STYLES = LazyDict({ 'algol': _algol_style, 'algol_nu': _algol_nu_style, 'autumn': _autumn_style, 'borland': _borland_style, 'bw': _bw_style, 'colorful': _colorful_style, 'default': _default_style, 'emacs': _emacs_style, 'friendly': _friendly_style, 'fruity': _fruity_style, 'igor': _igor_style, 'lovelace': _lovelace_style, 'manni': _manni_style, 'monokai': _monokai_style, 'murphy': _murphy_style, 'native': _native_style, 'paraiso-dark': _paraiso_dark_style, 'paraiso-light': _paraiso_light_style, 'pastie': _pastie_style, 'perldoc': _perldoc_style, 'rrt': _rrt_style, 'tango': _tango_style, 'trac': _trac_style, 'vim': _vim_style, 'vs': _vs_style, 'xcode': _xcode_style, }, globals(), 'STYLES') del (_algol_style, _algol_nu_style, _autumn_style, _borland_style, _bw_style,
ANSI_STYLES = LazyDict( { "algol": _algol_style, "algol_nu": _algol_nu_style, "autumn": _autumn_style, "borland": _borland_style, "bw": _bw_style, "colorful": _colorful_style, "default": _default_style, "emacs": _emacs_style, "friendly": _friendly_style, "fruity": _fruity_style, "igor": _igor_style, "lovelace": _lovelace_style, "manni": _manni_style, "monokai": _monokai_style, "murphy": _murphy_style, "native": _native_style, "paraiso-dark": _paraiso_dark_style, "paraiso-light": _paraiso_light_style, "pastie": _pastie_style, "perldoc": _perldoc_style, "rrt": _rrt_style, "tango": _tango_style, "trac": _trac_style, "vim": _vim_style, "vs": _vs_style, "xcode": _xcode_style, }, globals(), "ANSI_STYLES", )
_RE_STRING_DOUBLE, _RE_STRING_SINGLE) RE_BEGIN_STRING = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile("(" + _RE_STRING_START + '(' + "|".join(_STRINGS) + '))' ), globals(), 'RE_BEGIN_STRING') """Regular expression matching the start of a string, including quotes and leading characters (r, b, or u)""" RE_STRING_START = LazyObject(lambda: re.compile(_RE_STRING_START), globals(), 'RE_STRING_START') """Regular expression matching the characters before the quotes when starting a string (r, b, or u, case insensitive)""" RE_STRING_CONT = LazyDict( { '"': lambda: re.compile(r'((\\(.|\n))|([^"\\]))*'), "'": lambda: re.compile(r"((\\(.|\n))|([^'\\]))*"), '"""': lambda: re.compile(r'((\\(.|\n))|([^"\\])|("(?!""))|\n)*'), "'''": lambda: re.compile(r"((\\(.|\n))|([^'\\])|('(?!''))|\n)*"), }, globals(), 'RE_STRING_CONT') """Dictionary mapping starting quote sequences to regular expressions that match the contents of a string beginning with those quotes (not including the terminating quotes)""" def check_for_partial_string(x): """ Returns the starting index (inclusive), ending index (exclusive), and starting quote string of the most recent Python string found in the input. check_for_partial_string(x) -> (startix, endix, quote)