def tableau_data():

    save_path = str(dr_pivot_path())
    save_path = save_path[:save_path.rindex('\\')]

    ddr_data = dr.raw_pivot()

    d = dr.tableau_campaign_data(ddr_data)
    s = search.merge_data()

    tableau = d.append(s)
    tableau['Quarter'] = qquarter()

    if Range('merged', 'A1').value is None:
        chunk_df(tableau, 'merged', 'A1')

    # If data is already present in the tab, the two data sets are merged together and then copied into the data tab.
        past_data = pd.read_excel(dr_pacing_path(), 'merged', index_col=None)
        past_data = past_data[past_data['Campaign'] != 'Search']
        appended_data = past_data.append(tableau)
        chunk_df(appended_data, 'merged', 'A1')

    #Range('Sheet3', 'AT1').value = pd.to_datetime(ddr_data['Date'].max()) + datetime.timedelta(days= 1)

    wb = Workbook()
    Sheet('Sheet1').name = 'DDR Data'

    chunk_df(ddr_data, 'DDR Data', 'A1') + '\\' + 'DR_Raw_Data.xlsx')
def reshape_forecasts_for_reporting():

    r_data = forecast.generate_forecasts()

    pacing_data = forecast.merge_pacing_and_forecasts(r_data)

    tab = dr.tableau_pacing(pacing_data)

Esempio n. 3
def export_csv(streamp,startdt,enddt):
    # dc=DataClient()

    # data=dc.load_data(streamp,startdt,enddt)
    if opt == 'EXCEL':

        n = Range('Sheet1', 'B1').value  # Write desired dimensions into Cell B1
        rand_num = np.random.randn(n, n)
Esempio n. 4
def combobox():
    This populates the ComboBox with the values from the database

    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Place the database next to the Excel file
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'chinook.sqlite')

    # Database connection and creation of cursor
    con = sqlite3.connect(db_file, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
    cursor = con.cursor()

    # Database Query
    cursor.execute("SELECT PlaylistId, Name FROM Playlist")

    # Write IDs and Names to hidden sheet
    Range('Source', 'A1').table.clear_contents()
    Range('Source', 'A1').value = cursor.fetchall()

    # Format and fill the ComboBox to show Names (Text) and give back IDs (Values)
    # TODO: implement natively in xlwings
    combo = "ComboBox1"
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ListFillRange = \
        'Source!{}'.format(str(Range('Source', 'A1').table.xl_range.Address))
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.BoundColumn = 1
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnCount = 2
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnWidths = 0

    # Close cursor and connection
Esempio n. 5
    def test_mock_caller(self):

        Workbook.set_mock_caller(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'test_workbook_1.xlsx'))
        wb = Workbook.caller()
        Range('A1', wkb=wb).value = 333
        assert_equal(Range('A1', wkb=wb).value, 333)
Esempio n. 6
 def read(*args):
     data = args[0]
     if len(args) == 1:
         wb = Workbook.caller()
     elif len(args) == 2:
         filename = args[1]
         wb = Workbook(filename)
         return None
     data.alpha = ExcelReaderFunctions.importAlpha()
     data.eps0 = ExcelReaderFunctions.importEpsilon()
     data.demand, data.numberOfTimePeriods, data.demandAsArray = ExcelReaderFunctions.importDemand()
     data.forwardCharVectors, data.numberOfForwardProducts = ExcelReaderFunctions.importForwardCharVectors()
     data.hpfcVectors, data.numberOfHpfcVectors = ExcelReaderFunctions.importHpfcVectors()
     data.forwardPrices = ExcelReaderFunctions.importForwardPrices()
     data.timePeriodNames = ExcelReaderFunctions.importHedgingPeriodNames()
     data.forwardNames = ExcelReaderFunctions.importForwardProductNames()
  = filename.split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1]
     if len(args) == 2:
     return data, wb  
Esempio n. 7
def rand_numbers():
    """ produces standard normally distributed random numbers with shape (n,n)"""
    wb = Workbook.caller()  # Creates a reference to the calling Excel file
    n = int(Range('Sheet1',
                  'B1').value)  # Write desired dimensions into Cell B1
    rand_num = np.random.randn(n, n)
    Range('Sheet1', 'C3').value = rand_num
 def FillPrice(row):
     #Open original excel
     wb = Workbook(Excel1)
     wb = Workbook.caller()
     #fill in  the price
     RangeText=('%s%d' % (UnoPriceCol,row['Item Row Num1']))
     Range(RangeText).value=row['Item Price2']
Esempio n. 9
    def test_mock_caller(self):
        # Can't really run this one with app_visible=False

        Workbook.set_mock_caller(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'test_workbook_1.xlsx'))
        wb = Workbook.caller()
        Range('A1', wkb=wb).value = 333
        assert_equal(Range('A1', wkb=wb).value, 333)
def publisher_performance_emails():
    pacing_wb = Workbook.caller()


    performance.generate_publisher_emails(performance.publisher_overall_data(), performance.publisher_contact_info(),

Esempio n. 11
    def test_mock_caller(self):

        wb = Workbook.caller()
        Range('A1', wkb=wb).value = 333
        assert_equal(Range('A1', wkb=wb).value, 333)
Esempio n. 12
def VideoDescription():

    url = Range('Sheet1', 'C3').value
    video =

    wb = Workbook.caller()  # Creates a reference to the calling Excel file

    videoTitle = video.title

    Range('Sheet1', 'G3').value = videoTitle
Esempio n. 13
def VideoDescription():

        url = Range('Sheet1', 'C3').value
        video =
        wb = Workbook.caller() # Creates a reference to the calling Excel file

        videoTitle = video.title
        Range('Sheet1', 'G3').value = videoTitle
Esempio n. 14
def main():
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    # User Inputs
    num_simulations = int(Range('E3').value)
    time = Range('E4').value
    num_timesteps = int(Range('E5').value)
    dt = time / num_timesteps  # Length of time period
    vol = Range('E7').value
    mu = np.log(1 + Range('E6').value)  # Drift
    starting_price = Range('E8').value
    perc_selection = [5, 50, 95]  # percentiles (hardcoded for now)
    # Animation
    if Range('E9').value.lower() == 'yes':
        animate = True
        animate = False

    # Excel: clear output, write out initial values of percentiles/sample path and set chart source
    # and x-axis values
    Range('P2').value = [
        starting_price, starting_price, starting_price, starting_price
    Chart('Chart 5').set_source_data(Range((1, 15), (num_timesteps + 2, 19)))
    Range('O2').value = np.round(
        np.linspace(0, time, num_timesteps + 1).reshape(-1, 1), 2)

    # Preallocation
    price = np.zeros((num_timesteps + 1, num_simulations))
    percentiles = np.zeros((num_timesteps + 1, 3))

    # Set initial values
    price[0, :] = starting_price
    percentiles[0, :] = starting_price

    # Simulation at each time step
    for t in range(1, num_timesteps + 1):
        rand_nums = np.random.randn(num_simulations)
        price[t, :] = price[t - 1, :] * np.exp((mu - 0.5 * vol**2) * dt +
                                               vol * rand_nums * np.sqrt(dt))
        percentiles[t, :] = np.percentile(price[t, :], perc_selection)
        if animate:
            Range((t + 2, 16)).value = percentiles[t, :]
            Range((t + 2, 19)).value = price[t, 0]  # Sample path
            if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
                wb.application.screen_updating = True

    if not animate:
        Range('P2').value = percentiles
        Range('S2').value = price[:, :1]  # Sample path
def output_pacing_data_for_forecasts():
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    dr_data = dr.raw_pivot()
    #pace = dr.pacing()

    #data_merged = data_transform.raw_pacing_and_dr(dr_data, pace)

    dr_forecasting = data_transform.transform_dr(dr_data)

    Range('raw_pacing_data', 'A1', index=False).value = dr_forecasting

Esempio n. 16
def summarize_sales():
    Retrieve the account number and date ranges from the Excel sheet
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Retrieve the account number and dates
    account = Range('B2').value
    start_date = Range('D2').value
    end_date = Range('F2').value

    # Output the data just to make sure it all works
    Range('A5').value = account
    Range('A6').value = start_date
    Range('A7').value = end_date
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self, sheet="log"):
        """ create sheet and setup format """
            self.caller = Workbook.caller()
            self.caller = None
        # create sheet if it does not exist
        self.sheet = sheet
        if sheet not in [ for s in Sheet.all()]:

        self.row = 0
def summarize_sales():
    Retrieve the account number and date ranges from the Excel sheet
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Retrieve the account number and dates
    account = Range('B2').value
    start_date = Range('D2').value
    end_date = Range('F2').value

    # Output the data just to make sure it all works
    Range('A5').value = account
    Range('A6').value = start_date
    Range('A7').value = end_date
Esempio n. 19
def playlist():
    Get the playlist content based on the ID from the Dropdown
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Place the database next to the Excel file
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'chinook.sqlite')

    # Database connection and creation of cursor
    con = sqlite3.connect(db_file,
                          | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
    cursor = con.cursor()

    # Get PlaylistId from ComboBox
    playlist_id = wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(

    # Database query
        t.Name AS Track, alb.Title AS Album,  art.Name AS Artist, t.Composer
        FROM PlaylistTrack pt
        INNER JOIN Track t ON pt.TrackId = t.TrackId
        INNER JOIN Album alb ON t.AlbumId = alb.AlbumId
        INNER JOIN Artist art ON alb.ArtistId = art.ArtistId
        WHERE PlaylistId = ?
        """, (playlist_id, ))

    # Get the result and column names
    col_names = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
    rows = cursor.fetchall()

    # Clear the sheet and write the column names and result to Excel
    Range('A9').value = col_names
    if len(rows):
        Range('A10').value = rows
        Range('A10').value = 'Empty Playlist!'

    # Close cursor and connection
Esempio n. 20
def xl_fibonacci():
    This is a wrapper around fibonacci() to handle all the Excel stuff
    # Create a reference to the calling Excel Workbook
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Get the input from Excel and turn into integer
    n = Range('B1').options(numbers=int).value

    # Call the main function
    seq = fibonacci(n)

    # Clear output

    # Return the output to Excel in column orientation
    Range('C1').options(transpose=True).value = seq
Esempio n. 21
def xl_fibonacci():
    This is a wrapper around fibonacci() to handle all the Excel stuff
    # Create a reference to the calling Excel Workbook
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Get the input from Excel and turn into integer
    n = Range('B1').options(numbers=int).value

    # Call the main function
    seq = fibonacci(n)

    # Clear output

    # Return the output to Excel in column orientation
    Range('C1').options(transpose=True).value = seq
Esempio n. 22
def playlist():
    Get the playlist content based on the ID from the Dropdown
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Place the database next to the Excel file
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'chinook.sqlite')

    # Database connection and creation of cursor
    con = sqlite3.connect(db_file, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
    cursor = con.cursor()

    # Get PlaylistId from ComboBox
    playlist_id = wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("ComboBox1").Object.Value

    # Database query
        t.Name AS Track, alb.Title AS Album,  art.Name AS Artist, t.Composer
        FROM PlaylistTrack pt
        INNER JOIN Track t ON pt.TrackId = t.TrackId
        INNER JOIN Album alb ON t.AlbumId = alb.AlbumId
        INNER JOIN Artist art ON alb.ArtistId = art.ArtistId
        WHERE PlaylistId = ?
        """, (playlist_id,))

    # Get the result and column names
    col_names = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
    rows = cursor.fetchall()

    # Clear the sheet and write the column names and result to Excel
    Range('A9').value = col_names
    if len(rows):
        Range('A10').value = rows
        Range('A10').value = 'Empty Playlist!'

    # Close cursor and connection
Esempio n. 23
def xl_fibonacci():
    This is a wrapper around fibonacci() to handle all the Excel stuff
    # Create a reference to the calling Excel Workbook
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Get the input from Excel and turn into integer
    n = int(Range('B1').value)

    # Call the main function
    seq = fibonacci(n)

    # Clear output

    # Return the output to Excel
    # zip() is used to push a list over in column orientation (list() needed on PY3)
    Range('C1').value = list(zip(seq))
Esempio n. 24
def xl_fibonacci():
    This is a wrapper around fibonacci() to handle all the Excel stuff
    # Create a reference to the calling Excel Workbook
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Get the input from Excel and turn into integer
    n = int(Range('B1').value)

    # Call the main function
    seq = fibonacci(n)

    # Clear output

    # Return the output to Excel
    # zip() is used to push a list over in column orientation (list() needed on PY3)
    Range('C1').value = list(zip(seq))
Esempio n. 25
def main():
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    # User Inputs
    num_simulations = Range('E3').options(numbers=int).value
    time = Range('E4').value
    num_timesteps = Range('E5').options(numbers=int).value
    dt = time/num_timesteps  # Length of time period
    vol = Range('E7').value
    mu = np.log(1 + Range('E6').value)  # Drift
    starting_price = Range('E8').value
    perc_selection = [5, 50, 95]  # percentiles (hardcoded for now)
    # Animation
    animate = Range('E9').value.lower() == 'yes'

    # Excel: clear output, write out initial values of percentiles/sample path and set chart source
    # and x-axis values
    Range('P2').value = [starting_price, starting_price, starting_price, starting_price]
    Chart('Chart 5').set_source_data(Range((1, 15),(num_timesteps + 2, 19)))
    Range('O2').value = np.round(np.linspace(0, time, num_timesteps + 1).reshape(-1,1), 2)

    # Preallocation
    price = np.zeros((num_timesteps + 1, num_simulations))
    percentiles = np.zeros((num_timesteps + 1, 3))

    # Set initial values
    price[0,:] = starting_price
    percentiles[0,:] = starting_price

    # Simulation at each time step
    for t in range(1, num_timesteps + 1):
        rand_nums = np.random.randn(num_simulations)
        price[t,:] = price[t-1,:] * np.exp((mu - 0.5 * vol**2) * dt + vol * rand_nums * np.sqrt(dt))
        percentiles[t, :] = np.percentile(price[t, :], perc_selection)
        if animate:
            Range((t+2, 16)).value = percentiles[t, :]
            Range((t+2, 19)).value = price[t, 0]  # Sample path
            if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
                Application(wb).screen_updating = True

    if not animate:
        Range('P2').value = percentiles
        Range('S2').value = price[:, :1]  # Sample path
Esempio n. 26
def summarize_sales():
    Retrieve the account number and date ranges from the Excel sheet
    Read in the data from the sqlite database, then manipulate and return it to excel
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Connect to sqlite db
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'pbp_proj.db')
    engine = create_engine(r"sqlite:///{}".format(db_file))

    # Retrieve the account number from the excel sheet as an int
    account = Range('B2').options(numbers=int).value

    # Get our dates - in real life would need to do some error checking to ensure
    # the correct format
    start_date = Range('D2').value
    end_date = Range('F2').value

    # Clear existing data

    # Create SQL query
    sql = 'SELECT * from sales WHERE account="{}" AND date BETWEEN "{}" AND "{}"'.format(
        account, start_date, end_date)

    # Read query directly into a dataframe
    sales_data = pd.read_sql(sql, engine)

    # Analyze the data however we want
    summary = sales_data.groupby(["sku"])["quantity", "ext-price"].sum()

    total_sales = sales_data["ext-price"].sum()

    # Output the results
    if summary.empty:
        Range('A5').value = "No Data for account {}".format(account)
        Range('A5').options(index=True).value = summary
        Range('E5').value = "Total Sales"
        Range('F5').value = total_sales
Esempio n. 27
def summarize_sales():
    Retrieve the account number and date ranges from the Excel sheet
    Read in the data from the sqlite database, then manipulate and return it to excel
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Connect to sqlite db
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'pbp_proj.db')
    engine = create_engine(r"sqlite:///{}".format(db_file))

    # Retrieve the account number from the excel sheet as an int
    account = Range('B2').options(numbers=int).value

    # Get our dates - in real life would need to do some error checking to ensure
    # the correct format
    start_date = Range('D2').value
    end_date = Range('F2').value

    # Clear existing data

    # Create SQL query
    sql = 'SELECT * from sales WHERE account="{}" AND date BETWEEN "{}" AND "{}"'.format(account, start_date, end_date)

    # Read query directly into a dataframe
    sales_data = pd.read_sql(sql, engine)

    # Analyze the data however we want
    summary = sales_data.groupby(["sku"])["quantity", "ext-price"].sum()

    total_sales = sales_data["ext-price"].sum()

    # Output the results
    if summary.empty:
        Range('A5').value = "No Data for account {}".format(account)
        Range('A5').options(index=True).value = summary
        Range('E5').value = "Total Sales"
        Range('F5').value = total_sales
Esempio n. 28
def refresh():
    Refreshes the tables in Excel given the input parameters.
    # Connect to the Workbook
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Read input
    start_date = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'start_date').value
    end_date = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'end_date').value
    account_name = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'account').value
    property_name = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'property').value
    profile_name = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'view').value
    max_results = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'max_rows').value

    # Clear Content
    Range(sheet_dashboard, 'behavior').clear_contents()
    Range(sheet_dashboard, 'effective').clear_contents()

    # Behavior table
    behavior(start_date, end_date, account_name, property_name, profile_name, max_results)
Esempio n. 29
def combobox():
    This populates the ComboBox with the values from the database

    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Place the database next to the Excel file
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'chinook.sqlite')

    # Database connection and creation of cursor
    con = sqlite3.connect(db_file,
                          | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
    cursor = con.cursor()

    # Database Query
    cursor.execute("SELECT PlaylistId, Name FROM Playlist")

    # Write IDs and Names to hidden sheet
    Range('Source', 'A1').table.clear_contents()
    Range('Source', 'A1').value = cursor.fetchall()

    # Format and fill the ComboBox to show Names (Text) and give back IDs (Values)
    # TODO: implement natively in xlwings
    combo = "ComboBox1"
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ListFillRange = \
        'Source!{}'.format(str(Range('Source', 'A1').table.xl_range.Address))
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.BoundColumn = 1
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnCount = 2
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnWidths = 0

    # Close cursor and connection
Esempio n. 30
def hoge():
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    Range('A1').value = "Call Python!"
def my_test(row):

    #create item data frame
    columns1=['Item Row Num1', 'Item Text1']
    index1 = np.arange(250)
    df_item1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns1, index = index1)
    columns2=['Item Row Num2', 'Item Text2', 'Item Price2']
    index2 = np.arange(250)
    df_item2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns2, index = index2)
    #read work book one
    wb = Workbook(r'C:\Python2.7.10\project_database\xlwings\NET.xls')
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    RowANum=row['Title Row Num1']
    RangeText=('C%d' % RowANum)
    count = RowANum
    while (con!=colorcode):
        count = count + 1
        RangeText=('C%d' % count)
        ItemText = Range(RangeText).value
        df_item1.loc[count-RowANum-1, 'Item Row Num1']=count
        df_item1.loc[count-RowANum-1, 'Item Text1']=ItemText
    #print "Good bye!"
    df_item1 = df_item1[(pd.notnull(df_item1['Item Row Num1']))]
    #read work book two
    wb2 = Workbook(r'C:\Python2.7.10\project_database\xlwings\FINAL_PRICE.xlsx')
    wb2 = Workbook.caller()
    RowBNum=row['Title Row Num2']
    RangeText=('L%d' % RowBNum)
    count = RowBNum
    while (con!=colorcode):
        count = count + 1
        RangeText=('L%d' % count)
        RangePrice=('O%d' % count)
        ItemText = Range(RangeText).value
        ItemPrice = Range(RangePrice).value
        df_item2.loc[count-RowBNum-1, 'Item Row Num2']=count
        df_item2.loc[count-RowBNum-1, 'Item Text2']=ItemText
        df_item2.loc[count-RowBNum-1, 'Item Price2']=ItemPrice
    df_item2 = df_item2[(pd.notnull(df_item2['Item Row Num2']))]

    df_item1['key']=df_item1['Item Text1']
    df_item2['key']=df_item2['Item Text2']
    #print df_item1
    #print df_item2
    MergeItem = pd.merge(df_item1, df_item2, on='key', how='left')
    del df_item1
    del df_item2
    #print MergeItem.loc[:,['Item Row Num1','Item Text1','Item Row Num2','Item Price2']]

    #fill in  price
    def FillPrice(row):
        wb = Workbook(r'C:\Python2.7.10\project_database\xlwings\NET.xls')
        wb = Workbook.caller()
        RangeText=('L%d' % row['Item Row Num1'])
        Range(RangeText).value=row['Item Price2']
    MergeItem.apply(FillPrice, axis=1)
    del MergeItem
    print row['Title Row Num1'],row['Title Text1'] 
    return row['Title Row Num1'] + row['Title Row Num2']
def MergenFillPrice(Excel1, Excel2, TitleCheck1, TitleCheck2,
                    UnoTitleCol, DueTitleCol, UnoPriceCol, DuePriceCol,
                    UnoStart, UnoEnd, DueStart, DueEnd):
    #Open Original Excel File
    wb = Workbook(Excel1)
    wb = Workbook.caller()


    #Get title color
    #[Input] Range
    colorcode = Range(TitleCheck1).color


    #Create Empty Dataframe for original excel
    columns = ['Title Row Num1', 'Title Text1']
    index = np.arange(int(ArangeLen))
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index = index)

    #Put Title in Dataframe
    for i in xrange(int(UnoStart),int(UnoEnd)):
        RangeName=('%s%d' % (UnoTitleCol,i))
        if colorread == colorcode:
            df1.loc[j, 'Title Row Num1']=i
            df1.loc[j, 'Title Text1']=TitleText


    #remove the N/A row
    df1 = df1[(pd.notnull(df1['Title Row Num1']))]


    #Read the Excel including price
    wb2 = Workbook(Excel2)
    wb2 = Workbook.caller()


    #Get title color
    #[Input] Range


    #Create Empty Dataframe
    columns=['Title Row Num2', 'Title Text2']
    index = np.arange(int(ArangeLen2))
    df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index = index)


    #Put Title in Dataframe
    for i in range(DueStart,DueEnd):
        RangeName=('%s%d' % (DueTitleCol,i))
        if colorread == colorcode:
            df2.loc[j, 'Title Row Num2']=i
            df2.loc[j, 'Title Text2']=TitleText


    #remove the N/A row
    df2 = df2[(pd.notnull(df2['Title Row Num2']))]


    def ReadItem(row):
        #create item data frame for two excel
        columns1=['Item Row Num1', 'Item Text1']
        index1 = np.arange(600)
        df_item1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns1, index = index1)
        columns2=['Item Row Num2', 'Item Text2', 'Item Price2']
        index2 = np.arange(600)
        df_item2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns2, index = index2)

        #Read Original Excel File
        wb = Workbook(Excel1)
        wb = Workbook.caller()
        #Get the title row number
        RowANum=row['Title Row Num1']
        RangeText=('%s%d' % (UnoTitleCol,RowANum))
        count = RowANum
        #read the row as item until next title color
        while (con!=colorcode or count==UnoEnd):
            count = count + 1
            RangeText=('%s%d' % (UnoTitleCol,count))
            ItemText = Range(RangeText).value
            #put item row number and text into dataframe
            df_item1.loc[count-RowANum-1, 'Item Row Num1']=count
            df_item1.loc[count-RowANum-1, 'Item Text1']=ItemText
        #remove the N/A row
        df_item1 = df_item1[(pd.notnull(df_item1['Item Row Num1']))]

        #Read the excel which include price
        wb2 = Workbook(Excel2)
        wb2 = Workbook.caller()
        #Get the title row number
        RowBNum=row['Title Row Num2']
        RangeText=('%s%d' % (DueTitleCol,RowBNum))
        count = RowBNum
        #read the row as item until next title color
        while (con!=colorcode or count==DueEnd):
            count = count + 1
            RangeText=('%s%d' % (DueTitleCol,count))
            RangePrice=('%s%d' % (DuePriceCol,count))
            ItemText = Range(RangeText).value
            ItemPrice = Range(RangePrice).value
            #put item row number, text and price into dataframe
            df_item2.loc[count-RowBNum-1, 'Item Row Num2']=count
            df_item2.loc[count-RowBNum-1, 'Item Text2']=ItemText
            df_item2.loc[count-RowBNum-1, 'Item Price2']=ItemPrice
        #remove the N/A row
        df_item2 = df_item2[(pd.notnull(df_item2['Item Row Num2']))]
        #Generate the key to merge
        df_item1['key']=df_item1['Item Text1']
        df_item2['key']=df_item2['Item Text2']
        #item merge left
        MergeItem = pd.merge(df_item1, df_item2, on='key', how='left')
        #garbage collector
        del df_item1
        del df_item2

        #Fill the price into the original Excel
        def FillPrice(row):
            #Open original excel
            wb = Workbook(Excel1)
            wb = Workbook.caller()
            #fill in  the price
            RangeText=('%s%d' % (UnoPriceCol,row['Item Row Num1']))
            Range(RangeText).value=row['Item Price2']

        #Apply fill in price
        MergeItem.apply(FillPrice, axis=1)
        del MergeItem


    #Generate the key to merge
    df1['key']=df1['Title Text1']
    df2['key']=df2['Title Text2']
    print "Start Merge"
    #title merge inner
    MergeTitle = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='key', how='inner')
    print MergeTitle
    del df1
    del df2
    if MergeTitle.empty:
        return "Empty"
        MergeTitle['Value'] = MergeTitle.apply(ReadItem, axis=1)

        return "FINISH"
Esempio n. 33
def myfunction():
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    Range('A1').value = "Call Python!"
Esempio n. 34
def get_workbook_name():
    """Writes the name of the Workbook into Range("D3") of Sheet 1"""
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    Range(1, 'D3').value =
Esempio n. 35
def get_workbook_name():
    """Writes the name of the Workbook into Range("D3") of Sheet 1"""
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    Range(1, 'D3').value =
 def FillPrice(row):
     wb = Workbook(r'C:\Python2.7.10\project_database\xlwings\NET.xls')
     wb = Workbook.caller()
     RangeText=('L%d' % row['Item Row Num1'])
     Range(RangeText).value=row['Item Price2']
Esempio n. 37
from IPython.display import IFrame
#A few imports we will need later
from xlwings import Workbook, Sheet, Range, Chart
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.plotly as py
import as tlsM
from IPython.display import HTML
from plotly.graph_objs import *

#workbook connection
wb = Workbook.caller()

#Now we can use some of these controls to customize the
folder_name = Range('Dashboard', 'B2').value
graph_title = Range('Dashboard', 'B3').value

#short function to create a new dataframe using xlwings
def new_df(shtnm, startcell='A1'):
    data = Range(shtnm, startcell).table.value
    temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0])
    return (temp_df)

###Make some dataframes from the workbook sheets
#Core Product
shtnm1 = Range('Dashboard', 'B6').value
df = new_df(shtnm1)

#2nd Product
Esempio n. 38
def rand_numbers():
    """ produces std. normally distributed random numbers with shape (n,n)"""
    wb = Workbook.caller()  # Creates a reference to the calling Excel file
    n = int(Range('Sheet1', 'B1').value)  # Write desired dimensions into Cell B1
    rand_num = np.random.randn(n, n)
    Range('Sheet1', 'C3').value = rand_num
from xlwings import Workbook, Sheet, Range, Chart
import win32com.client
import re
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3 as lite
import numpy as np
import gc
import os
import datetime
import Search_History

#read in Excel
UpdateArr = []
NotFoundPath = 'C:\\Search_Result\\Not_Found.xlsx'
wb = Workbook(NotFoundPath)
wb = Workbook.caller()
print Range('A1').horizontal.value
AllRow = Range('A1').vertical.value
Max_Row = len(AllRow)
print Max_Row
for i in xrange(1,Max_Row+1):
    RName = ('A%d' % i)
    Col =  Range(RName).horizontal.value
    if len(Col)>=3:
        for addcol in xrange(3,len(Col)+1):
            #or (255, 192, 0)
            #and  (0, 176, 240)
            ConColor = Range((i,addcol)).color
            if ConColor == None:
                UpdateArr.append([Col[0], Col[1] , "None", Range((i,addcol)).value])
def SearchFile(Path,Search_Condition,Search_Type):
    #Create New DataFrame

    columns1=['File Name', 'Path', 'Folder']
    index1 = np.arange(30000)
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns1, index = index1)

    #Search => None
    if Search_Type == 'None':
        for pathinfile, subdirs, files in betterwalk.walk(Path):
            for name in files:
                if Search_Condition in name: 
                    fullPath = os.path.join(pathinfile,name)
                    df.loc[i, 'Path']=fullPath
                    df.loc[i, 'File Name']=name

        #drop N/A          
        df = df[(pd.notnull(df['File Name']))]

    #Search => OR
    if Search_Type == 'OR':

        for pathinfile, subdirs, files in betterwalk.walk(Path):
            for name in files:
                ORresult = map(lambda x:re.findall(x,name),SearchORArr)
                if not isListEmpty(ORresult): 
                    fullPath = os.path.join(pathinfile,name)
                    df.loc[i, 'Path']=fullPath
                    df.loc[i, 'File Name']=name

        #drop N/A          
        df = df[(pd.notnull(df['File Name']))]

    #Search => AND
    if Search_Type == 'AND':

        for pathinfile, subdirs, files in betterwalk.walk(Path):
            for name in files:
                ANDresult = map(lambda x:re.findall(x,name),SearchANDArr)
                if ANDCheckEmpty(ANDresult)== True: 
                    fullPath = os.path.join(pathinfile,name)
                    df.loc[i, 'Path']=fullPath
                    df.loc[i, 'File Name']=name

        #drop N/A          
        df = df[(pd.notnull(df['File Name']))]

    if df.empty:
        return ('No Results')
    #Search for files
    #df['Search Result']=df['File Name'].str.contains(Search_Condition)
    #result = df[(df['Search Result']==True)]
    #search for files write into excel
    write_df=df.loc[:,['File Name','Path']]
    writer = ExcelWriter('Result-Output.xls')

    #turn search to files into hyperlink
    CWPath = '\\\\ecsbks01\\swap\\DDD00\\virtualenv\\WinPython-32bit-\\python-2.7.10\\Project_Evaluate_Excel\\Search_History'
    Excel_Path = os.path.join(CWPath, 'Result-Output.xls')
    wb = Workbook(Excel_Path)
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    checkArr = Range('B2').vertical.value
    i = 2
    for check in checkArr:
        RangeName=('B%d' % (i))
        displayRange=('A%d' % (i))
        display_name = Range(displayRange).value
            Range(RangeName).add_hyperlink(address, text_to_display=address)
    return "FINISH"
Esempio n. 41
def execute(Balance_Sheet_Path, Tre0Uno_Sheet_Path, ManHour_Path, ACHour_Path, Pro_Name):
    # # Balance Sheet

    wb = Workbook(Balance_Sheet_Path)
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    SheetA = u'預算平衡表-Phase Summary A'
    SheetE = u'預算平衡表-Phase Summary E'
    SheetP = u'預算平衡表-Phase Summary P'
    SheetC = u'預算平衡表-Phase Summary C'

    SheetArr=[SheetA, SheetE, SheetP, SheetC]
    SheetAlphabetArr = ['A', 'E', 'P','C']

    ColumnAlphabet=['D','E','F','G','H','I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
                    'N', 'O', 'P']

    AllRow = []
    for SName in SheetArr: 
        AllRange = Range(SName, 'D10').vertical.get_address()
        LastRow = AllRange.split(':')[1].split('$')[2]
        LastRow = int(LastRow)
    print AllRow
    for SName in SheetArr:
        print SheetArr.index(SName)
    #Create Empty Dataframe for Balance Sheet
    columns = ['Req No', 'Req Description', 'A', 'W', 'Z', 
               'Current Budget', 'Exe Budget', 'C', 
               'PO Num', 'Excepted Budget', 'EAC Now', 'G', 'H']
    index = np.arange(int(ArangeLen))
    df_bs = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index = index) 

    def BSreadRange(row, SheetIX):
        SName = SheetArr[SheetIX]
        SAlphabet = SheetAlphabetArr[SheetIX]
        Val = Range(SName, row).value
        if (Val != 0):
            for j in xrange(0,13):
                if(row[0] == ColumnAlphabet[j]):
                    rowNum = '%s%d' % (SAlphabet, int(row[1:]))
                    df_bs.loc[rowNum, columns[j]]=Val
    for SName in SheetArr:   
        SheetIX = SheetArr.index(SName)
        SheetLastRow = AllRow[SheetIX]
        for i in xrange(11,(SheetLastRow+1)):
            CellNameArr = map(lambda x:('%s%d' % (x,i)), ColumnAlphabet)
            [BSreadRange(x, SheetIX) for x in CellNameArr]

    df_bs = df_bs[(pd.notnull(df_bs['Req No']))]    

    # # 讀取工時

    d = timedelta(days=20)
    SheetMonth = '{:02d}'.format(d.month)
    SheetYear = format(d.year)[2:]
    MH_SheetName=('%s%s' % (SheetYear, SheetMonth))
    print MH_SheetName

    #Pro_Name = ['14A1701A', '14C1701A', '14P1701A', '14E1701A']

    wb = Workbook(ManHour_Path)
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    AllRange_MH = Range(MH_SheetName, 'A6').vertical.get_address()
    LastRow_MH = AllRange_MH.split(':')[1].split('$')[2]
    LastRow_MH = int(LastRow_MH)
    print LastRow_MH
    for i in xrange(6,LastRow_MH+1):
        SearchLocate = ('A%d'% (i))
        s = Range(MH_SheetName, SearchLocate).value
        if s in Pro_Name:
            TargetLocate = ('B%d'% (i))
            MH_Arr.append([s[2],  Range(MH_SheetName, TargetLocate).value])
    print MH_Arr
    # # 其他費用


    wb = Workbook(ACHour_Path)
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    AllRange_ACC = Range(ACSheetName, 'A2').vertical.get_address()
    LastRow_ACC = AllRange_ACC.split(':')[1].split('$')[2]
    LastRow_ACC = int(LastRow_ACC)
    print LastRow_ACC

    for i in xrange(1,LastRow_ACC+1):
        SearchLocate = ('A%d'% (i))
        s = Range(ACSheetName, SearchLocate).value
        if s in Pro_Name:
            CatLocate = ('D%d'% (i))
            TargetLocate = ('H%d'% (i))
            AC_Arr.append([s[2], Range(ACSheetName, CatLocate).value,
                           Range(ACSheetName, TargetLocate).value])

    print len(AC_Arr)
    columns_AC = ['Type', 'Amount']
    index_AC = np.arange(int(ACrangeLen))
    df_ac = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns_AC, index = index_AC)
    for i in AC_Arr:
        df_ac.loc[j, 'Type']=('%s%d' % (i[0],i[1]))
        df_ac.loc[j, 'Amount']=i[2]
    #print df_ac
    AC_Result_df = df_ac.groupby(by=['Type'])['Amount'].sum()

    for i in range(0,len(AC_Result_df)-1): 
        print AC_Result_df.index[i], AC_Result_df[i]

    # # 301表 

    wb = Workbook(Tre0Uno_Sheet_Path)
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    ColumnAlphabet301 = ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']
    AllRange301 = Range('D10').vertical.get_address()
    LastRow301 = AllRange301.split(':')[1].split('$')[2]
    LastRow301 = int(LastRow301)
    LastRow301 = LastRow *3
    Tre0Uno_columns = ['PO Num', 'Req No', 'Req Description', 'A', 
                       'Current Budget', 'Exe Budget', 'C']
    Tre0Uno_index = np.arange(int(Tre0UnorangeLen))
    df_T0U = pd.DataFrame(columns=Tre0Uno_columns, index = Tre0Uno_index) 

    # #### 讀取原始301資料

    #Read 301 data into the Dataframe function
    def T0UreadRange(row):
        Val = Range(row).value
        if (Val != 0):
            for j in xrange(0,7):
                if(row[0] == ColumnAlphabet301[j]):
                    rowNum = int(row[1:])
                    df_T0U.loc[rowNum, Tre0Uno_columns[j]]=Val
                    df_T0U.loc[rowNum, 'RowID']=rowNum
    for i in xrange(7,(LastRow301+1)):
        #Change This month EAC to last month EAC
        BeforeEACName = ('J%d' % (i))
        AfterEACName = ('K%d' % (i))
        Range(AfterEACName).value = Range(BeforeEACName).value
        #Generate all columns name
        CellNameArr301 = map(lambda x:('%s%d' % (x,i)), ColumnAlphabet301)
        #Read 301 data into the Dataframe action
        map(T0UreadRange, CellNameArr301)  
    #drop N/A    
    df_T0U = df_T0U[(pd.notnull(df_T0U['Req Description']))]    

    # #### 寫入Balance Sheet

    def BSintoT0U(row):
        XColumnName = ['PO Num_x', 'A_x', 'Current Budget_x', 'Exe Budget_x', 'C_x']
        YColumnName = ['PO Num_y', 'A_y', 'Current Budget_y', 'Exe Budget_y', 'C_y']
        for checkCol in YColumnName:
            Col_IX = YColumnName.index(checkCol)
            bs_Val = row[checkCol]
            T0U_Val = row[XColumnName[Col_IX]]
            if (bs_Val != None) and (pd.isnull(bs_Val) != True) and (bs_Val != T0U_Val):
                #301 Column Name to Column Alphabet
                ColAnchor = Tre0Uno_columns.index(checkCol[:-2])
                Input_Location = ('%s%d' % (ColumnAlphabet301[ColAnchor], row['RowID']))
                Range(Input_Location).value = bs_Val
                Range(Input_Location).color = (136, 153, 238)

    #Generate the key to merge
    df_T0U['key']=df_T0U['Req No']
    df_bs['key']=df_bs['Req No']

    #merge left
    MergeItem = pd.merge(df_T0U, df_bs, on='key', how='left')
    #if Balance sheet has diff between 301
    diff =  MergeItem[(MergeItem['Current Budget_x'] != MergeItem['Current Budget_y']) | 
                      (MergeItem['PO Num_x'] != MergeItem['PO Num_y']) | 
                      (MergeItem['Exe Budget_x'] != MergeItem['Exe Budget_y']) |
                      (MergeItem['C_x'] != MergeItem['C_y'])]

    #Merge and Fill in
    diff['RELSULT'] = diff.apply(BSintoT0U, axis=1)

    # #### 填入其他費用及自辦工時

    FeeArr=[u'其他費用',u'自辦工時', u'自辦工時(MH)', u'間接分攤']
    FeeSymbol=['3','4','mh', '5']
    TypeAnchor = 0


    mhTitle =  map(lambda x:('%smh' % (x[0])), MH_Arr)

    for i in xrange(7,(LastRow301+1)):
        CheckRName = ('D%d' % (i))
        CheckTName = ('A%d' % (i))
        InputName = ('H%d' % (i))
        CheckRValue = Range(CheckRName).value
        if  CheckRValue in FeeArr:
            CheckTValue = Range(CheckTName).value
            if CheckTValue != None:
                TypeAnchor = CheckTValue[2]
                SymbolIX = FeeArr.index(CheckRValue)
                SymbolName = ('%s%s' % (TypeAnchor, FeeSymbol[SymbolIX] ))
                mhComment = Range(InputName).comment
                FillInQuery.append([SymbolName,CheckRName,InputName, mhComment])
                SymbolIX = FeeArr.index(CheckRValue)
                SymbolName = ('%s%s' % (TypeAnchor, FeeSymbol[SymbolIX] ))
                mhComment = Range(InputName).comment
                FillInQuery.append([SymbolName,CheckRName,InputName, mhComment])
    print FillInQuery

    #Fill in MH
    QueryTitleAnchor = map(lambda x:x[0], FillInQuery)
    for mhcheck in QueryTitleAnchor:
        if mhcheck in mhTitle:
            mhTrueIX = mhTitle.index(mhcheck)
            mhQueryIX = QueryTitleAnchor.index(mhcheck)
            FillinTargetRange = FillInQuery[mhQueryIX][2]
            FillinTargetComment =FillInQuery[mhQueryIX][3]
            MH_Data = int(MH_Arr[mhTrueIX][1])
            print mhcheck, MH_Arr[mhTrueIX][1] ,FillInQuery[mhQueryIX][2]
            #Check the Comment Month
            if str(format(d.month)) not in FillinTargetComment:
                # Update and Change the Comment
                print "Update"
                OValue = Range(FillinTargetRange).value
                Range(FillinTargetRange).value = OValue + MH_Data
                Range(FillinTargetRange).comment = str(format(d.month))

    #fill in other fee
    for i in range(0,len(AC_Result_df)-1): 
        if AC_Result_df.index[i] in QueryTitleAnchor:
            QueryFeeIX = QueryTitleAnchor.index(AC_Result_df.index[i])
            QueryTargetRange = FillInQuery[QueryFeeIX][2]
            FeeFillInValue = AC_Result_df[i]
            Range(QueryTargetRange).value = FeeFillInValue
            Range(QueryTargetRange).color = (136, 153, 238)
            print FillInQuery[QueryFeeIX][0], QueryTargetRange, FeeFillInValue
Esempio n. 42
def hietograma():
    def lluvia_max():
        muestra = Range('LLUVIA', 'C5').table.value
        #numero de datos
        DataNr = len(muestra)
        #cambiamos tipo de dato a 'array'
        muestra = np.asarray(muestra)
        #todos valores de los parametrod de Gumbel hasta 58 datos
        Yn = Range('+', 'C4:C29').value
        Sigma = Range('+', 'D4:D29').value
        Indeks = Range('+', 'B4:B29').value.index(DataNr)

        #Valores adoptados por los parametros de la funcion Gumbel:
        Yn = Yn[Indeks]
        Sigma = Sigma[Indeks]
        ### empty lists creation
        s = []
        m = []
        alfa = []
        mu = []
        P = []
        Prob = []
        #los parametros de la funcion de Gumbel para cada estacion
        #ddof: "Delta Degrees of Freedom" by default 0
        for i in range(0, 4):
            columna = muestra[:, i]
            s.append(np.std(columna, ddof=1))
            alfa.append(s[i] / Sigma)
            mu.append(m[i] - Yn * alfa[i])
            P.append(mu[i] - alfa[i] * np.log(np.log(T / (T - 1))))
            Prob.append(1 - 1 / T)
        ### PESOS
        dist = np.asarray([3968, 14046, 13251, 12596])  #distancias...
        pesos = 1 / dist**2
        sq = [1 / i**2 for i in dist]
        pesos = pesos / sum(sq)
        ### Pmax24
        return sum(P * pesos)

    wb = Workbook.caller()

    #### clear table

    #### introduccion de los datos
    ####periodo de  retorno
    T = int(Range('INTERFACE', 'D8').value)
    #### duracion de lluvia
    dur = int(Range('INTERFACE', 'D10').value)
    #### intervalo de tiempo
    inval = int(Range('INTERFACE', 'D12').value)
    #### En este script I1/Id se denomina X
    X = int(Range('INTERFACE', 'D14').value)

    #### Precipitaciones maximas diarias
    P24 = Range('P24', 'C14:J14').value

    if Range('INTERFACE', 'D12').value == 'Ya tengo P24':
        P24 = Range('INTERFACE', 'D18').value
        #P24=Range('P24', 'C14:J14').value
        P24 = lluvia_max()
    #### periodos de retorno disponibles
    Tr = [2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000]
    ind = Tr.index(T)

    #### generacion del tiempo eje X
    time = np.arange(inval, dur * 60 + inval, inval)
    Range('INTERFACE', 'R5').value = np.arange(inval, dur * 60 + inval,
                                               inval)[:, np.newaxis]

    #### Precipitaciones maximas diarias mm/hr
    #Id=[i/24 for i in P24]
    Id = P24 / 24

    #### Intensidad de lluvia mm/hr
    I = Id * (X)**((28**0.1 - (time / 60)**0.1) / (28**0.1 - 1))
    Range('INTERFACE', 'S5').value = I[:, np.newaxis]

    lluvia = I * time / 60
    Range('INTERFACE', 'T5').value = lluvia[:, np.newaxis]
    x = lluvia[0]
    #### Incremental depth
    IncDep = []
    for i in range(1, len(lluvia)):
        IncDep.append(lluvia[i] - lluvia[i - 1])
    IncDep.insert(0, x)
    IncDep = np.asarray(IncDep)
    Range('INTERFACE', 'U5').value = IncDep[:, np.newaxis]

    #### Ordenacion methodo de bloques alternos
    nr = Range('U5').table.last_cell.row
    tt = sorted(Range('INTERFACE', 'U5:U' + str(nr)).value)
    new_tt = sorted(tt)[1::2] + sorted(tt)[::2][::-1]
    new_tt = np.asarray(new_tt)
    Range('INTERFACE', 'V5:V' + str(nr)).value = new_tt[:, np.newaxis]

    #### Chart
    chart = Chart('Wykres 4', source_data=Range('V5:V' + str(nr)).table)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from xlwings import Workbook, Sheet, Range, Chart
import win32com.client
import re
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3
import numpy as np
import gc
wb = Workbook(r'C:\Python2.7.10\project_database\xlwings\NET.xls')
wb = Workbook.caller()
#get title color
print colorcode
columns=['Title Row Num1', 'Title Text1']
index = np.arange(5000)
df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index = index)
for i in range(8724,9126):
    RangeName=('C%d' % i)
    if colorread == colorcode:
        df1.loc[j, 'Title Row Num1']=i
        df1.loc[j, 'Title Text1']=TitleText