Esempio n. 1
def get_sample_experiment():
    from hyperopt.pyll.stochastic import sample
    from pylearn2.config import yaml_parse
    from os.path import join
    import sys
    from hyperopt_api.parser import build
    from yaml_parser import yaml_parser as yp
    from hyperopt_api.search_space import get_search_space
    import configuration.model as config
    from utils.common import get_timestamp

    # prepare all variables that don't need to be updated with each iteration
    spa = get_search_space()    # define search space over possible models

    path = config.data_path

    # obtain the yaml skelton
    with open(config.yaml_skelton_path) as f:
        default_string =

    samp = sample(spa)  # generate sample (will give a description of a model)
    mod = build(samp)   # based on description generated build an object that will fit into yaml_paser

    # define weight decay parameters. They depend on the number of layers (there is one parameter fo each layer)
    weight_decay_coeffs = yp.parse_weight_decay(mod)

    # generate a filename to store the best model
    pkl_filename = join(config.path_for_storing, get_timestamp() + "_best.pkl")

    # create dictionary with hyper parameters
    hyper_params = {'model': yp.parse_to_yaml(mod), 'path': yp.parse_to_yaml(path),
                    'weight_decay_coeffs': weight_decay_coeffs, 'pkl_filename': pkl_filename}
    # fill the yaml skelton with hyperparameters
    yaml_string = default_string % hyper_params

    network = yaml_parse.load(yaml_string)

    return network
Esempio n. 2
    def run(k, model_dictionary, data_yaml_scheme_path, dataset_files, seed=1337):
        print "CV_ENTER"
        # obtain the yaml skelton
        assert k >= 3  # we need to have at least 3 sets: train, validation, test

        with open(config.yaml_skelton_path) as f:
            default_string =

        with open(data_yaml_scheme_path) as f:
            data_yaml_scheme =

        list_of_scores = []
        for i in xrange(k):
            current_time = get_timestamp()

            # calculate which parts to choose
            validation_part = [i]
            test_part = [0]
            if i < k - 1:
                test_part = [i + 1]
            train_parts = [x for x in xrange(k) if x not in validation_part and x not in test_part]

            train_data_string = data_yaml_scheme % {
                "path": dataset_files["labeled_paths"],
                "y_val": dataset_files["labeled_values"],
                "cv": [k, train_parts],
                "seed": seed,
                "middle_path": dataset_files["middle_paths"],
                "middle_val": dataset_files["middle_values"],

            # we don't want any unlabelled examples in validation nor test data
            validation_data_string = data_yaml_scheme % {
                "path": dataset_files["labeled_paths"],
                "y_val": dataset_files["labeled_values"],
                "cv": [k, validation_part],
                "seed": seed,
                "middle_path": [],
                "middle_val": [],

            test_data_string = data_yaml_scheme % {
                "path": dataset_files["labeled_paths"],
                "y_val": dataset_files["labeled_values"],
                "cv": [k, test_part],
                "seed": seed,
                "middle_path": [],
                "middle_val": [],

            mod = build(model_dictionary)  # based on description generated build an object that will fit into
            # yaml_parser
            print t.bold_cyan("SAMP"), model_dictionary
            print t.bold_blue("MODEL"), mod

            # define weight decay parameters. They depend on the number of layers (there is one parameter fo each layer)
            weight_decay_coeffs = yp.parse_weight_decay(mod)

            # generate a filename to store the best model
            pkl_filename = join(config.path_for_storing, current_time + "_best.pkl")

            # create dictionary with hyper parameters
            hyper_params = {
                "model": yp.parse_to_yaml(mod),
                "train_data": train_data_string,
                "validation_data": validation_data_string,
                "weight_decay_coeffs": weight_decay_coeffs,
                "pkl_filename": pkl_filename,
            yaml_string = default_string % hyper_params

            network = None
            # misclass_error = 1
            # f1_score_error = 1
            roc_score = 0

                # create the model based on a yaml
                network = yaml_parse.load(yaml_string)
                print t.bold_magenta("NETWORK"), type(network)
                # train the model

            except BaseException:  # TODO: this exception is to broad
                # if exception was thrown save yaml of a model that generated that exception
                with open(current_time + ".yaml", "w") as YAML_FILE:
                # write down errors description to a file
                with open(current_time + ".error", "w") as ERROR_FILE:

                if network is not None:
                        from numpy import argmax

                        # run predictions to obtain score for this model
                        test_data = yaml_parse.load(test_data_string)
                        best_model = serial.load("best_model_roc_youden.model")

                        roc_score_, threshold = roc_score_threshold_getter(network)

                        predictor = Predictor(best_model)
                        predictions = predictor.get_predictions(test_data.X)

                        fp = 0
                        fn = 0
                        tp = 0
                        tn = 0

                        for tr, pre in zip(test_data.y, predictions):
                            if pre[0][1] > threshold:
                                if tr[0] == 1:
                                    tp += 1
                                    fp += 1
                                if tr[0] == 0:
                                    tn += 1
                                    fn += 1
                        roc_score = (float(tp) / (float(tp) + fn)) - (float(fp) / (float(fp) + tn))
                        list_of_scores.append(1 - roc_score)  # we want to maximise this score, hyperopt minimises

                        print t.bold_red("_ROC: Best roc score for this model: " + str(roc_score))
                        print t.bold_red("_ROC: Obtained for threshold: " + str(threshold))
                        precision = float(tp) / (tp + fp)
                        recall = float(tp) / (tp + fn)
                        f1score = 0
                        if precision + recall != 0:
                            f1score = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
                        print "precision:", precision
                        print "recall:", recall
                        print "f1score", f1score

                    except BaseException:  # TODO: this exception is to broad
                        with open(current_time + "_ROC_error", "w") as ERROR_FILE:

                # print t.bold_red("M_01: misclass_error for this model: "+str(misclass_error))
                # return misclass_error
                print t.bold_red("M_02: roc score error for this model: " + str(roc_score))
                # list_of_scores.append(f1_score_error)
        m = mean(list_of_scores)
        print "CV_MEAN mean(1-ROC) on this architecture:", m
        return m
Esempio n. 3
    print t.bold_red('ITERATION:'), t.bold_red(str(i)), "started at: ", timestamp

    samp = sample(spa)  # generate sample (will give a description of a model)
    print t.bold_cyan('SAMP'), samp

    mod = build(samp)   # based on description generated build an object that will fit into yaml_parser
    print t.bold_blue('MODEL'), mod

    # define weight decay parameters. They depend on the number of layers (there is one parameter fo each layer)
    weight_decay_coeffs = yp.parse_weight_decay(mod)

    # generate a filename to store the best model
    pkl_filename = join(config.path_for_storing, timestamp+"best_"+str(i)+'_'+".pkl")

    # create dictionary with hyper parameters
    hyper_params = {'model': yp.parse_to_yaml(mod), 'path': yp.parse_to_yaml(path),
                    'weight_decay_coeffs': weight_decay_coeffs, 'pkl_filename': pkl_filename}

    # fill the yaml skelton with hyperparameters
    yaml_string = default_string % hyper_params

    # saving the yaml for later analysis
    yaml_path = join(config.path_for_storing, timestamp+'generated_'+str(i)+'.yaml')
    with open(yaml_path, 'w') as g:

        # create the model based on a yaml
        network = yaml_parse.load(yaml_string)
        print t.bold_magenta('NETWORK'), type(network)