Esempio n. 1
def test_fix_code_doesnt_double_the_header() -> None:
    """If source starts with --- don't add another line."""
    source = dedent("""\
        program: yamlfix""")

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == source
Esempio n. 2
def test_fix_code_preserves_comments() -> None:
    """Don't delete comments in the code."""
    source = dedent("""\
        # Keep comments!
        program: yamlfix""")

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == source
Esempio n. 3
def test_fix_code_respects_parent_lists() -> None:
    """Do not indent lists at the first level."""
    source = dedent("""\
        - item1
        - item2""")

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == source
Esempio n. 4
def test_fix_code_adds_header() -> None:
    """Adds the --- at the beginning of the source."""
    source = "program: yamlfix"
    fixed_source = dedent("""\
        program: yamlfix""")

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == fixed_source
Esempio n. 5
def test_fix_code_respects_parent_lists_with_comments() -> None:
    """Do not indent lists at the first level even if there is a comment."""
    source = dedent("""\
        # Comment
        - item1
        - item2""")

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == source
Esempio n. 6
def test_fix_code_respects_url_anchors() -> None:
    """Comments that contain a url with an anchor should be respected."""
    source = dedent(
        foo: bar"""

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == source
Esempio n. 7
def test_fix_code_preserves_indented_comments() -> None:
    """Don't remove indentation from comments in the code."""
    source = dedent(
        - program:
          # Keep comments!"""

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == source
Esempio n. 8
def test_fix_code_removes_extra_apostrophes() -> None:
    """Remove not needed apostrophes."""
    source = dedent("""\
        title: 'Why we sleep'""")
    fixed_source = dedent("""\
        title: Why we sleep""")

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == fixed_source
Esempio n. 9
def test_fix_code_doesnt_change_double_exclamation_marks() -> None:
    """Lines with starting double exclamation marks should be respected, otherwise
    some programs like mkdocs-mermaidjs fail.
    source = dedent(
        format: !!python/name:mermaid2.fence_mermaid"""

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == source
Esempio n. 10
def test_fix_code_respects_apostrophes_for_truthy_substitutions(
    truthy_string: str, ) -> None:
    """Keep apostrophes for strings like `yes` or `true`.

    So they are not converted to booleans.
    source = dedent(f"""\
        title: '{truthy_string}'""")

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == source
Esempio n. 11
def test_fix_code_corrects_indentation_on_lists() -> None:
    """Use two spaces for indentation of lists."""
    source = dedent("""\
        - item1
        - item2""")
    fixed_source = dedent("""\
          - item1
          - item2""")

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == fixed_source
Esempio n. 12
def test_fix_code_add_extra_space_inline_comment() -> None:
    """Fix inline comments that don't have two spaces before
    the #.
    source = dedent(
        project: yamlfix # This is a comment"""
    fixed_source = dedent(
        project: yamlfix  # This is a comment"""

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == fixed_source
Esempio n. 13
def test_fix_code_add_space_inline_comment() -> None:
    """Fix inline comments that don't have a space between
    the # and the first character.
    source = dedent(
        project: yamlfix  #This is a comment"""
    fixed_source = dedent(
        project: yamlfix  # This is a comment"""

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == fixed_source
Esempio n. 14
def test_fix_code_not_add_extra_space_in_comment() -> None:
    """Respects comments that already have a space between
    the # and the first character.
    source = dedent(
        # This is a comment
        project: yamlfix"""
    fixed_source = dedent(
        # This is a comment
        project: yamlfix"""

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == fixed_source
Esempio n. 15
def test_fix_code_converts_non_valid_false_booleans(false_string: str) -> None:
    """Convert common strings that refer to false, but aren't the string `false`.

    source = dedent(f"""\
        False dictionary: {false_string}
        False list:
          - {false_string}""")
    fixed_source = dedent("""\
        False dictionary: false
        False list:
          - false""")

    result = fix_code(source)

    assert result == fixed_source