Esempio n. 1
	def do_algorithm(self, ipaddr, token):
		Perform the appropriate migration decision algorithm.

		param ipaddr:	The IP address of the virtual machine to consider
							migration for.
		param token:	The migration token.
		return:			The IP of the destination server to send the VM to;
							None if the VM should not be migrated.
		hypervisor = None
		if (self.algorithm == 'round_robin'):
			hypervisor = self.migration.round_robin(ipaddr)
		elif (self.algorithm == 'distributed'):
			hypervisor = self.migration.distributed(ipaddr, token)
			# No such algorithm - don't do a migration!
			return False
		mac = hypervisor[0]
		dst = hypervisor[1]
		doms = xen.xm_get_parsed_doms()
		for dom in doms:
			if (xen.xm_get_mac(dom) == mac):
				live_migrate(dom, dst, None)
				return True
Esempio n. 2
    def round_robin(self, ipaddr):
		Perform a round-robin decision process for the VM with given IP address.

		param ipaddr:	The IP address of the VM to consider for migration.
		return:			IP address of server to migrate to, None otherwise.
        src, dst, mac = self.get_entries_and_mac(ipaddr)
        values = dict()
        total_cost = 0
        total_cost_new = 0
        hypervisor = None
        current =

        if (src is None and dst is None):
            #print 'Returning.'
            return None

        # Get aggregate throughput to/from neighbouring VMs, and communication costs.
        if (src is not None):
            for ip in src[1].keys():
                if (ip.startswith('')):  #192.168.1.')):
                    values[ip] = [src[1][ip][0] + src[1][ip][1], 0, 0, '']
                    ### EVALUATION ###
                    hypervisor, cost = self.lookup.communication_cost(
                    #hypervisor, cost = self.lookup.communication_cost(ip)
                    #print ip
                    #print hypervisor, cost
                    if (hypervisor is None and cost is None):
                        # Can't find hypervisor and associated cost, so can't migrate here.
                        del values[ip]
                        values[ip][1] = cost
                        values[ip][2] = 2 * values[ip][0] * values[ip][1] / (
                            current - src[2]).total_seconds()
                        total_cost = total_cost + values[ip][2]
                        values[ip][3] = hypervisor
            if (dst is not None):
                for ip in dst[1].keys():
                    if not (values.has_key(ip)):
                        if (ip.startswith('')):  #192.168.1.')):
                            values[ip] = ([
                                dst[1][ip][0] + dst[1][ip][1], 0, 0, ''
                            ]) / (current - src[2]).total_seconds()
                            ### EVALUATION ###
                            hypervisor, cost = self.lookup.communication_cost(
                            #hypervisor, cost = self.lookup.communication_cost(ip)
                            values[ip][1] = cost
                            values[ip][2] = 2 * values[ip][0] * values[ip][1]
                            total_cost = total_cost + values[ip][2]
                            values[ip][3] = hypervisor
                        # Cost should already exist - save doing another lookup.
                        values[ip][0] = (values[ip][0] + dst[1][ip][0] +
                                         dst[1][ip][1]) / (
                                             current - src[2]).total_seconds()
                        values[ip][2] = 2 * values[ip][0] * values[ip][1]
                        total_cost = total_cost + values[ip][2]

            # Find a destination server to migrate to, with appropriate space.
            max_cost = sys.maxint
            while (max_cost > 0):
                hypervisor, max_cost = self.get_highest_cost_hypervisor(
                    values, max_cost)
                #print hypervisor, max_cost
                if (hypervisor is not None):
                    ### EVALUATION ###
                    capacity = self.lookup.capacity_request(hypervisor)
                    #capacity = self.lookup.capacity_request(hypervisor)
                    if (capacity is not None):
                        doms = xen.xm_get_parsed_doms()
                        print capacity
                        #print doms
                        for dom in doms:
                            #print dom, mac
                            #print xen.xm_get_mac(dom)
                            if (xen.xm_get_mac(dom) == mac):
                                if (capacity[0] < MAX_DOMS and capacity[1] >
                                    return (mac, hypervisor)
            return None

            # Calculate new communication cost if migration takes place.
            new_values = dict()
            for ip in values.keys():
                new_cost = self.lookup.communication_cost(
                    hypervisor, values[ip][3])
                new_values[ip] = values[ip][1] * new_cost
                total_cost_new = total_cost_new + new_values[ip]

            # Make/return migration decision.
            if (total_cost_new < total_cost):
                return hypervisor
            return None
        return None
	def round_robin(self, ipaddr):
		Perform a round-robin decision process for the VM with given IP address.

		param ipaddr:	The IP address of the VM to consider for migration.
		return:			IP address of server to migrate to, None otherwise.
		src, dst, mac = self.get_entries_and_mac(ipaddr)
		values = dict()
		total_cost = 0
		total_cost_new = 0
		hypervisor = None
		current =

		if (src is None and dst is None):
			#print 'Returning.'
			return None

		# Get aggregate throughput to/from neighbouring VMs, and communication costs.
		if (src is not None):
			for ip in src[1].keys():
				if (ip.startswith('')):#192.168.1.')):
					values[ip] = [src[1][ip][0]+src[1][ip][1], 0, 0, '']
					### EVALUATION ###
					hypervisor, cost = self.lookup.communication_cost('')
					#hypervisor, cost = self.lookup.communication_cost(ip)
					#print ip
					#print hypervisor, cost
					if (hypervisor is None and cost is None):
						# Can't find hypervisor and associated cost, so can't migrate here.
						del values[ip]
						values[ip][1] = cost
						values[ip][2] = 2*values[ip][0]*values[ip][1] / (current - src[2]).total_seconds()
						total_cost = total_cost + values[ip][2]
						values[ip][3] = hypervisor
			if (dst is not None):
				for ip in dst[1].keys():
					if not (values.has_key(ip)):
						if (ip.startswith('')):#192.168.1.')):
							values[ip] = ([dst[1][ip][0]+dst[1][ip][1], 0, 0, '']) / (current - src[2]).total_seconds()
							### EVALUATION ###
							hypervisor, cost = self.lookup.communication_cost('')
							#hypervisor, cost = self.lookup.communication_cost(ip)
							values[ip][1] = cost
							values[ip][2] = 2*values[ip][0]*values[ip][1]
							total_cost = total_cost + values[ip][2]
							values[ip][3] = hypervisor
						# Cost should already exist - save doing another lookup.
						values[ip][0] = (values[ip][0] + dst[1][ip][0]+dst[1][ip][1]) / (current - src[2]).total_seconds()
						values[ip][2] = 2*values[ip][0]*values[ip][1]
						total_cost = total_cost + values[ip][2]

			# Find a destination server to migrate to, with appropriate space.
			max_cost = sys.maxint
			while (max_cost > 0):
				hypervisor, max_cost = self.get_highest_cost_hypervisor(values, max_cost)
				#print hypervisor, max_cost
				if (hypervisor is not None):
					### EVALUATION ###
					capacity = self.lookup.capacity_request(hypervisor)
					#capacity = self.lookup.capacity_request(hypervisor)
					if (capacity is not None):
						doms = xen.xm_get_parsed_doms()
						print capacity
						#print doms
						for dom in doms:
							#print dom, mac
							#print xen.xm_get_mac(dom)
							if (xen.xm_get_mac(dom) == mac):
								if (capacity[0] < MAX_DOMS and capacity[1] > xen.xm_get_mem_vmid(dom)):
									return (mac, hypervisor)
			return None

			# Calculate new communication cost if migration takes place.
			new_values = dict()
			for ip in values.keys():
				new_cost = self.lookup.communication_cost(hypervisor, values[ip][3])
				new_values[ip] = values[ip][1] * new_cost
				total_cost_new = total_cost_new + new_values[ip]
			# Make/return migration decision.
			if (total_cost_new < total_cost):
				return hypervisor
			return None
		return None