def xontribs_load( names: Annotated[ tp.Sequence[str], Arg(nargs="+", completer=xontrib_names_completer), ] = (), verbose=False, ): """Load xontribs from a list of names Parameters ---------- names names of xontribs verbose : -v, --verbose verbose output """ ctx = XSH.ctx res = ExitCode.OK for name in names: if verbose: print(f"loading xontrib {name!r}") try: update_context(name, ctx=ctx) except Exception: res = ExitCode.INIT_FAILED print_exception(f"Failed to load xontrib {name}.") if hasattr(update_context, "bad_imports"): res = ExitCode.NOT_FOUND prompt_xontrib_install(update_context.bad_imports) # type: ignore del update_context.bad_imports # type: ignore return res
def _list( names: Annotated[tuple, Arg(nargs="*")] = (), to_json=False, ): """List xontribs, whether they are installed, and loaded. Parameters ---------- to_json : -j, --json reports results as json names names of xontribs """ data = xontrib_data(names) if to_json: s = json.dumps(data) print(s) else: nname = max([6] + [len(x) for x in data]) s = "" for name, d in data.items(): lname = len(name) s += "{PURPLE}" + name + "{RESET} " + " " * (nname - lname) if d["installed"]: s += "{GREEN}installed{RESET} " else: s += "{RED}not-installed{RESET} " if d["loaded"]: s += "{GREEN}loaded{RESET}" else: s += "{RED}not-loaded{RESET}" s += "\n" print_color(s[:-1])
def _colors( style: Annotated[str, Arg(nargs="?", completer=xonfig_color_completer)] = None ): """Preview color style Parameters ---------- style name of the style to preview. If not given, current style name is used. """ columns, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size() columns -= int(bool(ON_WINDOWS)) style_stash = XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] if style is not None: if style not in color_style_names(): print(f"Invalid style: {style}") return XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] = style color_map = color_style() if not color_map: print("Empty color map - using non-interactive shell?") return akey = next(iter(color_map)) if isinstance(akey, str): s = _str_colors(color_map, columns) else: s = _tok_colors(color_map, columns) print_color(s) XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] = style_stash
def toggle_color( self, toggle: Annotated[bool, Arg(type=to_bool)] = False, ): """output color management for tracer Parameters ---------- toggle true/false, y/n, etc. to toggle color usage. """ self.color_output(toggle)
def disown_fn( job_ids: Annotated[tp.Sequence[int], Arg(type=int, nargs="*", completer=job_id_completer)], force_auto_continue=False, ): """Remove the specified jobs from the job table; the shell will no longer report their status, and will not complain if you try to exit an interactive shell with them running or stopped. If the jobs are currently stopped and the $AUTO_CONTINUE option is not set ($AUTO_CONTINUE = False), a warning is printed containing information about how to make them continue after they have been disowned. Parameters ---------- job_ids Jobs to act on or none to disown the current job force_auto_continue : -c, --continue Automatically continue stopped jobs when they are disowned, equivalent to setting $AUTO_CONTINUE=True """ if len(tasks) == 0: return "", "There are no active jobs" messages = [] # if args.job_ids is empty, use the active task for tid in job_ids or [tasks[0]]: try: current_task = get_task(tid) except KeyError: return "", f"'{tid}' is not a valid job ID" auto_cont = XSH.env.get("AUTO_CONTINUE", False) if auto_cont or force_auto_continue: _continue(current_task) elif current_task["status"] == "stopped": messages.append(f"warning: job is suspended, use " f"'kill -CONT -{current_task['pids'][-1]}' " f"to resume\n") # Stop tracking this task tasks.remove(tid) del XSH.all_jobs[tid] messages.append(f"Removed job {tid} ({current_task['status']})") if messages: return "".join(messages)
def remove_completer( name: Annotated[str, Arg(completer=complete_completer_names)], ): """Removes a completer from xonsh Parameters ---------- name: NAME is a unique name of a completer (run "completer list" to see the current completers in order) """ err = None if name not in XSH.completers: err = f"The name {name} is not a registered completer function." if err is None: del XSH.completers[name] return else: return None, err + "\n", 1
def off_files( self, _args, files: Annotated[tp.Iterable[str], Arg(nargs="*")] = ("__file__",), ): """removes selected files fom tracing. Parameters ---------- files file paths to stop watching, use ``__file__`` (default) to select the current file. """ for f in files: if f == "__file__": f = _find_caller(_args) if f is None: continue self.stop(f)
def on_files( self, _args, files: Annotated[tp.Iterable[str], Arg(nargs="*")] = ("__file__",), ): """begins tracing selected files. Parameters ---------- _args argv from alias parser files file paths to watch, use "__file__" (default) to select the current file. """ for f in files: if f == "__file__": f = _find_caller(_args) if f is None: continue self.start(f)
def dirs_fn( nth: Annotated[tp.Optional[str], Arg(metavar="N", nargs="?")] = None, clear=False, print_long=False, verbose=False, long=False, ): """Manage the list of currently remembered directories. Parameters ---------- nth Displays the Nth directory (counting from the left/right according to +/x prefix respectively), starting with zero clear : -c Clears the directory stack by deleting all of the entries. print_long : -p Print the directory stack with one entry per line. verbose : -v Print the directory stack with one entry per line, prefixing each entry with its index in the stack. long : -l Produces a longer listing; the default listing format uses a tilde to denote the home directory. """ global DIRSTACK env = XSH.env dirstack = [os.path.expanduser(env["PWD"])] + DIRSTACK if env.get("PUSHD_MINUS"): BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" else: BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" if clear: DIRSTACK = [] return None, None, 0 if long: o = dirstack else: d = os.path.expanduser("~") o = [i.replace(d, "~") for i in dirstack] if verbose: out = "" pad = len(str(len(o) - 1)) for (ix, e) in enumerate(o): blanks = " " * (pad - len(str(ix))) out += f"\n{blanks}{ix} {e}" out = out[1:] elif print_long: out = "\n".join(o) else: out = " ".join(o) if nth is not None: try: num = int(nth[1:]) except ValueError: e = "Invalid argument to dirs: {0}\n" return None, e.format(nth), 1 if num < 0: e = "Invalid argument to dirs: {0}\n" return None, e.format(len(o)), 1 if num >= len(o): e = "Too few elements in dirstack ({0} elements)\n" return None, e.format(len(o)), 1 if nth.startswith(BACKWARD): idx = num elif nth.startswith(FORWARD): idx = len(o) - 1 - num else: e = "Invalid argument to dirs: {0}\n" return None, e.format(nth), 1 out = o[idx] return out + "\n", None, 0
def popd_fn( nth: Annotated[tp.Optional[str], Arg(metavar="+N|-N", nargs="?")] = None, cd=True, quiet=False, ): """When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack and performs a cd to the new top directory. The elements are numbered from 0 starting at the first directory listed with ``dirs``; that is, popd is equivalent to popd +0. Parameters ---------- cd : -n, --cd Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing directories from the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated. nth Removes the Nth directory (counting from the left/right of the list printed by dirs w.r.t. -/+ prefix), starting with zero. quiet : -q, --quiet Do not call dirs, regardless of $PUSHD_SILENT """ global DIRSTACK env = XSH.env if env.get("PUSHD_MINUS"): BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" else: BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" new_pwd: tp.Optional[str] = None if nth is None: try: new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(0) except IndexError: e = "popd: Directory stack is empty\n" return None, e, 1 else: try: num = int(nth[1:]) except ValueError: e = "Invalid argument to popd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(nth), 1 if num < 0: e = "Invalid argument to popd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(nth), 1 if num > len(DIRSTACK): e = "Too few elements in dirstack ({0} elements)\n" return None, e.format(len(DIRSTACK)), 1 elif nth.startswith(FORWARD): if num == len(DIRSTACK): new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(0) else: DIRSTACK.pop(len(DIRSTACK) - 1 - num) elif nth.startswith(BACKWARD): if num == 0: new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(0) else: DIRSTACK.pop(num - 1) else: e = "Invalid argument to popd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(nth), 1 if new_pwd is not None: if cd: env = XSH.env pwd = env["PWD"] _change_working_directory(new_pwd) if ON_WINDOWS: drive, rem_path = os.path.splitdrive(pwd) _unc_unmap_temp_drive(drive.casefold(), new_pwd) if not quiet and not env.get("PUSHD_SILENT"): return dirs([], None) return None, None, 0
def pushd_fn( dir_or_n: Annotated[tp.Optional[str], Arg(metavar="+N|-N|dir", nargs="?")] = None, cd=True, quiet=False, ): r"""Adds a directory to the top of the directory stack, or rotates the stack, making the new top of the stack the current working directory. On Windows, if the path is a UNC path (begins with `\\<server>\<share>`) and if the `DisableUNCCheck` registry value is not enabled, creates a temporary mapped drive letter and sets the working directory there, emulating behavior of `PUSHD` in `CMD.EXE` Parameters ---------- dir_or_n * dir : Makes dir be the top of the stack, making it the new current directory as if it had been supplied as an argument to the cd builtin. * +N : Brings the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs, starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack. * -N : Brings the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs, starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack. cd : -n, --cd Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding directories to the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated. quiet : -q, --quiet Do not call dirs, regardless of $PUSHD_SILENT """ global DIRSTACK env = XSH.env pwd = env["PWD"] if env.get("PUSHD_MINUS", False): BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" else: BACKWARD = "+" FORWARD = "-" if dir_or_n is None: try: new_pwd: tp.Optional[str] = DIRSTACK.pop(0) except IndexError: e = "pushd: Directory stack is empty\n" return None, e, 1 elif os.path.isdir(dir_or_n): new_pwd = dir_or_n else: try: num = int(dir_or_n[1:]) except ValueError: e = "Invalid argument to pushd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(dir_or_n), 1 if num < 0: e = "Invalid argument to pushd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(dir_or_n), 1 if num > len(DIRSTACK): e = "Too few elements in dirstack ({0} elements)\n" return None, e.format(len(DIRSTACK)), 1 elif dir_or_n.startswith(FORWARD): if num == len(DIRSTACK): new_pwd = None else: new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(len(DIRSTACK) - 1 - num) elif dir_or_n.startswith(BACKWARD): if num == 0: new_pwd = None else: new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(num - 1) else: e = "Invalid argument to pushd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(dir_or_n), 1 if new_pwd is not None: if ON_WINDOWS and _is_unc_path(new_pwd): new_pwd = _unc_map_temp_drive(new_pwd) if cd: DIRSTACK.insert(0, os.path.expanduser(pwd)) _change_working_directory(new_pwd) else: DIRSTACK.insert(0, os.path.expanduser(new_pwd)) maxsize = env.get("DIRSTACK_SIZE") if len(DIRSTACK) > maxsize: DIRSTACK = DIRSTACK[:maxsize] if not quiet and not env.get("PUSHD_SILENT"): return dirs([], None) return None, None, 0
def xexec_fn( command: Annotated[tp.List[str], Arg(nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)], login=False, clean=False, name="", _stdin=None, ): """exec (also aliased as xexec) uses the os.execvpe() function to replace the xonsh process with the specified program. This provides the functionality of the bash 'exec' builtin:: >>> exec bash -l -i bash $ Parameters ---------- command program to launch along its arguments login : -l, --login the shell places a dash at the beginning of the zeroth argument passed to command to simulate login shell. clean : -c, --clean causes command to be executed with an empty environment. name : -a, --name the shell passes name as the zeroth argument to the executed command. Notes ----- This command **is not** the same as the Python builtin function exec(). That function is for running Python code. This command, which shares the same name as the sh-lang statement, is for launching a command directly in the same process. In the event of a name conflict, please use the xexec command directly or dive into subprocess mode explicitly with ![exec command]. For more details, please see """ if len(command) == 0: return (None, "xonsh: exec: no command specified\n", 1) cmd = command[0] if name: command[0] = name if login: command[0] = f"-{command[0]}" denv = {} if not clean: denv = XSH.env.detype() try: os.execvpe(cmd, command, denv) except FileNotFoundError as e: return ( None, "xonsh: exec: file not found: {}: {}" "\n".format(e.args[1], command[0]), 1, )
def source_cmd_fn( files: Annotated[tp.List[str], Arg(nargs="+")], login=False, aliascmd=None, extra_args="", safe=True, postcmd="", funcscmd="", seterrprevcmd=None, overwrite_aliases=False, suppress_skip_message=False, show=False, dryrun=False, _stderr=None, ): """ Source cmd.exe files Parameters ---------- files paths to source files. login : -l, --login whether the sourced shell should be login envcmd : --envcmd command to print environment aliascmd : --aliascmd command to print aliases extra_args : --extra-args extra arguments needed to run the shell safe : -s, --safe whether the source shell should be run safely, and not raise any errors, even if they occur. postcmd : --postcmd command(s) to run after all other commands funcscmd : --funcscmd code to find locations of all native functions in the shell language. seterrprevcmd : --seterrprevcmd command(s) to set exit-on-error before any other commands. overwrite_aliases : --overwrite-aliases flag for whether or not sourced aliases should replace the current xonsh aliases. suppress_skip_message : --suppress-skip-message flag for whether or not skip messages should be suppressed. show : --show show the script output. dryrun : -d, --dry-run Will not actually source the file. """ args = list(files) fpath = locate_binary(args[0]) args[0] = fpath if fpath else args[0] if not os.path.isfile(args[0]): return (None, f"xonsh: error: File not found: {args[0]}\n", 1) prevcmd = "call " prevcmd += " ".join([argvquote(arg, force=True) for arg in args]) prevcmd = escape_windows_cmd_string(prevcmd) with XSH.env.swap(PROMPT="$P$G"): return source_foreign_fn( shell="cmd", files_or_code=args, interactive=True, sourcer="call", envcmd="set", seterrpostcmd="if errorlevel 1 exit 1", use_tmpfile=True, prevcmd=prevcmd, # from this function login=login, aliascmd=aliascmd, extra_args=extra_args, safe=safe, postcmd=postcmd, funcscmd=funcscmd, seterrprevcmd=seterrprevcmd, overwrite_aliases=overwrite_aliases, suppress_skip_message=suppress_skip_message, show=show, dryrun=dryrun, )
def source_foreign_fn( shell: str, files_or_code: Annotated[tp.List[str], Arg(nargs="+")], interactive=True, login=False, envcmd=None, aliascmd=None, extra_args="", safe=True, prevcmd="", postcmd="", funcscmd="", sourcer=None, use_tmpfile=False, seterrprevcmd=None, seterrpostcmd=None, overwrite_aliases=False, suppress_skip_message=False, show=False, dryrun=False, _stderr=None, ): """Sources a file written in a foreign shell language. Parameters ---------- shell Name or path to the foreign shell files_or_code file paths to source or code in the target language. interactive : -n, --non-interactive whether the sourced shell should be interactive login : -l, --login whether the sourced shell should be login envcmd : --envcmd command to print environment aliascmd : --aliascmd command to print aliases extra_args : --extra-args extra arguments needed to run the shell safe : -u, --unsafe whether the source shell should be run safely, and not raise any errors, even if they occur. prevcmd : -p, --prevcmd command(s) to run before any other commands, replaces traditional source. postcmd : --postcmd command(s) to run after all other commands funcscmd : --funcscmd code to find locations of all native functions in the shell language. sourcer : --sourcer the source command in the target shell language. If this is not set, a default value will attempt to be looked up based on the shell name. use_tmpfile : --use-tmpfile whether the commands for source shell should be written to a temporary file. seterrprevcmd : --seterrprevcmd command(s) to set exit-on-error before any other commands. seterrpostcmd : --seterrpostcmd command(s) to set exit-on-error after all other commands. overwrite_aliases : --overwrite-aliases flag for whether or not sourced aliases should replace the current xonsh aliases. suppress_skip_message : --suppress-skip-message flag for whether or not skip messages should be suppressed. show : --show show the script output. dryrun : -d, --dry-run Will not actually source the file. """ extra_args = tuple(extra_args.split()) env = XSH.env suppress_skip_message = (env.get("FOREIGN_ALIASES_SUPPRESS_SKIP_MESSAGE") if not suppress_skip_message else suppress_skip_message) files: tp.Tuple[str, ...] = () if prevcmd: pass # don't change prevcmd if given explicitly elif os.path.isfile(files_or_code[0]): if not sourcer: return (None, "xonsh: error: `sourcer` command is not mentioned.\n", 1) # we have filenames to source prevcmd = "".join([f"{sourcer} {f}\n" for f in files_or_code]) files = tuple(files_or_code) elif not prevcmd: prevcmd = " ".join(files_or_code) # code to run, no files foreign_shell_data.cache_clear() # make sure that we don't get prev src fsenv, fsaliases = foreign_shell_data( shell=shell, login=login, interactive=interactive, envcmd=envcmd, aliascmd=aliascmd, extra_args=extra_args, safe=safe, prevcmd=prevcmd, postcmd=postcmd, funcscmd=funcscmd or None, # the default is None in the called function sourcer=sourcer, use_tmpfile=use_tmpfile, seterrprevcmd=seterrprevcmd, seterrpostcmd=seterrpostcmd, show=show, dryrun=dryrun, files=files, ) if fsenv is None: if dryrun: return else: msg = f"xonsh: error: Source failed: {prevcmd!r}\n" msg += "xonsh: error: Possible reasons: File not found or syntax error\n" return (None, msg, 1) # apply results denv = env.detype() for k, v in fsenv.items(): if k in denv and v == denv[k]: continue # no change from original env[k] = v # Remove any env-vars that were unset by the script. for k in denv: if k not in fsenv: env.pop(k, None) # Update aliases baliases = XSH.aliases for k, v in fsaliases.items(): if k in baliases and v == baliases[k]: continue # no change from original elif overwrite_aliases or k not in baliases: baliases[k] = v elif suppress_skip_message: pass else: msg = ( "Skipping application of {0!r} alias from {1!r} " "since it shares a name with an existing xonsh alias. " 'Use "--overwrite-alias" option to apply it anyway.' 'You may prevent this message with "--suppress-skip-message" or ' '"$FOREIGN_ALIASES_SUPPRESS_SKIP_MESSAGE = True".') print(msg.format(k, shell), file=_stderr)