def breakdownXLS(spreadsheet):																							###open workbook and create dictionary of the spreadsheets within
	ENDCOL = 10
	xlsbook = xlrd.open_workbook(spreadsheet)

	print "\n"+"-"*50
	print "Checking workbook:",os.path.split(spreadsheet)[1]	
	print "-"*50

	if (xlsbook.nsheets != 0):																							#check if workbook has spreadsheets	
		worksheetDic = dict()																							#create list of sheets in workbook		
		sheetList = xlsbook.sheets()

		for sheet in sheetList:		
			if (sheet.nrows == 0): 																						#check if sheet has rows in it. skip if 0
#			print "Sheet name:",, "Rows:",sheet.nrows
			rowList = []
			numberOfRows = sheet.nrows																					#get number of rows in each spread sheet
			counter = 0
			while counter < numberOfRows:
				currentRow = sheet.row_slice(counter, start_colx=STARTCOL, end_colx=ENDCOL)								#get row with only 10 columns
				rowList.append(currentRow)																				#add current row to rowlist
				counter += 1
			worksheetDic[] = rowList																			#put list of rows in dictionary with worksheet name as the key
		return worksheetDic
		print "Workbook has no spreadsheets in it."
def breakdownXLS(spreadsheet):																							###open workbook and create dictionary of the spreadsheets within
	ENDCOL = 10
	xlsbook = xlrd.open_workbook(spreadsheet)

	print "\n"+"-"*50
	print "Checking workbook:",os.path.split(spreadsheet)[1]	
	print "-"*50

	if (xlsbook.nsheets != 0):																							#check if workbook has spreadsheets	
		worksheetDic = dict()																							#create list of sheets in workbook		
		sheetList = xlsbook.sheets()

		for sheet in sheetList:		
			if (sheet.nrows == 0): 																						#check if sheet has rows in it. skip if 0
#			print "Sheet name:",, "Rows:",sheet.nrows
			rowList = []
			numberOfRows = sheet.nrows																					#get number of rows in each spread sheet
			counter = 0
			while counter < numberOfRows:
				currentRow = sheet.row_slice(counter, start_colx=STARTCOL, end_colx=ENDCOL)								#get row with only 10 columns
				rowList.append(currentRow)																				#add current row to rowlist
				counter += 1
			worksheetDic[] = rowList																			#put list of rows in dictionary with worksheet name as the key
		return worksheetDic
		print "Workbook has no spreadsheets in it."
def breakdownXLS(excelWorkbook):																							###open workbook and create dictionary of the spreadsheets within
	ENDCOL = 10
	xlsbook = xlrd.open_workbook(excelWorkbook)

	if (xlsbook.nsheets != 0):																							#check if workbook has spreadsheets	
		worksheetDic = dict()																							#create list of sheets in workbook		
		sheetList = xlsbook.sheets()

		for sheet in sheetList:		
			rowList = []
			numberOfRows = sheet.nrows																					#get number of rows in each spread sheet
			counter = 0
			while counter < numberOfRows:
				currentRow = sheet.row_slice(counter, start_colx=STARTCOL, end_colx=ENDCOL)								#get row with only 10 columns
				if (currentRow[0].value != ''):
					rowList.append(currentRow)																			#add current row to rowlist
					counter += 1
					counter += 1
			worksheetDic[] = rowList																			#put list of rows in dictionary with worksheet name as the key

		return worksheetDic
		print "Workbook has no spreadsheets in it."