def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of components to be placed on the page. # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. adapter = self.getSiteAdapter() logo = Logo() menu = Menu() navigation = Navigation() article = Article( showPoster=False ) # No poster inside the article. We use the PosterHead component. articleSideBar = ArticleSideBar(showChapterNavigation=True) articlesList = ArticlesList() posterhead = PosterHead( ) # Wordpress-like big picture from article.poster link. featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage() featuredByDiapText = FeaturedByDiapText() featuredByText = FeaturedByText() featuredByImageList = FeaturedByImageList() # Containers for pages top = Top(components=(logo, menu), media=Media(max=self.C.M_MOBILE_MAX, display=self.C.NONE)) homeContainer = Container(components=(featuredByDiapText, featuredByImage, featuredByText, featuredByImageList)) articleContainer = Container(components=(posterhead, article, articleSideBar)) articlesListContainer = Container(articlesList, ) footer = Footer() # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the navigation components. # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(top, homeContainer, footer), adapter=adapter, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) articlePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, components=(top, articleContainer, footer), adapter=adapter, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) articlesPage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLES, components=(top, articlesListContainer, footer), adapter=adapter, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. In this case just one template. return [homePage, articlePage, articlesPage]
def baseComponents(self): # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. from xierpa3.sites import doingbydesign # Root path where to find the article Simples wiki file for this example page. articleRoot = TX.module2Path(doingbydesign) + '/files/articles/' adapter = DbDAdapter( articleRoot) # Preferred adapter class for articles in this site. logo = Logo(text='Doing by Design', fontFamily='Impact', color=Color('#888'), fontSize=Em(1.8)) menu = Menu() mobileNavigation = DbDMobileNavigation() article = Article() featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage(start=0, width=Perc(65.4), showTitle=False, showHeadline=False, showTopic=False) featuredByText = FeaturedByText(start=0, width=Perc(30.75)) # Containers top = Top(components=(logo, menu), media=Media(max=self.C.M_MOBILE_MAX, display=self.C.NONE)) featured = Featured(components=(featuredByImage, featuredByText), backgroundColor=Color('#262c37')) section = Section(components=(featuredByImage, )) mainContent = MainContent(components=article) footer = Footer(components=(menu)) homePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(mobileNavigation, top, featured, section, mainContent, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) articlePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, comoonents=(mobileNavigation, top, article, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) return [homePage, articlePage]
def baseComponents(self): logo = Logo() socialmedia = SocialMedia(twitterAccount='mymagazine', facebookAccount='mymagazine') homePage = Page(components=(logo, socialmedia)) return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of the text component to be placed on the page. hw = HelloWorldText() # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the "hw" component. homePage = Page(components=(hw,), title=self.TITLE) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of components to be placed on the page. column = ExampleColumn() # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the navigation components. homePage = Page(components=(column,), title=self.TITLE) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. In this case just one template. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of the text component to be placed on the page. hw = HelloWorldText() # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the "hw" component. # The page class is also the page name in the url: http://localhost:8060/index # Components can be a single component or a list of components. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=hw, title=self.TITLE) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of components to be placed on the page. column = SimpleTypeSpecimenColumn() container = Container(components=column) # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the navigation components. # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=container, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. In this case just one template. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of the text component to be placed on the page. hw = SimpleResponsiveText() container = Container(components=hw) # Makes container-div and row-div # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the "hw" component. # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=container, title=self.TITLE) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site. Note that the blog and page classes don't know anything about Kirby, or the kind of builder they will be processed by.""" # Create an instance (=object) of the text component to be placed on the page. navigation = Navigation() # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the page components. homePage = Page(name=C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(navigation, ), title=self.TITLE) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of the text component to be placed on the page. navigation = Navigation() home = HelloWorldHome() # Example text component for the home page. other1 = HelloWorldOther1( ) # Example text component for the other1Page other2 = HelloWorldOther2( ) # Example text component for the other2Page # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the "hw" component. # The class is also the page name in the url. The navigation simply refers # to the url by class nane. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(navigation, home), title=self.TITLE + '|' + self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX) other1Page = Page(class_=self.TEMPLATE_OTHER1, components=(navigation, other1), title=self.TITLE + '|' + self.TEMPLATE_OTHER1) other2Page = Page(class_=self.TEMPLATE_OTHER2, components=(navigation, other2), title=self.TITLE + '|' + self.TEMPLATE_OTHER2) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. return [homePage, other1Page, other2Page]
def baseComponents(self): logo = Logo(logoName='Type 2014', hoverColor='#888') # logoSrc=self.SRCLOGO menu = Menu() socialmedia = SocialMedia(twitterAccount='typo2014', facebookAccount='typo2014') title = self.TITLE + ': ' + self.SUBTITLE header = Header(components=(logo,menu, socialmedia), mobileContainerDisplay=self.NONE) mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation(title=title) # Is container by itself. Change?? footer = Footer(components=(menu,)) homePage = Page(name=self.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(mobileNavigation, header, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of components to be placed on the page. # @start Start index of the item in the selected/sorted set of articles. # @count Nunmber of items (default is 3). Omit current article in the selection featured1 = FeaturedByImage(width=Perc(100), count=2) container = Container(components=featured1, rowMaxWidth=Perc(50)) # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the featured components. # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=container, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. In this case just one template. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): # Create the article adapter # Import articles from the doingbydesign site, sharing the article files. from xierpa3.sites import doingbydesign # Root path where to find the article Simplex wiki file for this example page. articleRoot = TX.module2Path(doingbydesign) + '/files/articles/' adapter = SimpleSiteAdapter(articleRoot) # Header logo = Logo() menu = Menu() header = Header( components=(logo, menu), mobileContainerDisplay=self.C.NONE, doc_mobileContainerDisplay=u'Header is not visible for mobile') mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation( ) # Is container by itself. Change?? # Create the component instances article = Article(width=Perc(68)) featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage(count=1, width=Perc(30)) featuredByText = FeaturedByText(start=1, count=3, width=Perc(30)) # Create the single page instance, containing the number of components mainHome = Container(components=(article, featuredByImage, featuredByText)) # Footer footer = Footer(components=(menu, ), containerBackgroundColor=self.FOOTERBGCOLOR) # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page( class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, adapter=adapter, #components=(mobileNavigation, header, mainHome, footer), #components=(header, mainHome, footer), components=Container(header), fonts=self.URL_FONTS, title=self.TITLE, css=self.C.URL_CSS) return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of components to be placed on the page. # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. adapter = self.getSiteAdapter() navigation = Navigation() column = Article() footer = Footer() container = Container(components=(navigation, column, footer)) # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the navigation components. # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=container, adapter=adapter, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. In this case just one template. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): logo = Logo(logoSrc=self.SRCLOGO) menu = Menu() socialmedia = SocialMedia(twitterAccount='typo2014', facebookAccount='typo2014') header = Header(components=(logo, menu, socialmedia), mobileContainerDisplay=C.NONE) mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation( ) # Is container by itself. Change?? footer = Footer(components=(menu, )) homePage = Page(name=C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(mobileNavigation, header, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create the component instances""" # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. from xierpa3.sites.examples import textilearticles # Root path where to find the article Simples wiki file for this example page. articleRoot = TX.module2Path(textilearticles) + '/files/articles/' adapter = ArticleAdapter( articleRoot) # Preferred adapter class for articles in this site. # Create navigation instance, to choose between the available articles. menu = Menu(adapter=adapter) menuContainer = Container(components=menu) # Create the article component to contain articles answered by the adapter. #article = SimplexArticle(adapter=adapter) article = Article(width=Perc(70), adapter=adapter, showPoster=True, splitChapters=False) articleSideBar = ArticleSideBar(width=Perc(22), adapter=adapter) featuredArticles = FeaturedByImage( width=Perc(22), adapter=adapter, # Example to overwrite the default BluePrint parameter titleColor titleColor=Color('red')) #featuredByImage = FeaturedByText(widht=Perc(22), adapter=adapter) # Make main page container for the article column container = Container(components=( article, articleSideBar, featuredArticles, #featuredByImage )) # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, title=self.TITLE, css=self.C.URL_CSS, components=(menuContainer, container)) return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): u"""Create a theme site with just one single template home page. Answer a list of page instances that are used as templates for this site.""" # Create an instance (=object) of components to be placed on the page. # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. from xierpa3.sites import doingbydesign # Root path where to find the article Simples wiki file for this example page. articleRoot = TX.module2Path(doingbydesign) + '/files/articles/' adapter = TextileFileAdapter( articleRoot) # Preferred adapter class for articles in this site. column = ExampleArticle() container = Container(components=column) # Create an instance (=object) of the page, containing the navigation components. # The class is also the page name in the url. homePage = Page(class_=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=container, adapter=adapter, title=self.TITLE, fonts=self.URL_FONTS) # Answer a list of types of pages for this site. In this case just one template. return [homePage]
def baseComponents(self): logo = Logo(logoSrc=self.SRCLOGO, logoName=self.LOGO, color=C.WHITE, margintop=Em(0.5), fontsize=Em(2), fontfamily='AmplitudeComp Medium') menu = Menu() socialmedia = SocialMedia(twitterAccount='xierpa', facebookAccount='xierpa') header = Header(components=(logo, menu), mobileContainerDisplay=C.NONE) mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation( title=self.TITLE) # Is container by itself. Change?? # Articles featured by image featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage( ) # Featured article on a page. Main photo+link #featuredByImageList = FeaturedByImageList() # Featured article on a page. List of related links # Articles featured by summary text featuredSideText = FeaturedByDiapText(colWidth=4, itemStart=1, label='Featured course') featuredByText = FeaturedByText(itemStart=2, showPoster=False) featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList(itemStart=5) # Featured black container bgColor = '#323A47' featuredImages = Featured( class_='featuredImages', components=(featuredByImage, featuredSideText), #components=(featuredSideText, featuredByImage), containerBackgroundColor=bgColor) # Featured text container bgColor = '#E8E8E8' featuredTexts = Featured(class_='featuredTexts', components=(featuredByText, featuredByTextList), containerBackgroundColor=bgColor) # Footer group footer = Footer(components=(menu, ), containerBackgroundColor=FOOTERBACKGROUNDCOLOR) # Article featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList( ) # Default start a featured index 0 article = Container(class_=C.CLASS_ARTICLE, containerBackgroundImage=self.URL_BACKGROUNDIMAGE, containerBackgroundRepeat=C.REPEAT, components=(Article(), socialmedia, ArticleSideBar(), featuredByTextList)) homePage = Page(name=C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, featuredTexts, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) articlePage = Page(name=C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, components=(mobileNavigation, header, article, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) return [homePage, articlePage]
def baseComponents(self): logo = Logo() menu = Menu() socialmedia = SocialMedia(twitterAccount='doingbydesign', facebookAccount='doingbydesign') header = Header(components=(logo,menu), mobileContainerDisplay=self.C.NONE, doc_mobileContainerDisplay=u'Header is not visible for mobile') mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation() # Is container by itself. Change?? # Articles featured by image #featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage() # Featured article on a page. Main photo+link #featuredByImage100 = FeaturedByImage(colWidth=9) # Featured article as group item #featuredByImageList = FeaturedByImageList() # Featured article on a page. List of related links # Articles featured by summary text #featuredSideText = FeaturedByDiapText(colWidth=4, itemStart=1, label='Featured course') #featuredByText = FeaturedByText(itemStart=2, showPoster=False) #featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList(itemStart=5) #featuredSideText = Featured(colWidth=4, itemStart=1, label='Featured course') #featuredByText = Featured(itemStart=2, showPoster=False) #featuredByTextList = Featured(itemStart=5) featuredSideText = featuredByImage = featuredByText = featuredByTextList = featuredByImage100 = FeaturedByImage() # Featured black container BGCOLOR = Color('#323A47') featuredImages = FeaturedByImage(class_='featuredImages', components=(featuredByImage, featuredSideText), containerBackgroundColor=BGCOLOR) # Featured text container BGCOLOR = Color('#E8E8E8') featuredTexts = FeaturedByImage(class_='featuredTexts', components=(featuredByText, featuredByTextList), containerBackgroundColor=BGCOLOR) # Footer group footer = Footer(components=(menu,), containerBackgroundColor=self.CSS_FOOTERBGCOLOR) # Documentation # The documentation class knows how to collect methods and their attributes # from components, adapters and builders and build them in an automated # documentation site. documentation = Documentation() # Article #featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList() # Default start at featured index 0 featuredByTextList = FeaturedByImage() # Default start at featured index 0 article = Container(class_=self.C.CLASS_ARTICLE, containerBackgroundImage=self.URL_BACKGROUNDIMAGE, containerBackgroundRepeat=self.C.REPEAT, components=(Article(), socialmedia, ArticleSideBar(), featuredByTextList)) # Floating items thumbnails = ItemGroup(components=(featuredByImage100,)) # Import current example site, as anchor for the article files. from xierpa3.sites import doingbydesign # Root path where to find the article Simples wiki file for this example page. articleRoot = TX.module2Path(doingbydesign) + '/files/articles/' adapter = DbDAdapter(articleRoot) # Preferred adapter class for articles in this site. #homePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, # components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, featuredTexts, footer), # css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, # favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) homePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=featuredSideText, css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) articlePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, components=(mobileNavigation, header, article, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) thumbnailPage = Page(name=self.TEMPLATE_COURSES, components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) productsPage = Page(name=self.TEMPLATE_PRODUCTS, components=(mobileNavigation, header, thumbnails, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) categoryPage = Page(name=self.TEMPLATE_CATEGORY, components=(mobileNavigation, header, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) # Automatic documentation about Xierpa3 documentationPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_DOCUMENTATION, components=(mobileNavigation, header, documentation, footer), css=self.C.URL_CSS, fonts=self.C.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.C.URL_FAVICON, adapter=adapter) return [homePage, articlePage, productsPage, thumbnailPage, categoryPage, documentationPage]
def baseComponents(self): logo = Logo(logoSrc=self.SRCLOGO) menu = Menu() socialmedia = SocialMedia(twitterAccount='doingbydesign', facebookAccount='doingbydesign') header = Header(components=(logo, menu), mobileContainerDisplay=self.NONE) mobileNavigation = MobileNavigation( title=self.TITLE) # Is container by itself. Change?? # Articles featured by image featuredByImage = FeaturedByImage( ) # Featured article on a page. Main photo+link featuredByImage100 = FeaturedByImage( colWidth=9) # Featured article as group item #featuredByImageList = FeaturedByImageList() # Featured article on a page. List of related links # Articles featured by summary text featuredSideText = FeaturedByDiapText(colWidth=4, itemStart=1, label='Featured course') featuredByText = FeaturedByText(itemStart=2, showPoster=False) featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList(itemStart=5) # Featured black container bgColor = '#323A47' featuredImages = Featured( class_='featuredImages', components=(featuredByImage, featuredSideText), #components=(featuredSideText, featuredByImage), containerBackgroundColor=bgColor) # Featured text container bgColor = '#E8E8E8' featuredTexts = Featured(class_='featuredTexts', components=(featuredByText, featuredByTextList), containerBackgroundColor=bgColor) # Footer group footer = Footer(components=(menu, ), containerBackgroundColor=FOOTERBACKGROUNDCOLOR) # Article featuredByTextList = FeaturedByTextList( ) # Default start a featured index 0 article = Container(class_=self.C.CLASS_ARTICLE, containerBackgroundImage=self.URL_BACKGROUNDIMAGE, containerBackgroundRepeat=self.C.REPEAT, components=(Article(), socialmedia, ArticleSideBar(), featuredByTextList)) # Floating items thumbnails = ItemGroup(components=(featuredByImage100, )) # Documentation documentation = Documentation() homePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_INDEX, components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, featuredTexts, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) articlePage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_ARTICLE, components=(mobileNavigation, header, article, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) thumbnailPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_COURSES, components=(mobileNavigation, header, featuredImages, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) productsPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_PRODUCTS, components=(mobileNavigation, header, thumbnails, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) categoryPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_CATEGORY, components=(mobileNavigation, header, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) # Automatic documentation about Xierpa3 documentationPage = Page(name=self.C.TEMPLATE_DOCUMENTATION, components=(mobileNavigation, header, documentation, footer), css=self.URL_CSS, fonts=self.URL_FONTS, js=self.URL_JAVASCRIPT, favicon=self.URL_FAVICON) return [ homePage, articlePage, productsPage, thumbnailPage, categoryPage, documentationPage ]