def append_data_column(variable_name: str, data_column: List[Any],
                       end_range: xw.Range = None,
                       **table: TableInfo)->xw.Range:
    '''Adds the given data_column to the end of the designated excel table.
        variable_name: The name for the new column.
        data_column: A list containing the data to be placed into the new
        end_range: Optional range of last column in current table.
        table: The table reference info supplied to get_table_range.
            Must contain:
                data_sheet: The excel worksheet containing the table.
            Optionally contains:
                starting_cell: the top right cell in the excel table.
                columns: The number of columns in the table.  If 'expand',
                    the table will include all columns left of starting_cell
                    until the first empty cell is encountered.
                rows: The number of rows in the table.  If 'expand', the
                    table will include all rows below the starting_cell until
                    the first empty cell is encountered.
                header: The number of variable header rows. Default is 1.
                    To include the top row in the range selection set header
                    to 0.
        An XLWings Range object for the new column.
    if end_range is None:
        variables = get_variable_list(**table)
        end_variable = variables[-1]
        end_range = get_column_range(end_variable, **table)
    new_range = end_range.offset(column_offset=1)
    header_range = new_range[0].offset(row_offset=-1)
    header_range.value = variable_name
    new_range.options(transpose=True).value = data_column
    return new_range
Esempio n. 2
def get_column_header_color(header_cell: xw.Range) -> int:
    header_str: str = str(header_cell.value).lower()
    value_cell = header_cell.offset(1, 0)

    if header_str.startswith('used_'):
        return Color.USED_IDENTIFIER
    elif header_is_index(header_str):
        return Color.INDEX
    elif value_cell.value is None:
        return Color.INPUT
    elif str(value_cell.formula)[0] != '=':
        return Color.INPUT
        return Color.CALCULATION