Esempio n. 1
def _wait_for_final_transaction_outcome(transaction_hash: str,
                                        client: Client) -> Response:
    The core logic of reliable submission.  Polls the ledger until the result of the
    transaction can be considered final, meaning it has either been included in a
    validated ledger, or the transaction's lastLedgerSequence has been surpassed by the
    latest ledger sequence (meaning it will never be included in a validated ledger).
    # new persisted transaction

    # query transaction by hash
    transaction_response = get_transaction_from_hash(transaction_hash, client)

    result = cast(Dict[str, Any], transaction_response.result)
    if "validated" in result and result["validated"]:
        # result is in a validated ledger, outcome is final
        return transaction_response

    last_ledger_sequence = result["LastLedgerSequence"]
    latest_ledger_sequence = get_latest_validated_ledger_sequence(client)

    if last_ledger_sequence > latest_ledger_sequence:
        # outcome is not yet final
        return _wait_for_final_transaction_outcome(transaction_hash, client)

    raise XRPLReliableSubmissionException(
        f"The latest ledger sequence {latest_ledger_sequence} is greater than the "
        f"last ledger sequence {last_ledger_sequence} in the transaction.")
Esempio n. 2
def _autofill_transaction(transaction: Transaction, client: Client) -> Transaction:
    transaction_json = transaction.to_dict()
    if "sequence" not in transaction_json:
        sequence = get_next_valid_seq_number(transaction_json["account"], client)
        transaction_json["sequence"] = sequence
    if "fee" not in transaction_json:
        transaction_json["fee"] = _calculate_fee_per_transaction_type(
            transaction, client
    if "last_ledger_sequence" not in transaction_json:
        ledger_sequence = get_latest_validated_ledger_sequence(client)
        transaction_json["last_ledger_sequence"] = ledger_sequence + _LEDGER_OFFSET
    return Transaction.from_dict(transaction_json)