Esempio n. 1
def test_create_gcm_dataset(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    # should fail if any of the variables is missing
    for v in ds:
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            gcm = GCMDataset(ds.drop(v))
Esempio n. 2
def test_vertical_diff(gfdl_datadir):
    ds = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(gfdl_datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
    dom = GCMDataset(ds)
    # fake a constant lapse rate from surface temp upwards
    lapse_rate = 10.0
    ds['const_lapse'] = (ds.temp.sel(pfull=ds.pfull.max())
                            - lapse_rate*(ds.pfull))
    dTdz = dom.diff(ds.const_lapse, 'z')
    assert np.allclose(ds.const_lapse.diff('pfull') / ds.pfull.diff('pfull'), -lapse_rate)
Esempio n. 3
def test_vertical_integral(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    H = ds.attrs['H']
    dz = ds.attrs['dz']

    f = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Z.values / H)
    ds['f'] = (('Z'), f)
    ds['fint'] = (f*dz).sum()
    ds['favg'] = ds['fint'] / H

    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    gcm_fint = gcm.integrate_z(ds.f)
    assert gcm_fint.equals(ds.fint), (gcm_fint, ds.fint)
    gcm_favg = gcm.integrate_z(ds.f, average=True)
    assert gcm_favg.equals(ds.favg), (gcm_favg, ds.favg)
Esempio n. 4
def test_vertical_integral(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    H = ds.attrs["H"]
    dz = ds.attrs["dz"]

    f = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Z.values / H)
    ds["f"] = (("Z"), f)
    ds["fint"] = (f * dz).sum()
    ds["favg"] = ds["fint"] / H

    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    gcm_fint = gcm.integrate_z(ds.f)
    assert gcm_fint.equals(ds.fint), (gcm_fint, ds.fint)
    gcm_favg = gcm.integrate_z(ds.f, average=True)
    assert gcm_favg.equals(ds.favg), (gcm_favg, ds.favg)
Esempio n. 5
def test_vertical_integral(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    H = ds.attrs['H']
    dz = ds.attrs['dz']

    f = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Z.values / H)
    ds['f'] = (('Z'), f)
    ds['fint'] = (f * dz).sum()
    ds['favg'] = ds['fint'] / H

    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    gcm_fint = gcm.integrate_z(ds.f)
    assert gcm_fint.equals(ds.fint), (gcm_fint, ds.fint)
    gcm_favg = gcm.integrate_z(ds.f, average=True)
    assert gcm_favg.equals(ds.favg), (gcm_favg, ds.favg)
Esempio n. 6
def test_horizontal_derivatives(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    dx = ds.attrs["dx"]
    dy = ds.attrs["dy"]
    Lx = ds.attrs["Lx"]
    Ly = ds.attrs["Ly"]

    # perdiodic function of Xp1
    f = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Xp1.values / Lx)
    ds["f"] = ("Xp1", f)
    ds["df"] = ("X", np.roll(f, -1) - f)
    ds["dfdx"] = ds.df / dx
    # periodic function of Yp1
    g = np.cos(np.pi * ds.Yp1.values / Ly)
    ds["g"] = ("Yp1", g)
    ds["dg"] = ("Y", np.roll(g, -1) - g)
    ds["dgdy"] = ds.dg / dy

    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    gcm_df = gcm.diff_xp1_to_x(ds.f)
    assert gcm_df.equals(ds.df), (gcm_df, ds.df)
    gcm_dg = gcm.diff_yp1_to_y(ds.g)
    assert gcm_dg.equals(ds.dg), (gcm_dg, ds.dg)
Esempio n. 7
def test_horizontal_derivatives(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    dx = ds.attrs['dx']
    dy = ds.attrs['dy']
    Lx = ds.attrs['Lx']
    Ly = ds.attrs['Ly']

    # perdiodic function of Xp1
    f = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Xp1.values / Lx)
    ds['f'] = ('Xp1', f)
    ds['df'] = ('X', np.roll(f,-1) - f)
    ds['dfdx'] = ds.df/dx
    # periodic function of Yp1
    g = np.cos(np.pi * ds.Yp1.values / Ly)
    ds['g'] = ('Yp1', g)
    ds['dg'] = ('Y', np.roll(g,-1) - g)
    ds['dgdy'] = ds.dg/dy

    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    gcm_df = gcm.diff_xp1_to_x(ds.f)
    assert gcm_df.equals(ds.df), (gcm_df, ds.df)
    gcm_dg = gcm.diff_yp1_to_y(ds.g)
    assert gcm_dg.equals(ds.dg), (gcm_dg, ds.dg)
Esempio n. 8
def test_horizontal_derivatives(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    dx = ds.attrs['dx']
    dy = ds.attrs['dy']
    Lx = ds.attrs['Lx']
    Ly = ds.attrs['Ly']

    # perdiodic function of Xp1
    f = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Xp1.values / Lx)
    ds['f'] = ('Xp1', f)
    ds['df'] = ('X', np.roll(f, -1) - f)
    ds['dfdx'] = ds.df / dx
    # periodic function of Yp1
    g = np.cos(np.pi * ds.Yp1.values / Ly)
    ds['g'] = ('Yp1', g)
    ds['dg'] = ('Y', np.roll(g, -1) - g)
    ds['dgdy'] = ds.dg / dy

    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    gcm_df = gcm.diff_xp1_to_x(ds.f)
    assert gcm_df.equals(ds.df), (gcm_df, ds.df)
    gcm_dg = gcm.diff_yp1_to_y(ds.g)
    assert gcm_dg.equals(ds.dg), (gcm_dg, ds.dg)
Esempio n. 9
def test_multiple_dim_coords(gfdl_datadir):
    ds = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(gfdl_datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
    dom = GCMDataset(ds)
    ds['single_height'] = ds.pfull * 100.0
    assert dom.get_primary_dim_coord_name('z', ds.single_height) == 'pfull'

    ds['double_height'] = (ds.pfull + ds.phalf)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        dom.get_primary_dim_coord_name('z', ds.double_height)

    ds['no_height'] = * 30.0
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        dom.get_primary_dim_coord_name('z', ds.no_height)
Esempio n. 10
def test_vertical_derivatives(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    H = ds.attrs["H"]
    dz = ds.attrs["dz"]

    # vertical function of z at cell interface
    f = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Zp1.values / H)
    ds["f"] = (("Zp1"), f)
    ds["fl"] = ("Zl", f[:-1])
    # TODO: build in negative sign logic more carefully
    df = -np.diff(f)
    ds["df"] = ("Z", df)
    fill_value = 0.0
    ds["dfl"] = ("Z", np.hstack([df[:-1], f[-2] - fill_value]))
    ds["dfdz"] = ds["df"] / dz
    ds["dfldz"] = ds["dfl"] / dz

    # vertical function at cell center
    g = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Z.values / H)
    ds["g"] = ("Z", g)
    dg = -np.diff(g)
    dsdg = DataArray(dg, {"Zp1": ds.Zp1[1:-1]}, "Zp1")
    dsdgdf = dsdg / dz

    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    gcm_df = gcm.diff_zp1_to_z(ds.f)
    assert gcm_df.equals(ds.df), (gcm_df, ds.df)
    gcm_dfdz = gcm.derivative_zp1_to_z(ds.f)
    assert gcm_dfdz.equals(ds.dfdz), (gcm_dfdz, ds.dfdz)
    gcm_dfl = gcm.diff_zl_to_z(ds.fl, fill_value)
    assert gcm_dfl.equals(ds.dfl), (gcm_dfl, ds.dfl)
    gcm_dfldz = gcm.derivative_zl_to_z(ds.fl, fill_value)
    assert gcm_dfldz.equals(ds.dfldz), (gcm_dfldz, ds.dfldz)
    gcm_dg = gcm.diff_z_to_zp1(ds.g)
    assert gcm_dg.equals(dsdg), (gcm_dg, dsdg)
    gcm_dgdf = gcm.derivative_z_to_zp1(ds.g)
    assert gcm_dgdf.equals(dsdgdf), (gcm_dgdf, dsdgdf)
Esempio n. 11
def test_vertical_derivatives(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    H = ds.attrs['H']
    dz = ds.attrs['dz']

    # vertical function of z at cell interface
    f = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Zp1.values / H)
    ds['f'] = (('Zp1'), f)
    ds['fl'] = ('Zl', f[:-1])
    # TODO: build in negative sign logic more carefully
    df = -np.diff(f)
    ds['df'] = ('Z', df)
    fill_value = 0.
    ds['dfl'] = ('Z', np.hstack([df[:-1], f[-2] - fill_value]))
    ds['dfdz'] = ds['df'] / dz
    ds['dfldz'] = ds['dfl'] / dz

    # vertical function at cell center
    g = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Z.values / H)
    ds['g'] = ('Z', g)
    dg = -np.diff(g)
    dsdg = DataArray(dg, {'Zp1': ds.Zp1[1:-1]}, 'Zp1')
    dsdgdf = dsdg / dz

    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    gcm_df = gcm.diff_zp1_to_z(ds.f)
    assert gcm_df.equals(ds.df), (gcm_df, ds.df)
    gcm_dfdz = gcm.derivative_zp1_to_z(ds.f)
    assert gcm_dfdz.equals(ds.dfdz), (gcm_dfdz, ds.dfdz)
    gcm_dfl = gcm.diff_zl_to_z(ds.fl, fill_value)
    assert gcm_dfl.equals(ds.dfl), (gcm_dfl, ds.dfl)
    gcm_dfldz = gcm.derivative_zl_to_z(ds.fl, fill_value)
    assert gcm_dfldz.equals(ds.dfldz), (gcm_dfldz, ds.dfldz)
    gcm_dg = gcm.diff_z_to_zp1(ds.g)
    assert gcm_dg.equals(dsdg), (gcm_dg, dsdg)
    gcm_dgdf = gcm.derivative_z_to_zp1(ds.g)
    assert gcm_dgdf.equals(dsdgdf), (gcm_dgdf, dsdgdf)
Esempio n. 12
def test_vertical_derivatives(test_dataset):
    ds = test_dataset
    H = ds.attrs['H']
    dz = ds.attrs['dz']

    # vertical function of z at cell interface
    f = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Zp1.values / H)
    ds['f'] = (('Zp1'), f)
    ds['fl'] = ('Zl', f[:-1])
    # TODO: build in negative sign logic more carefully
    df = -np.diff(f)
    ds['df'] = ('Z', df)
    fill_value = 0.
    ds['dfl'] = ('Z', np.hstack([df[:-1], f[-2]-fill_value]))
    ds['dfdz'] = ds['df'] / dz
    ds['dfldz'] = ds['dfl'] / dz

    # vertical function at cell center
    g = np.sin(np.pi * ds.Z.values / H)
    ds['g'] = ('Z', g)
    dg = -np.diff(g)
    dsdg = DataArray(dg, {'Zp1': ds.Zp1[1:-1]}, 'Zp1')
    dsdgdf = dsdg / dz

    gcm = GCMDataset(ds)
    gcm_df = gcm.diff_zp1_to_z(ds.f)
    assert gcm_df.equals(ds.df), (gcm_df, ds.df)
    gcm_dfdz = gcm.derivative_zp1_to_z(ds.f)
    assert gcm_dfdz.equals(ds.dfdz), (gcm_dfdz, ds.dfdz)
    gcm_dfl = gcm.diff_zl_to_z(ds.fl, fill_value)
    assert gcm_dfl.equals(ds.dfl), (gcm_dfl, ds.dfl)
    gcm_dfldz = gcm.derivative_zl_to_z(ds.fl, fill_value)
    assert gcm_dfldz.equals(ds.dfldz), (gcm_dfldz, ds.dfldz)
    gcm_dg = gcm.diff_z_to_zp1(ds.g)
    assert gcm_dg.equals(dsdg), (gcm_dg, dsdg)
    gcm_dgdf = gcm.derivative_z_to_zp1(ds.g)
    assert gcm_dgdf.equals(dsdgdf), (gcm_dgdf, dsdgdf)
Esempio n. 13
def test_periodic_left(gfdl_datadir):
    ds = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(gfdl_datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
    dom = GCMDataset(ds)
    ptemp = dom.make_periodic_left(ds.temp)
    assert len(ptemp.coords['lon']) == 129
    assert np.all(ptemp.isel(lon=0) == ptemp.isel(lon=-1))
Esempio n. 14
def test_gfdl_manifest(gfdl_datadir):
    ds = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(gfdl_datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
    dom = GCMDataset(ds)
    assert dom.manifest == manifests.gfdl