): self.removeMediaPath() elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_MAXFOLDERDEPTH): maxFolderDepth = self.editTextProperty( CONTROL_BUTTON_MAXFOLDERDEPTH, util.localize(32610)) self.selectedRomCollection.maxFolderDepth = maxFolderDepth elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_DISKINDICATOR): diskIndicator = self.editTextProperty(CONTROL_BUTTON_DISKINDICATOR, util.localize(32611)) self.selectedRomCollection.diskPrefix = diskIndicator elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_SAVESTATEPATH): saveStatePathComplete = self.editPathWithFileMask( CONTROL_BUTTON_SAVESTATEPATH, '%s ' % + util.localize(32629), CONTROL_BUTTON_SAVESTATEMASK) if (saveStatePathComplete != ''): self.selectedRomCollection.saveStatePath = saveStatePathComplete elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_SAVESTATEMASK): self.selectedRomCollection.saveStatePath = self.editFilemask( CONTROL_BUTTON_SAVESTATEMASK, util.localize(32630), self.selectedRomCollection.saveStatePath) elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_SAVESTATEPARAMS): saveStateParams = self.editTextProperty( CONTROL_BUTTON_SAVESTATEPARAMS, util.localize(32631)) self.selectedRomCollection.saveStateParams = saveStateParams elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_PRECMD): preCmd = self.editTextProperty(CONTROL_BUTTON_PRECMD, util.localize(32632)) self.selectedRomCollection.preCmd = preCmd Logutil.log( 'OnClick: precmd = ' + self.selectedRomCollection.preCmd, util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) elif (controlID == CONTROL_BUTTON_POSTCMD): postCmd = self.editTextProperty(CONTROL_BUTTON_POSTCMD, util.localize(32633)) self.selectedRomCollection.postCmd = postCmd
def add_tvshow(item, channel=None): """ Guarda contenido en la libreria de series. Este contenido puede ser uno de estos dos: - La serie con todos los capitulos incluidos en la lista episodelist. - Un solo capitulo descargado previamente en local. Para añadir episodios descargados en local, el item debe tener exclusivamente: - contentSerieName (o show): Titulo de la serie - contentTitle: titulo del episodio para extraer season_and_episode ("1x01 Piloto") - title: titulo a mostrar junto al listado de enlaces -findvideos- ("Reproducir video local") - infoLabels["tmdb_id"] o infoLabels["imdb_id"] - contentType != "movie" - channel = "downloads" - url : ruta local al video @type item: item @param item: item que representa la serie a guardar @type channel: modulo @param channel: canal desde el que se guardara la serie. Por defecto se importara item.from_channel o """"show=#" + + "#") if == "downloads": itemlist = [item.clone()] else: # Esta marca es porque el item tiene algo más aparte en el atributo "extra" item.action = item.extra if isinstance(item.extra, str) and "###" in item.extra: item.action = item.extra.split("###")[0] item.extra = item.extra.split("###")[1] if item.from_action: item.__dict__["action"] = item.__dict__.pop("from_action") if item.from_channel: item.__dict__["channel"] = item.__dict__.pop("from_channel") if not channel: try: channel = __import__('channels.%s' %, fromlist=["channels.%s" %]) except ImportError: exec "import channels." + + " as channel" #Para desambiguar títulos, se provoca que TMDB pregunte por el título realmente deseado #El usuario puede seleccionar el título entre los ofrecidos en la primera pantalla #o puede cancelar e introducir un nuevo título en la segunda pantalla #Si lo hace en "Introducir otro nombre", TMDB buscará automáticamente el nuevo título #Si lo hace en "Completar Información", cambia parcialmente al nuevo título, pero no busca en TMDB. Hay que hacerlo #Si se cancela la segunda pantalla, la variable "scraper_return" estará en False. El usuario no quiere seguir item = generictools.update_title(item) #Llamamos al método que actualiza el título con tmdb.find_and_set_infoLabels #if item.tmdb_stat: # del item.tmdb_stat #Limpiamos el status para que no se grabe en la Videoteca # Obtiene el listado de episodios itemlist = getattr(channel, item.action)(item) insertados, sobreescritos, fallidos, path = save_tvshow(item, itemlist) if not insertados and not sobreescritos and not fallidos: platformtools.dialog_ok(config.get_localized_string(30131), config.get_localized_string(60067)) logger.error("La serie %s no se ha podido añadir a la videoteca. No se ha podido obtener ningun episodio" % elif fallidos == -1: platformtools.dialog_ok(config.get_localized_string(30131), config.get_localized_string(60068)) logger.error("La serie %s no se ha podido añadir a la videoteca" % elif fallidos > 0: platformtools.dialog_ok(config.get_localized_string(30131), config.get_localized_string(60069)) logger.error("No se han podido añadir %s episodios de la serie %s a la videoteca" % (fallidos, else: platformtools.dialog_ok(config.get_localized_string(30131), config.get_localized_string(60070))"Se han añadido %s episodios de la serie %s a la videoteca" % (insertados, if config.is_xbmc(): if config.get_setting("sync_trakt_new_tvshow", "videolibrary"): import xbmc from platformcode import xbmc_videolibrary if config.get_setting("sync_trakt_new_tvshow_wait", "videolibrary"): # Comprobar que no se esta buscando contenido en la videoteca de Kodi while xbmc.getCondVisibility('Library.IsScanningVideo()'): xbmc.sleep(1000) # Se lanza la sincronizacion para la videoteca de Kodi xbmc_videolibrary.sync_trakt_kodi() # Se lanza la sincronización para la videoteca del addon xbmc_videolibrary.sync_trakt_addon(path)
print CurrrentVersion LatestVersion = re.findall('hackedtv\sversion=\"(.+?)\"', net().http_GET(NewVersionUrl).content)[0] print CurrrentVersion print LatestVersion if LatestVersion > CurrrentVersion: xbmc.log('hackermil HackedTV Updater') xbmc.log('Currently Installed: %s Latest Version Available: %s' % (CurrrentVersion, LatestVersion)) xbmc.executebuiltin( "XBMC.Notification([COLOR aqua]HackedTV Information[/COLOR],[COLOR aqua]An Update Has Been Found And Will Be Downloaded And Installed[/COLOR],7000," + os.path.join(art, 'hms.png') + ")") GA('TEST', 'CV: %s NV: %s' % (CurrrentVersion, LatestVersion)) xbmc.sleep(4000) TextBox() downloadFile = os.path.join(downloadPath, UpdateName) try: os.remove(downloadFile) except: pass GA('TEST', 'DISPLAY CHANGELOG') print 'DL PATH: ' + str(downloadPath) print 'DF path: ' + str(downloadFile) QuietDownload(UpdateUrl, downloadPath, UpdateName, UpdateName) #xbmc.log('hackermil HackedTV Updater') # #OLC_url = '' #newVersion = re.findall('hackedtv\sversion=\"(.+?)\"', net().http_GET(OLC_url).content)[0]
def download(link, episode=""): log(__name__, "Download Subscene") subtitle_list = [] exts = [".srt", ".sub", ".txt", ".smi", ".ssa", ".ass"] downloadlink_pattern = "...<a href=\"(.+?)\" rel=\"nofollow\" onclick=\"DownloadSubtitle" uid = uuid.uuid4() tempdir = os.path.join(TEMP, unicode(uid)) xbmcvfs.mkdirs(tempdir) content, resp = geturl(link) match = re.compile(downloadlink_pattern).findall(content) if match: downloadlink = main_url + match[0] viewstate = 0 previouspage = 0 subtitleid = 0 typeid = "zip" filmid = 0 jsondata = {"url": downloadlink} data = json.dumps(jsondata) request = urllib2.Request("", data , {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': len(data)}) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) if response.getcode() != 200: log(__name__, "Failed to download subtitle file") return subtitle_list local_tmp_file = os.path.join(tempdir, "") packed = False try: log(__name__, "Saving subtitles to '%s'" % local_tmp_file) local_file_handle = xbmcvfs.File(local_tmp_file, "wb") local_file_handle.write( # local_file_handle.write(content) local_file_handle.close() # Check archive type (rar/zip/else) through the file header (rar=Rar!, zip=PK) myfile = xbmcvfs.File(local_tmp_file, "rb"),0) if == 'R': typeid = "rar" packed = True log(__name__, "Discovered RAR Archive") else:,0) if == 'P': typeid = "zip" packed = True log(__name__, "Discovered ZIP Archive") else: typeid = "srt" packed = False log(__name__, "Discovered a non-archive file") myfile.close() local_tmp_file = os.path.join(tempdir, "subscene." + typeid) xbmcvfs.rename(os.path.join(tempdir, ""), local_tmp_file) log(__name__, "Saving to %s" % local_tmp_file) except: log(__name__, "Failed to save subtitle to %s" % local_tmp_file) if packed: xbmc.sleep(500) xbmc.executebuiltin(('XBMC.Extract("%s","%s")' % (local_tmp_file, tempdir,)).encode('utf-8'), True) episode_pattern = None if episode != '': episode_pattern = re.compile(get_episode_pattern(episode), re.IGNORECASE) for dir in xbmcvfs.listdir(tempdir)[0]: for file in xbmcvfs.listdir(os.path.join(tempdir, dir))[1]: if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in exts: log(__name__, 'match '+episode+' '+file) if episode_pattern and not continue log(__name__, "=== returning subtitle file %s" % file) subtitle_list.append(os.path.join(tempdir, dir, file)) for file in xbmcvfs.listdir(tempdir)[1]: if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in exts: log(__name__, 'match '+episode+' '+file) if episode_pattern and not continue log(__name__, "=== returning subtitle file %s" % file) subtitle_list.append(os.path.join(tempdir, file)) if len(subtitle_list) == 0: if episode: _xbmc_notification(32002) else: _xbmc_notification(32003) return subtitle_list
def get(self, name, imdb, season, episode): try: if not control.setting('subtitles') == 'true': raise Exception() langDict = { 'Afrikaans': 'afr', 'Albanian': 'alb', 'Arabic': 'ara', 'Armenian': 'arm', 'Basque': 'baq', 'Bengali': 'ben', 'Bosnian': 'bos', 'Breton': 'bre', 'Bulgarian': 'bul', 'Burmese': 'bur', 'Catalan': 'cat', 'Chinese': 'chi', 'Croatian': 'hrv', 'Czech': 'cze', 'Danish': 'dan', 'Dutch': 'dut', 'English': 'eng', 'Esperanto': 'epo', 'Estonian': 'est', 'Finnish': 'fin', 'French': 'fre', 'Galician': 'glg', 'Georgian': 'geo', 'German': 'ger', 'Greek': 'ell', 'Hebrew': 'heb', 'Hindi': 'hin', 'Hungarian': 'hun', 'Icelandic': 'ice', 'Indonesian': 'ind', 'Italian': 'ita', 'Japanese': 'jpn', 'Kazakh': 'kaz', 'Khmer': 'khm', 'Korean': 'kor', 'Latvian': 'lav', 'Lithuanian': 'lit', 'Luxembourgish': 'ltz', 'Macedonian': 'mac', 'Malay': 'may', 'Malayalam': 'mal', 'Manipuri': 'mni', 'Mongolian': 'mon', 'Montenegrin': 'mne', 'Norwegian': 'nor', 'Occitan': 'oci', 'Persian': 'per', 'Polish': 'pol', 'Portuguese': 'por,pob', 'Portuguese(Brazil)': 'pob,por', 'Romanian': 'rum', 'Russian': 'rus', 'Serbian': 'scc', 'Sinhalese': 'sin', 'Slovak': 'slo', 'Slovenian': 'slv', 'Spanish': 'spa', 'Swahili': 'swa', 'Swedish': 'swe', 'Syriac': 'syr', 'Tagalog': 'tgl', 'Tamil': 'tam', 'Telugu': 'tel', 'Thai': 'tha', 'Turkish': 'tur', 'Ukrainian': 'ukr', 'Urdu': 'urd' } codePageDict = { 'ara': 'cp1256', 'ar': 'cp1256', 'ell': 'cp1253', 'el': 'cp1253', 'heb': 'cp1255', 'he': 'cp1255', 'tur': 'cp1254', 'tr': 'cp1254', 'rus': 'cp1251', 'ru': 'cp1251' } quality = [ 'bluray', 'hdrip', 'brrip', 'bdrip', 'dvdrip', 'webrip', 'hdtv' ] langs = [] try: try: langs = langDict[control.setting( 'subtitles.lang.1')].split(',') except: langs.append(langDict[control.setting('subtitles.lang.1')]) except: pass try: try: langs = langs + langDict[control.setting( 'subtitles.lang.2')].split(',') except: langs.append(langDict[control.setting('subtitles.lang.2')]) except: pass try: subLang = xbmc.Player().getSubtitles() except: subLang = '' if subLang == langs[0]: raise Exception() server = xmlrpclib.Server('', verbose=0) token = server.LogIn('', '', 'en', 'XBMC_Subtitles_v1')['token'] sublanguageid = ','.join(langs) imdbid = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', imdb) if not (season == None or episode == None): result = server.SearchSubtitles(token, [{ 'sublanguageid': sublanguageid, 'imdbid': imdbid, 'season': season, 'episode': episode }])['data'] fmt = ['hdtv'] else: result = server.SearchSubtitles(token, [{ 'sublanguageid': sublanguageid, 'imdbid': imdbid }])['data'] try: vidPath = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile() except: vidPath = '' fmt = re.split('\.|\(|\)|\[|\]|\s|\-', vidPath) fmt = [i.lower() for i in fmt] fmt = [i for i in fmt if i in quality] filter = [] result = [i for i in result if i['SubSumCD'] == '1'] for lang in langs: filter += [ i for i in result if i['SubLanguageID'] == lang and any( x in i['MovieReleaseName'].lower() for x in fmt) ] filter += [ i for i in result if i['SubLanguageID'] == lang and any( x in i['MovieReleaseName'].lower() for x in quality) ] filter += [i for i in result if i['SubLanguageID'] == lang] try: lang = xbmc.convertLanguage(filter[0]['SubLanguageID'], xbmc.ISO_639_1) except: lang = filter[0]['SubLanguageID'] content = [ filter[0]['IDSubtitleFile'], ] content = server.DownloadSubtitles(token, content) content = base64.b64decode(content['data'][0]['data']) content = str( zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS).decompress(content)) subtitle = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp/') subtitle = os.path.join(subtitle, '' % lang) codepage = codePageDict.get(lang, '') if codepage and control.setting('subtitles.utf') == 'true': try: content_encoded = codecs.decode(content, codepage) content = codecs.encode(content_encoded, 'utf-8') except: pass file = control.openFile(subtitle, 'w') file.write(str(content)) file.close() xbmc.sleep(1000) xbmc.Player().setSubtitles(subtitle) except: pass
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(%d)" % (self.WINDOW, )) = xbmcgui.Window(self.WINDOW) xbmc.sleep(1000) self.setControls()
def get(self, name, imdb, season, episode): try: import gzip, codecs from io import BytesIO import re, base64 import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc_client except: log_utils.error() return try: langDict = {'Afrikaans': 'afr', 'Albanian': 'alb', 'Arabic': 'ara', 'Armenian': 'arm', 'Basque': 'baq', 'Bengali': 'ben', 'Bosnian': 'bos', 'Breton': 'bre', 'Bulgarian': 'bul', 'Burmese': 'bur', 'Catalan': 'cat', 'Chinese': 'chi', 'Croatian': 'hrv', 'Czech': 'cze', 'Danish': 'dan', 'Dutch': 'dut', 'English': 'eng', 'Esperanto': 'epo', 'Estonian': 'est', 'Finnish': 'fin', 'French': 'fre', 'Galician': 'glg', 'Georgian': 'geo', 'German': 'ger', 'Greek': 'ell', 'Hebrew': 'heb', 'Hindi': 'hin', 'Hungarian': 'hun', 'Icelandic': 'ice', 'Indonesian': 'ind', 'Italian': 'ita', 'Japanese': 'jpn', 'Kazakh': 'kaz', 'Khmer': 'khm', 'Korean': 'kor', 'Latvian': 'lav', 'Lithuanian': 'lit', 'Luxembourgish': 'ltz', 'Macedonian': 'mac', 'Malay': 'may', 'Malayalam': 'mal', 'Manipuri': 'mni', 'Mongolian': 'mon', 'Montenegrin': 'mne', 'Norwegian': 'nor', 'Occitan': 'oci', 'Persian': 'per', 'Polish': 'pol', 'Portuguese': 'por,pob', 'Portuguese(Brazil)': 'pob,por', 'Romanian': 'rum', 'Russian': 'rus', 'Serbian': 'scc', 'Sinhalese': 'sin', 'Slovak': 'slo', 'Slovenian': 'slv', 'Spanish': 'spa', 'Swahili': 'swa', 'Swedish': 'swe', 'Syriac': 'syr', 'Tagalog': 'tgl', 'Tamil': 'tam', 'Telugu': 'tel', 'Thai': 'tha', 'Turkish': 'tur', 'Ukrainian': 'ukr', 'Urdu': 'urd'} codePageDict = {'ara': 'cp1256', 'ar': 'cp1256', 'ell': 'cp1253', 'el': 'cp1253', 'heb': 'cp1255', 'he': 'cp1255', 'tur': 'cp1254', 'tr': 'cp1254', 'rus': 'cp1251', 'ru': 'cp1251'} quality = ['bluray', 'hdrip', 'brrip', 'bdrip', 'dvdrip', 'webrip', 'hdtv'] langs = [] try: try: langs = langDict[control.setting('subtitles.lang.1')].split(',') except: langs.append(langDict[control.setting('subtitles.lang.1')]) except: pass try: try: langs = langs + langDict[control.setting('subtitles.lang.2')].split(',') except: langs.append(langDict[control.setting('subtitles.lang.2')]) except: pass try: subLang = xbmc.Player().getSubtitles() except: subLang = '' if subLang == langs[0]: raise Exception() server = xmlrpc_client.Server('', verbose=0) # token = server.LogIn('', '', 'en', 'XBMC_Subtitles_v1') token = server.LogIn('', '', 'en', 'XBMC_Subtitles_Unofficial_v5.2.14') # service.subtitles.opensubtitles_by_opensubtitles if 'token' not in token: return log_utils.log('OpenSubtitles Login failed: token=%s' % token, level=log_utils.LOGWARNING) else: token = token['token'] sublanguageid = ','.join(langs) imdbid = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '', imdb) if not (season is None or episode is None): result = server.SearchSubtitles(token, [{'sublanguageid': sublanguageid, 'imdbid': imdbid, 'season': season, 'episode': episode}])['data'] fmt = ['hdtv'] else: result = server.SearchSubtitles(token, [{'sublanguageid': sublanguageid, 'imdbid': imdbid}])['data'] try: vidPath = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile() except: vidPath = '' fmt = re.split(r'\.|\(|\)|\[|\]|\s|\-', vidPath) fmt = [i.lower() for i in fmt] fmt = [i for i in fmt if i in quality] filter = [] result = [i for i in result if i['SubSumCD'] == '1'] for lang in langs: filter += [i for i in result if i['SubLanguageID'] == lang and any(x in i['MovieReleaseName'].lower() for x in fmt)] filter += [i for i in result if i['SubLanguageID'] == lang and any(x in i['MovieReleaseName'].lower() for x in quality)] filter += [i for i in result if i['SubLanguageID'] == lang] try: lang = xbmc.convertLanguage(filter[0]['SubLanguageID'], xbmc.ISO_639_1) except: lang = filter[0]['SubLanguageID'] filename = filter[0]['SubFileName'] log_utils.log('downloaded subtitle=%s' % filename, level=log_utils.LOGDEBUG) content = [filter[0]['IDSubtitleFile'],] content = server.DownloadSubtitles(token, content) content = base64.b64decode(content['data'][0]['data']) content = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=BytesIO(content)).read() subtitle = control.transPath('special://temp/') subtitle = control.joinPath(subtitle, '' % lang) log_utils.log('subtitle file = %s' % subtitle, level=log_utils.LOGDEBUG) codepage = codePageDict.get(lang, '') if codepage and control.setting('subtitles.utf') == 'true': try: content_encoded = codecs.decode(content, codepage) # check for kodi 19? content = codecs.encode(content_encoded, 'utf-8') # check for kodi 19? except: pass file = control.openFile(subtitle, 'w') file.write(content) file.close() xbmc.sleep(1000) xbmc.Player().setSubtitles(subtitle) if control.setting('subtitles.notification') == 'true': if Player().isPlayback(): control.sleep(500) control.notification(title=filename, message=control.lang(32191) % lang.upper()) except: log_utils.error()
def doDownload(url, dest, title, image, headers): headers = json.loads(urllib.unquote_plus(headers)) url = urllib.unquote_plus(url) title = urllib.unquote_plus(title) image = urllib.unquote_plus(image) dest = urllib.unquote_plus(dest) file = dest.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1] resp = getResponse(url, headers, 0) if not resp: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(title, dest, 'Download fehlgeschlagen', 'Keine Antwort vom Server') return try: content = int(resp.headers['Content-Length']) except: content = 0 try: resumable = 'bytes' in resp.headers['Accept-Ranges'].lower() except: resumable = False #print "Download Header" #print resp.headers if resumable: print "Download is resumable" if content < 1: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(title, file, 'Unbekannte Dateigröße', 'Download nicht möglich') return size = 1024 * 1024 mb = content / (1024 * 1024) if content < size: size = content total = 0 notify = 0 errors = 0 count = 0 resume = 0 sleep = 0 if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(title + ' - Download bestätigen', file, 'Dateigröße %dMB' % mb, 'Download fortsetzen?', 'Fortsetzen', 'Abbrechen') == 1: return print 'Download File Size : %dMB %s ' % (mb, dest) #f = open(dest, mode='wb') f = xbmcvfs.File(dest, 'w') chunks = [] while True: downloaded = total for c in chunks: downloaded += len(c) percent = min(100 * downloaded / content, 100) if percent >= notify: xbmc.executebuiltin( "XBMC.Notification(%s,%s,%i,%s)" % (str(percent) + '%' + ' - ' + title, dest, 10000, image)) print 'Download percent : %s %s %dMB downloaded : %sMB File Size : %sMB' % ( str(percent) + '%', dest, mb, downloaded / 1000000, content / 1000000) notify += 10 chunk = None error = False try: chunk = if not chunk: if percent < 99: error = True else: while len(chunks) > 0: c = chunks.pop(0) f.write(c) del c f.close() print '%s download complete' % (dest) return done(title, dest, True) except Exception, e: print str(e) error = True sleep = 10 errno = 0 if hasattr(e, 'errno'): errno = e.errno if errno == 10035: # 'A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately' pass if errno == 10054: #'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host' errors = 10 #force resume sleep = 30 if errno == 11001: # 'getaddrinfo failed' errors = 10 #force resume sleep = 30 if chunk: errors = 0 chunks.append(chunk) if len(chunks) > 5: c = chunks.pop(0) f.write(c) total += len(c) del c if error: errors += 1 count += 1 print '%d Error(s) whilst downloading %s' % (count, dest) xbmc.sleep(sleep * 1000) if (resumable and errors > 0) or errors >= 10: if (not resumable and resume >= 50) or resume >= 500: #Give up! print '%s download canceled - too many error whilst downloading' % ( dest) return done(title, dest, False) resume += 1 errors = 0 if resumable: chunks = [] #create new response print 'Download resumed (%d) %s' % (resume, dest) resp = getResponse(url, headers, total) else: #use existing response pass
alreadyRunning = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty( "VideoScreensaverStarting") if alreadyRunning in ["", None]: xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty("VideoScreensaverStarting", "true") # Make a special check to see if TvTunes is running - as we want to give that time # to stop before we start trying to play the video maxTvTunesWait = 40 while maxTvTunesWait > 0: maxTvTunesWait = maxTvTunesWait - 1 # If TvTunes is not running then stop waiting if xbmcgui.Window(10025).getProperty("TvTunesIsRunning") in [ None, "" ]: break xbmc.sleep(100) try: # Stop TvTunes trying to start while we load the screensaver xbmcgui.Window(10025).setProperty("TvTunesIsRunning", "VideoScreensaver") # Give a little bit of time for everything to shake out before starting the screensaver # waiting another few seconds to start a screensaver is not going to make a difference # to the user xbmc.sleep(1000) # Check if media (Music or video) is playing already when the screensaver # starts, as the user may want to stop the screensaver running if they are # playing music if not (xbmc.Player().isPlaying()
def keepPlaybackAlive(self): pname = '%s.player.overlay' % control.addonInfo('id') control.window.clearProperty(pname) if self.content == 'movie': overlay = playcount.getMovieOverlay(playcount.getMovieIndicators(), elif self.content == 'episode': overlay = playcount.getEpisodeOverlay( playcount.getTVShowIndicators(),, self.tvdb, self.season, self.episode) else: overlay = '6' for i in range(0, 240): if self.isPlayingVideo(): break xbmc.sleep(1000) if overlay == '7': while self.isPlayingVideo(): try: self.totalTime = self.getTotalTime() self.currentTime = self.getTime() except: pass xbmc.sleep(2000) elif self.content == 'movie': while self.isPlayingVideo(): try: self.totalTime = self.getTotalTime() self.currentTime = self.getTime() watcher = (self.currentTime / self.totalTime >= .9) property = control.window.getProperty(pname) if watcher == True and not property == '7': control.window.setProperty(pname, '7') playcount.markMovieDuringPlayback(, '7') elif watcher == False and not property == '6': control.window.setProperty(pname, '6') playcount.markMovieDuringPlayback(, '6') except: pass xbmc.sleep(2000) elif self.content == 'episode': while self.isPlayingVideo(): try: self.totalTime = self.getTotalTime() self.currentTime = self.getTime() watcher = (self.currentTime / self.totalTime >= .9) property = control.window.getProperty(pname) if watcher == True and not property == '7': control.window.setProperty(pname, '7') playcount.markEpisodeDuringPlayback(, self.tvdb, self.season, self.episode, '7') elif watcher == False and not property == '6': control.window.setProperty(pname, '6') playcount.markEpisodeDuringPlayback(, self.tvdb, self.season, self.episode, '6') except: pass xbmc.sleep(2000) control.window.clearProperty(pname)
def showMovies(sSearch=''): oGui = cGui() oParser = cParser() if sSearch: bvalid, stoken, scookie = GetTokens() if bvalid: pdata = '_token=' + stoken + '&search=' + sSearch sUrl = URL_MAIN + 'search' UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0' oRequestHandler = cRequestHandler(sUrl) oRequestHandler.setRequestType(1) oRequestHandler.addHeaderEntry('User-Agent', UA) oRequestHandler.addHeaderEntry('Referer', URL_MAIN) oRequestHandler.addHeaderEntry('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') oRequestHandler.addHeaderEntry('Cookie', scookie) oRequestHandler.addParametersLine(pdata) oRequestHandler.request() # constatation : on est oblige de faire 2 requetes # dans le cas ou le mot recherché est composé ? xbmc.sleep(500) oRequestHandler.setRequestType(1) oRequestHandler.addHeaderEntry('User-Agent', UA) oRequestHandler.addHeaderEntry('Referer', URL_MAIN) oRequestHandler.addHeaderEntry('Cookie', scookie) oRequestHandler.addParametersLine(pdata) sHtmlContent = oRequestHandler.request() else: oGui.addText(SITE_IDENTIFIER) return else: oInputParameterHandler = cInputParameterHandler() sUrl = oInputParameterHandler.getValue('siteUrl') oRequestHandler = cRequestHandler(sUrl) sHtmlContent = oRequestHandler.request() # title img year surl sPattern = '<article class.+?data-url.+?title="([^"]*).+?img src=([^\s]*).+?year">([^<]+).+?href="([^"]+)' aResult = oParser.parse(sHtmlContent, sPattern) if (aResult[0] == False): oGui.addText(SITE_IDENTIFIER) if (aResult[0] == True): total = len(aResult[1]) progress_ = progress().VScreate(SITE_NAME) oOutputParameterHandler = cOutputParameterHandler() for aEntry in aResult[1]: progress_.VSupdate(progress_, total) if progress_.iscanceled(): break sDesc = '' sTitle = aEntry[0] sThumb = aEntry[1] sYear = aEntry[2] sUrl2 = aEntry[3] sDisplayTitle = sTitle + '(' + sYear + ')' oOutputParameterHandler.addParameter('siteUrl', sUrl2) oOutputParameterHandler.addParameter('sMovieTitle', sTitle) oOutputParameterHandler.addParameter('sThumb', sThumb) oOutputParameterHandler.addParameter('sDesc', sDesc) oOutputParameterHandler.addParameter('sYear', sYear) if sSearch: oGui.addLink(SITE_IDENTIFIER, 'showSelectType', sDisplayTitle, sThumb, sDesc, oOutputParameterHandler) elif SERIE_NEWS[0] in sUrl: sDisplayTitle = sTitle oGui.addTV(SITE_IDENTIFIER, 'showSXE', sDisplayTitle, '', sThumb, sDesc, oOutputParameterHandler) else: oGui.addMovie(SITE_IDENTIFIER, 'showLink', sDisplayTitle, '', sThumb, sDesc, oOutputParameterHandler) progress_.VSclose(progress_) if not sSearch: sNextPage, sPaging = __checkForNextPage(sHtmlContent) if (sNextPage != False): oOutputParameterHandler = cOutputParameterHandler() oOutputParameterHandler.addParameter('siteUrl', sNextPage) oGui.addNext(SITE_IDENTIFIER, 'showMovies', 'Page ' + sPaging, oOutputParameterHandler) oGui.setEndOfDirectory()
# Uninitiallized: First Update -> update shall take place. updateNeeded = True os.system('rm %s' % destination_path) return updateNeeded dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dialog.create('System Update', 'Checking For Updates') if check_for_updates(): dialog.update(100, 'Update Required') dialog.update(100, 'Restarting in 5...') xbmc.sleep(999) dialog.update(100, 'Restarting in 4...') xbmc.sleep(999) dialog.update(100, 'Restarting in 3...') xbmc.sleep(999) dialog.update(100, 'Restarting in 2...') xbmc.sleep(999) dialog.update(100, 'Restarting in 1...') xbmc.sleep(999) xbmc.restart() else: dialog.update(100, 'System Is Up To Date') xbmc.sleep(500) dialog.close() exit()
def playPlaylist(self): while self.isPlaying(): xbmc.sleep(500)
def runAsAService(self): logVideoLibraryNotShowing = True while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): # Wait a little before starting the check each time xbmc.sleep(200) # Check the forced TV Tunes status at the start of the loop, if this is True # then we don't want to stop themes until the next iteration, this stops the case # where some checks are done and the value changes part was through a single # loop iteration isForcedTvTunesContinue = WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePlaying( ) # Stop the theme if the shutdown menu appears - it normally means # we are about to shut the system down, so get ahead of the game if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu(): self.stop(fastFade=True) continue # NOTE: The screensaver kicking in will only be picked up if the option # "Use Visualization if Playing Audio" is disabled if WindowShowing.isScreensaver(): if self.isAlive: log("TunesBackend: Screensaver active") self.stop(fastFade=True) # It may be possible that we stopped for the screen-saver about to kick in # If we are using Gotham or higher, it is possible for us to re-kick off the # screen-saver, otherwise the action of us stopping the theme will reset the # timeout and the user will have to wait longer log("TunesBackend: Restarting screensaver that TvTunes stopped" ) executebuiltin("ActivateScreensaver", True) continue # Check if TvTunes is blocked from playing any themes if xbmcgui.Window(10025).getProperty('TvTunesBlocked') not in [ None, "" ]: self.stop(fastFade=True) continue if (not WindowShowing.isVideoLibrary()) and ( not WindowShowing.isMusicSection()): log("TunesBackend: Video Library no longer visible", logVideoLibraryNotShowing) logVideoLibraryNotShowing = False # End playing cleanly (including any fade out) and then stop everything self.stop() continue else: logVideoLibraryNotShowing = True # There is a valid page selected and there is currently nothing playing if self.isPlayingZone( ) and not WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePrevious(): newThemes = self.getThemes() if self.newThemeFiles != newThemes: self.newThemeFiles = newThemes # Check if the file path has changed, if so there is a new file to play if self.newThemeFiles != self.oldThemeFiles and self.newThemeFiles.hasThemes( ): log("TunesBackend: old path: %s" % self.oldThemeFiles.getPath()) log("TunesBackend: new path: %s" % self.newThemeFiles.getPath()) if self.start_playing(): # Now that playing has started, update the current themes that are being used self.oldThemeFiles = self.newThemeFiles # Check the operations where we are currently running and we need to stop # playing the current theme if self.isAlive: if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme(): # There is no theme at this location, so make sure we are stopped if not self.newThemeFiles.hasThemes(): log("TunesBackend: No themes to play for current item") self.themePlayer.endPlaying() self.oldThemeFiles.clear() self.prevThemeFiles.clear() self.delayedStart.clear() self.isAlive = False else: # This will occur when a theme has stopped playing, maybe is is not set to loop # There can be a delay when playing between playlist items, so give it a little # time to start playing the next one themeIsStillPlaying = False maxLoop = 500 while (maxLoop > 0) and (not themeIsStillPlaying): maxLoop = maxLoop - 1 xbmc.sleep(1) if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme(): themeIsStillPlaying = True break if not themeIsStillPlaying: log("TunesBackend: playing ended, restoring settings") self.themePlayer.restoreSettings() self.isAlive = False # This is the case where the user has moved from within an area where the themes # to an area where the theme is no longer played, so it will trigger a stop and # reset everything to highlight that nothing is playing if (not self.isPlayingZone()) and (not isForcedTvTunesContinue): self.stop() else: # Check for the case where we are playing the trailer as a theme # video, if so we want to stop the trailer playing when the video # information screen is displayed. If we don't, when the trailer is # started then TvTunes will automatically stop it if Settings.useTrailers() and WindowShowing.isMovieInformation( ) and self.themePlayer.isPlayingTrailerTheme(): self.stop() # Check to see if the setting to restrict the theme duration is enabled # and if it is we need to stop the current theme playing self.themePlayer.checkEnding() # We have finished running, just make one last check to ensure # we do not need to stop any audio self.stop(True) del self.themePlayer
def get_link(url, movie_title, thumb, media): hmf = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(url) ########################################## if hmf: try: url = urlresolver.resolve(url) params = {'url': url, 'name': movie_title, 'thumb': thumb} addon.add_video_item(params, {'title': movie_title}, img=thumb) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(movie_title, iconImage="DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage=thumb) xbmc.sleep(1000) liz.setPath(str(url)) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz) #xbmc.Player ().play(url, liz, False) movie_name = movie_title[:-6] movie_name = '"' + movie_name + '"' movie_year_full = movie_title[-6:] movie_year = movie_year_full.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') if kodi.get_setting('trakt_oauth_token'): xbmc.sleep(30000) print "Velocity: Movie Scrobble Start" try: trakt_auth.start_movie_watch(movie_name, movie_year) except Exception as e: log_utils.log('Error [%s] %s' % (str(e), ''), xbmc.LOGERROR) if kodi.get_setting('error_notify') == "true": kodi.notify(header='Scrobble not loggged', msg='%s %s' % (str(e), ''), duration=5000, sound=None) xbmc.sleep(30000) if kodi.get_setting('trakt_oauth_token'): check_player(movie_name, movie_year) except Exception as e: log_utils.log('Error [%s] %s' % (str(e), ''), xbmc.LOGERROR) kodi.notify(header='Try Another Source', msg='Link Removed or Failed', duration=4000, sound=None) if not hmf: try: params = {'url': url, 'name': movie_title, 'thumb': thumb} addon.add_video_item(params, {'title': movie_title}, img=thumb) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(movie_title, iconImage="DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage=thumb) xbmc.sleep(1000) liz.setPath(str(url)) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz) #xbmc.Player ().play(url, liz, False) movie_name = movie_title[:-6] movie_name = '"' + movie_name + '"' movie_year_full = movie_title[-6:] movie_year = movie_year_full.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') if kodi.get_setting('trakt_oauth_token'): xbmc.sleep(30000) print "Velocity: Movie Scrobble Start" try: trakt_auth.start_movie_watch(movie_name, movie_year) except Exception as e: log_utils.log('Error [%s] %s' % (str(e), ''), xbmc.LOGERROR) if kodi.get_setting('error_notify') == "true": kodi.notify(header='Scrobble not loggged', msg='%s %s' % (str(e), ''), duration=5000, sound=None) xbmc.sleep(30000) if kodi.get_setting('trakt_oauth_token'): check_player(movie_name, movie_year) except Exception as e: log_utils.log('Error [%s] %s' % (str(e), ''), xbmc.LOGERROR) kodi.notify(header='Try Another Source', msg='Link Removed or Failed', duration=4000, sound=None)
def HELPWIZARD(name, url, description, filetype): path = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join('special://home', 'addons', 'packages')) confirm = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( "Please Confirm", " Please confirm that you wish to automatically ", " configure Kodi with all the best addons and tweaks!", " ", "Cancel", "Install") filetype = filetype.lower() if confirm: path = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join('special://home', 'addons', 'packages')) dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create(AddonTitle, " ", 'Downloading and Configuring ', 'Please Wait') lib = os.path.join(path, name + '.zip') try: os.remove(lib) except: pass ### ## ... ## # kodi.log(url) if str(url).endswith('[error]'): print url dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok("Error!", url) return if '[error]' in url: print url dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok("Error!", url) return, lib, dp) if filetype == 'main': addonfolder = xbmc.translatePath('special://home') elif filetype == 'addon': addonfolder = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join('special://home', 'addons')) else: print {'filetype': filetype} dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok("Error!", 'filetype: "%s"' % str(filetype)) return xbmc.sleep(4000) extract.all(lib, addonfolder, dp) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.UpdateLocalAddons()") addon_able.setall_enable() try: os.remove(lib) except: pass if filetype == 'main': link = OPEN_URL(cutslink) shorts = re.compile('shortcut="(.+?)"').findall(link) for shortname in shorts: xEB('Skin.SetString(%s)' % shortname) enableBG16 = "UseCustomBackground,true" enableBG17 = "use_custom_bg,true" xEB('Skin.SetBool(%s)' % enableBG16) xEB('Skin.SetBool(%s)' % enableBG17) xbmc.sleep(4000) xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC_UpdateLocalAddons()') addon_able.setall_enable() kodi.set_setting("wizardran", 'true') dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(TeamName, "Installation Complete!", "", "Click OK to exit Kodi and then restart to complete .") xbmc.executebuiltin('ShutDown')
def sleep(sleep_time): mon = xbmc.Monitor() while not mon.abortRequested() and sleep_time > 0: sleep_time -= 100 xbmc.sleep(99)
def run(self):"----===## Starting %s ##===----", self.__class__.__name__) counter = 0 handshake_counter = 0 stopped = self.stopped suspended = self.suspended while not stopped(): # In the event the server goes offline while suspended(): # Set in if is not None: = None if stopped(): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit"##===---- %s Stopped ----===##", self.__class__.__name__) return sleep(1000) try: self.process(*self.receive( except websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException: # No worries if read timed out pass except websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException:"%s: connection closed, (re)connecting", self.__class__.__name__) uri, sslopt = self.getUri() try: # Low timeout - let's us shut this thread down! = websocket.create_connection( uri, timeout=1, sslopt=sslopt, enable_multithread=True) except IOError: # Server is probably offline"%s: Error connecting", self.__class__.__name__) = None counter += 1 if counter > 3: counter = 0 self.IOError_response() sleep(1000) except websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException:"%s: Timeout while connecting, trying again", self.__class__.__name__) = None sleep(1000) except websocket.WebSocketException as e:'%s: WebSocketException: %s', self.__class__.__name__, e) if ('Handshake Status 401' in e.args or 'Handshake Status 403' in e.args): handshake_counter += 1 if handshake_counter >= 5: '%s: Error in handshake detected. ' 'Stopping now', self.__class__.__name__) break = None sleep(1000) except Exception as e: LOG.error( '%s: Unknown exception encountered when ' 'connecting: %s', self.__class__.__name__, e) import traceback LOG.error("%s: Traceback:\n%s", self.__class__.__name__, traceback.format_exc()) = None sleep(1000) else: counter = 0 handshake_counter = 0 except Exception as e: LOG.error("%s: Unknown exception encountered: %s", self.__class__.__name__, e) import traceback LOG.error("%s: Traceback:\n%s", self.__class__.__name__, traceback.format_exc()) if is not None: = None # Close websocket connection on shutdown if is not None:"##===---- %s Stopped ----===##", self.__class__.__name__)
def download(link, episode=""): subtitle_list = [] exts = [".srt", ".sub", ".txt", ".smi", ".ssa", ".ass"] downloadlink_pattern = "...<a href=\"(.+?)\" rel=\"nofollow\" onclick=\"DownloadSubtitle" uid = uuid.uuid4() tempdir = os.path.join(TEMP, unicode(uid)) xbmcvfs.mkdirs(tempdir) content, response_url = geturl(link) match = re.compile(downloadlink_pattern).findall(content) if match: downloadlink = main_url + match[0] viewstate = 0 previouspage = 0 subtitleid = 0 typeid = "zip" filmid = 0 postparams = urllib.urlencode({ '__EVENTTARGET': 's$lc$bcr$downloadLink', '__EVENTARGUMENT': '', '__VIEWSTATE': viewstate, '__PREVIOUSPAGE': previouspage, 'subtitleId': subtitleid, 'typeId': typeid, 'filmId': filmid }) useragent = ( "User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: " "Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)") headers = {'User-Agent': useragent, 'Referer': link} log( __name__, "Fetching subtitles using url '%s' with referer header '%s' and post parameters '%s'" % (downloadlink, link, postparams)) request = urllib2.Request(downloadlink, postparams, headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) if response.getcode() != 200: log(__name__, "Failed to download subtitle file") return subtitle_list local_tmp_file = os.path.join(tempdir, "") packed = False try: log(__name__, "Saving subtitles to '%s'" % local_tmp_file) local_file_handle = xbmcvfs.File(local_tmp_file, "wb") local_file_handle.write( local_file_handle.close() # Check archive type (rar/zip/else) through the file header (rar=Rar!, zip=PK) myfile = xbmcvfs.File(local_tmp_file, "rb"), 0) if == 'R': typeid = "rar" packed = True log(__name__, "Discovered RAR Archive") else:, 0) if == 'P': typeid = "zip" packed = True log(__name__, "Discovered ZIP Archive") else: typeid = "srt" packed = False log(__name__, "Discovered a non-archive file") myfile.close() local_tmp_file = os.path.join(tempdir, "subscene." + typeid) xbmcvfs.rename(os.path.join(tempdir, ""), local_tmp_file) log(__name__, "Saving to %s" % local_tmp_file) except: log(__name__, "Failed to save subtitle to %s" % local_tmp_file) if packed: xbmc.sleep(500) xbmc.executebuiltin(('XBMC.Extract("%s","%s")' % ( local_tmp_file, tempdir, )).encode('utf-8'), True) episode_pattern = None if episode != '': episode_pattern = re.compile(get_episode_pattern(episode), re.IGNORECASE) for dir in xbmcvfs.listdir(tempdir)[0]: for file in xbmcvfs.listdir(os.path.join(tempdir, dir))[1]: if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in exts: log(__name__, 'match ' + episode + ' ' + file) if episode_pattern and not continue log(__name__, "=== returning subtitle file %s" % file) subtitle_list.append(os.path.join(tempdir, dir, file)) for file in xbmcvfs.listdir(tempdir)[1]: if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in exts: log(__name__, 'match ' + episode + ' ' + file) if episode_pattern and not continue log(__name__, "=== returning subtitle file %s" % file) subtitle_list.append(os.path.join(tempdir, file)) if len(subtitle_list) == 0: if episode: _xbmc_notification(32002) else: _xbmc_notification(32003) return subtitle_list
def onAVStarted(self): xbmc.sleep(1000) self.type = None = None # take the user start scrobble offset into account scrobbleStartOffset = kodiUtilities.getSettingAsInt( 'scrobble_start_offset') * 60 if scrobbleStartOffset > 0: waitFor = 10 waitedFor = 0 # check each 10 seconds if we can abort or proceed while scrobbleStartOffset > waitedFor: waitedFor += waitFor time.sleep(waitFor) if not self.isPlayingVideo(): logger.debug( '[traktPlayer] Playback stopped before reaching the scrobble offset' ) return # only do anything if we're playing a video if self.isPlayingVideo(): # get item data from json rpc activePlayers = kodiUtilities.kodiJsonRequest({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetActivePlayers", "id": 1 }) logger.debug("[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - activePlayers: %s" % activePlayers) playerId = int(activePlayers[0]['playerid']) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Doing Player.GetItem kodiJsonRequest" ) result = kodiUtilities.kodiJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'Player.GetItem', 'params': { 'playerid': playerId }, 'id': 1 }) if result: logger.debug("[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - %s" % result) # check for exclusion _filename = None try: _filename = self.getPlayingFile() except: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Exception trying to get playing filename, player suddenly stopped." ) return if kodiUtilities.checkExclusion(_filename): logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - '%s' is in exclusion settings, ignoring." % _filename) return if (kodiUtilities.getSettingAsBool('scrobble_mythtv_pvr')): logger.debug( '[traktPlayer] Setting is enabled to try scrobbling mythtv pvr recording, if necessary.' ) self.type = result['item']['type'] data = {'action': 'started'} # check type of item if 'id' not in result['item'] or self.type == 'channel': # get non-library details by infolabel (ie. PVR, plugins, etc.) self.type, data = kodiUtilities.getInfoLabelDetails(result) elif self.type == 'episode' or self.type == 'movie': # get library id = result['item']['id'] data['id'] = data['type'] = self.type if self.type == 'episode': logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Doing multi-part episode check." ) result = kodiUtilities.kodiJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails', 'params': { 'episodeid':, 'properties': ['tvshowid', 'season', 'episode', 'file'] }, 'id': 1 }) if result: logger.debug("[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - %s" % result) tvshowid = int( result['episodedetails']['tvshowid']) season = int(result['episodedetails']['season']) currentfile = result['episodedetails']['file'] result = kodiUtilities.kodiJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes', 'params': { 'tvshowid': tvshowid, 'season': season, 'properties': ['episode', 'file'], 'sort': { 'method': 'episode' } }, 'id': 1 }) if result: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - %s" % result) # make sure episodes array exists in results if 'episodes' in result: multi = [] for i in range(result['limits']['start'], result['limits']['total']): if currentfile == result['episodes'][ i]['file']: multi.append(result['episodes'][i] ['episodeid']) if len(multi) > 1: data['multi_episode_data'] = multi data['multi_episode_count'] = len( multi) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - This episode is part of a multi-part episode." ) else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - This is a single episode." ) elif (kodiUtilities.getSettingAsBool('scrobble_mythtv_pvr') and self.type == 'unknown' and result['item']['label']): # If we have label/id but no show type, then this might be a PVR recording. # DEBUG INFO: This code is useful when trying to figure out what info is available. Many of the fields # that you'd expect (TVShowTitle, episode, season, etc) are always blank. In Kodi v15, we got the show # and episode name in the VideoPlayer label. In v16, that's gone, but the Player.Filename infolabel # is populated with several interesting things. If these things change in future versions, uncommenting # this code will hopefully provide some useful info in the debug log. # logger.debug("[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - TEMP Checking all videoplayer infolabels.") # for il in ['VideoPlayer.Time','VideoPlayer.TimeRemaining','VideoPlayer.TimeSpeed','VideoPlayer.Duration','VideoPlayer.Title','VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle','VideoPlayer.Season','VideoPlayer.Episode','VideoPlayer.Genre','VideoPlayer.Director','VideoPlayer.Country','VideoPlayer.Year','VideoPlayer.Rating','VideoPlayer.UserRating','VideoPlayer.Votes','VideoPlayer.RatingAndVotes','VideoPlayer.mpaa',VideoPlayer.EpisodeName','VideoPlayer.PlaylistPosition','VideoPlayer.PlaylistLength','VideoPlayer.Cast','VideoPlayer.CastAndRole','VideoPlayer.Album','VideoPlayer.Artist','VideoPlayer.Studio','VideoPlayer.Writer','VideoPlayer.Tagline','VideoPlayer.PlotOutline','VideoPlayer.Plot','VideoPlayer.LastPlayed','VideoPlayer.PlayCount','VideoPlayer.VideoCodec','VideoPlayer.VideoResolution','VideoPlayer.VideoAspect','VideoPlayer.AudioCodec','VideoPlayer.AudioChannels','VideoPlayer.AudioLanguage','VideoPlayer.SubtitlesLanguage','VideoPlayer.StereoscopicMode','VideoPlayer.EndTime','VideoPlayer.NextTitle','VideoPlayer.NextGenre','VideoPlayer.NextPlot','VideoPlayer.NextPlotOutline','VideoPlayer.NextStartTime','VideoPlayer.NextEndTime','VideoPlayer.NextDuration','VideoPlayer.ChannelName','VideoPlayer.ChannelNumber','VideoPlayer.SubChannelNumber','VideoPlayer.ChannelNumberLabel','VideoPlayer.ChannelGroup','VideoPlayer.ParentalRating','Player.FinishTime','Player.FinishTime(format)','Player.Chapter','Player.ChapterCount','Player.Time','Player.Time(format)','Player.TimeRemaining','Player.TimeRemaining(format)','Player.Duration','Player.Duration(format)','Player.SeekTime','Player.SeekOffset','Player.SeekOffset(format)','Player.SeekStepSize','Player.ProgressCache','Player.Folderpath','Player.Filenameandpath','Player.StartTime','Player.StartTime(format)','Player.Title','Player.Filename']: # logger.debug("[traktPlayer] TEMP %s : %s" % (il, xbmc.getInfoLabel(il))) # for k,v in result.items(): # logger.debug("[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - result - %s : %s" % (k,v)) # for k,v in result['item'].items(): # logger.debug("[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - result.item - %s : %s" % (k,v)) # As of Kodi v17, many of the VideoPlayer labels are populated by the MythTV PVR addon, though sadly this # does not include IMDB number. That means we're still stuck using the show title/episode name to look up # IDs to feed to the scrobbler. Still, much easier than previous versions! foundShowName = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Title') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.Title: %s" % foundShowName) foundEpisodeName = xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'VideoPlayer.EpisodeName') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.EpisodeName: %s" % foundEpisodeName) foundEpisodeYear = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Year') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.Year: %s" % foundEpisodeYear) foundSeason = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Season') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.Season: %s" % foundSeason) foundEpisode = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Episode') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.Episode: %s" % foundEpisode) if (foundShowName and foundEpisodeName and foundEpisodeYear): # If the show/episode/year are populated, we can skip all the mess of trying to extract the info from the # Player.Filename infolabel. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Got info from VideoPlayer labels" ) else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - No love from VideoPlayer labels, trying Player.Filename infolabel" ) # If that didn't work, we can fall back on the Player.Filename infolabel. It shows up like this: # (v16) ShowName [sXXeYY ](year) EpisodeName, channel, PVRFileName # (v17) ShowName [sXXeYY ](year) EpisodeName, channel, date, PVRFileName # The season and episode info may or may not be present. Also, sometimes there are some URL encodings # (i.e. %20 instead of space) so those need removing. For example: # Powerless s01e08 (2017)%20Green%20Furious, TV%20(WOOD%20TV), 20170414_003000, 1081_1492129800_4e1.pvr # DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016) Pilot, Part 2, TV (CW W MI), 20160129_010000, 1081_1492129800_4e1.pvr foundLabel = urllib.parse.unquote( xbmc.getInfoLabel('Player.Filename')) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found unknown video type with label: %s. Might be a PVR episode, searching Trakt for it." % foundLabel) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - After urllib.unquote: %s." % foundLabel) splitLabel = foundLabel.rsplit(", ", 3) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Post-split of label: %s " % splitLabel) if len(splitLabel) != 4: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Label doesn't have the ShowName sXXeYY (year) EpisodeName, channel, date, PVRFileName format that was expected. Might be the v16 version with no date instead." ) splitLabel = foundLabel.rsplit(", ", 2) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Post-split of label: %s " % splitLabel) if len(splitLabel) != 3: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Label doesn't have the ShowName sXXeYY (year) EpisodeName, channel, PVRFileName format that was expected. Giving up." ) return foundShowAndEpInfo = splitLabel[0] logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - show plus episode info: %s" % foundShowAndEpInfo) splitShowAndEpInfo = re.split( r' (s\d\de\d\d)? ?\((\d\d\d\d)\) ', foundShowAndEpInfo, 1) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Post-split of show plus episode info: %s " % splitShowAndEpInfo) if len(splitShowAndEpInfo) != 4: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Show plus episode info doesn't have the ShowName sXXeYY (year) EpisodeName format that was expected. Giving up." ) return foundShowName = splitShowAndEpInfo[0] logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - using show name: %s" % foundShowName) foundEpisodeName = splitShowAndEpInfo[3] logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - using episode name: %s" % foundEpisodeName) foundEpisodeYear = splitShowAndEpInfo[2] logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - using episode year: %s" % foundEpisodeYear) epYear = None try: epYear = int(foundEpisodeYear) except ValueError: epYear = None logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - verified episode year: %d" % epYear) # All right, now we have the show name, episode name, and (maybe) episode year. All good, but useless for # scrobbling since Trakt only understands IDs, not names. data['video_ids'] = None data['season'] = None data['episode'] = None data['episodeTitle'] = None # First thing to try, a text query to the Trakt DB looking for this episode. Note # that we can't search for show and episode together, because the Trakt function gets confused and returns nothing. newResp = globals.traktapi.getTextQuery( foundEpisodeName, "episode", epYear) if not newResp: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Empty Response from getTextQuery, giving up" ) else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Got Response from getTextQuery: %s" % str(newResp)) # We got something back. See if one of the returned values is for the show we're looking for. Often it's # not, but since there's no way to tell the search which show we want, this is all we can do. rightResp = None for thisResp in newResp: compareShowName = logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - comparing show name: %s" % compareShowName) if == foundShowName: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - found the right show, using this response" ) rightResp = thisResp break if rightResp is None: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Failed to find matching episode/show via text search." ) else: # OK, now we have a episode object to work with. self.type = 'episode' data['type'] = 'episode' # You'd think we could just use the episode key that Trakt just returned to us, but the scrobbler # function (see only understands the show key plus season/episode values. showKeys = {} for eachKey in showKeys[eachKey[0]] = eachKey[1] data['video_ids'] = showKeys # For some reason, the Trakt search call returns the season and episode as an array in the pk field. # You'd think individual episode and season fields would be better, but whatever. data['season'] =[0] data['episode'] =[1] # At this point if we haven't found the episode data yet, the episode-title-text-search method # didn't work. if (not data['season']): # This text query API is basically the same as searching on the website. Works with alternative # titles, unlike the scrobble function. Though we can't use the episode year since that would only # match the show if we're dealing with season 1. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Searching for show title via getTextQuery: %s" % foundShowName) newResp = globals.traktapi.getTextQuery( foundShowName, "show", None) if not newResp: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Empty Show Response from getTextQuery, falling back on episode text query" ) else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Got Show Response from getTextQuery: %s" % str(newResp)) # We got something back. Have to assume the first show found is the right one; if there's more than # one, there's no way to know which to use. Pull the ids from the show data, and store 'em for scrobbling. showKeys = {} for eachKey in newResp[0].keys: showKeys[eachKey[0]] = eachKey[1] data['video_ids'] = showKeys # Now to find the episode. There's no search function to look for an episode within a show, but # we can get all the episodes and look for the title. while (not data['season']): logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Querying for all seasons/episodes of this show" ) epQueryResp = globals.traktapi.getShowWithAllEpisodesList( data['video_ids']['trakt']) if not epQueryResp: # Nothing returned. Giving up. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - No response received" ) break else: # Got the list back. Go through each season. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Got response with seasons: %s" % str(epQueryResp)) for eachSeason in epQueryResp: # For each season, check each episode. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Processing season: %s" % str(eachSeason)) for eachEpisodeNumber in eachSeason.episodes: thisEpTitle = None # Get the title. The try block is here in case the title doesn't exist for some entries. try: thisEpTitle = eachSeason.episodes[ eachEpisodeNumber].title except: thisEpTitle = None logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Checking episode number %d with title %s" % (eachEpisodeNumber, thisEpTitle)) if (foundEpisodeName == thisEpTitle ): # Found it! Save the data. The scrobbler wants season and episode number. Which for some # reason is stored as a pair in the first item in the keys array. data[ 'season'] = eachSeason.episodes[ eachEpisodeNumber].keys[ 0][0] data[ 'episode'] = eachSeason.episodes[ eachEpisodeNumber].keys[ 0][1] # Title too, just for the heck of it. Though it's not actually used. data[ 'episodeTitle'] = thisEpTitle break # If we already found our data, no need to go through the rest of the seasons. if (data['season']): break # Now we've done all we can. if (data['season']): # OK, that's everything. Data should be all set for scrobbling. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Playing a non-library 'episode' : show trakt key %s, season: %d, episode: %d" % (data['video_ids'], data['season'], data['episode'])) else: # Still no data? Too bad, have to give up. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Did our best, but couldn't get info for this show and episode. Skipping." ) return else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Video type '%s' unrecognized, skipping." % self.type) return pl = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) plSize = len(pl) if plSize > 1: pos = pl.getposition() if not self.plIndex is None: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - User manually skipped to next (or previous) video, forcing playback ended event." ) self.onPlayBackEnded() self.plIndex = pos logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Playlist contains %d item(s), and is currently on item %d" % (plSize, (pos + 1))) self._playing = True # send dispatch self.action(data)
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(%d)" % (self.WINDOW, )) # activate the text viewer window # get window xbmc.sleep(500) # give window time to initialize self.setControls()
def play(track_id, station_id=None): import re import play import xbmc track = rhapsody.tracks.detail(track_id) stream = rhapsody.streams.detail(track_id) item = helpers.get_track_item(track) if stream.url.startswith('rtmp://'): parts = [ '/'.join(stream.url.split('/')[:5]), 'app=' + '/'.join(stream.url.split('/')[3:5]), 'playpath=' + 'mp3:' + '/'.join(stream.url.split('/')[5:]) ] item['path'] = ' '.join(parts) else: item['path'] = stream.url notify = play.Notify(rhapsody, track, stream) player = play.Player(plugin=plugin, notify=notify) plugin.set_resolved_url(item) # add upcoming station tracks to playlist if station_id is not None: playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_MUSIC) current_pos = playlist.getposition() playlist_target_size = current_pos + 5 while playlist.size() <= playlist_target_size: next_tracks = rhapsody.stations.tracks(station_id).tracks[:5] if len(next_tracks) == 0: break for next_track in next_tracks: 'Preload: Adding next station track {0:d} of {1:d}'.format( playlist.size(), current_pos + 5)) next_item = helpers.get_track_item(next_track) next_item['path'] = plugin.url_for( 'stations_play', station_id=station_id, plugin.add_to_playlist([next_item], playlist='music') # query the next playlist item so it'll be added to the cache for seamless playback prefetch_enabled = plugin.get_setting('api_prefetch', converter=bool) if prefetch_enabled and rhapsody.ENABLE_CACHE: playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_MUSIC) next_pos = playlist.getposition() + 1 if next_pos >= playlist.size(): next_pos = 0 next_url = playlist[next_pos].getfilename() next_track_id = None url_patterns = [ re.escape(plugin.url_for('play', track_id='-track_id-')).replace( re.escape('-track_id-'), '(?P<track_id>[^\/]+)'), re.escape( plugin.url_for('stations_play', station_id='-station_id-', current_track_id='-track_id-')).replace( re.escape('-station_id-'), '(?P<station_id>[^\/]+)').replace( re.escape('-track_id-'), '(?P<track_id>.+)') ] for url_pattern in url_patterns: match = re.match(url_pattern, next_url) if match is not None: next_track_id ='track_id') if next_track_id is not None: 'Preload: Caching next playlist position {0:d} ({1:s})'.format( next_pos, next_track_id)) rhapsody.tracks.detail(next_track_id) rhapsody.streams.detail(next_track_id) # wait for the current item to finish before exiting while not xbmc.abortRequested and not player.has_stopped: xbmc.sleep(10)'Player: Exited') return plugin.finish()
def do_My_TextSplash( msg='', img='', HowLong=15, resize=False, L=0, T=0, W=1280, H=720, TxtColor='0xFFFFFFFF', Font='font14', BorderWidth=10): #HowLong in seconds. class MyWindowCountDownWithText(xbmcgui.WindowDialog): scr = {} #scr['L']=0; scr['T']=0; scr['W']=1280; scr['H']=720; def __init__(self, msg='', bgArt='', L=0, T=0, W=1280, H=720, TxtColor='0xFFFFFFFF', Font='font14', BorderWidth=10): self.background = bgArt self.scr['L'] = L self.scr['T'] = T self.scr['W'] = W self.scr['H'] = H image_path = os.path.join(_1CH.get_path(), 'resources', 'media', '1CHDialogBack.png') self.border = xbmcgui.ControlImage(self.scr['L'], self.scr['T'], self.scr['W'], self.scr['H'], image_path) self.addControl(self.border) self.BG = xbmcgui.ControlImage(self.scr['L'] + BorderWidth, self.scr['T'] + BorderWidth, self.scr['W'] - (BorderWidth * 2), self.scr['H'] - (BorderWidth * 2), self.background, aspectRatio=0, colorDiffuse='0x2FFFFFFF') self.addControl(self.BG) self.TxtMessage = xbmcgui.ControlTextBox( self.scr['L'] + BorderWidth, self.scr['T'] + BorderWidth, self.scr['W'] - (BorderWidth * 2), self.scr['H'] - (BorderWidth * 2), font=Font, textColor=TxtColor) self.addControl(self.TxtMessage) self.TxtMessage.setText(msg) counter_width = len(continue_msg) * 11 self.counter = xbmcgui.ControlTextBox(L + (W - counter_width) / 2, T + H - 30 - BorderWidth, counter_width, 30, font=Font, textColor=TxtColor) self.addControl(self.counter) def see(self): def updateBG(self, bgArt=''): self.background = bgArt self.setImage(self.background) def updateY(self, x, y): self.BG.setPosition(x, y) self.scr['L'] = x self.scr['T'] = y def updateSize(self, w, h): self.BG.setWidth(w) self.BG.setHeight(h) self.scr['W'] = w self.scr['H'] = h def updateW(self, w): self.BG.setWidth(w) self.scr['W'] = w def updateH(self, h): self.BG.setHeight(h) self.scr['H'] = h #def onInit(self): #def onClick(self,control): #def onControl(self,control): #def onFocus(self,control): #def onAction(self,action): if resize == False: maxW = 1280 maxH = 720 W = maxW / 2 H = maxH / 2 L = maxW / 4 T = maxH / 4 continue_msg = 'Continuing in %d seconds...' TempWindow2 = MyWindowCountDownWithText(msg=msg, bgArt=img, L=L, T=T, W=W, H=H, TxtColor=TxtColor, Font=Font, BorderWidth=BorderWidth) StartTime = time.time() while (time.time() - StartTime) <= HowLong: wait = HowLong - (time.time() - StartTime) TempWindow2.counter.setText(continue_msg % (wait)) xbmc.sleep(500) try: del self.TempWindow2 except: pass
def parse_movies(content_type, list_type, full_liz, useCache, plot_enable, limit, date_liz=None, date_type=None): json_query = _get_data(content_type, useCache) while json_query == "LOADING": xbmc.sleep(100) json_query = _get_data(content_type, useCache) count = 0 if json_query: json_query = json.loads(json_query) if "result" in json_query and "movies" in json_query['result']: for movie in json_query['result']['movies']: if "cast" in movie: cast = _get_cast(movie['cast']) # create a list item liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(movie['title']) liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": movie['title'], "OriginalTitle": movie['originaltitle'], "Year": movie['year'], "Genre": _get_joined_items(movie.get('genre', "")), "Studio": _get_first_item(movie.get('studio', "")), "Country": _get_first_item(movie.get('country', "")), "Plot": _get_plot(movie['plot'], plot_enable, movie['playcount']), "PlotOutline": movie['plotoutline'], "Tagline": movie['tagline'], "Rating": str(float(movie['rating'])), "Votes": movie['votes'], "MPAA": movie['mpaa'], "Director": _get_joined_items(movie.get('director', "")), "Writer": _get_joined_items(movie.get('writer', "")), "Cast": cast[0], "CastAndRole": cast[1], "mediatype": "movie", "Trailer": movie['trailer'], "Playcount": movie['playcount'] }) liz.setProperty("resumetime", str(movie['resume']['position'])) liz.setProperty("totaltime", str(movie['resume']['total'])) liz.setProperty("type", ADDON_LANGUAGE(list_type)) liz.setProperty("dbid", str(movie['movieid'])) liz.setProperty("imdbnumber", str(movie['imdbnumber'])) liz.setProperty("fanart_image", movie['art'].get('fanart', '')) liz.setProperty("cid", str(movie['movieid'])) liz.setArt(movie['art']) liz.setThumbnailImage(movie['art'].get('poster', '')) liz.setIconImage('DefaultVideoCover.png') liz.setPath(movie.get("path", "")) hasVideo = False for key, value in movie['streamdetails'].iteritems(): for stream in value: if 'video' in key: hasVideo = True liz.addStreamInfo(key, stream) # if duration wasnt in the streaminfo try adding the scraped one if not hasVideo: stream = {'duration': movie['runtime']} liz.addStreamInfo("video", stream) full_liz.append((movie['file'], liz, False)) if date_type is not None: date_liz.append(movie[date_type]) count += 1 if count == limit: break del json_query