Esempio n. 1
def command_name(cls):
    '''Command names are calculated as class names in lower case inserting a
    hyphen before each new capital letter. For example "MyCommand" will be
    used as "my-command".

    It's defined as an external function because a class method don't apply to
    minimal commands (those with only the "run" method).


        >>> class SomeCommand(object):
        ...     pass

        >>> command_name(SomeCommand) == 'some-command'

    If the command class has an attribute `command_cli_name`, this will be
    used instead::

        >>> class SomeCommand(object):
        ...    command_cli_name = 'adduser'

        >>> command_name(SomeCommand) == 'adduser'

    It's an error to have a non-string `command_cli_name` attribute::

        >>> class SomeCommand(object):
        ...    command_cli_name = None

        >>> command_name(SomeCommand)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: Attribute 'command_cli_name' must be a string.

    Unset = object()
    res = getattr(cls, 'command_cli_name', Unset)
    if res is not Unset:
        from xoutil.eight import string_types
        if not isinstance(res, string_types):
            raise TypeError("Attribute 'command_cli_name' must be a string.")
        from io import StringIO
        from xoutil.string import safe_decode
        buf = StringIO()
        start = True
        for letter in cls.__name__:
            if letter.isupper():
                if not start:
                letter = letter.lower()
            start = False
        res = buf.getvalue()
    return res
Esempio n. 2
def build_documentation(cls, get_doc=None, deep=1):
    '''Build a proper documentation from a class `cls`.

    Classes are recursed in MRO until process all levels (`deep`)
    building the resulting documentation.

    The function `get_doc` get the documentation of a given class. If
    no function is given, then attribute ``__doc__`` is used.

    from xoutil.string import safe_decode
    assert isinstance(cls, type), _INVALID_CLASS_TYPE_MSG
    if deep < 1:
        deep = 1
    get_doc = get_doc or (lambda c: c.__doc__)
    mro = cls.mro()
    i, level, used, res = 0, 0, {}, ''
    while (level < deep) and (i < len(mro)):
        sc = mro[i]
        doc = get_doc(sc)
        if doc:
            doc = safe_decode(doc).strip()
            key = sc.__name__
            docs = used.setdefault(key, set())
            if doc not in docs:
                if res:
                    res += '\n\n'
                res += '=== <%s> ===\n\n%s' % (key, doc)
                level += 1
        i += 1
    return res
Esempio n. 3
    def escape(s, quote=True):
        """Replace special characters "&", "<" and ">" to HTML-safe sequences

        If the optional flag quote is true (the default), the quotation mark
        characters, both double quote (") and single quote (') characters are
        also translated.

        from xoutil.eight import text_type
        from xoutil.string import safe_decode, safe_encode
        if not isinstance(s, text_type):
            arg = safe_decode(s)
            arg = s
        if quote:
            res = arg.translate(_escape_map_full)
            res = arg.translate(_escape_map)
        if not isinstance(res, type(s)):
            return safe_encode(res)
        return res
Esempio n. 4
def ppformat(obj):
    '''Just like :func:`pprint` but always returns the result instead of
    writing it to a stream.

    :returns: The pretty formated text.
    :rtype: `unicode` in Python 2, `str` in Python 3.

    import io
    from six import PY3, text_type
    if PY3:
        stream = io.StringIO()
        stream = io.BytesIO()
    pprint(obj, stream=stream)
    res =
    if isinstance(res, text_type):
        return res
        from xoutil.string import safe_decode
        return safe_decode(res)
Esempio n. 5
def test_safe_decode_dont_fail_uppon_invalid_encoding(s):
    from xoutil.string import safe_decode
    assert safe_decode(s, 'i-dont-exist') == safe_decode(s)
Esempio n. 6
warnings.warn('xoutil.html is deprecated')

if _py3:
    from html import entities
    from html import parser
    import htmlentitydefs as entities
    import HTMLParser as parser

entities.entitydefs_unicode = {}
entities.entitydefs_utf8 = {}

for name, entity in iteritems_(entities.entitydefs):
    text = entities.entitydefs_unicode[name] = safe_decode(entity, 'latin-1')
    entities.entitydefs_utf8[name] = text.encode('utf-8')
del name, entity, safe_decode, iteritems_

def _further_escape(s):
    import re
    from xoutil.string import safe_encode
    ASCII = getattr(re, 'ASCII', 0)  # Py3k
    what = re.compile(br'[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]', ASCII)
    res, pos = b'', 0
    for match in what.finditer(s):
        char, start, end =, match.start(), match.end()
        assert start + 1 == end
        res += s[pos:start]
        res += b'&#' + safe_encode(str(ord(char))) + b';'
Esempio n. 7
def slugify(s, entities=True, decimal=True, hexadecimal=True):
    Normalizes string, converts to lower-case, removes non-alpha characters,
    and converts spaces to hyphens.

    Parts from

        >>> slugify("Manuel Vázquez Acosta")    # doctest: +SKIP

    If `s` and `entities` is True (the default) all HTML entities
    are replaced by its equivalent character before normalization::

        >>> slugify("Manuel V&aacute;zquez Acosta")   # doctest: +SKIP

    If `entities` is False, then no HTML-entities substitution is made::

        >>> value = "Manuel V&aacute;zquez Acosta"
        >>> slugify(value, entities=False)  # doctest: +SKIP

    If `decimal` is True, then all entities of the form ``&#nnnn`` where
    `nnnn` is a decimal number deemed as a unicode codepoint, are replaced by
    the corresponding unicode character::

        >>> slugify('Manuel V&#225;zquez Acosta')  # doctest: +SKIP

        >>> value = 'Manuel V&#225;zquez Acosta'
        >>> slugify(value, decimal=False)  # doctest: +SKIP

    If `hexadecimal` is True, then all entities of the form ``&#nnnn`` where
    `nnnn` is a hexdecimal number deemed as a unicode codepoint, are replaced
    by the corresponding unicode character::

        >>> slugify('Manuel V&#x00e1;zquez Acosta')  # doctest: +SKIP

        >>> slugify('Manuel V&#x00e1;zquez Acosta', hexadecimal=False)  # doctest: +SKIP

    import re
    from xoutil.eight import unichr, text_type
    from xoutil.string import safe_decode, normalize_slug
    if not isinstance(s, text_type):
        s = safe_decode(s)
    if entities:
            from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
        except ImportError:
            # Py3k: The ``htmlentitydefs`` module has been renamed to
            # ``html.entities`` in Python 3
            from html.entities import name2codepoint
        s = re.sub(str('&(%s);') % str('|').join(name2codepoint),
                   lambda m: unichr(name2codepoint[]), s)
    if decimal:
            s = re.sub(r'&#(\d+);', lambda m: unichr(int(, s)
    if hexadecimal:
            s = re.sub(r'&#x([\da-fA-F]+);',
                       lambda m: unichr(int(, 16)), s)
    return normalize_slug(s, '-')