Esempio n. 1
def get_desk(i_or_name):
    if isinstance(i_or_name, int):
        return i_or_name

    assert isinstance(i_or_name, basestring)
    nextdesk = None
    names = ewmh.get_desktop_names().reply()
    ci = ewmh.get_current_desktop().reply()
    visibles = ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply()

    cname = names[ci] if ci < len(names) else ''
    fnames = names[:]

    if visibles:
        not_cur_or_vis = lambda (i, nm): i not in visibles or i == ci
        fnames = [nm for i, nm in filter(not_cur_or_vis, enumerate(fnames))]

    fnames = filter(lambda n: n.lower().startswith(i_or_name.lower()), fnames)
    fnames = sorted(fnames)

    if cname in fnames:
        posInPrefix = (fnames.index(cname) + 1) % len(fnames)
        nextdesk = names.index(fnames[posInPrefix])
    elif len(fnames):
        nextdesk = names.index(fnames[0])

    return nextdesk
Esempio n. 2
def get_desk(i_or_name):
    if isinstance(i_or_name, int):
        return i_or_name

    assert isinstance(i_or_name, basestring)

    nextdesk = None
    names = ewmh.get_desktop_names().reply()
    ci = ewmh.get_current_desktop().reply()
    visibles = ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply()

    cname = names[ci] if ci < len(names) else ''
    fnames = names[:]

    if visibles:
        not_cur_or_vis = lambda (i, nm): i not in visibles or i == ci
        fnames = [nm for i, nm in filter(not_cur_or_vis, enumerate(fnames))]

    fnames = filter(lambda n: n.lower().startswith(i_or_name.lower()), fnames)
    fnames = sorted(fnames)

    if cname in fnames:
        posInPrefix = (fnames.index(cname) + 1) % len(fnames)
        nextdesk = names.index(fnames[posInPrefix])
    elif len(fnames):
        nextdesk = names.index(fnames[0])

    return nextdesk
Esempio n. 3
def goto_window(win_name_or_id):
    wid = win_name_or_id
    if isinstance(wid, basestring):
        clients = ewmh.get_client_list().reply()
        for c in clients:
            if wid == ewmh.get_wm_name(c).reply():
                wid = c

    if isinstance(wid, int):
        wdesk = ewmh.get_wm_desktop(wid).reply()
        if wdesk not in ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply():
        ewmh.request_active_window_checked(wid, source=2).check()
Esempio n. 4
def goto_window(win_name_or_id):
    wid = win_name_or_id
    if isinstance(wid, basestring):
        clients = ewmh.get_client_list().reply()
        for c in clients:
            if wid == ewmh.get_wm_name(c).reply():
                wid = c

    if isinstance(wid, int):
        wdesk = ewmh.get_wm_desktop(wid).reply()
        if wdesk not in ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply():
        ewmh.request_active_window_checked(wid, source=2).check()
Esempio n. 5
def do_goto_window(letter):
    if letter not in marked:
        print("mark %s does not exist" % letter, file=sys.stderr)

    wid = marked[letter]
        wdesk = ewmh.get_wm_desktop(wid).reply()
        desktop = ewmh.get_current_desktop().reply()
        visibles = ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply() or [desktop]

        if wdesk is not None and wdesk not in visibles:
        ewmh.request_active_window_checked(wid, source=1).check()
    except xproto.BadWindow:
        print("%d no longer exists" % wid, file=sys.stderr)
Esempio n. 6
def do_goto_window(letter):
    if letter not in marked:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'mark %s does not exist' % letter

    wid = marked[letter]
        wdesk = ewmh.get_wm_desktop(wid).reply()
        desktop = ewmh.get_current_desktop().reply()
        visibles = ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply() or [desktop]

        if wdesk is not None and wdesk not in visibles:
        ewmh.request_active_window_checked(wid, source=1).check()
    except xcb.xproto.BadWindow:
        print >> sys.stderr, '%d no longer exists' % wid
Esempio n. 7
def cb_property_notify(e):
    global activewin, desk_num, desktop, monitors, phys_monitors, root_geom, stacking, visibles, workarea

    aname = util.get_atom_name(e.atom)
    if aname == "_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY":
        root_geom = ewmh.get_desktop_geometry().reply()
        monitors = xinerama.get_monitors()
        phys_monitors = xinerama.get_physical_mapping(monitors)
    elif aname == "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW":
        activewin = ewmh.get_active_window().reply()
    elif aname == "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP":
        desktop = ewmh.get_current_desktop().reply()
        if visibles is None or len(visibles) == 1:
            visibles = [desktop]
    elif aname == "_NET_VISIBLE_DESKTOPS":
        visibles = ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply()
    elif aname == "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS":
        desk_num = ewmh.get_number_of_desktops().reply()
    elif aname == "_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING":
        stacking = ewmh.get_client_list_stacking().reply()
    elif aname == "_NET_WORKAREA":
Esempio n. 8
def cb_property_notify(e):
    global activewin, desk_num, desktop, monitors, phys_monitors, root_geom, \
           stacking, visibles, workarea

    aname = util.get_atom_name(e.atom)
    if aname == '_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY':
        root_geom = ewmh.get_desktop_geometry().reply()
        monitors = xinerama.get_monitors()
        phys_monitors = xinerama.get_physical_mapping(monitors)
    elif aname == '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW':
        activewin = ewmh.get_active_window().reply()
    elif aname == '_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP':
        desktop = ewmh.get_current_desktop().reply()
        if visibles is None or len(visibles) == 1:
            visibles = [desktop]
    elif aname == '_NET_VISIBLE_DESKTOPS':
        visibles = ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply()
    elif aname == '_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS':
        desk_num = ewmh.get_number_of_desktops().reply()
    elif aname == '_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING':
        stacking = ewmh.get_client_list_stacking().reply()
    elif aname == '_NET_WORKAREA':
Esempio n. 9
def cb_prop_change(widget, e):
    global activewin, desk_names, desk_num, desktop, stacking, visibles

    if e.atom == '_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY':
        root_geom = ewmh.get_desktop_geometry().reply()
    elif e.atom == '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW':
        activewin = ewmh.get_active_window().reply()
    elif e.atom == '_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP':
        desktop = ewmh.get_current_desktop().reply()
    elif e.atom == '_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING':
        stacking = ewmh.get_client_list_stacking().reply()
    elif e.atom == '_NET_VISIBLE_DESKTOPS':
        visibles = ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply()
    elif e.atom in ('_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES', '_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS'):
        desk_num = ewmh.get_number_of_desktops().reply()
        desk_names = ewmh.get_desktop_names().reply()

        # This works around what I think is weird behavior in Openbox.
        # Sometimes Openbox will "fix" the desktop names... please don't!
        if len(desk_names) > desk_num:
            names = desk_names[0:desk_num]
        desk_names = ewmh.get_desktop_names().reply()
Esempio n. 10
def cb_prop_change(widget, e):
    global activewin, desk_names, desk_num, desktop, stacking, visibles

    if e.atom == '_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY':
        root_geom = ewmh.get_desktop_geometry().reply()
    elif e.atom == '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW':
        activewin = ewmh.get_active_window().reply()
    elif e.atom == '_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP':
        desktop = ewmh.get_current_desktop().reply()
    elif e.atom == '_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING':
        stacking = ewmh.get_client_list_stacking().reply()
    elif e.atom == '_NET_VISIBLE_DESKTOPS':
        visibles = ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply()
    elif e.atom in ('_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES', '_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS'):
        desk_num = ewmh.get_number_of_desktops().reply()
        desk_names = ewmh.get_desktop_names().reply()

        # This works around what I think is weird behavior in Openbox.
        # Sometimes Openbox will "fix" the desktop names... please don't!
        if len(desk_names) > desk_num:
            names = desk_names[0:desk_num]
        desk_names = ewmh.get_desktop_names().reply()
Esempio n. 11
            elif wm.lower() == 'kwin':
                utilwm = window.WindowManagers.KWin

            print '%s window manager is running...' % wm

    if not _wmrunning:

root_geom = ewmh.get_desktop_geometry().reply()
monitors = xinerama.get_monitors()
phys_monitors = xinerama.get_physical_mapping(monitors)
desk_num = ewmh.get_number_of_desktops().reply()
activewin = ewmh.get_active_window().reply()
desktop = ewmh.get_current_desktop().reply()
visibles = ewmh.get_visible_desktops().reply() or [desktop]
stacking = ewmh.get_client_list_stacking().reply()
workarea = []

def quit():
    print 'Exiting...'
    import tile
    for tiler in tile.tilers:

def update_workarea():
    We update the current workarea either by autodetecting struts, or by
    using margins specified in the config file. Never both, though.