Esempio n. 1
    def measure_target_width_on_segment(self, pt1, pt2):
        Given the line segment L defined by 2d points pt1 and pt2 from a camera 
        frame, find the points pt3 and pt4 the nearest points to pt1 and pt2 
        on L that are masked according to self.mask8. Then calculate the 
        distance D between 3d points pt5 and pt6 in which 
        correspond to pt3 and pt4.
        return pt3, pt4, D, fx, fy,
                pt3 = (x, y)
                pt4 = (x, y)
                fx is the function f(distance from pt3 on L) = x
                fy is the function f(distance from pt3 on L) = y
        If anything goes wrong, return None
        from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

        dist2d = distance(pt1, pt2)
        interpx = interp1d([0, dist2d], [pt1[0], pt2[0]])
        interpy = interp1d([0, dist2d], [pt1[1], pt2[1]])
        t = numpy.linspace(0, int(dist2d), int(dist2d)+1)
        xs = numpy.int0(interpx(t))
        ys = numpy.int0(interpy(t))
        ixs, = self.mask8[ys, xs].nonzero()
        if len(ixs) >= 2:
            x1 = xs[ixs[0]]
            y1 = ys[ixs[0]]
            x2 = xs[ixs[-1]]
            y2 = ys[ixs[-1]]
            xyz1 =[:, y1, x1]
            xyz2 =[:, y2, x2]
            dist3d = distance(xyz1, xyz2)
            interpx2 = lambda d: (x2-x1)*d/dist2d + x1
            interpy2 = lambda d: (y2-y1)*d/dist2d + y1
            return (x1, y1), (x2, y2), dist3d, interpx2, interpy2
Esempio n. 2
 def display_measurement(self, stuff):
     pt1, pt2, dist, fx, fy = stuff
     dist2d = distance(pt1, pt2)
     txt_x = int(fx(dist2d+20))
     txt_y = int(fy(dist2d+20)), pt1, 2, rgbhex2bgr(0xf7ff1e), 
             thickness=2), pt2, 2, rgbhex2bgr(0xf7ff1e), 
         ("%.2f in" % mm_to_in(dist)), (txt_x, txt_y),
         cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, rgbhex2bgr(0xf7ff1e))