Esempio n. 1
    def replay(self, merge_envs=DEFAULT_MERGE_ENVS, target=None):
        """Replays the history specified, returns the history object where the code
        was executed.

        merge_env : tuple of str or Mappings, optional
            Describes how to merge the environments, in order of increasing precednce.
            Available strings are 'replay' and 'native'. The 'replay' env comes from the
            history file that we are replaying. The 'native' env comes from what this
            instance of xonsh was started up with. Instead of a string, a dict or other
            mapping may be passed in as well. Defaults to ('replay', 'native').
        target : str, optional
            Path to new history file.
        shell = builtins.__xonsh_shell__
        re_env = self._lj['env'].load()
        new_env = self._merge_envs(merge_envs, re_env)
        new_hist = xhm.construct_history(env=new_env.detype(),
                                         ts=[time.time(), None],
        with swap(builtins, '__xonsh_env__',
                  new_env), swap(builtins, '__xonsh_history__', new_hist):
            for cmd in self._lj['cmds']:
                inp = cmd['inp']
                if builtins.__xonsh_exit__:  # prevent premature exit
                    builtins.__xonsh_exit__ = False
        return new_hist
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs):
        execer : Execer
            An execer instance capable of running xonsh code.
        ctx : Mapping, optional
            The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
            If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
            this no additional context is computed and this is used
        shell_type : str, optional
            The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit',
            or 'random'.
        self.execer = execer
        self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx
        env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
        # build history backend before creating shell
        builtins.__xonsh_history__ = hist = xhm.construct_history(
            env=env.detype(), ts=[time.time(), None], locked=True)

        # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
        # shell type is pulled from env
        if shell_type is None:
            shell_type = env.get('SHELL_TYPE')
            if shell_type == 'none':
                # This bricks interactive xonsh
                # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc
                shell_type = 'best'
        if shell_type == 'best' or shell_type is None:
            shell_type = best_shell_type()
        elif shell_type == 'random':
            shell_type = random.choice(('readline', 'prompt_toolkit'))
        if shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
            if not has_prompt_toolkit():
                warnings.warn('prompt_toolkit is not available, using '
                              'readline instead.')
                shell_type = 'readline'
            elif not ptk_version_is_supported():
                warnings.warn('prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not '
                              'supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using '
                              'readline instead.')
                shell_type = 'readline'
        self.shell_type = env['SHELL_TYPE'] = shell_type
        # actually make the shell
        if shell_type == 'none':
            from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
            from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == 'readline':
            from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
            raise XonshError('{} is not recognized as a shell type'.format(
                             shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer,
                                 ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
        # allows history garbage collector to start running
        if hist.gc is not None:
            hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Esempio n. 3
    def replay(self, merge_envs=DEFAULT_MERGE_ENVS, target=None):
        """Replays the history specified, returns the history object where the code
        was executed.

        merge_env : tuple of str or Mappings, optional
            Describes how to merge the environments, in order of increasing precednce.
            Available strings are 'replay' and 'native'. The 'replay' env comes from the
            history file that we are replaying. The 'native' env comes from what this
            instance of xonsh was started up with. Instead of a string, a dict or other
            mapping may be passed in as well. Defaults to ('replay', 'native').
        target : str, optional
            Path to new history file.
        shell = builtins.__xonsh_shell__
        re_env = self._lj['env'].load()
        new_env = self._merge_envs(merge_envs, re_env)
        new_hist = xhm.construct_history(
            env=new_env.detype(), locked=True, ts=[time.time(), None],
            gc=False, filename=target)
        with swap(builtins, '__xonsh_env__', new_env), swap(builtins, '__xonsh_history__', new_hist):
            for cmd in self._lj['cmds']:
                inp = cmd['inp']
                if builtins.__xonsh_exit__:  # prevent premature exit
                    builtins.__xonsh_exit__ = False
        return new_hist
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs):
        execer : Execer
            An execer instance capable of running xonsh code.
        ctx : Mapping, optional
            The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
            If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
            this no additional context is computed and this is used
        shell_type : str, optional
            The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit',
            or 'random'.
        self.execer = execer
        self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx
        env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
        # build history backend before creating shell
        builtins.__xonsh_history__ = hist = xhm.construct_history(
            env=env.detype(), ts=[time.time(), None], locked=True)

        # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
        # shell type is pulled from env
        if shell_type is None:
            shell_type = env.get('SHELL_TYPE')
            if shell_type == 'none':
                # This bricks interactive xonsh
                # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc
                shell_type = 'best'
        if shell_type == 'best' or shell_type is None:
            shell_type = best_shell_type()
        elif shell_type == 'random':
            shell_type = random.choice(('readline', 'prompt_toolkit'))
        if shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
            if not has_prompt_toolkit():
                warnings.warn('prompt_toolkit is not available, using '
                              'readline instead.')
                shell_type = 'readline'
            elif not ptk_version_is_supported():
                warnings.warn('prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not '
                              'supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using '
                              'readline instead.')
                shell_type = 'readline'
        self.shell_type = env['SHELL_TYPE'] = shell_type
        # actually make the shell
        if shell_type == 'none':
            from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == 'prompt_toolkit':
            from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == 'readline':
            from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
            raise XonshError(
                '{} is not recognized as a shell type'.format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
        # allows history garbage collector to start running
        if hist.gc is not None:
            hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs):
        execer : Execer
            An execer instance capable of running xonsh code.
        ctx : Mapping, optional
            The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
            If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
            this no additional context is computed and this is used
        shell_type : str, optional
            The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit1',
            or 'random'.
        self.execer = execer
        self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx
        env = XSH.env

        # build history backend before creating shell
        if env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE"):
            XSH.history = hist = xhm.construct_history(
                ts=[time.time(), None],
                filename=env.get("XONSH_HISTORY_FILE", None),
            env["XONSH_HISTORY_FILE"] = hist.filename
            XSH.history = hist = DummyHistory()
            env["XONSH_HISTORY_FILE"] = None

        shell_type = self.choose_shell_type(shell_type, env)

        self.shell_type = env["SHELL_TYPE"] = shell_type

        # actually make the shell
        if shell_type == "none":
            from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit":
            from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "readline":
            from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "jupyter":
            from xonsh.jupyter_shell import JupyterShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "dumb":
            from xonsh.dumb_shell import DumbShell as shell_class
            raise XonshError(
                "{} is not recognized as a shell type".format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
        # allows history garbage collector to start running
        if hist.gc is not None:
            hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Esempio n. 6
    def create(cls) -> "Shell":
        import signal
        from xonsh.built_ins import load_builtins
        from xonsh.built_ins import XonshSession
        from xonsh.imphooks import install_import_hooks
        from xonsh.main import _pprint_displayhook
        from xonsh.xontribs import xontribs_load
        import xonsh.history.main as xhm

        ctx: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        execer = Execer(xonsh_ctx=ctx)

        builtins.__xonsh__ = XonshSession(ctx=ctx,
                                          execer=execer)  # type: ignore
        load_builtins(ctx=ctx, execer=execer)
        env = builtins.__xonsh__.env  # type: ignore
        env.update({"XONSH_INTERACTIVE": True, "SHELL_TYPE": "prompt_toolkit"})
        builtins.__xonsh__.history = xhm.construct_history(  # type: ignore
            ts=[time.time(), None],

        builtins.__xonsh__.history.gc.wait_for_shell = False  # type: ignore

        setattr(sys, "displayhook", _pprint_displayhook)

        builtins.aliases.update({"ll": "ls -alF"})  # type: ignore

        def func_sig_ttin_ttou(n: Any, f: Any) -> None:

        signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, func_sig_ttin_ttou)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, func_sig_ttin_ttou)

        shell = cls(execer) = shell  # type: ignore = shell  # type: ignore

        return shell
Esempio n. 7
def test_construct_history_instance(xonsh_builtins):
    xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.env["XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND"] = DummyHistory()
    assert isinstance(construct_history(), DummyHistory)
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs):
        execer : Execer
            An execer instance capable of running xonsh code.
        ctx : Mapping, optional
            The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
            If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
            this no additional context is computed and this is used
        shell_type : str, optional
            The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit1',
            or 'random'.
        self.execer = execer
        self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx
        env = builtins.__xonsh__.env
        # build history backend before creating shell
        builtins.__xonsh__.history = hist = xhm.construct_history(
            env=env.detype(), ts=[time.time(), None], locked=True)

        # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
        # shell type is pulled from env
        if shell_type is None:
            shell_type = env.get("SHELL_TYPE")
            if shell_type == "none":
                # This bricks interactive xonsh
                # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc
                shell_type = "best"
        shell_type = self.shell_type_aliases.get(shell_type, shell_type)
        if shell_type == "best" or shell_type is None:
            shell_type = best_shell_type()
        elif env.get("TERM", "") == "dumb":
            shell_type = "dumb"
        elif shell_type == "random":
            shell_type = random.choice(("readline", "prompt_toolkit"))
        if shell_type == "prompt_toolkit":
            if not has_prompt_toolkit():
                warnings.warn("prompt_toolkit is not available, using "
                              "readline instead.")
                shell_type = "readline"
            elif not ptk_above_min_supported():
                warnings.warn("prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not "
                              "supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using "
                              "readline instead.")
                shell_type = "readline"
                shell_type = ptk_shell_type()
        self.shell_type = env["SHELL_TYPE"] = shell_type
        # actually make the shell
        if shell_type == "none":
            from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit2":
            from import PromptToolkit2Shell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit1":
            from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "readline":
            from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "jupyter":
            from xonsh.jupyter_shell import JupyterShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "dumb":
            from xonsh.dumb_shell import DumbShell as shell_class
            raise XonshError(
                "{} is not recognized as a shell type".format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
        # allows history garbage collector to start running
        if hist.gc is not None:
            hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Esempio n. 9
import re
from xonsh.history.main import construct_history

# <command-number> <unix epoch> <command>
history_line_pat = re.compile(r'^\s*\d+  (?P<timestamp>\d{10})  (?P<command>.*)$')

# Query zsh's builtin `fc` (don't use zsh_history directly since it
# mangles unicode). To do that, we have to first force it to read the
# history (which it normally doesn't do with -c) and also force it to
# act in interactive mode (-i).
history_lines = $(zsh -i -c 'fc -R ~/.zsh_history; fc -l -t "%s" 0').splitlines()

hist = construct_history(
	# exlictily set buffersize to prevent slowing down to a crawl because of excessive flushing

for line in history_lines:
    match = history_line_pat.match(line)
    command ='command')
    timestamp ='timestamp')
    command = command.replace(r'\\n', '\n')
    hist.append({'inp': command, 'rtn': 0, 'ts': (timestamp, timestamp)})
Esempio n. 10
def test_construct_history_class(xonsh_builtins):
    xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND'] = DummyHistory
    assert isinstance(construct_history(), DummyHistory)
Esempio n. 11
def test_construct_history_instance(xonsh_builtins):
    xonsh_builtins.__xonsh__.env["XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND"] = DummyHistory()
    assert isinstance(construct_history(), DummyHistory)
Esempio n. 12
def test_construct_history_str(xession):
    xession.env["XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND"] = "dummy"
    assert isinstance(construct_history(), DummyHistory)
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs):
        execer : Execer
            An execer instance capable of running xonsh code.
        ctx : Mapping, optional
            The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace).
            If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None,
            this no additional context is computed and this is used
        shell_type : str, optional
            The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit1',
            or 'random'.
        self.execer = execer
        self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx
        env = builtins.__xonsh__.env
        # build history backend before creating shell
        builtins.__xonsh__.history = hist = xhm.construct_history(
            env=env.detype(), ts=[time.time(), None], locked=True

        # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user,
        # shell type is pulled from env
        if shell_type is None:
            shell_type = env.get("SHELL_TYPE")
            if shell_type == "none":
                # This bricks interactive xonsh
                # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc
                shell_type = "best"
        shell_type = self.shell_type_aliases.get(shell_type, shell_type)
        if shell_type == "best" or shell_type is None:
            shell_type = best_shell_type()
        elif env.get("TERM", "") == "dumb":
            shell_type = "dumb"
        elif shell_type == "random":
            shell_type = random.choice(("readline", "prompt_toolkit"))
        if shell_type == "prompt_toolkit":
            if not has_prompt_toolkit():
                    "prompt_toolkit is not available, using " "readline instead."
                shell_type = "readline"
            elif not ptk_above_min_supported():
                    "prompt-toolkit version < v1.0.0 is not "
                    "supported. Please update prompt-toolkit. Using "
                    "readline instead."
                shell_type = "readline"
                shell_type = ptk_shell_type()
        self.shell_type = env["SHELL_TYPE"] = shell_type
        # actually make the shell
        if shell_type == "none":
            from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit2":
            from import PromptToolkit2Shell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit1":
            from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "readline":
            from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "jupyter":
            from xonsh.jupyter_shell import JupyterShell as shell_class
        elif shell_type == "dumb":
            from xonsh.dumb_shell import DumbShell as shell_class
            raise XonshError("{} is not recognized as a shell type".format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs)
        # allows history garbage collector to start running
        if hist.gc is not None:
            hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False
Esempio n. 14
def test_construct_history_class(xonsh_builtins):
    xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__['XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND'] = DummyHistory
    assert isinstance(construct_history(), DummyHistory)
Esempio n. 15
def test_construct_history_str(xonsh_builtins):
    xonsh_builtins.__xonsh_env__["XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND"] = "dummy"
    assert isinstance(construct_history(), DummyHistory)