def parseMedBiqCompXML(xmlbit, parentURI=None): obj = {} obj['type'] = MB_COMP_FWK_TYPE if 'CompetencyFramework' in xmlbit.tag else MB_COMP_TYPE obj['uri'] = getEntry(xmlbit) obj['ids'] = [obj['uri']] obj['title'] = getTitle(xmlbit) obj['description'] = getDescription(xmlbit) obj['lastmodified'] = obj = addParent(obj, parentURI) # loop through all the comps nested in the current comp for include in xmlbit.findall('cf:Includes', namespaces=mb_namespaces): if not obj.get('competencies', False): obj['competencies'] = [] uri = include.find('cf:Entry', namespaces=mb_namespaces).text.strip() # children with either be a competency object or a competency framework # try to find the competency object in db first, if not, then try the framework # if those fail, go get it from the internet c = models.getCompetency(uri) if not c: c = models.getCompetencyFramework(uri) if not c: nxt = getXML(uri) c = parseMedBiqCompXML(nxt, obj['uri']) obj['competencies'].append(c) obj = addChild(obj, c['uri']) # removed this for now... look at medbiq compfwk Relation later: return structure(xmlbit, obj) ### save this object to the db, whatever it is if obj['type'] == MB_COMP_TYPE: models.saveCompetency(obj) else: models.saveCompetencyFramework(obj) return obj
def parseMedBiqCompXML(xmlbit, parentURI=None): obj = {} obj['type'] = MB_COMP_FWK_TYPE if 'CompetencyFramework' in xmlbit.tag else MB_COMP_TYPE obj['uri'] = getEntry(xmlbit) obj['ids'] = [obj['uri']] obj['title'] = getTitle(xmlbit) obj['description'] = getDescription(xmlbit) obj['lastmodified'] = obj = addParent(obj, parentURI) for include in xmlbit.findall('cf:Includes', namespaces=mb_namespaces): if not obj.get('competencies', False): obj['competencies'] = [] url = addXMLSuffix(include.find('cf:Entry', namespaces=mb_namespaces).text.strip()) nxt = ET.fromstring(requests.get(url).text) c = parseMedBiqCompXML(nxt, obj['uri']) obj['competencies'].append(c) obj = addChild(obj, c['uri']) # removed this for now... look at medbiq compfwk Relation later: return structure(xmlbit, obj) ### save this object to the db, whatever it is if obj['type'] == MB_COMP_TYPE: models.saveCompetency(obj) else: models.saveCompetencyFramework(obj) # obj.pop('_id', False) return obj
def parseMedBiqCompXML(xmlbit, parentURI=None): obj = {} obj['type'] = MB_COMP_FWK_TYPE if 'CompetencyFramework' in xmlbit.tag else MB_COMP_TYPE obj['uri'] = getEntry(xmlbit) obj['ids'] = [obj['uri']] obj['title'] = getTitle(xmlbit) obj['description'] = getDescription(xmlbit) obj['lastmodified'] = obj = addParent(obj, parentURI) # loop through all the comps nested in the current comp for include in xmlbit.findall('cf:Includes', namespaces=mb_namespaces): if not obj.get('competencies', False): obj['competencies'] = [] uri = include.find('cf:Entry', namespaces=mb_namespaces).text.strip() # children with either be a competency object or a competency framework # try to find the competency object in db first, if not, then try the framework # if those fail, go get it from the internet c = models.getCompetency(uri) if not c: c = models.getCompetencyFramework(uri) if not c: nxt = getXML(uri) c = parseMedBiqCompXML(nxt, obj['uri']) if c: c = addParent(c, obj['uri']) models.updateCompetency(c) obj['competencies'].append(addParent(c, obj['uri'])) obj = addChild(obj, c['uri']) # removed this for now... look at medbiq compfwk Relation later: return structure(xmlbit, obj) ### save this object to the db, whatever it is if obj['type'] == MB_COMP_TYPE: models.saveCompetency(obj) else: models.saveCompetencyFramework(obj) return obj
def saveCCXMLinDB(thexml): for item in thexml.iter('LearningStandardItem'): itemj = {} sc = gettitle(item) if not sc: continue itemj['title'] = sc itemj['description'] = getdescription(item) itemj['uri'] = geturi(item) itemj['ids'] = getids(item) itemj['type'] = CCObjectType itemj['levels'] = getlevels(item) itemj['lastmodified'] = rels = getrelations(item) if rels: itemj['relations'] = rels models.saveCompetency(itemj)