Esempio n. 1
    def getInputs(self):
            Get input metadata. Result format is the same as for
            :py:meth:`getOutputs` method, but the general case is
            that there is only one input named 'audio' and the sole
            relevant metadata are:

            :sampleRate: expected audio sampleRate
            :parameters: attached parameters

            Others fields should be set to 1.
        res = {}
        iList = yc.engine_getInputList(self.ptr)
        for inputname in iterPtrList(iList):
            ptr = yc.engine_getInputInfos(self.ptr, to_char(inputname))
            infos = {}
            if ptr:
                infos['sampleRate'] = ptr.contents.sampleRate
                infos['sampleStep'] = ptr.contents.sampleStep
                infos['frameLength'] = ptr.contents.frameLength
                infos['size'] = ptr.contents.size
                infos['parameters'] = dict(
                    (to_str(k), to_str(v))
                    for k, v in iterPtrDict(ptr.contents.parameters))
            res[to_str(inputname)] = infos
        return res
Esempio n. 2
def getComponentParameters(name):
    ptr = yaafecore.getComponentParameters(to_char(name))
    res = [(to_str(p.contents.identifier),
            to_str(p.contents.description)) for p in iterPtrList(ptr)]
    return res
Esempio n. 3
    def getOutputs(self):
            Get output metadata. For each output feature, you get the following

            :sampleRate: audio analysis samplerate
            :sampleStep: Number of audio samples between consecutive feature
            :frameLength: Analysis frame size in number of audio samples
            :size: size the feature (or number of coefficients)
            :parameters: attached parameters.
        res = {}
        oList = yc.engine_getOutputList(self.ptr)
        for outputname in iterPtrList(oList):
            ptr = yc.engine_getOutputInfos(self.ptr, to_char(outputname))
            infos = {}
            if ptr:
                infos['sampleRate'] = ptr.contents.sampleRate
                infos['sampleStep'] = ptr.contents.sampleStep
                infos['frameLength'] = ptr.contents.frameLength
                infos['size'] = ptr.contents.size
                infos['parameters'] = dict(
                    (to_str(k), to_str(v))
                    for k, v in iterPtrDict(ptr.contents.parameters))
            res[to_str(outputname)] = infos
        return res
Esempio n. 4
    def dumpdot(self, filename):
            write a got graph corresponding to the DataFlow

            :param filename: file to write
            :type filename: string
        yc.dataflow_dumpdot(self.ptr, to_char(filename))
Esempio n. 5
    def dumpdot(self, filename):
            write a got graph corresponding to the DataFlow

            :param filename: file to write
            :type filename: string
        yc.dataflow_dumpdot(self.ptr, to_char(filename))
Esempio n. 6
    def save(self, filename):
            write DataFlow into a :ref:`dataflow file <dataflow-file>`.

            :param filename: file to write
            :type filename: string
        yc.dataflow_save(self.ptr, to_char(filename))
Esempio n. 7
    def save(self, filename):
            write DataFlow into a :ref:`dataflow file <dataflow-file>`.

            :param filename: file to write
            :type filename: string
        yc.dataflow_save(self.ptr, to_char(filename))
Esempio n. 8
    def readOutput(self, name):
            Read a specific output, and returns values as a numpy.array

            :param name: output name to read
            :type name: string
            :rtype: numpy.array
        import numpy as np
        size = c_int(0)
        tokens = c_int(0)
        yc.engine_output_available(self.ptr, to_char(name), pointer(size),
        if tokens == 0:
            return None
        data = np.zeros((tokens.value, size.value))
        yc.engine_output_read(self.ptr, to_char(name), data, data.shape[1],
        return data
Esempio n. 9
    def load(self, filename):
            Build DataFlow from a :ref:`dataflow file <dataflow-file>`.

            :param filename: dataflow file name.
            :type filename: string
            :return: True on success, False on fail.
        if yc.dataflow_load(self.ptr, to_char(filename)):
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 10
    def load(self, filename):
            Build DataFlow from a :ref:`dataflow file <dataflow-file>`.

            :param filename: dataflow file name.
            :type filename: string
            :return: True on success, False on fail.
        if yc.dataflow_load(self.ptr, to_char(filename)):
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 11
    def loads(self, buf):
            Build DataFlow from buf read from a :ref:`dataflow file

            :param buf: buffer read from a dataflow file
            :type buf: string
            :return: True on success, False on fail.
        if yc.dataflow_loads(self.ptr, to_char(buf)):
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 12
    def loads(self, buf):
            Build DataFlow from buf read from a :ref:`dataflow file

            :param buf: buffer read from a dataflow file
            :type buf: string
            :return: True on success, False on fail.
        if yc.dataflow_loads(self.ptr, to_char(buf)):
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 13
    def setOutputFormat(self, format, outDir, params):
            Set output format.

            :param format: format to set
            :type format: string
            :param outDir: base output directory for output files
            :type outDir: string
            :param params: format parameters
            :type params: dict
            :return: True if ok, False if format does not exists.
        if not AudioFileProcessor._YAAFE_IO_LOADED:
            AudioFileProcessor._YAAFE_IO_LOADED = (
                loadComponentLibrary('yaafe-io') == 0)

        tmp = ((c_char_p*2)*(len(params)+1))()
        tmp[:-1] = [(c_char_p*2)(c_char_p(to_char(k)), c_char_p(to_char(v)))
                    for k, v in iteritems(params)]
        if yc.audiofileprocessor_setOutputFormat(self.ptr, to_char(format),
                                                 to_char(outDir), tmp):
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 14
    def setOutputFormat(self, format, outDir, params):
            Set output format.

            :param format: format to set
            :type format: string
            :param outDir: base output directory for output files
            :type outDir: string
            :param params: format parameters
            :type params: dict
            :return: True if ok, False if format does not exists.
        if not AudioFileProcessor._YAAFE_IO_LOADED:
            AudioFileProcessor._YAAFE_IO_LOADED = (
                loadComponentLibrary('yaafe-io') == 0)

        tmp = ((c_char_p * 2) * (len(params) + 1))()
        tmp[:-1] = [(c_char_p * 2)(c_char_p(to_char(k)), c_char_p(to_char(v)))
                    for k, v in iteritems(params)]
        if yc.audiofileprocessor_setOutputFormat(self.ptr, to_char(format),
                                                 to_char(outDir), tmp):
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 15
def readH5FeatureDescriptions(filename):
    out = yaafecore.readH5FeatureDescriptions(to_char(filename))
    res = {}
    if out:
        for featDesc in iterPtrList(out):
            resFeat = {}
            resFeat['dim'] = featDesc.contents.dim
            resFeat['nbframes'] = featDesc.contents.nbframes
            resFeat['sampleRate'] = featDesc.contents.sampleRate
            resFeat['blockSize'] = featDesc.contents.blockSize
            resFeat['stepSize'] = featDesc.contents.stepSize
            resFeat['attrs'] = dict((k, v) for k, v
                                    in iterPtrDict(featDesc.contents.attrs))
            res[] = resFeat
    return res
Esempio n. 16
    def writeInput(self, name, data):
            Write data on an input.

            :param name: input on which to write
            :type name: string
            :param data: data to write.
            :type data: numpy array

        size = 1
        toks = len(data)
        if (len(data.shape) == 2):
            size = data.shape[0]
            toks = data.shape[1]
        elif (len(data.shape) > 2):
            print('ERROR: data must be a 1-d or 2-d array !')
        yc.engine_input_write(self.ptr, to_char(name), data, size, toks)
Esempio n. 17
    def processFile(self, engine, filename):
            Extract features from the given file using the given engine.

            If an output format has been set, then output files will be
            written, else output feature data can be read using engine's
            :py:meth:`Engine.readOutput` or
            :py:meth:`Engine.readAllOutputs` methods.

            :param engine: engine to use for feature extraction.
                           It must already have been configured.
            :type engine: :py:class:`Engine`
            :param filename: audio file to process
            :type filename: string
            :return: 0 on success, negative value on fail
        if not AudioFileProcessor._YAAFE_IO_LOADED:
            AudioFileProcessor._YAAFE_IO_LOADED = (
                loadComponentLibrary('yaafe-io') == 0)
        return yc.audiofileprocessor_processFile(self.ptr, engine.ptr,
Esempio n. 18
    def processFile(self, engine, filename):
            Extract features from the given file using the given engine.

            If an output format has been set, then output files will be
            written, else output feature data can be read using engine's
            :py:meth:`Engine.readOutput` or
            :py:meth:`Engine.readAllOutputs` methods.

            :param engine: engine to use for feature extraction.
                           It must already have been configured.
            :type engine: :py:class:`Engine`
            :param filename: audio file to process
            :type filename: string
            :return: 0 on success, negative value on fail
        if not AudioFileProcessor._YAAFE_IO_LOADED:
            AudioFileProcessor._YAAFE_IO_LOADED = (
                loadComponentLibrary('yaafe-io') == 0)
        return yc.audiofileprocessor_processFile(self.ptr, engine.ptr,
Esempio n. 19
def getOutputFormatParameters(name):
    ptr = yaafecore.getOutputFormatParameters(to_char(name))
    res = [(p.contents.identifier, p.contents.defaultValue,
            p.contents.description) for p in iterPtrList(ptr)]
    return res
Esempio n. 20
 def createNode(self, componentId, params):
     tmp = ((c_char_p * 2) * (len(params) + 1))()
     tmp[:-1] = [(c_char_p * 2)(c_char_p(to_char(k)), c_char_p(to_char(v)))
                 for k, v in iteritems(params)]
     return DataFlowNode(
         yc.dataflow_createNode(self.ptr, to_char(componentId), tmp))
Esempio n. 21
def getOutputFormatDescription(name):
    ptr = yaafecore.getOutputFormatDescription(to_char(name))
    res = cast(ptr, c_char_p).value
    return res
Esempio n. 22
def isComponentAvailable(name):
    return True if yaafecore.isComponentAvailable(to_char(name)) else False
Esempio n. 23
def loadComponentLibrary(name):
    return yaafecore.loadComponentLibrary(to_char(name))
Esempio n. 24
 def createNode(self, componentId, params):
     tmp = ((c_char_p*2)*(len(params)+1))()
     tmp[:-1] = [(c_char_p*2)(c_char_p(to_char(k)), c_char_p(to_char(v)))
                 for k, v in iteritems(params)]
     return DataFlowNode(yc.dataflow_createNode(self.ptr,
                                                to_char(componentId), tmp))
Esempio n. 25
 def getNode(self, name):
     ptr = yc.dataflow_getNode(self.ptr, to_char(name))
     return DataFlowNode(ptr) if ptr else None
Esempio n. 26
 def link(self, sourceNode, sourcePort, targetNode, targetPort):
     yc.dataflow_link(self.ptr, sourceNode.ptr, to_char(sourcePort),
                      targetNode.ptr, to_char(targetPort))
Esempio n. 27
 def useComponentLibrary(self, libname):
     yc.dataflow_useComponentLibrary(self.ptr, to_char(libname))
Esempio n. 28
 def link(self, sourceNode, sourcePort, targetNode, targetPort):
     yc.dataflow_link(self.ptr, sourceNode.ptr, to_char(sourcePort),
                      targetNode.ptr, to_char(targetPort))
Esempio n. 29
 def getNode(self, name):
     ptr = yc.dataflow_getNode(self.ptr, to_char(name))
     return DataFlowNode(ptr) if ptr else None
Esempio n. 30
 def useComponentLibrary(self, libname):
     yc.dataflow_useComponentLibrary(self.ptr, to_char(libname))
Esempio n. 31
 def setNodeName(self, node, name):
     yc.dataflow_setNodeName(self.ptr, node.ptr, to_char(name))
Esempio n. 32
 def setNodeName(self, node, name):
     yc.dataflow_setNodeName(self.ptr, node.ptr, to_char(name))