Esempio n. 1
def build_beamline(nrays=raycing.nrays):
    fixedExit = 15.

    beamLine = raycing.BeamLine(azimuth=0, height=0)
        beamLine, 'GeometricSource', (0, 0, -fixedExit),
        nrays=nrays, dx=5., dy=0, dz=5., dxprime=0., dzprime=0.,
        distE='flat', energies=eLimits, polarization='horizontal')

    p = 20000.
    si111 = rm.CrystalSi(hkl=(1, 1, 1), tK=-171+273.15)
    beamLine.dcm = roe.DCM(
        beamLine, 'DCM', (0, p - 2000, -fixedExit),
        surface=('Si111',), material=(si111,))
    beamLine.dcm.bragg = math.asin( / (2 * si111.d * E0))
    beamLine.dcm.cryst2perpTransl = fixedExit/2./math.cos(beamLine.dcm.bragg)

    beamLine.fsm1 = rsc.Screen(beamLine, 'FSM1', (0, p - 1000, 0))

    crystalDiamond = rm.CrystalDiamond(
        (1, 1, 1), 2.0592872, elements='C', geom='Laue reflected', t=0.05)
    beamLine.qwp = roe.LauePlate(
        beamLine, 'QWP', (0, p, 0), material=(crystalDiamond,))
    theta0 = math.asin( / (2 * crystalDiamond.d * (E0+1.2)))
    beamLine.qwp.pitch = theta0 + math.pi/2
    q = 100.

    beamLine.fsm2 = rsc.Screen(beamLine, 'FSM2', (0, p + q, 0))

    return beamLine
Esempio n. 2
import xrt.backends.raycing.apertures as ra
import xrt.backends.raycing.oes as roe
import as rr
import xrt.backends.raycing.materials as rm
import xrt.backends.raycing.screens as rsc

import xrt.plotter as xrtp
import xrt.runner as xrtr

showIn3D = False

E0 = 9000.
eLimits = E0, E0+2.5
prefix = '07_conv_LT_slit'

crystalDiamond = rm.CrystalDiamond((1, 1, 1), 2.0592872, elements='C',
                                   geom='Laue transmitted', t=0.05)
#crystalDiamond = rm.CrystalDiamond(
#    (3, 1, 1), 2.0592872*(3./11)**0.5, elements='C',
#    geom='Laue transmitted', t=0.05)
theta0 = math.asin( / (2 * crystalDiamond.d * (E0+1.2)))

def build_beamline(nrays=raycing.nrays):
    fixedExit = 15.

    beamLine = raycing.BeamLine(azimuth=0, height=0)
    hDiv = 1.5e-3
    vDiv = 2.5e-4
        beamLine, 'GeometricSource', (0, 0, 0),
        nrays=nrays, dx=0.1, dy=0, dz=2., dxprime=hDiv/2, dzprime=0,
import xrt.backends.raycing.screens as rsc

import xrt.plotter as xrtp
import xrt.runner as xrtr

showIn3D = False

crystalMaterial = 'Si'
if crystalMaterial == 'Si':
    d111 = 3.1354161  # Si
elif crystalMaterial == 'Ge':
    d111 = 3.2662725  # Ge
orders = (1, 4, 8, 12)
crystals = [rm.CrystalDiamond((i, i, i), d111 / i) for i in orders]
crystalsMask = (0, 1, 0, 0)  # 0=don't execute; 1=execute
#numiters = [24, 360, 1280, 5120]  # @crysals
numiters = [24, 24, 48, 120]  # @crysals

R = 500.  # mm
isDiced = True
isJohansson = True

if isJohansson:
    Rm = R
    Rm = 2. * R

beamV = 0.07 / 2.35,
beamH = 0.2 / 2.35
Esempio n. 4
    hkl=[1, 0, 2],
    atoms=[14, 14, 14, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8],
    atomsXYZ=[[0.4697, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.4697, -0.4697, 0.3333333333333333],
              [0.0, 0.4697, 0.6666666666666666], [0.4125, 0.2662, 0.1188],
              [-0.1463, -0.4125, 0.4521], [-0.2662, 0.1463, -0.2145],
              [0.1463, -0.2662, -0.1188], [-0.4125, -0.1463, 0.2145],
              [0.2662, 0.4125, 0.5479]],

C111_300K = rmats.CrystalDiamond(d=2.0595,

C333_300K = rmats.CrystalDiamond(d=2.0595 / 3,

Si844_125K = rmats.CrystalSi(tK=125.0, hkl=[8, 4, 4], name=None)

Si753_125K = rmats.CrystalSi(tK=125.0, hkl=[7, 5, 3], name=None)

Si220_300K = rmats.CrystalSi(tK=300, hkl=[2, 2, 0], name=None)

Si220_125K = rmats.CrystalSi(tK=125, hkl=[2, 2, 0], name=None)
Esempio n. 5
import xrt.backends.raycing.screens as rsc

import xrt.plotter as xrtp
import xrt.runner as xrtr

showIn3D = False

crystalMaterial = 'Si'
if crystalMaterial == 'Si':
    d111 = 3.1354161
elif crystalMaterial == 'Ge':
    d111 = 3.2662725

crystal = rm.CrystalDiamond((4, 4, 4), d111 / 4, elements=crystalMaterial)
#numiter = 16000
numiter = 60

Rm = 1e9  # meridional radius, mm
#Rs = 1000  # tmp sagittal radius, mm
Rs = 250  # tmp sagittal radius, mm
dphi = 0

beamV = 0.1 / 2.35  # vertical beam size
beamH = 0.1 / 2.35  # horizontal beam size

yAxesLim = 20

dxCrystal = 100.
dyCrystal = 100.
import xrt.plotter as xrtp
import xrt.runner as xrtr

showIn3D = False

crystalMaterial = 'Si'
if crystalMaterial == 'Si':
    d111 = 3.1354161  # Si
elif crystalMaterial == 'Ge':
    d111 = 3.2662725  # Ge
orders = (1, 4, 8, 12)
crystals = [
    rm.CrystalDiamond((i, i, i),
                      d111 / i,
                      elements=crystalMaterial) for i in orders
crystalsMask = (1, 0, 0, 0)
#numiters = [40, 360, 1280, 5120]  # @crysals
numiters = [40, 40, 80, 120]  # @crysals

R = 500.  # mm
isGroundBent = True

if isGroundBent:
    Rm = R
    Rm = 2. * R
beamV = 0.07 / 2.35,
beamH = 0.2 / 2.35
import xrt.plotter as xrtp
import xrt.runner as xrtr

showIn3D = False

crystalMaterial = 'Si'
if crystalMaterial == 'Si':
    d111 = 3.1354161  # Si
elif crystalMaterial == 'Ge':
    d111 = 3.2662725  # Ge
orders = (1, 4, 8, 12)
crystals = [
    rm.CrystalDiamond((i, i, i), d111 / i, elements=crystalMaterial)
    for i in orders
crystalsMask = (0, 1, 0, 0)
#numiters = [40, 2560, 1280, 5120]  # @crysals
numiters = [40, 40, 80, 120]  # @crysals

R = 500.  # mm
isJohansson = True

if isJohansson:
    Rm = R
    Rm = 2. * R

beamV = 0.1 / 2.35,
Esempio n. 8
def compare_Bragg_Laue(hkl, beamPath, factDW=1.):
    """A comparison subroutine used in the module test suit."""
    def for_one_alpha(alphaDeg, hkl):
        alpha = math.radians(alphaDeg)
        s0 = (np.zeros_like(theta), np.cos(theta+alpha), -np.sin(theta+alpha))
        sh = (np.zeros_like(theta), np.cos(theta-alpha), np.sin(theta-alpha))

        n = (0, 0, 1)  # outward surface normal
        hn = (0, math.sin(alpha), math.cos(alpha))  # outward Bragg normal
        gamma0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, s0))
        gammah = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, sh))
        hns0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(hn, s0))
        braggS, braggP = siBraggCrystal.get_amplitude(E, gamma0, gammah, hns0)
        n = (0, -1, 0)  # outward surface normal
        hn = (0, math.sin(alpha), math.cos(alpha))  # outward Bragg normal
        gamma0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, s0))
        gammah = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, sh))
        hns0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(hn, s0))
        laueS, laueP = siLaueCrystal.get_amplitude(E, gamma0, gammah, hns0)

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

# phases:
        ax2 = ax.twinx()
        ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_s - \phi_p$', color='c')
        phi = np.unwrap(np.angle(braggS * braggP.conj()))
        p5, = ax2.plot((theta-thetaCenter) * convFactor, phi, '-c', lw=1,
                       yunits=math.pi, zorder=0)
        phi = np.unwrap(np.angle(laueS * laueP.conj()))
        p6, = ax2.plot((theta-thetaCenter) * convFactor, phi, '-c.', lw=1,
                       yunits=math.pi, zorder=0)
        formatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g' + r'$ \pi$')
        for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels():

        fig.suptitle(r'Comparison of Bragg and Laue transmittivity for Si{0}'.
                     format(hkl), fontsize=16)
        p1, = ax.plot((theta-thetaCenter) * convFactor, abs(braggS)**2, '-r')
        p2, = ax.plot((theta-thetaCenter) * convFactor, abs(braggP)**2, '-b')
        p3, = ax.plot((theta-thetaCenter) * convFactor, abs(laueS)**2, '-r.')
        p4, = ax.plot((theta-thetaCenter) * convFactor, abs(laueP)**2, '-b.')
        ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta-\theta_B$ (arcsec)')

#upper right	1
#upper left	2
#lower left	3
#lower right	4
#right   	5
#center left	6
#center right	7
#lower center	8
#upper center	9
#center         10
        l1 = ax.legend([p1, p2], ['s', 'p'], loc=3)
        ax.legend([p1, p3], [u'Bragg t={0:.1f} µm'.format(
            siBraggCrystal.t * 1e3), u'Laue t={0:.1f} µm'.format(
            siLaueCrystal.t * 1e3)], loc=2)
        ax.set_xlim([dtheta[0] * convFactor, dtheta[-1] * convFactor])

        fname = r'BraggLaueTrSi{0}'.format(hkl)
        fig.savefig(fname + '.png')

    E0 = 10000.
    convFactor = 180 / math.pi * 3600.  # arcsec
    if hkl == '111':  # Si111
        dtheta = np.linspace(-100, 100, 400) * 1e-6
        dSpacing = 3.13562
        hklInd = 1, 1, 1
    elif hkl == '333':  # Si333
        dtheta = np.linspace(-30, 30, 400) * 1e-6
        dSpacing = 3.13562 / 3
        hklInd = 3, 3, 3

    thetaCenter = math.asin( / (2*dSpacing*E0))
    t = beamPath * math.sin(thetaCenter)
    siBraggCrystal = rm.CrystalDiamond(hklInd, dSpacing, t=t,
                                       geom='Bragg transmitted', factDW=factDW)
    t = beamPath * math.cos(thetaCenter)
    siLaueCrystal = rm.CrystalDiamond(hklInd, dSpacing, t=t,
                                      geom='Laue transmitted', factDW=factDW)

    E = np.ones_like(dtheta) * E0
    theta = dtheta + thetaCenter
    for_one_alpha(0., hkl)
Esempio n. 9
def compare_rocking_curves_bent(hkl, t=None, geom='Laue reflected', factDW=1.,
                                legendPos1=4, legendPos2=1, Rcurvmm=None,
        import pyopencl as cl
        os.environ['PYOPENCL_COMPILER_OUTPUT'] = '1'
        isOpenCL = True
    except ImportError:
        isOpenCL = False

    if isOpenCL:
        import xrt.backends.raycing.myopencl as mcl
        matCL = mcl.XRT_CL(r'',
                           # targetOpenCL='CPU'
        matCL = None

    """A comparison subroutine used in the module test suit."""
    def for_one_alpha(crystal, alphaDeg, hkl):
        xcb_tt = True
        xcb_pp = False

        Rcurv=np.inf if Rcurvmm is None else Rcurvmm
        if Rcurv==0:
        alpha = np.radians(alphaDeg)
        s0 = (np.zeros_like(theta), np.cos(theta+alpha), -np.sin(theta+alpha))
        sh = (np.zeros_like(theta), np.cos(theta-alpha), np.sin(theta-alpha))
        if geom.startswith('Bragg'):
            n = (0, 0, 1)  # outward surface normal
            n = (0, -1, 0)  # outward surface normal
        hn = (0, np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha))  # outward Bragg normal
        gamma0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, s0))
        gammah = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, sh))
        hns0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(hn, s0))

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

        curS, curP = crystal.get_amplitude(E, gamma0, gammah, hns0)
        curSD, curPD = crystal.get_amplitude_TT(E, gamma0, gammah, hns0,
                                             ucl=matCL, alphaAsym=alpha,

# phases:
#        ax2 = ax.twinx()
#        ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_s - \phi_p$', color='c')
#        phi = np.unwrap(np.angle(curS * curP.conj()))
#        phiD = np.unwrap(np.angle(curSD * curPD.conj()))
#        p9, = ax2.plot((theta-thetaCenter) * convFactor, phi, 'c', lw=1,
#                       yunits=math.pi, zorder=0)
#        p10, = ax2.plot((theta-thetaCenter) * convFactor, -phiD, 'm', lw=1,
#                        yunits=math.pi, zorder=0)
#        formatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g' + r'$ \pi$')
#        ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter)
#        for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels():
#            tl.set_color('c')

        if t is not None:
            tt = u', t={0:.0f}µm'.format(t * 1e3)
            tname = '{0:03d}mkm'.format(int(t * 1e3))
            tt = ' thick'
            tname = 'thick'
        if geom.startswith('Bragg'):
            geomPrefix = 'b'
            geomPrefix = 'l'
        if geom.endswith('transmitted'):
            geomPrefix += 't'
        if np.isinf(Rcurv):
            fig.suptitle(r'{0} Si{1}, $\alpha={2:.1f}^\circ$, bending R=$\infty$, E={3:.0f}keV'.format(geom, # analysis:ignore
                         hkl, alphaDeg, E0/1e3), fontsize=16)
            fig.suptitle(r'{0} Si{1}, $\alpha={2:.1f}^\circ$, bending R={3:.1f}m, E={4:.0f}keV'.format(geom, # analysis:ignore
                         hkl, alphaDeg, Rcurv/1e3, E0/1e3), fontsize=16)

        path = os.path.join('', 'XOP-RockingCurves-Bent') + os.sep
        if np.isinf(Rcurv) or alphaDeg == 0:
            x, R2p, R2s = np.loadtxt(
                "{0}{1}Si{2}_E{3:-.0f}keV_t{4}_R{5:-.0f}m_a{6:-.0f}deg.xc.gz".format( # analysis:ignore
                    path, geomPrefix, hkl, E0/1e3, tname, Rcurv/1e3, alphaDeg),
                unpack=True, usecols=(0, 2, 3))
            p1, = ax.plot(x, R2s, '-k', label='s XCrystal', linewidth=2)
#            p2, = ax.plot(x, R2p, '--k', label='p XCrystal')

        if xcb_tt:
            x, R2s = np.loadtxt(
                "{0}{1}Si{2}_E{3:-.0f}keV_t{4}_R{5:-.0f}m_a{6:-.0f}deg_tt_sigma.xcb.gz".format( # analysis:ignore
                    path, geomPrefix, hkl, E0/1e3, tname, Rcurv/1e3, alphaDeg),
                unpack=True, usecols=(0, 3))
            p3t, = ax.plot(x*1e3, R2s, '-b', label='s XCrystal_Bent TT')
            x, R2p = np.loadtxt(
                "{0}{1}Si{2}_E{3:-.0f}keV_t{4}_R{5:-.0f}m_a{6:-.0f}deg_tt_pi.xcb.gz".format( # analysis:ignore
                    path, geomPrefix, hkl, E0/1e3, tname, Rcurv/1e3, alphaDeg),
                unpack=True, usecols=(0, 3))
    #        p4, = ax.plot(x*1e3, R2p, '--b', label='p XCrystal_Bent TT')
        if xcb_pp:
            x, R2s = np.loadtxt(
                "{0}{1}Si{2}_E{3:-.0f}keV_t{4}_R{5:-.0f}m_a{6:-.0f}deg_pp_sigma.xcb.gz".format( # analysis:ignore
                    path, geomPrefix, hkl, E0/1e3, tname, Rcurv/1e3, alphaDeg),
                unpack=True, usecols=(0, 7))
            p3p, = ax.plot(x*1e3, R2s, '-c', label='s XCrystal_Bent PP')
            x, R2p = np.loadtxt(
                "{0}{1}Si{2}_E{3:-.0f}keV_t{4}_R{5:-.0f}m_a{6:-.0f}deg_pp_pi.xcb.gz".format( # analysis:ignore
                    path, geomPrefix, hkl, E0/1e3, tname, Rcurv/1e3, alphaDeg),
                unpack=True, usecols=(0, 7))
    #        p4, = ax.plot(x*1e3, R2p, '--b', label='p XCrystal_Bent TT')

#        if np.isinf(Rcurv) or alphaDeg == 0:
        p7, = ax.plot((theta - thetaCenter) * convFactor,
                      abs(curS)**2, '-r', linewidth=2)
#            p8, = ax.plot((theta - thetaCenter) * convFactor,
#                          abs(curP)**2, '-c', linewidth=2)
        p11, = ax.plot((theta - thetaCenter) * convFactor,
                       abs(curSD)**2, '--g', linewidth=2)
#        p12, = ax.plot((theta - thetaCenter) * convFactor,
#                       abs(curPD)**2, '--r')

        ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta-\theta_B$ ($\mu$rad)')
        if geom.endswith('transmitted'):
        ax.set_xlim([dtheta[0] * convFactor, dtheta[-1] * convFactor])

        plotList = [p7, p11]
        curveList = ['xrt perfect', 'xrt TT']

        if np.isinf(Rcurv) or alphaDeg == 0:
        if xcb_tt:
            curveList.append('XCrystal_Bent TT')
        if xcb_pp:
            curveList.append('XCrystal_Bent PP')
        legendPostmp = legendPos2 if alphaDeg > 0 else legendPos2+1
        ax.legend(plotList, curveList, loc=legendPostmp)
#        ax2.add_artist(l1)

        fname = '{0}Si{1}_{2}_a{3:-.0f}_{4:-.2f}'.format(
            geomPrefix, hkl, tname, alphaDeg, Rcurv/1e3)

        fig.savefig(fname + '.png')

    E0 = 50000.
#    convFactor = 180 / np.pi * 3600.  # arcsec
    convFactor = 1e6
    for alpha in alphas:
        if hkl == '111':  # Si111
            if geom.startswith('Bragg'):
                dtheta = np.linspace(0, 100, 400) * 1e-6
                dtheta = np.linspace(-5-np.abs(alpha)*2*50e3/Rcurvmm,
                                     1000) * 1e-6
            dSpacing = 3.13562
            hklInd = 1, 1, 1
        elif hkl == '333':  # Si333
            if geom.startswith('Bragg'):
                dtheta = np.linspace(-25, 75, 400) * 1e-6
                dtheta = np.linspace(-2-np.abs(alpha)**1.2*50e3/Rcurvmm,
                                     1000) * 1e-6
            dSpacing = 3.13562 / 3.
            hklInd = 3, 3, 3

        siCrystal = rm.CrystalDiamond(hklInd, dSpacing, t=t, geom=geom,
        thetaCenter = math.asin( / (2*siCrystal.d*E0))

        E = np.ones_like(dtheta) * E0
        theta = dtheta + thetaCenter
        for_one_alpha(siCrystal, alpha, hkl)
Esempio n. 10
def compare_rocking_curves(hkl, t=None, geom='Bragg reflected', factDW=1.,
                           legendPos1=4, legendPos2=1):
    """A comparison subroutine used in the module test suit."""
    def for_one_alpha(crystal, alphaDeg, hkl):
        alpha = math.radians(alphaDeg)
        s0 = (np.zeros_like(theta), np.cos(theta+alpha), -np.sin(theta+alpha))
        sh = (np.zeros_like(theta), np.cos(theta-alpha), np.sin(theta-alpha))
        if geom.startswith('Bragg'):
            n = (0, 0, 1)  # outward surface normal
            n = (0, -1, 0)  # outward surface normal
        hn = (0, math.sin(alpha), math.cos(alpha))  # outward Bragg normal
        gamma0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, s0))
        gammah = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, sh))
        hns0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(hn, s0))

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

#        curS, curP = crystal.get_amplitude_Authie(E, gamma0, gammah, hns0)
#        p5, = ax.plot((theta - thetaCenter) * convFactor, abs(curS)**2, '-g')
#        p6, = ax.plot((theta - thetaCenter) * convFactor, abs(curP)**2, '--g')
        curS, curP = crystal.get_amplitude(E, gamma0, gammah, hns0)
# phases:
        ax2 = ax.twinx()
        ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_s - \phi_p$', color='c')
        phi = np.unwrap(np.angle(curS * curP.conj()))
        p9, = ax2.plot((theta-thetaCenter) * convFactor, phi, 'c', lw=1,
                       yunits=math.pi, zorder=0)
        formatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g' + r'$ \pi$')
        for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels():

        if t is not None:
            tt = u', t={0:.0f}µm'.format(t * 1e3)
            tname = '{0:03d}mum'.format(int(t * 1e3))
            tt = ' thick'
            tname = 'thick'
        if geom.startswith('Bragg'):
            geomPrefix = 'b'
            geomPrefix = 'l'
        if geom.endswith('transmitted'):
            geomPrefix += 't'
        fig.suptitle(r'{0} Si{1}, $\alpha={2:.1f}^\circ${3}'.format(geom,
                     hkl, alphaDeg, tt), fontsize=16)

        path = os.path.join('', 'XOP-RockingCurves') + os.sep
        x, R2s = np.loadtxt("{0}{1}Si{2}_{3}_{4:-.0f}_s.xc.gz".format(path,
                            geomPrefix, hkl, tname, alphaDeg), unpack=True)
        p1, = ax.plot(x, R2s, '-k', label='s XCrystal')
        x, R2p = np.loadtxt("{0}{1}Si{2}_{3}_{4:-.0f}_p.xc.gz".format(path,
                            geomPrefix, hkl, tname, alphaDeg), unpack=True)
        p2, = ax.plot(x, R2p, '--k', label='p XCrystal')

        x, R2s = np.loadtxt("{0}{1}Si{2}_{3}_{4:-.0f}".format(path,
                            geomPrefix, hkl, tname, alphaDeg), unpack=True)
        p3, = ax.plot(x, R2s, '-b', label='s XInpro')
        x, R2p = np.loadtxt("{0}{1}Si{2}_{3}_{4:-.0f}".format(path,
                            geomPrefix, hkl, tname, alphaDeg), unpack=True)
        p4, = ax.plot(x, R2p, '--b', label='p XInpro')

        p7, = ax.plot((theta - thetaCenter) * convFactor, abs(curS)**2, '-r')
        p8, = ax.plot((theta - thetaCenter) * convFactor, abs(curP)**2, '--r')
        ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta-\theta_B$ (arcsec)')
        if geom.endswith('transmitted'):
        ax.set_xlim([dtheta[0] * convFactor, dtheta[-1] * convFactor])
#upper right	1
#upper left	2
#lower left	3
#lower right	4
#right   	5
#center left	6
#center right	7
#lower center	8
#upper center	9
#center         10
        l1 = ax2.legend([p1, p2], ['s', 'p'], loc=legendPos1)
#        ax.legend([p1, p3, p5, p7], ['XCrystal/XOP', 'XInpro/XOP',
#        'pxrt-Authier', 'pxrt-Bel&Dm'], loc=1)
        ax2.legend([p1, p3, p7], ['XCrystal/XOP', 'XInpro/XOP', 'xrt'],

        fname = '{0}Si{1}_{2}_{3:-.0f}'.format(
            geomPrefix, hkl, tname, alphaDeg)
        fig.savefig(fname + '.png')

    E0 = 10000.
    convFactor = 180 / math.pi * 3600.  # arcsec
    if hkl == '111':  # Si111
        if geom.startswith('Bragg'):
            dtheta = np.linspace(0, 100, 400) * 1e-6
            dtheta = np.linspace(-50, 50, 400) * 1e-6
        dSpacing = 3.13562
        hklInd = 1, 1, 1
    elif hkl == '333':  # Si333
        if geom.startswith('Bragg'):
            dtheta = np.linspace(0, 30, 400) * 1e-6
            dtheta = np.linspace(-15, 15, 400) * 1e-6
        dSpacing = 3.13562 / 3
        hklInd = 3, 3, 3

    siCrystal = rm.CrystalDiamond(hklInd, dSpacing, t=t, geom=geom,
    thetaCenter = math.asin( / (2*siCrystal.d*E0))

    E = np.ones_like(dtheta) * E0
    theta = dtheta + thetaCenter
    for_one_alpha(siCrystal, 0., hkl)
    for_one_alpha(siCrystal, -5., hkl)
    for_one_alpha(siCrystal, 5., hkl)
Esempio n. 11
def run_tests():
    """The body of the module test suit. Uncomment the tests you want."""

#Compare the calculated rocking curves of Si crystals with those calculated by
#XCrystal and XInpro (parts of XOP):
    # compare_rocking_curves('333')
    # compare_rocking_curves('111', t=0.007)  # t is thickness in mm
    # compare_rocking_curves('333', t=0.007)
    # compare_rocking_curves('111', t=0.100)
    # compare_rocking_curves('333', t=0.100)
    compare_rocking_curves('111', t=0.007, geom='Bragg transmitted')
    # compare_rocking_curves('333', t=0.007, geom='Bragg transmitted')
    # compare_rocking_curves('111', t=0.100, geom='Bragg transmitted')
    # compare_rocking_curves('333', t=0.100, geom='Bragg transmitted')
    # compare_rocking_curves('111', t=0.007, geom='Laue reflected')
    # compare_rocking_curves('333', t=0.007, geom='Laue reflected')
    # compare_rocking_curves('111', t=0.100, geom='Laue reflected')
    # compare_rocking_curves('333', t=0.100, geom='Laue reflected')
    # compare_rocking_curves('111', t=0.007, geom='Laue transmitted')
    # compare_rocking_curves('333', t=0.007, geom='Laue transmitted')
    # compare_rocking_curves('111', t=0.100, geom='Laue transmitted')
    # compare_rocking_curves('333', t=0.100, geom='Laue transmitted')

# Compare rocking curves for bent Si crystals with those calculated by
#XCrystal_Bent (Takagi-Taupin):
    compare_rocking_curves_bent('111', t=1.0, geom='Laue reflected',
                          Rcurvmm=np.inf, alphas=[30])
    # compare_rocking_curves_bent('333', t=1.0, geom='Laue reflected',
    #                       Rcurvmm=np.inf, alphas=[30])
    # compare_rocking_curves_bent('111', t=1.0, geom='Laue reflected',
    #                       Rcurvmm=50*1e3,
    #                       alphas=[-60, -45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45, 60])
    # compare_rocking_curves_bent('333', t=1.0, geom='Laue reflected',
    #                       Rcurvmm=50*1e3,
    #                       alphas=[-60, -45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45, 60])

#check that Bragg transmitted and Laue transmitted give the same results if the
#beam path is equal:
    beamPath = 0.1  # mm
    compare_Bragg_Laue('111', beamPath=beamPath)
    compare_Bragg_Laue('333', beamPath=beamPath)

#Compare the calculated reflectivities of Si, Pt, SiO_2 with those by Xf1f2
#(part of XOP):


#Compare the calculated reflectivities of W slab with those by Mlayer
#(part of XOP):

#Compare the calculated reflectivities of W slab with those by Mlayer
#(part of XOP):
    # compare_reflectivity_multilayer()
    # compare_dTheta()

#Compare the calculated absorption coefficient with that by XCrossSec
#(part of XOP):

#Compare the calculated transmittivity with that by XPower
#(part of XOP):

#Play with Si crystal:
    crystalSi = rm.CrystalSi(hkl=(1, 1, 1), tK=100.)
    print(2 * crystalSi.get_a()/math.sqrt(3.))  # 2dSi111
    print('Si111 d-spacing = {0:.6f}'.format(crystalSi.d))
    print(crystalSi.get_Bragg_offset(8600, 8979))

    crystalDiamond = rm.CrystalDiamond((1, 1, 1), 2.0592872, elements='C')
    E = 9000.
    print(u'Darwin width at E={0:.0f} eV is {1:.5f} µrad for s-polarization'.
          format(E, crystalDiamond.get_Darwin_width(E) * 1e6))
    print(u'Darwin width at E={0:.0f} eV is {1:.5f} µrad for p-polarization'.
          format(E, crystalDiamond.get_Darwin_width(E, polarization='p')*1e6))
Esempio n. 12
        n = (0, -1, 0)  # outward surface normal
    hn = (0, np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha))  # outward Bragg normal
    gamma0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, s0))
    gammah = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(n, sh))
    hns0 = sum(i*j for i, j in zip(hn, s0))
    return gamma0, gammah, hns0

#crystalType = 'Si'
crystalType = 'Ge'
hkl = (1, 1, 1)

if crystalType == 'Si':
    crystal = rm.CrystalSi(hkl=hkl)
elif crystalType == 'Ge':
    crystal = rm.CrystalDiamond(hkl=hkl, d=5.657, elements='Ge')

E = 8900
dtheta = np.linspace(-20, 80, 501)
#dtheta = np.linspace(-100, 300, 501)
theta = crystal.get_Bragg_angle(E) + dtheta*1e-6
asymmDeg = 0.  # Degrees

g0, gh, hs0 = calc_vectors(theta, asymmDeg, 'Bragg')
curS, curP = crystal.get_amplitude(E, g0, gh, hs0)
#curS, curP = crystal.get_amplitude(E, np.sin(theta))
print(crystal.get_F_chi(E, 0.5/crystal.d))
print(u'Darwin width at E={0:.0f} eV is {1:.5f} µrad for s-polarization'.
      format(E, crystal.get_Darwin_width(E) * 1e6))