Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, disp, data):
     data = _force_length("WM_HINTS", data, 9 * 4)
     (flags, _input, initial_state,  #@UnusedVariable
      icon_pixmap, icon_window,      #@UnusedVariable
      icon_x, icon_y, icon_mask,     #@UnusedVariable
      window_group) = struct.unpack("=" + "i" * 9, data)
     # NB the last field is missing from at least some ICCCM 2.0's (typo).
     # FIXME: extract icon stuff too
     self.urgency = bool(flags & XUrgencyHint)
     if flags & WindowGroupHint:
             pywin = get_pywindow(disp, window_group)
             pywin = None
         self.group_leader = (window_group, pywin)
         self.group_leader = None
     if flags & StateHint:
         self.start_iconic = (initial_state == IconicState)
         self.start_iconic = None
     if flags & InputHint:
         self.input = _input
         self.input = None
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, disp, data):
     data = _force_length("WM_HINTS", data, 9 * 4)
     (flags, _input, initial_state,  #@UnusedVariable
      icon_pixmap, icon_window,      #@UnusedVariable
      icon_x, icon_y, icon_mask,     #@UnusedVariable
      window_group) = struct.unpack("=" + "i" * 9, data)
     # NB the last field is missing from at least some ICCCM 2.0's (typo).
     # FIXME: extract icon stuff too
     self.urgency = bool(flags & const["XUrgencyHint"])
     if flags & const["WindowGroupHint"]:
             pywin = get_pywindow(disp, window_group)
             pywin = None
         self.group_leader = (window_group, pywin)
         self.group_leader = None
     if flags & const["StateHint"]:
         self.start_iconic = (initial_state == const["IconicState"])
         self.start_iconic = None
     if flags & const["InputHint"]:
         self.input = _input
         self.input = None
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: chewi/xpra
 def _handle_wm_hints_change(self):
     with xswallow:
         wm_hints = X11Window.getWMHints(self.xid)
     metalog("getWMHints(%#x)=%s", self.xid, wm_hints)
     if wm_hints is None:
     # GdkWindow or None
     group_leader = None
     if "window_group" in wm_hints:
         xid = wm_hints.get("window_group")
         if xid:
                 group_leader = get_pywindow(xid)
             except Exception:
                 log.error("Error locating group leader window %#x", xid)
     self._updateprop("group-leader", group_leader)
     self._updateprop("attention-requested", wm_hints.get("urgency", False))
     _input = wm_hints.get("input")
     metalog("wm_hints.input = %s", _input)
     #we only set this value once:
     #(input_field always starts as True, and we then set it to an int)
     if self._input_field is True and _input is not None:
         #keep the value as an int to differentiate from the start value:
         self._input_field = int(_input)
Esempio n. 4
 def xsettings_owner(self):
     with xlog:
         from xpra.x11.bindings.window_bindings import X11WindowBindings #@UnresolvedImport
         X11Window = X11WindowBindings()
         owner_x = X11Window.XGetSelectionOwner(self._selection)
         log("XGetSelectionOwner(%s)=%#x", self._selection, owner_x)
         if owner_x == XNone:
             return None
         return get_pywindow(self._clipboard, owner_x)
Esempio n. 5
 def xsettings_owner(self):
         with xsync:
             owner_x = X11Window.XGetSelectionOwner(self._selection)
             log("XGetSelectionOwner(%s)=%s", self._selection, owner_x)
             if owner_x == XNone:
                 return None
             return get_pywindow(self._clipboard, owner_x)
     except XError:
         log("X error while fetching owner of XSettings data; ignored")
         return None
Esempio n. 6
 def xsettings_owner(self):
     owner_x = X11Window.XGetSelectionOwner(self._selection)
     log("XGetSelectionOwner(%s)=%s", self._selection, owner_x)
     if owner_x == XNone:
         return None
         with xsync:
             return get_pywindow(self._clipboard, owner_x)
     except XError:
         log("X error while fetching owner of XSettings data; ignored")
         return None
Esempio n. 7
    def acquire(self, when):
        old_owner = self._owner()
        if when is self.IF_UNOWNED and old_owner != XNone:
            raise AlreadyOwned

        self.clipboard.set_with_data([("VERSION", 0, 0)],

        # Having acquired the selection, we have to announce our existence
        # (ICCCM 2.8, still).  The details here probably don't matter too
        # much; I've never heard of an app that cares about these messages,
        # and metacity actually gets the format wrong in several ways (no
        # MANAGER or owner_window atoms).  But might as well get it as right
        # as possible.

        # To announce our existence, we need:
        #   -- the timestamp we arrived at
        #   -- the manager selection atom
        #   -- the window that registered the selection
        # Of course, because Gtk is doing so much magic for us, we have to do
        # some weird tricks to get at these.

        # Ask ourselves when we acquired the selection:
        ts_data = self.clipboard.wait_for_contents("TIMESTAMP").data
        #data is a timestamp, X11 datatype is Time which is CARD32,
        #(which is 64 bits on 64-bit systems!)
        Lsize = calcsize("@L")
        if len(ts_data)==Lsize:
            ts_num = unpack("@L", ts_data[:Lsize])[0]
            ts_num = 0      #CurrentTime
            log.warn("invalid data for 'TIMESTAMP': %s", ([hex(ord(x)) for x in ts_data]))
        # Calculate the X atom for this selection:
        selection_xatom = get_xatom(self.atom)
        # Ask X what window we used:
        self._xwindow = X11Window.XGetSelectionOwner(self.atom)

        root = self.clipboard.get_display().get_default_screen().get_root_window()
        X11Window.sendClientMessage(root.xid, root.xid, False, StructureNotifyMask,
                          ts_num, selection_xatom, self._xwindow, 0, 0)

        if old_owner != XNone and when is self.FORCE:
            # Block in a recursive mainloop until the previous owner has
            # cleared out.
            def getwin():
                window = get_pywindow(self.clipboard, old_owner)
                window.set_events(window.get_events() | gtk.gdk.STRUCTURE_MASK)
                return window
                window = trap.call_synced(getwin)
                log("got window")
            except XError:
                log("Previous owner is already gone, not blocking")
                log("Waiting for previous owner to exit...")
                add_event_receiver(window, self)
                log("...they did.")
        window = get_pywindow(self.clipboard, self._xwindow)
Esempio n. 8
 def window(self):
     if self._xwindow is None:
         return None
     return get_pywindow(self.clipboard, self._xwindow)
Esempio n. 9
 def getwin():
     window = get_pywindow(self.clipboard, old_owner)
     window.set_events(window.get_events() | gtk.gdk.STRUCTURE_MASK)
     return window
Esempio n. 10
    def acquire(self, when):
        old_owner = self._owner()
        if when is self.IF_UNOWNED and old_owner != XNone:
            raise AlreadyOwned

        #we can only set strings with GTK3,
        # we should try to be compliant with ICCCM version 2.0 (see section 4.3)
        # and use this format instead:
        # outdata.set("INTEGER", 32, pack("@ii", 2, 0))
        thestring = "VERSION"
        self.clipboard.set_text(thestring, len(thestring))

        # Having acquired the selection, we have to announce our existence
        # (ICCCM 2.8, still).  The details here probably don't matter too
        # much; I've never heard of an app that cares about these messages,
        # and metacity actually gets the format wrong in several ways (no
        # MANAGER or owner_window atoms).  But might as well get it as right
        # as possible.

        # To announce our existence, we need:
        #   -- the timestamp we arrived at
        #   -- the manager selection atom
        #   -- the window that registered the selection
        # Of course, because Gtk is doing so much magic for us, we have to do
        # some weird tricks to get at these.

        # Ask ourselves when we acquired the selection:
        timestamp_atom = Gdk.Atom.intern("TIMESTAMP", False)
        contents = self.clipboard.wait_for_contents(timestamp_atom)
        ts_data = contents.get_data()
        log("ManagerSelection.acquire(%s) %s.wait_for_contents(%s)=%s",
            when, self.clipboard, timestamp_atom, ts_data)

        #data is a timestamp, X11 datatype is Time which is CARD32,
        #(which is 64 bits on 64-bit systems!)
        Lsize = calcsize("@L")
        if len(ts_data)==Lsize:
            ts_num = unpack("@L", ts_data[:Lsize])[0]
            ts_num = 0      #CurrentTime
            log.warn("invalid data for 'TIMESTAMP': %s", ([hex(ord(x)) for x in ts_data]))
        log("selection timestamp(%s)=%s", ts_data, ts_num)
        # Calculate the X atom for this selection:
        selection_xatom = get_xatom(self.atom)
        # Ask X what window we used:
        self._xwindow = X11WindowBindings().XGetSelectionOwner(self.atom)

        root = self.clipboard.get_display().get_default_screen().get_root_window()
        xid = root.get_xid()
        X11WindowBindings().sendClientMessage(xid, xid, False, StructureNotifyMask,
                          ts_num, selection_xatom, self._xwindow)

        if old_owner != XNone and when is self.FORCE:
            # Block in a recursive mainloop until the previous owner has
            # cleared out.
                with xsync:
                    window = get_pywindow(old_owner)
                    window.set_events(window.get_events() | Gdk.EventMask.STRUCTURE_MASK)
                log("got window")
            except XError:
                log("Previous owner is already gone? not blocking", exc_info=True)
                log("Waiting for previous owner to exit...")
                add_event_receiver(window, self)
                self.exit_timer = GLib.timeout_add(SELECTION_EXIT_TIMEOUT*1000, self.exit_timeout)
                if self.exit_timer:
                    self.exit_timer = None
                log("...they did.")
        window = get_pywindow(self._xwindow)
        window.set_title("Xpra-ManagerSelection-%s" % self.atom)
        self.clipboard.connect("owner-change", self._owner_change)
Esempio n. 11
 "state": ((int, long), "WM_STATE", 32,
         lambda disp, c: struct.pack("=I", c),
         lambda disp, d: struct.unpack("=I", d)[0],
 "u32": ((int, long), "CARDINAL", 32,
         lambda disp, c: struct.pack("=I", c),
         lambda disp, d: struct.unpack("=I", d)[0],
 "visual": (gtk.gdk.Visual, "VISUALID", 32,
            lambda disp, c: struct.pack("=I", get_xvisual(c)),
 "window": (gtk.gdk.Window, "WINDOW", 32,
            lambda disp, c: struct.pack("=I", get_xwindow(c)),
            lambda disp, d: get_pywindow(disp, struct.unpack("=I", d)[0]),
 "wm-size-hints": (WMSizeHints, "WM_SIZE_HINTS", 32,
 "wm-hints": (WMHints, "WM_HINTS", 32,
 "strut": (NetWMStrut, "CARDINAL", 32,
           unsupported, NetWMStrut, None),
 "strut-partial": (NetWMStrut, "CARDINAL", 32,
                   unsupported, NetWMStrut, None),
 "motif-hints": (MotifWMHints, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", 32,
           unsupported, MotifWMHints, None),
Esempio n. 12
 "atom": (str, "ATOM", 32, lambda disp, a: struct.pack("@I", get_xatom(a)),
          _get_atom, ""),
 ((int, long), "WM_STATE", 32, lambda disp, c: struct.pack("=I", c),
  lambda disp, d: struct.unpack("=I", d)[0], ""),
 "u32": ((int, long), "CARDINAL", 32, lambda disp, c: struct.pack("=I", c),
         lambda disp, d: struct.unpack("=I", d)[0], ""),
 ((int, long), "INTEGER", 32, lambda disp, c: struct.pack("=I", c),
  lambda disp, d: struct.unpack("=I", d)[0], ""),
 (gtk.gdk.Visual, "VISUALID", 32,
  lambda disp, c: struct.pack("=I", get_xvisual(c)), unsupported, ""),
 "window": (gtk.gdk.Window, "WINDOW", 32,
            lambda disp, c: struct.pack("=I", get_xwindow(c)),
            lambda disp, d: get_pywindow(disp,
                                         struct.unpack("=I", d)[0]), ""),
 "strut": (NetWMStrut, "CARDINAL", 32, unsupported, NetWMStrut, None),
 (NetWMStrut, "CARDINAL", 32, unsupported, NetWMStrut, None),
 "motif-hints": (MotifWMHints, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", 32, unsupported,
                 MotifWMHints, None),
 "icon": (cairo.ImageSurface, "CARDINAL", 32, unsupported, NetWMIcons,
 "xsettings-settings": (tuple, "_XSETTINGS_SETTINGS", 8, set_settings,
                        get_settings, None),
 # For uploading ad-hoc instances of the above complex structures to the
 # server, so we can test reading them out again:
 "debug-CARDINAL": (str, "CARDINAL", 32, lambda disp, c: c,
                    lambda disp, d: d, None),
 # For fetching the extra information on a MULTIPLE clipboard conversion
 # request. The exciting thing about MULTIPLE is that it's not actually
Esempio n. 13
def get_window(disp, w):
    return get_pywindow(disp, struct.unpack(b"@L", w)[0])