class ConfigManager(): """ This class is used to read, write, reset the global config, It is used by sonosdoorbell service and by webfrontend. Configuration is stored in an XML file. Configuration is autoloaded when a file change is detected. NOTE: When an exception occurs, the configuration is generally reset and is saved again to the XML file. A backup is also created. """ def __init__(self, config_subdir, config_filename, lextend_ip, logger=None): """ ConfigManager initializer. This function will ensure that folder structure is created. It will load (and save to ensure consistency in case of errors) the XML. It will then start watching the config_file for changes. """ self.lextend_ip = lextend_ip self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) self.config_filename = None config_userconfig = os.path.join("/root", ".config", config_subdir, config_filename) # Make sure config_file exists in the config directory. try: if not os.path.exists(config_userconfig): try: conf_dir = os.path.dirname(config_userconfig) os.makedirs(conf_dir) except: self.logger.error("Cannot create %s." % conf_dir, exc_info=True) self.config_filename = config_userconfig except: self.logger.error("Could not ensure %s exists." % config_userconfig, exc_info=True) # Try to load and save the config file : enforce consistency. self.loadfile() # Start watching the config file for changes. try: self.wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() mask = pyinotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE self.notifier = pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier(self.wm, EventHandler(self)) self.notifier.start() self.wdd = self.wm.add_watch(os.path.dirname(self.config_filename), mask, rec=True) except: self.logger.error("Could not start observe on %s" % self.config_filename, exc_info=True) def loadfile(self): """ Load config from the XML file, and reset and save in case of error. """"Loading settings from %s." % self.config_filename) try: self.config = XMLSettings(self.config_filename) except: self.logger.error("Could not load Config from %s." % self.config_filename, exc_info=True) self.reset() self.load() def load(self): """ Load settings from the config file. """ def load_general(): section = "General" # Prepare the structures self.general = dummy() self.general.lextend = dummy() self.general.miniserver = dummy() # read the settings lextend_ip = "" if self.lextend_ip != "": lextend_ip = self.lextend_ip self.general.lextend.ip = self.config.get(section + "/Lextend/ip", lextend_ip) self.general.lextend.port = self.config.get( section + "/Lextend/port", "5050") self.general.miniserver.ip = self.config.get( section + "/Miniserver/ip", "") self.general.miniserver.port = self.config.get( section + "/Miniserver/port", "5050") def load_sonos_doorbell(): section = "Services/Sonos_Doorbell" # Prepare the structures self.sonos_doorbell = dummy() tmp = self.config.get(section + "/enable", "True") self.sonos_doorbell.enable = True if "True" in tmp else False tmp = self.config.get(section + "/volume_override", "False") self.sonos_doorbell.volume_override = True if "True" in tmp else False self.sonos_doorbell.volume = self.config.get( section + "/volume", 50) self.sonos_doorbell.default_sound = self.config.get( section + "/default_sound", 1) self.sonos_doorbell.sounds_filelist = [] for i in range(10): key = section + "/Sounds/sound_%s" % i self.sonos_doorbell.sounds_filelist.append( self.config.get(key, "default sound")) self.sonos_doorbell.protocol = self.config.get( section + "/Protocol", "10!x1") load_general() load_sonos_doorbell() def save(self): """ Save settings to the config file. """"Saving Config to %s." % self.config_filename) def put_general(): section = "General" self.config.put(section + "/version", "1") self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/ip", self.general.lextend.ip) self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/port", self.general.lextend.port) self.config.put(section + "/Miniserver/ip", self.general.miniserver.ip) self.config.put(section + "/Miniserver/port", self.general.miniserver.port) def put_sonos_doorbell(): section = "Services/Sonos_Doorbell" self.config.put(section + "/enable", str(self.sonos_doorbell.enable)) self.config.put(section + "/volume_override", str(self.sonos_doorbell.volume_override)) self.config.put(section + "/volume", self.sonos_doorbell.volume) self.config.put(section + "/default_sound", self.sonos_doorbell.default_sound) for i in range(10): self.config.put(section + "/Sounds/sound_%s" % i, self.sonos_doorbell.sounds_filelist[i]) self.config.put(section + "/Protocol", self.sonos_doorbell.protocol) put_general() put_sonos_doorbell() try: except: self.logger.error("Could not save settings.", exc_info=True) # Lazy attempt to solve the bug with using config before it is loaded again; time.sleep(0.5) def remove_xml_element(self, element_name): try: f = open(self.config_filename, "rw") tree = etree.parse(f) f.close() for element in tree.xpath("//%s" % element_name): element.getparent().remove(element) fi = open(self.config_filename, "r+w") fi.write(etree.tostring(tree)) except: self.logger.error("While removing %s in %s" % (element_name, self.config_filename), exc_info=True) def reset_service(self, service_name): self.remove_xml_element(service_name) self.load() def reset_general(self): self.reset_service("General") def reset_sonos_doorbell(self): self.reset_service("Sonos_Doorbell") def reset(self): """ Reset settings and save them to the XML config file. """"Resetting Config to %s" % self.config_filename) try: os.rename(self.config_filename, "%s.bak" % self.config_filename)"Config file backed up to %s.bak" % self.config_filename) except: self.logger.warn("reset", exc_info=True) try: self.config = XMLSettings(self.config_filename) except: self.config = XMLSettings("") self.logger.warn("reset", exc_info=True) self.load()
class ConfigManager(object): """ This class is used to read, write, reset the global config, It is used by sonosdoorbell service and by webfrontend. Configuration is stored in an XML file. Configuration is autoloaded when a file change is detected. NOTE: When an exception occurs, the configuration is generally reset and is saved again to the XML file. A backup is also created. """ def __init__(self, config_subdir, config_filename, lextend_ip, logger=None): """ ConfigManager initializer. This function will ensure that folder structure is created. It will load (and save to ensure consistency in case of errors) the XML. It will then start watching the config_file for changes. """ self.lextend_ip = lextend_ip self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) self.general = None self.sonos_doorbell = None self.auto_update = None self.gpio = None self.config = None self.config_filename = None config_userconfig = os.path.join("/root", ".config", config_subdir, config_filename) # Make sure config_file exists in the config directory. try: if not os.path.exists(config_userconfig): conf_dir = None try: conf_dir = os.path.dirname(config_userconfig) os.makedirs(conf_dir) except: self.logger.error("Cannot create %s." % conf_dir, exc_info=True) self.config_filename = config_userconfig except: self.logger.error("Could not ensure %s exists." % config_userconfig, exc_info=True) # Try to load and save the config file : enforce consistency. self.loadfile() # Start watching the config file for changes. try: self.wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() mask = pyinotify.EventsCodes.FLAG_COLLECTIONS["OP_FLAGS"][ "IN_CLOSE_WRITE"] # pyinotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE self.notifier = pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier(self.wm, EventHandler(self)) self.notifier.start() self.wdd = self.wm.add_watch(os.path.dirname(self.config_filename), mask, rec=True) except: self.logger.error("Could not start observe on %s" % self.config_filename, exc_info=True) def loadfile(self): """ Load config from the XML file, and reset and save in case of error. """"Loading settings from %s." % self.config_filename) try: self.config = XMLSettings(self.config_filename) except: self.logger.error("Could not load Config from %s." % self.config_filename, exc_info=True) self.reset() self.load() def load(self): """ Load settings from the config file. """ def load_general(): section = "General" # Prepare the structures self.general = dummy() self.general.lextend = dummy() # self.general.static = dummy() self.general.miniserver = dummy() self.general.admin = dummy() self.general.lextend.wifi = dummy() self.general.wifi_static = dummy() self.general.wifi_dhcp = dummy() self.general.sheduled_reboot = dummy() # read the settings lextend_ip = "" if self.lextend_ip != "": lextend_ip = self.lextend_ip # ethernet tmp = self.config.get(section + "/Lextend/WiFi/enable", "False") self.general.lextend.wifi.enable = True if "True" in tmp else False tmp1 = self.config.get(section + "/Lextend/Ethernet/Static/enable", "True") self.general.lextend.enable = True if "True" in tmp1 else False self.general.lextend.ip = self.config.get(section + "/Lextend/ip", lextend_ip) self.general.lextend.netmask = self.config.get( section + "/Lextend/netmask", "") self.general.lextend.gateway = self.config.get( section + "/Lextend/gateway", "") self.general.lextend.dns1 = self.config.get( section + "/Lextend/dns1", "") self.general.lextend.dns2 = self.config.get( section + "/Lextend/dns2", "") self.general.lextend.port = self.config.get( section + "/Lextend/port", "5050") self.general.miniserver.ip = self.config.get( section + "/Miniserver/ip", "") self.general.miniserver.port = self.config.get( section + "/Miniserver/port", "5050") = self.config.get(section + "/Admin/name", "admin") self.general.admin.password = self.config.get( section + "/Admin/password", "admin") tmp2 = self.config.get(section + "/WiFi/Static/enable", "False") self.general.wifi_static.enable = True if "True" in tmp2 else False # static self.general.wifi_static.ip = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Static/ip", lextend_ip) self.general.wifi_static.netmask = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Static/netmask", "") self.general.wifi_static.gateway = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Static/gateway", "") self.general.wifi_static.dns1 = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Static/dns1", "") self.general.wifi_static.dns2 = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Static/dns2", "") self.general.wifi_static.port = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Static/port", "5051") self.general.wifi_static.ssid = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Static/ssid", "Admin") self.general.wifi_static.password = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Static/password", "admin") # dhcp self.general.wifi_dhcp.ssid = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Dhcp/ssid", "Admin1") self.general.wifi_dhcp.password = self.config.get( section + "/WiFi/Dhcp/password", "admin1") tmp3 = self.config.get(section + "/Sheduled/Reboot/enable", "False") self.general.sheduled_reboot.enable = True if "True" in tmp3 else False self.general.sheduled_reboot.time = self.config.get( section + "/Sheduled/Reboot/time", "12.00") self.general.sheduled_reboot.timezone = self.config.get( section + "/Sheduled/Reboot/timezone", "Select TIMEZONE") def load_sonos_doorbell(): section = "Services/Sonos_Doorbell" # Prepare the structures self.sonos_doorbell = dummy() tmp = self.config.get(section + "/enable", "True") self.sonos_doorbell.enable = True if "True" in tmp else False tmp = self.config.get(section + "/volume_override", "False") self.sonos_doorbell.volume_override = True if "True" in tmp else False self.sonos_doorbell.volume = self.config.get( section + "/volume", 50) self.sonos_doorbell.default_sound = self.config.get( section + "/default_sound", 0) self.sonos_doorbell.sounds_filelist = [] for i in range(10): key = section + "/Sounds/sound_%s" % i self.sonos_doorbell.sounds_filelist.append( self.config.get(key, "default sound")) self.sonos_doorbell.protocol = self.config.get( section + "/Protocol", "10!x1") tmp = self.config.get(section + "/Ignore_sonos_names", "False") self.sonos_doorbell.ignore_sonos_names = True if "True" in tmp else False # Commercials self.sonos_doorbell.commercials = dummy() tmp = self.config.get(section + "/commercials/volume_override", "True") self.sonos_doorbell.commercials.volume_override = True if "True" in tmp else False self.sonos_doorbell.commercials.volume = self.config.get( section + "/commercials/volume", 10) self.sonos_doorbell.commercials.sounds_filelist = [] for i in range(10): key = section + "/commercials/sounds/sound_%s" % i self.sonos_doorbell.commercials.sounds_filelist.append( self.config.get(key, "")) # preferred radios feature self.sonos_doorbell.saved_radios = [] for i in range(10): key = section + "saved_radios/radio_%s" % i self.sonos_doorbell.saved_radios.append(dummy()) try: self.sonos_doorbell.saved_radios[i].url = self.config.get( key + "/url", "") except: self.logger.error("Could not load a setting field.", exc_info=True) try: self.sonos_doorbell.saved_radios[i].meta = self.config.get( key + "/meta", "") except: self.logger.error("Could not load a setting field.", exc_info=True) try: self.sonos_doorbell.saved_radios[i].name = self.config.get( key + "/name", "") except: self.logger.error("Could not load a setting field.", exc_info=True) def load_auto_update(): section = "AutoUpdate" # Prepare the structures self.auto_update = dummy() # read the settings tmp = self.config.get(section + "/enable", "False") self.auto_update.enable = True if "True" in tmp else False def load_gpio(): section = "ExternalIO" # Prepare the structures self.gpio = dummy() self.gpio.udp_payload_rising = [] self.gpio.udp_payload_falling = [] for i in range(6): key = section + "/udp_payload/gpio_%s_rising" % i self.gpio.udp_payload_rising.append( self.config.get(key, "10!1%s5" % (i + 1))) key = section + "/udp_payload/gpio_%s_falling" % i self.gpio.udp_payload_falling.append( self.config.get(key, "10!1%s5" % (i + 1))) # read the settings load_general() load_sonos_doorbell() load_auto_update() load_gpio() def save(self): """ Save settings to the config file. """"Saving Config to %s." % self.config_filename) def put_general(): section = "General" self.config.put(section + "/version", "1") # ethernet self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/WiFi/enable", str(self.general.lextend.wifi.enable)) self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/Ethernet/Static/enable", str(self.general.lextend.enable)) self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/ip", self.general.lextend.ip) self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/netmask", self.general.lextend.netmask) self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/gateway", self.general.lextend.gateway) self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/dns1", self.general.lextend.dns1) self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/dns2", self.general.lextend.dns2) self.config.put(section + "/Lextend/port", self.general.lextend.port) self.config.put(section + "/Miniserver/ip", self.general.miniserver.ip) self.config.put(section + "/Miniserver/port", self.general.miniserver.port) # static self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Static/enable", str(self.general.wifi_static.enable)) self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Static/ip", self.general.wifi_static.ip) self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Static/netmask", self.general.wifi_static.netmask) self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Static/gateway", self.general.wifi_static.gateway) self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Static/dns1", self.general.wifi_static.dns1) self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Static/dns2", self.general.wifi_static.dns2) self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Static/port", self.general.wifi_static.port) self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Static/ssid", self.general.wifi_static.ssid) self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Static/password", self.general.wifi_static.password) # dhcp self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Dhcp/ssid", self.general.wifi_dhcp.ssid) self.config.put(section + "/WiFi/Dhcp/password", self.general.wifi_dhcp.password) self.config.put(section + "/Sheduled/Reboot/enable", str(self.general.sheduled_reboot.enable)) self.config.put(section + "/Sheduled/Reboot/time", self.general.sheduled_reboot.time) self.config.put(section + "/Sheduled/Reboot/timezone", self.general.sheduled_reboot.timezone) self.config.put(section + "/Admin/name", self.config.put(section + "/Admin/password", self.general.admin.password) def put_sonos_doorbell(): section = "Services/Sonos_Doorbell" self.config.put(section + "/enable", str(self.sonos_doorbell.enable)) self.config.put(section + "/volume_override", str(self.sonos_doorbell.volume_override)) self.config.put(section + "/volume", self.sonos_doorbell.volume) self.config.put(section + "/default_sound", self.sonos_doorbell.default_sound) for i in range(10): self.config.put(section + "/Sounds/sound_%s" % i, self.sonos_doorbell.sounds_filelist[i]) self.config.put(section + "/Protocol", self.sonos_doorbell.protocol) self.config.put(section + "/Ignore_sonos_names", str(self.sonos_doorbell.ignore_sonos_names)) # Commercials self.config.put( section + "/commercials/volume_override", str(self.sonos_doorbell.commercials.volume_override)) self.config.put(section + "/commercials/volume", str(self.sonos_doorbell.commercials.volume)) for i in range(10): self.config.put( section + "/commercials/sounds/sound_%s" % i, self.sonos_doorbell.commercials.sounds_filelist[i]) # saved radios for i in range(10): key = section + "saved_radios/radio_%s" % i try: self.config.put(key + "/url", self.sonos_doorbell.saved_radios[i].url) except: self.logger.error("Could not save a setting field.", exc_info=True) try: self.config.put( key + "/meta", self.sonos_doorbell.saved_radios[i].meta.decode( 'utf-8')) except: self.logger.error("Could not save a setting field.", exc_info=True) try: self.config.put(key + "/name", self.sonos_doorbell.saved_radios[i].name) except: self.logger.error("Could not save a setting field.", exc_info=True) def put_auto_update(): section = "AutoUpdate" self.config.put(section + "/enable", str(self.auto_update.enable)) def put_gpio(): section = "ExternalIO" # Prepare the structures for i in range(6): key = section + "/udp_payload/gpio_%s_rising" % i self.config.put(key, self.gpio.udp_payload_rising[i]) key = section + "/udp_payload/gpio_%s_falling" % i self.config.put(key, self.gpio.udp_payload_falling[i]) put_general() put_sonos_doorbell() put_auto_update() put_gpio() try: except: self.logger.error("Could not save settings.", exc_info=True) # Lazy attempt to solve the bug with using config before it is loaded again; time.sleep(0.5) def remove_xml_element(self, element_name): try: f = open(self.config_filename, "rw") tree = etree.parse(f) f.close() for element in tree.xpath("//%s" % element_name): element.getparent().remove(element) fi = open(self.config_filename, "r+w") fi.write(etree.tostring(tree)) except: self.logger.error("While removing %s in %s" % (element_name, self.config_filename), exc_info=True) def reset_service(self, service_name): self.remove_xml_element(service_name) self.load() def reset_general(self): self.reset_service("General") def reset_sonos_doorbell(self): self.reset_service("Sonos_Doorbell") def reset(self): """ Reset settings and save them to the XML config file. """"Resetting Config to %s" % self.config_filename) try: os.rename(self.config_filename, "%s.bak" % self.config_filename)"Config file backed up to %s.bak" % self.config_filename) except: self.logger.warn("reset", exc_info=True) try: self.config = XMLSettings(self.config_filename) except: self.config = XMLSettings("") self.logger.warn("reset", exc_info=True) self.load()