def xml_from_excel3(excel_file):
			wb = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_file)
			sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
			tags = [n.replace(" ", "").lower() for n in sh.row_values(0)]
			Start=str(ObtainDate("Test Start Time(with Date like 2017-01-16):","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
			#print "Test Start At:" +str(Start)
			Stop=str(ObtainDate("Test End Time:","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
			#print "Test End At:" + str(Stop)
			#print "Chamber is selected:" +str(chamber)
			##print Date
			#location=raw_input("Enter Location:")
			#print "Test Done At:"+str(location)
			#print "Test Done By:" +str(user)
			#comment=raw_input("Make a Comment:")
			#print "Here what you Comment:" +str(comment)
			Run=db.engine.execute("select nvl(max(run.RUN_NUMBER), 0) + 1 from cms_gem_core_cond.cond_data_sets dat join cms_gem_core_cond.kinds_of_conditions koc on dat.KIND_OF_CONDITION_ID = koc.KIND_OF_CONDITION_ID join CMS_GEM_CORE_CONSTRUCT.PARTS par on par.PART_ID = dat.PART_ID join CMS_GEM_CORE_COND.COND_RUNS run on dat.COND_RUN_ID = run.COND_RUN_ID where koc.IS_RECORD_DELETED = 'F' and par.IS_RECORD_DELETED = 'F' and = '' and par.SERIAL_NUMBER = '"+chamber+"'")
			Run = [ t for t, in Run ]
			#print "Number of Time Test Perform:"+str(Run[0])
			root = generateXMLHeader("QC3_GAS_LEAK_CALIB","GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Calib Data","CERN Station A GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Calibration",str(Run[0]),Start,Stop,comment,location,user)
			dataSet = generateDataSet(root,"GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Calib Data","1","GEM Chamber",chamber)	
			for row in range(1,sh.nrows):
					seconds= sh.row_values(row)[1]
					pre= sh.row_values(row)[2]
					temp =sh.row_values(row)[3]
					ambp= sh.row_values(row)[4]
					#times=datetime.strftime(sh.row_values(row)[0], '%H:%M:%S')
					times = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(sh.row_values(row)[0], wb.datemode)
					##print times[3:]
					times = str(times).replace(")","")
					times = str(times).replace("("," ")
					##print times
					generateXMLData3(dataSet,Date +str(times[9:]),str(seconds),str(pre), str(ambp), str(temp))
					writeToFile(fileName, tostring(root))
			initpre = sh.cell(34,7).value
			finalpre = sh.cell(35,7).value
			duration = sh.cell(36,7).value
			leakrate = sh.cell(37,7).value
			#elog=raw_input("Please Enter the ELOG LINK:")
			#File=raw_input("Please Enter the File Name:")
			#Comments=raw_input("Make a Summary Comment:")
			root = generateXMLHeader("QC3_GAS_LEAK_CalIB_SUMMARY","GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Calib Summary ","CERN Station A GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Calib Summary",str(Run[0]),Start,Stop,comment, location,user)
			dataSet = generateDataSet(root,"GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Calib Summary","1","GEM Chamber",chamber)
			generateXMLData3a(dataSet, str(test_date) ,str(avgtemp),str(stdtemp),str(avgpre),str(stdpre),str(initpre),str(finalpre),str(duration),str(leakrate),str(expofitp0),str(expofitp1),str(expofitR2),str(elog),str(File),str(Comments))
			writeToFile1(testfile, tostring(root))
			duration = sh.cell(36,7).value
			leakrate = sh.cell(37,7).value
			elog=raw_input("Please Enter the ELOG LINK:")
			File=raw_input("Please Enter the File Name:")
			Comments=raw_input("Make a summary Comment:")
			root = generateXMLHeader("QC3_GAS_LEAK_DATA_SUMMARY","GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Data Summary ","CERN Station A GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Data Summary",Run,Start,Stop,comment, location,user)
			dataSet = generateDataSet(root,"GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Data Summary","1","GEM Chamber",chamber)
			generateXMLData3a(dataSet, str(test_date) ,str(avgtemp),str(stdtemp),str(avgpre),str(stdpre),str(initpre),str(finalpre),str(duration),str(leakrate),str(expofitp0),str(expofitp1),str(expofitR2),str(elog),str(File),str(Comments))
			writeToFile1(datafile, tostring(root))

	if select==3:
		root = generateXMLHeader("QC3_GAS_FULL_SUMMARY","GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Full Summary","CERN Station A GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Full Summary",Run,Start,Stop,comment,location,user)
		dataSet = generateDataSet(root,"GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Full Summary","1","GEM Chamber",chamber)

if ch==4:
	def xml_from_excel4(excel_file):
		wb = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_file)
		sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
		req = sh.cell(1,16).value
		pre = sh.cell(5,16).value
		amp = sh.cell(8,16).value
		coa = sh.cell(9,16).value
		fine = sh.cell(10,16).value
		itime = sh.cell(12,16).value
		dtime = sh.cell(13,16).value
		disc = sh.cell(16,16).value
		thrs = sh.cell(17,16).value
def xml_from_excel4(excel_file):
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_file)
    sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
    req = sh.cell(1, 16).value
    pre = sh.cell(5, 16).value
    amp = sh.cell(8, 16).value
    coa = sh.cell(9, 16).value
    fine = sh.cell(10, 16).value
    itime = sh.cell(12, 16).value
    dtime = sh.cell(13, 16).value
    disc = sh.cell(16, 16).value
    thrs = sh.cell(17, 16).value
    scal = sh.cell(20, 16).value
    daq = sh.cell(21, 16).value
    Start = sys.argv[7]
    Stop = sys.argv[8]
    chamber = sys.argv[2]
    Date = str(Start[0:10])
    location = sys.argv[4]
    user = sys.argv[5]
    comment = sys.argv[6]
    Comment = sys.argv[11]
    Run = sys.argv[3]
    root = generateXMLHeader("QC1_HVDRIFT_CONFIG",
                             "GEM Drift PCB QC1 HV Drift Configuration",
                             str(location) + " GEM QC1 Drfit Config HV Test",
                             Run, Start, Stop, comment, location, user)
    dataSet = generateDataSet(root, Comment, "1", "GEM Chamber", chamber)
    generateXMLData4a(dataSet, str(req), str(pre), str(amp), str(coa),
                      str(fine), str(itime), str(dtime), str(disc), str(thrs),
                      str(scal), str(daq))
    writeToFile(fileName, tostring(root))
    root = generateXMLHeader("QC1_HVDRIFT_DATA",
                             "GEM Drift PCB QC1 HV Drift Data",
                             str(location) + " GEM QC1 Drift Data HV Test",
                             Run, Start, Stop, comment, location, user)
    dataSet = generateDataSet(root, Comment, "1", "GEM Chamber", chamber)
    for row in range(3, sh.nrows):
        if sh.row_values(row)[0] == '':
        vset = sh.row_values(row)[0]
        vmon = sh.row_values(row)[1]
        iset = sh.row_values(row)[2]
        imon = sh.row_values(row)[3]
        rcal = sh.row_values(row)[4]
        rnorm = sh.row_values(row)[5]
        count = sh.row_values(row)[6]
        rate = sh.row_values(row)[7]
        error = sh.row_values(row)[8]
        generateXMLData4(dataSet, str(vset), str(vmon), str(iset), str(imon),
                         str(rcal), str(rnorm), str(count), str(rate),
        writeToFile(datafile, tostring(root))

    v_max = sh.cell(25, 16).value
    test_date = Start
    v_drift = sh.cell(26, 16).value
    i_max = sh.cell(27, 16).value
    r_euq = sh.cell(28, 16).value
    r_err = sh.cell(29, 16).value
    r_diff = sh.cell(30, 16).value
    spr_signal = sh.cell(31, 16).value
    spr_error = sh.cell(32, 16).value
    Filename = sys.argv[10]
    Elog = sys.argv[9]
    root = generateXMLHeader("QC1_HVDRIFT_SUMRY",
                             "GEM Drift PCB QC1 HV Drift Summary",
                             str(location) + " GEM QC1 HV Test Summary", Run,
                             Start, Stop, comment, location, user)
    dataSet = generateDataSet(root, Comment, "1", "GEM Chamber", chamber)
    generateXMLData4s(dataSet, test_date, str(v_max), str(i_max), str(v_drift),
                      str(r_euq), str(r_err), str(r_diff), str(spr_signal),
                      str(Filename), str(Elog), str(Comment))
    writeToFile(testfile, tostring(root))
def xml_from_excel5(excel_file):
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_file)
    sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
    #user = sh.cell(0,1).value
    user = sys.argv[5]
    chamber = sys.argv[2]
    Run = sys.argv[3]
    location = sys.argv[4]
    Start = sys.argv[7]
    Stop = sys.argv[8]
    Date = str(Start[0:10])
    comment = sys.argv[6]
    Elog = sys.argv[9]
    File = sys.argv[10]
    Comment = sys.argv[11]
    user_name = sh.cell(1, 1).value
    amp = sh.cell(4, 1).value
    coa = sh.cell(5, 1).value
    fine = sh.cell(6, 1).value
    itime = sh.cell(8, 1).value
    dtime = sh.cell(7, 1).value
    disc = sh.cell(27, 1).value
    thrs = sh.cell(28, 1).value
    walk = sh.cell(29, 1).value
    width = sh.cell(30, 1).value
    scal = sh.cell(40, 1).value
    daq = sh.cell(41, 1).value
    pico = sh.cell(33, 1).value
    #tred = sh.cell(34,1).value
    #tblack = sh.cell(35,1).value
    #tgreen = sh.cell(36,1).value
    source = sh.cell(44, 1).value
    hvlt = sh.cell(45, 1).value
    current = sh.cell(46, 1).value
    activity_bq = sh.cell(47, 1).value
    filter_status = sh.cell(48, 1).value
    collimator_status = sh.cell(49, 1).value
    nbpri = sh.cell(23, 5).value
    eta = sh.cell(12, 1).value
    gas = sh.cell(13, 1).value
    gfac = sh.cell(14, 1).value
    flow = sh.cell(15, 1).value
    req = sh.cell(16, 1).value
    divi = sh.cell(17, 1).value
    avtemp = sh.cell(47, 5).value
    error_temp = sh.cell(48, 5).value
    amb = sh.cell(49, 5).value
    error_amb = sh.cell(50, 5).value
    expo1 = sh.cell(51, 5).value
    expo2 = sh.cell(52, 5).value
    p5p0 = sh.cell(47, 8).value
    p5t0 = sh.cell(48, 8).value
    root = generateXMLHeader("QC5_EFF_GAIN_CONFIG",
                             "GEM Chamber QC5 Effective Gain Config",
                             str(location) + " GEM Chamber QC5 Effective Gain",
                             Run, Start, Stop, comment, location, user)
    dataSet = generateDataSet(root, Comment, "1", "GEM Chamber", chamber)
    generateXMLData5a(dataSet, str(user_name), str(amp), str(coa), str(fine),
                      str(itime), str(dtime), str(disc), str(thrs), str(walk),
                      str(width), str(scal), str(daq), str(pico), str(source),
                      str(hvlt), str(current), str(nbpri), str(eta), str(gas),
                      str(gfac), str(flow), str(req), str(divi),
                      str(activity_bq), str(filter_status),
    writeToFile(fileName, tostring(root))

    root = generateXMLHeader("QC5_EFF_GAIN_DATA",
                             "GEM Chamber QC5 Effective Gain Data",
                             str(location) + " GEM Chamber QC5 Effective Gain",
                             Run, Start, Stop, comment, location, user)
    dataSet = generateDataSet(root, Comment, "1", "GEM Chamber", chamber)
    #for row in range(5,21):
    for row in range(29, 45):
        #test_time= sh.row_values(row-24)[7]
        test_time = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(
            sh.row_values(row - 24)[7], wb.datemode)
        test_time = str(test_time).replace(",", ":")
        test_time = str(test_time).replace(")", "")
        test_time = str(test_time).replace("(", " ")
        pressure = sh.row_values(row - 24)[8]
        temp = sh.row_values(row - 24)[9]
        vmon = sh.row_values(row)[5]
        imon = sh.row_values(row)[4]
        vdrift = sh.row_values(row)[6]
        rate = sh.row_values(row)[7]
        rate_error = sh.row_values(row)[8]
        current = sh.row_values(row)[9]
        current_error = sh.row_values(row)[10]
        gain = sh.row_values(row)[11]
        gain_error = sh.row_values(row)[12]
        generateXMLData5(dataSet, Date + str(test_time[9:]), str(temp),
                         str(pressure), str(imon), str(vmon), str(vdrift),
                         str(rate), str(rate_error), str(current),
                         str(current_error), str(gain), str(gain_error))
        writeToFile(datafile, tostring(root))
    root = generateXMLHeader("QC5_EFF_GAIN_SUMRY",
                             "GEM Chamber QC5 Effective Gain Summary",
                             str(location) + " GEM Chamber QC5 Effective Gain",
                             Run, Start, Stop, comment, location, user)
    dataSet = generateDataSet(root, Comment, "1", "GEM Chamber", chamber)
    generateXMLData5s(dataSet, str(Start), str(avtemp), str(amb), str(expo1),
                      str(expo2), str(File), str(Elog), str(Comment),
                      str(error_temp), str(error_amb), str(p5p0), str(p5t0))
    writeToFile(testfile, tostring(root))
def xml_from_excel3(excel_file):
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_file)
    sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
    #tags = [n.replace(" ", "").lower() for n in sh.row_values(0)]
    #Start=sys.argv[6]+ " " + sys.argv[7]
    #Stop=sys.argv[8]+ " " + sys.argv[9]
    Start = sys.argv[6]
    Stop = sys.argv[7]
    chamber = sys.argv[11]
    Date = str(Start[0:10])
    location = sys.argv[3]
    user = sys.argv[4]
    comment = sys.argv[5]
    Comments = sys.argv[10]
    Run = sys.argv[2]

    root = generateXMLHeader("QC3_GAS_LEAK_CALIB",
                             "GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Calib Data",
                             str(location) + " GEM QC3 Gas Calib Data", Run,
                             Start, Stop, comment, location, user)
    dataSet = generateDataSet(root, Comments, "1", "GEM Chamber", chamber)
    for row in range(1, sh.nrows):
        seconds = sh.row_values(row)[1]
        pre = sh.row_values(row)[2]
        temp = sh.row_values(row)[3]
        ambp = sh.row_values(row)[4]
        increment_hr = sh.row_values(row)[5]
        temp_k = sh.row_values(row)[6]
        times = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(sh.row_values(row)[0], wb.datemode)
        times = str(times).replace(",", ":")
        times = str(times).replace(")", "")
        times = str(times).replace("(", " ")
        #generateXMLData3(dataSet,Date +str(times[9:]),str(seconds),str(pre), str(ambp), str(temp))
        generateXMLData3(dataSet, str(Date), str(seconds), str(pre), str(ambp),
                         str(temp), str(increment_hr), str(temp_k))
        writeToFile(fileName, tostring(root))
    test_date = Start
    avgtemp = sh.cell(32, 10).value
    stdtemp = sh.cell(32, 11).value
    avgpre = sh.cell(33, 10).value
    stdpre = sh.cell(33, 11).value
    initpre = sh.cell(34, 10).value
    finalpre = sh.cell(35, 10).value
    duration = sh.cell(36, 10).value
    leakrate = sh.cell(37, 10).value
    expofitp0 = sh.cell(38, 10).value
    expofitp1 = sh.cell(39, 10).value
    time_constant = sh.cell(40, 10).value
    elog = sys.argv[8]
    File = sys.argv[9]
    root = generateXMLHeader("QC3_GAS_LEAK_CALIB_SUMRY",
                             "GEM Chamber QC3 Gas Leak Calib Summary",
                             str(location) + " GEM QC3 Gas Calib Data", Run,
                             Start, Stop, comment, location, user)
    dataSet = generateDataSet(root, Comments, "1", "GEM Chamber", chamber)
    generateXMLData3a(dataSet, str(test_date), str(avgtemp), str(stdtemp),
                      str(avgpre), str(stdpre), str(initpre), str(finalpre),
                      str(duration), str(leakrate), str(expofitp0),
                      str(expofitp1), str(elog), str(File), str(Comments),
    writeToFile1(testfile, tostring(root))
Esempio n. 6
    def xml_from_excel5(excel_file):
        wb = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_file)
        sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
        user = sh.cell(0, 1).value
        chamber = sh.cell(10, 1).value
        pre = raw_input("Please Enter Preamplifier Name:")
        amp = sh.cell(3, 1).value
        coa = sh.cell(4, 1).value
        fine = sh.cell(5, 1).value
        itime = sh.cell(6, 1).value
        dtime = sh.cell(7, 1).value
        disc = sh.cell(26, 1).value
        thrs = sh.cell(27, 1).value
        walk = sh.cell(28, 1).value
        width = sh.cell(29, 1).value
        scal = sh.cell(39, 1).value
        daq = sh.cell(40, 1).value
        pico = sh.cell(32, 1).value
        tred = sh.cell(33, 1).value
        tblack = sh.cell(34, 1).value
        tgreen = sh.cell(35, 1).value
        source = sh.cell(43, 1).value
        hvlt = sh.cell(44, 1).value
        current = sh.cell(45, 1).value
        nbpri = "346"
        eta = sh.cell(11, 1).value
        gas = sh.cell(12, 1).value
        gfac = sh.cell(13, 1).value
        flow = sh.cell(14, 1).value
        req = sh.cell(15, 1).value
        divi = sh.cell(16, 1).value
        root = generateXMLHeader(
            "QC5_GAIN_STBLTY_CONFIG", "GEM Chamber QC5 Gain Stability",
            "CERN Station A GEM Chamber QC5 Gain Stability", Run, Start, Stop,
            comment, location, user)
        dataSet = generateDataSet(root,
                                  "GEM Chamber QC5 Gain Stability Config", "1",
                                  "GEM Chamber", chamber)
        generateXMLData5a(dataSet, str(user),
                          pre, str(amp), str(coa), str(fine), str(itime),
                          str(dtime), str(disc), str(thrs), str(walk),
                          str(width), str(scal), str(daq), str(pico),
                          str(tred), str(tblack), str(tgreen), str(source),
                          str(hvlt), str(current), str(nbpri), str(eta),
                          str(gas), str(gfac), str(flow), str(req), str(divi))
        writeToFile(fileName, tostring(root))

        root = generateXMLHeader(
            "QC5_GAIN_STBLTY_DATA", "GEM Chamber QC5 Gain Stability Data",
            "CERN Station A GEM Chamber QC5 Gain Stability", Run, Start, Stop,
            comment, location, user)
        dataSet = generateDataSet(root, "GEM Chamber QC5 Gain Stability Data",
                                  "1", "GEM Chamber", chamber)
        for row in range(6, sh.nrows):
            if row == 33:
            test_time = str(Start[0:10])
            humidity = raw_input("Please write Humidity Value:")
            vmon = sh.row_values(row)[5]
            imon = sh.row_values(row)[6]
            time = sh.row_values(row)[21]
            pressure = sh.row_values(row)[22]
            temp = sh.row_values(row)[23]
            s_count = sh.row_values(row)[24]
            s_error = sh.row_values(row)[25]
            off_count = sh.row_values(row)[26]
            off_error = sh.row_values(row)[27]
            s_current = sh.row_values(row)[28]
            s_current_error = sh.row_values(row)[29]
            off_current = sh.row_values(row)[30]
            off_current_error = sh.row_values(row)[31]
            generateXMLData5(dataSet, str(test_time), str(temp), str(pressure),
                             str(humidity), str(imon), str(vmon), str(s_count),
                             str(s_error), str(off_count), str(off_error),
                             str(s_current), str(s_current_error),
            writeToFile(datafile, tostring(root))