# Initialize xnat xnat = xutil.xnat() # Get your project pjt = xutil.project(xnat, 'BTest') # Get your subject sub = xutil.subject(pjt, 'sub1000') # Get your experiment exp = xutil.experiment(sub, 'fmri_swr') # Get your scan scan = xutil.scan(exp, 'mission_1') """ These same methods create objects in XNAT if they don't exist and if you pass a dictionary, you can automatically import metadata """ pjt_data = {'ID':'newBTest', 'description':'another project created by scott','pi_lastname':'Burns', 'pi_firstname':'Scott', 'note':'testing'} new_prj = xutil.project(xnat, 'newBTest', pjt_data) sub_data = {'gender': 'male', 'handedness': 'right', 'yob': '2000', 'dob':'2000-11-11', 'ethnicity':'white'} new_sub = xutil.subject(new_prj, '1234', sub_data) exp_name = "fmri_swr" exp_data = {'scanner': 'Phillips', 'operator': "Techname", 'label': exp_name, 'pi_firstname': 'Scott',
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import xnat_util as xutil # Initialize XNAT xnat = xutil.xnat() # Subjects belong to a project, so grab the project you'd like to put them in pjt = xutil.project(xnat, 'BTest') # Grab a subject sub = xutil.subject(pjt, 'sub1000') # Grab the experiment # Make sure the experiment name is unique exp = xutil.experiment(sub, 'fmri_swr_%s' % sub.label()) # first run run = xutil.scan(exp, 'run1') # Upload nifti xutil.add_nifti(run, 'fmri', '/Volumes/Data/NFRO1/Pre/1005/M1/SWR1.nii') """ If you can figure out other metadata (from external resources?), you can also put that in. Good keys can be found in xutil.ALLOWED_KEYS""" run2 = xutil.scan(exp, 'run2') md = {'quality': 'Good', 'scanner': 'Phillips', 'modality': 'fmri', 'coil': '8-ch birdcage', 'fieldStrength': '3T'} xutil.add_nifti(run2, 'image', '/Volumes/Data/NFRO1/Pre/1005/M2/SWR2.nii', other_md=md)