Esempio n. 1
class EditorSupportCall:

  contexturl = ""
  config = {}
  browser = None

  def __init__(self, view):

    # Load the connection settings, use the file path of the active view for context
    whfsroot, username, password, contexturl, config = load_whconn_config(view.file_name())
    self.contexturl = contexturl
    self.config = config
    print(self.contexturl, self.config)

    # Construct the RPC url and setup a server proxy for the RPC calls
    up = urlsplit(whfsroot)
    adminurl = urlunsplit((up.scheme, username + ":" + password + "@" + up.netloc, "/wh_services/blex_alpha/editorsupport", "", ""))
    self.browser = ServerProxy(adminurl)

  def call(self, method, param1 = None, param2 = None):

      # Set (global) socket timeout globally

      # Call the remote function and return the result
      if method == "getremoteerrorlist":
        return self.browser.getRemoteErrorList(self.contexturl, self.config)
      elif method == "symbolsearch":
        return self.browser.symbolSearch(param1, self.contexturl, self.config)
      elif method == "documentationsearch":
        return self.browser.documentationSearch(param1, self.contexturl, self.config)
      elif method == "validate":
        return self.browser.validate(self.contexturl, self.config)
      elif method == "compile":
        self.config["force"] = True
        return self.browser.compile(self.contexturl, self.config)
      elif method == "validateharescriptsource":
        return self.browser.validateharescriptsource(self.contexturl, param1, self.config)
      elif method == "getloadlibsuggestions":
        return self.browser.rpc_getloadlibsuggestions(self.contexturl, param1, self.config)
      elif method == "addloadlibtosource":
        return self.browser.rpc_addloadlibtosource(self.contexturl, param1, param2, self.config)
      elif method == "resolveuri":
        return self.browser.rpc_resolveuri(self.contexturl, param1, self.config)

    except Error as e:
      # Display a message
      sublime.status_message("Error retrieving " + method + " result")
      print("Error", e)
      return None

    except IOError as e:
      # Display a message
      sublime.status_message("Error connecting to server")
      print("IOError", e)
      return None

    except socket.error as e:
      # Display a message
      sublime.status_message("Error connecting to server")
      print("socket.error", e)
      return None

      # Reset (global) socket timeout to default value