def run_cycles(self, xds_files): self.removed_files = [] self.removed_reason = {} print >> self.out, "********************* START FUNCTION ***********************" # Remove unconnected files here. remove_idxes = find_unconnected_xds_files(xds_files, min_ios=3, d_min=self.d_min) print >> self.out, "DEBUG:: Need to remove unconnected %d files" % len(remove_idxes) for i in sorted(remove_idxes): print >> self.out, " %.3d %s" % (i + 1, xds_files[i]) self.removed_files.append(xds_files[i]) self.removed_reason[xds_files[i]] = "no_common_refls" keep_idxes = filter(lambda x: x not in remove_idxes, xrange(len(xds_files))) self.run_cycle(map(lambda i: xds_files[i], keep_idxes)) # Final cycle; average cells and merge again. used_files = set(xds_files).difference(set(self.removed_files)) sg, cell = self.average_cells(used_files) print >> self.out, "Final scaling with averaged cell." print >> self.out, "Averaged cell= %s" % (cell) # call mtzutils to change cell! mtz_finalcell = "pointless_finalcell.mtz" cmd="mtzutils hklin %s hklout %s" % (os.path.relpath(self.mtzin, self.workdir), mtz_finalcell), wdir=self.workdir, expects_in=[os.path.relpath(self.mtzin, self.workdir)], expects_out=[mtz_finalcell], stdin="cell %s\nend\n" % cell, stdout=open(os.path.join(self.workdir, "mtzutils.log"), "w"), ) inp_str = "" for i, f in enumerate(used_files): brange = self.batch_info[f] inp_str += "RUN %3d BATCH %4d to %4d\n" % (i + 1, brange[0], brange[1]) aimless.run_aimless( mtzin=mtz_finalcell, wdir=self.workdir, anomalous=self.anomalous_flag, d_min=self.d_min, prefix="aimless", add_stdin=inp_str, ) ctruncate_arg = "-hklin aimless.mtz -hklout ctruncate.mtz -colin '/*/*/[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN]'" if self.anomalous_flag: ctruncate_arg += " -colano '/*/*/[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)]'" cmd="ctruncate %s" % ctruncate_arg, wdir=self.workdir, expects_in=["aimless.mtz"], expects_out=["ctruncate.mtz"], stdout=open(os.path.join(self.workdir, "ctruncate.log"), "w"), ) return self.removed_files, self.removed_reason
def run_blend(wdir, xds_ascii_files, logout="blend_a.log"): ofs_lst = open(os.path.join(wdir, "files.lst"), "w") map(lambda x: ofs_lst.write(os.path.relpath(x, wdir)+"\n"), xds_ascii_files) ofs_lst.close(), "-aDO files.lst", stdin="tolerance 10\n", wdir=wdir, stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, logout), "w"))
def run(search_dir, pf_logfiles=None): for img_template, min_frame, max_frame in dataset.find_data_sets(search_dir,skip_symlinks=False): print "Dataset found:" print " NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES= %s" % img_template print " DATA_RNAGE= %d %d" % (min_frame, max_frame) pdir, ppath = os.path.split(img_template) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pdir, "xds")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(pdir, "xds")) else: assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pdir, "xds")) prefix = ppath[:ppath.index("?")] if not prefix.endswith("_"): prefix += "_" if pf_logfiles is None: wdir = os.path.join(pdir, "xds", "xds_%s%d-%d" % (prefix, min_frame, max_frame)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP")): print " Already exist:", os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP") continue os.mkdir(wdir) cmd = 'generate_XDS.INP "%s"' % os.path.relpath(img_template, wdir) print " launching", cmd call(cmd=cmd, wdir=wdir) else: for minf, maxf in split_runs_based_on_pf_logfiles(pf_logfiles): if maxf < min_frame or max_frame < minf: continue if minf < min_frame: minf = min_frame if maxf > max_frame: maxf = max_frame wdir = os.path.join(pdir, "xds", "xds_%s%d-%d" % (prefix, minf, maxf)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP")): print "Already exist:", os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP")) continue os.mkdir(wdir) cmd = 'generate_XDS.INP "%s"' % os.path.relpath(img_template, wdir) print " launching", cmd call(cmd=cmd, wdir=wdir) # XXX dirty hacks.. inp = open(os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP")).readlines() ofs = open(os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP"), "w") for l in inp: if l.startswith("DATA_RANGE="): l = "DATA_RANGE= %d %d\n" % (minf, maxf) if l.startswith("SPOT_RANGE="): l = "SPOT_RANGE= %d %d\n" % (minf, (maxf-minf)/2+minf) ofs.write(l) ofs.close() print
def run_blend0R(wdir, xds_ascii_files, logout="blend0.log"): ofs_cell = open(os.path.join(wdir, "forR_macropar.dat"), "w") ofs_lst = open(os.path.join(wdir, "xds_lookup_table.txt"), "w") ofs_files = open(os.path.join(wdir, "NEW_list_of_files.dat"), "w") # Just to avoid error for i, xac in enumerate(xds_ascii_files): try: symm = xds_ascii.XDS_ASCII(xac, read_data=False).symm except: symm = any_reflection_file(xac).as_miller_arrays()[0].crystal_symmetry() cell = " ".join(map(lambda x: "%7.3f"%x, symm.unit_cell().parameters())) sgnum = int(symm.space_group().type().number()) ofs_lst.write("dataset_%.3d %s\n" % (i, xac)) ofs_cell.write("%4d %s 0 0 0 \"%s\"\n" % (i+1, cell, sg_to_cent[sgnum])) ofs_files.write("%s\n"%xac) ofs_lst.close() ofs_cell.close() ofs_files.close() shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(wdir, "forR_macropar.dat"), os.path.join(wdir, "forR_macropar.dat.bak")) pathblend = "modules/yamtbx/blend/R/blend0.R" useNC = os.getenv("BLEND_USE_NCDIST","no") useSF = os.getenv("BLEND_USE_SFDIST","no") if useNC != "no": pathblend = "modules/yamtbx/blend/R/blend0NC.R" if useSF != "no": pathblend = "modules/yamtbx/blend/R/blend0SF.R""Rscript", os.path.join(os.environ["PHENIX"], pathblend), wdir=wdir, stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, logout), "w")) open(os.path.join(wdir, "hctojson.R"), "w").write("""\ # reference: library(rjson) HCtoJSON<-function(hc){ labels<-hc$labels merge<-data.frame(hc$merge) for (i in (1:nrow(merge))) { if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]),list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node", merge[i,1], ", list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]), node", merge[i,2],"))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node",merge[i,1] , ", node" , merge[i,2]," ))")))} } eval(parse(text=paste0("JSON<-toJSON(node",nrow(merge), ")"))) return(JSON) } load("BLEND0.RData",.GlobalEnv) JSON<-HCtoJSON(npar.hc_ward) cat(JSON, file="dendro.json") """)"Rscript", "hctojson.R", wdir=wdir, stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, logout), "a"))
def run_xscale(xscale_inp): ftable = {} outfile = None count = 0 wdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(xscale_inp)) os.rename(xscale_inp, xscale_inp+".org") ofs = open(xscale_inp, "w") # Check line length and make symlink if needed for l in open(xscale_inp+".org"): ll = l[:l.index("!")] if "!" in l else l if "OUTPUT_FILE=" in ll: outfile = ll[ll.index("=")+1:].strip() if "INPUT_FILE=" in ll and len(l) > 132: # one line is limited to 131 characters! filename = ll[ll.index("=")+1:].strip() if "*" in filename: filename = filename[filename.index("*")+1:].strip() assert " " not in filename lnkf = "lnk%.6d.hkl" % count assert not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, lnkf)) filename_abs = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(wdir, filename)) if not os.path.isabs(filename) else filename os.symlink(filename_abs, os.path.join(wdir, lnkf)) print "xscale: %s -> %s" % (lnkf, filename) count += 1 ftable[lnkf] = filename l = l.replace(filename, lnkf) ofs.write(l) ofs.close() assert outfile is not None if len(ftable) == 0: os.rename(xscale_inp+".org", xscale_inp) # Run xscale, wdir=wdir) # Replace file names if needed if len(ftable) > 0: for f in "XSCALE.LP", outfile: f = os.path.join(wdir, f) if not os.path.isfile(f): continue os.rename(f, f+".org") ofs = open(f, "w") for l in open(f+".org"): for lfn in ftable: l = l.replace(lfn, ftable[lfn]) ofs.write(l) ofs.close() for lfn in ftable: os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, lfn)) os.rename(xscale_inp+".org", xscale_inp)
def work(rootdir, xdsinp, orgxy): workdir = os.path.join(rootdir, "bs_x%+.1f_y%+.1f" % orgxy) inpdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(xdsinp)) print workdir os.makedirs(workdir) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(inpdir, "SPOT.XDS"), os.path.join(workdir, "SPOT.XDS")) shutil.copyfile(xdsinp, os.path.join(workdir, "XDS.INP")) modify_xdsinp(os.path.join(workdir, "XDS.INP"), inp_params=[("JOB", "IDXREF"), ("ORGX", orgxy[0]), ("ORGY", orgxy[1]), ]) call("xds", wdir=workdir)
def run_blend0R(wdir, xds_ascii_files, logout="blend0.log"): ofs_cell = open(os.path.join(wdir, "forR_macropar.dat"), "w") ofs_lst = open(os.path.join(wdir, "xds_lookup_table.txt"), "w") ofs_files = open(os.path.join(wdir, "NEW_list_of_files.dat"), "w") # Just to avoid error for i, xac in enumerate(xds_ascii_files): symm = xds_ascii.XDS_ASCII(xac, read_data=False).symm cell = " ".join( map(lambda x: "%7.3f" % x, symm.unit_cell().parameters())) ofs_lst.write("dataset_%.3d %s\n" % (i, xac)) ofs_cell.write("%4d %s 0 0 0\n" % (i + 1, cell)) ofs_files.write("%s\n" % xac) ofs_lst.close() ofs_cell.close() ofs_files.close() shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(wdir, "forR_macropar.dat"), os.path.join(wdir, "forR_macropar.dat.bak"))"Rscript", os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "share/blend/R/blend0.R"), wdir=wdir, stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, logout), "w")) open(os.path.join(wdir, "hctojson.R"), "w").write("""\ # reference: library(rjson) HCtoJSON<-function(hc){ labels<-hc$labels merge<-data.frame(hc$merge) for (i in (1:nrow(merge))) { if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]),list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node", merge[i,1], ", list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]), node", merge[i,2],"))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node",merge[i,1] , ", node" , merge[i,2]," ))")))} } eval(parse(text=paste0("JSON<-toJSON(node",nrow(merge), ")"))) return(JSON) } load("BLEND0.RData",.GlobalEnv) JSON<-HCtoJSON(npar.hc_ward) cat(JSON, file="dendro.json") """)"Rscript", "hctojson.R", wdir=wdir, stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, logout), "a"))
def run_xtriage_in_module_if_possible(args, wdir): try: from mmtbx.scaling import xtriage cwd_org = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(wdir), command_name="mmtbx.xtriage") except: print traceback.format_exc() finally: os.chdir(cwd_org) except ImportError: call("phenix.xtriage", arg=" ".join(args), stdin=None, stdout=sys.stdout, wdir=wdir)
def tst_h5toxds(): print "Testing H5ToXds.." rcode, out, err ="H5ToXds") ignore_msg = "(You can ignore this if you don't process hdf5 files which usually mean Eiger data)" if rcode == 127: # 127 is "command not found". print " Not installed. NG %s" % ignore_msg return False import numpy from yamtbx.dataproc.eiger import make_dummy_h5_for_test from yamtbx.dataproc import cbf tmpdir = util.get_temp_local_dir("h5test") data = numpy.random.randint(0, 65535, size=100).astype(numpy.uint32).reshape( (1, 10, 10)) master_h5 = make_dummy_h5_for_test(tmpdir, data) rcode, out, err ="H5ToXds", "%s 1 1.cbf" % os.path.basename(master_h5), wdir=tmpdir) cbfout = os.path.join(tmpdir, "1.cbf") if not os.path.isfile(cbfout): print " H5ToXds exists, but not works. Probably Dectris original H5ToXds? Test it with real h5 file. %s" % ignore_msg if out.strip(): print " -- stdout:" print out if err.strip(): print " -- stderr:" print err shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return False data_read, _, _ = cbf.load_minicbf_as_numpy(cbfout) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) if numpy.all(data_read.flatten() == data.flatten()): print " OK" return True else: print " H5ToXds exists, but not correctly works. Probably Dectris original H5ToXds? Test it with real h5 file. %s" % ignore_msg if out.strip(): print " -- stdout:" print out if err.strip(): print " -- stderr:" print err return False
def work(rootdir, xdsinp, orgxy): workdir = os.path.join(rootdir, "bs_x%+.1f_y%+.1f" % orgxy) inpdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(xdsinp)) print workdir os.makedirs(workdir) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(inpdir, "SPOT.XDS"), os.path.join(workdir, "SPOT.XDS")) shutil.copyfile(xdsinp, os.path.join(workdir, "XDS.INP")) modify_xdsinp(os.path.join(workdir, "XDS.INP"), inp_params=[ ("JOB", "IDXREF"), ("ORGX", orgxy[0]), ("ORGY", orgxy[1]), ]) call("xds", wdir=workdir)
def tst_R(): print "Testing R.." rcode, out, err ="Rscript", '-e "print(cos(pi))"') if rcode != 0 or out.strip() != '[1] -1': print " Rscript is not avaiable. NG" return False rcode, out, err ="Rscript", '-e "library(rjson)"') if rcode != 0: print " rjson is not installed. NG" return False print " OK" return True
def run_aimless(prefix, wdir): script_body = """\ pref=%s mtzin=../${pref}_forscale.mtz scaled=${pref}_aimless.mtz truncated=${pref}_aimless_truncate.mtz #lowres=$2 #highres=$3 aimless \ HKLIN $mtzin \ HKLOUT $scaled \ SCALES ${pref}.scala \ ROGUES ${pref}_scala_rogues.log \ NORMPLOT ${pref}_scala_normplot.xmgr \ ANOMPLOT ${pref}_scala_anomplot.xmgr \ PLOT ${pref}_scala_surface_plot.plt \ CORRELPLOT ${pref}_scala_correlplot.xmgr \ ROGUEPLOT ${pref}_scala_rogueplot.xmgr \ <<eoi !resolution low $lowres high $highres !exclude batch ** to ** bins 20 !run 1 batch 1 to 750 !scales rotation spacing 5.000000 bfactor on tails !cycles 5 """ % (prefix) if anomalous: script_body += """\ anomalous on eoi ctruncate -hklin $scaled -hklout $truncated -colin "/*/*/[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN]" -colano "/*/*/[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)]" """ else: script_body += """\ anomalous off eoi ctruncate -hklin $scaled -hklout $truncated -colin "/*/*/[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN]" """ open(os.path.join(wdir, ""),"w").write(script_body) call("sh", stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, "aimless_truncate.log"), "w"), wdir=wdir)
def run_aimless(prefix, wdir): script_body = """\ pref=%s mtzin=../${pref}_forscale.mtz scaled=${pref}_aimless.mtz truncated=${pref}_aimless_truncate.mtz #lowres=$2 #highres=$3 aimless \ HKLIN $mtzin \ HKLOUT $scaled \ SCALES ${pref}.scala \ ROGUES ${pref}_scala_rogues.log \ NORMPLOT ${pref}_scala_normplot.xmgr \ ANOMPLOT ${pref}_scala_anomplot.xmgr \ PLOT ${pref}_scala_surface_plot.plt \ CORRELPLOT ${pref}_scala_correlplot.xmgr \ ROGUEPLOT ${pref}_scala_rogueplot.xmgr \ <<eoi !resolution low $lowres high $highres !exclude batch ** to ** bins 20 !run 1 batch 1 to 750 !scales rotation spacing 5.000000 bfactor on tails !cycles 5 """ % (prefix) if anomalous: script_body += """\ anomalous on eoi ctruncate -hklin $scaled -hklout $truncated -colin "/*/*/[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN]" -colano "/*/*/[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)]" """ else: script_body += """\ anomalous off eoi ctruncate -hklin $scaled -hklout $truncated -colin "/*/*/[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN]" """ open(os.path.join(wdir, ""), "w").write(script_body) call("sh", stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, "aimless_truncate.log"), "w"), wdir=wdir)
def run(params, xac_files): if len(xac_files) == 0: print "No XDS_ASCII.HKL files provided." return xscale_inp_head = "!MINIMUM_I/SIGMA= 3\n\n" infos = {} d_max, d_min = 0, 100 cells = [] for xds_ascii in xac_files: info = get_xac_info(xds_ascii) infos[xds_ascii] = info resrng = map(float, info["resol_range"].split()) d_max = max(d_max, resrng[0]) d_min = min(d_min, resrng[1]) cells.append(map(float, info["cell"].split())) if params.d_min is not None: d_min = max(params.d_min, d_min) if params.cell == "average": cell_sum = reduce(lambda x,y: map(lambda a: a[0]+a[1], zip(x,y)), cells) cell_mean = map(lambda x: x/float(len(cells)), cell_sum) if params.sgnum is not None: sgnum = str(params.sgnum) else: sgnum = infos[xac_files[0]]["spgr_num"] xscale_inp_head += " SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER= %s\n" % sgnum xscale_inp_head += " UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS= %s\n" % " ".join(map(lambda x: "%.3f"%x, cell_mean)) #if anomalous_flag is not None: # xscale_inp_head += " FRIEDEL'S_LAW= %s\n" % ("FALSE" if anomalous_flag else "TRUE") xscale_inp_head += make_shells(d_max, d_min, params.nbins) + "\n" xscale_inp_head += " OUTPUT_FILE= %s\n\n" % params.output xscale_inp = os.path.join(params.workdir, "XSCALE.INP") inp_out = open(xscale_inp, "w") inp_out.write(xscale_inp_head) for xds_ascii in xac_files: inp_out.write(" INPUT_FILE= %s\n" % os.path.relpath(xds_ascii, params.workdir)) inp_out.write(" ! INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= %s\n\n" % infos[xds_ascii]["resol_range"]) inp_out.close(), wdir=params.workdir, stdout=sys.stdout)
def btnUnmount_click(self, ev): def df(d): ret, out, err ="df", '"%s"'%d) # XXX Linux specific? out_lines = filter(lambda x: x, map(lambda x: x.strip(), out.splitlines())) if len(out_lines) < 2: return None sp = out_lines[1].split() if not sp: return None return sp[0] ddir = self.txtDestDir.GetValue() if not ddir or not os.path.isabs(ddir) or not os.path.isdir(ddir): wx.MessageDialog(None, "Invalid directory.", "Error", style=wx.OK).ShowModal() return mounted_dev = df(ddir) if not mounted_dev: wx.MessageDialog(None, "Invalid directory.", "Error", style=wx.OK).ShowModal() return if wx.MessageDialog(None, "Unmounting %s. Are you sure?" % mounted_dev, "Confirmation", style=wx.OK|wx.CANCEL).ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return ret, out, err ="udisks", "--unmount %s" % mounted_dev) # XXX Linux specific? if out: wx.MessageDialog(None, out, "Error", style=wx.OK).ShowModal() elif mounted_dev == df(ddir): wx.MessageDialog(None, "Unmount failed.", "Error", style=wx.OK).ShowModal() else: wx.MessageDialog(None, "Successfully unmounted.", "OK", style=wx.OK).ShowModal()
def run_aimless(mtzin, wdir, anomalous=False, d_min=None, prefix=None, add_stdin=None): if prefix is None: prefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mtzin))[0] + "_aimless" args = """\ HKLIN %(mtzin)s \ HKLOUT %(prefix)s.mtz \ SCALES %(prefix)s.scala \ ROGUES %(prefix)s_rogues.log \ NORMPLOT %(prefix)s_normplot.xmgr \ ANOMPLOT %(prefix)s_anomplot.xmgr \ PLOT %(prefix)s_surface_plot.plt \ CORRELPLOT %(prefix)s_correlplot.xmgr \ ROGUEPLOT %(prefix)s_rogueplot.xmgr \ """ % dict(mtzin=mtzin, prefix=prefix) stdin = "" if d_min is not None: stdin += "resolution high %.3f\n" % d_min if anomalous: stdin += "anomalous on\n" if add_stdin is not None: stdin += add_stdin exitcode, output, err =, args, stdin=stdin, wdir=wdir) open(os.path.join(wdir, prefix+".log"), "w").write(output)
def df(d): ret, out, err ="df", '"%s"'%d) # XXX Linux specific? out_lines = filter(lambda x: x, map(lambda x: x.strip(), out.splitlines())) if len(out_lines) < 2: return None sp = out_lines[1].split() if not sp: return None return sp[0]
def run_blend0R(wdir, xds_ascii_files, logout="blend0.log"): ofs_cell = open(os.path.join(wdir, "forR_macropar.dat"), "w") ofs_lst = open(os.path.join(wdir, "xds_lookup_table.txt"), "w") ofs_files = open(os.path.join(wdir, "NEW_list_of_files.dat"), "w") # Just to avoid error for i, xac in enumerate(xds_ascii_files): symm = xds_ascii.XDS_ASCII(xac, read_data=False).symm cell = " ".join(map(lambda x: "%7.3f"%x, symm.unit_cell().parameters())) ofs_lst.write("dataset_%.3d %s\n" % (i, xac)) ofs_cell.write("%4d %s 0 0 0\n" % (i+1, cell)) ofs_files.write("%s\n"%xac) ofs_lst.close() ofs_cell.close() ofs_files.close() shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(wdir, "forR_macropar.dat"), os.path.join(wdir, "forR_macropar.dat.bak"))"Rscript", os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "share/blend/R/blend0.R"), wdir=wdir, stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, logout), "w")) open(os.path.join(wdir, "hctojson.R"), "w").write("""\ # reference: library(rjson) HCtoJSON<-function(hc){ labels<-hc$labels merge<-data.frame(hc$merge) for (i in (1:nrow(merge))) { if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]),list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node", merge[i,1], ", list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]), node", merge[i,2],"))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node",merge[i,1] , ", node" , merge[i,2]," ))")))} } eval(parse(text=paste0("JSON<-toJSON(node",nrow(merge), ")"))) return(JSON) } load("BLEND0.RData",.GlobalEnv) JSON<-HCtoJSON(npar.hc_ward) cat(JSON, file="dendro.json") """)"Rscript", "hctojson.R", wdir=wdir, stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, logout), "a"))
def calc_cchalf_by_removing(wdir, inp_head, inpfiles, with_sigma=False, stat_bin="total", nproc=1, nproc_each=None, batchjobs=None): assert not with_sigma # Not supported now assert stat_bin in ("total", "outer") if not os.path.exists(wdir): os.makedirs(wdir) datout = open(os.path.join(wdir, "cchalf.dat"), "w") datout.write("idx exfile cc1/2(%s) Nuniq\n" % stat_bin) cchalf_list = [] # (i_ex, CC1/2, Nuniq) # Prep runs tmpdirs = map( lambda x: _calc_cchalf_by_removing_worker_1(wdir, inp_head, inpfiles, x, nproc_each), xrange(len(inpfiles))) # Run XSCALE if batchjobs is not None: jobs = [] for tmpdir in tmpdirs: job = batchjob.Job(tmpdir, "", nproc=nproc_each) job.write_script(xscale_comm) batchjobs.submit(job) jobs.append(job) batchjobs.wait_all(jobs) else: easy_mp.pool_map(fixed_func=lambda x:, wdir=x), args=tmpdirs, processes=nproc) # Finish runs cchalf_list = map( lambda x: _calc_cchalf_by_removing_worker_2(wdir, x[1], x[0], stat_bin ), enumerate(tmpdirs)) for iex, cchalf_exi, nuniq in cchalf_list: datout.write("%3d %s %.4f %d\n" % (iex, inpfiles[iex], cchalf_exi, nuniq)) cchalf_list.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1]) print print "# Sorted table" for idx, cch, nuniq in cchalf_list: print "%3d %-.4f %4d %s" % (idx, cch, nuniq, inpfiles[idx]) # Remove unuseful (failed) data cchalf_list = filter(lambda x: x[1] == x[1], cchalf_list) return cchalf_list
def tst_adxv(): print "Testing Adxv.." rcode, out, err ="adxv", '-help') if rcode != 0: print " Adxv is not avaiable. NG" return False print " OK" return True
def run(params): xdsinp = "XDS.INP" workdir = os.getcwd() params.wfac1.sort() params.minpk.sort() digit_wfac1 = str(get_digit(params.wfac1)) digit_minpk = str(get_digit(params.minpk)) backup_needed = files.generated_by_CORRECT + ("XDS.INP", ) bk_prefix = make_backup(backup_needed) try: for wfac1 in params.wfac1: for minpk in params.minpk: work_name = ("CORRECT_wfac1_%." + digit_wfac1 + "f_minpk_%." + digit_minpk + "f") % (wfac1, minpk) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[ ("JOB", "CORRECT"), ("WFAC1", wfac1), ("MINPK", minpk), ]) call("xds") # make .mtz file xds2mtz.xds2mtz(os.path.abspath("XDS_ASCII.HKL"), dir_name=os.path.join(workdir, "ccp4_" + work_name), run_ctruncate=True, run_xtriage=True) if params.mtz_free is not None: copy_testflag(mtzfree=params.mtz_free, mtzin=os.path.join(workdir, "ccp4_" + work_name, "XDS_ASCII.mtz")) make_backup(backup_needed, work_name + "_") finally: # 6. Revert XDS.INP, etc. revert_files(backup_needed, bk_prefix)
def run(hklin): arrays = filter(lambda x:x.is_xray_intensity_array(), iotbx.file_reader.any_file(hklin).file_server.miller_arrays) # TODO Copy non-intensity arrays to new mtz! if len(arrays) == 0: print "No intensity array" return print "Intensity arrays:" for ar in arrays: print "", print colin, colano = "", "" if len(arrays) == 1: coltmp = arrays[0].info().label_string() if arrays[0].anomalous_flag(): colano = "/*/*/[%s]" % coltmp.replace(",merged","") else: colin = "/*/*/[%s]" % coltmp elif len(arrays) == 2 and sum(map(lambda x: x.anomalous_flag(), arrays)) == 1: tmpano = filter(lambda x: x.anomalous_flag(), arrays)[0] tmpnoano = filter(lambda x: not x.anomalous_flag(), arrays)[0] colano = "/*/*/[%s]" %",merged","") colin = "/*/*/[%s]" % else: print "What should I do.. exiting." return hklout = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hklin))[0] + "_ctruncate.mtz" cmd = "ctruncate -hklin %s -hklout %s " % (hklin, hklout) if colin != "": cmd += "-colin '%s' " % colin if colano != "": cmd += "-colano '%s' " % colano call(cmd=cmd, stdout=open("ctruncate_%s.log" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hklin))[0], "w") )
def tst_dials(): print "Testing dials (package).." rcode, out, err ="dials.version") if rcode != 0: print " Not installed. NG" return False print "\n".join(map(lambda x: " " + x, out.splitlines())) print " OK" return True
def tst_xdsstat(): print "Testing XDSSTAT.." rcode, out, err ="xdsstat") if rcode != 2: print " Not installed. NG" return False if "XDSSTAT version" not in err: print " Seems not working. NG" return False print " OK" return True
def run_copy(self, hklout, wdir, hklin=None, xdsin=None, logout=None, tolerance=None): assert (hklin, xdsin).count(None) == 1 stdin, junk = self.input_str(hklin, xdsin) if tolerance is not None: stdin += "tolerance %f\n" % tolerance exitcode, output, err =, "-copy hklout %s" % hklout, stdin=stdin, wdir=wdir) if logout is not None: open(logout, "w").write(output) return parse_pointless_output_for_runs(output)
def tst_xds(): print "Testing XDS.." rcode, out, err ="xds_par") if rcode != 0: print " Not installed. NG" return False if "license expired" in out: print " license expired. Get latest version. NG" return False print " OK" return True
def run(hklin): arrays = filter(lambda x: x.is_xray_intensity_array(), iotbx.file_reader.any_file(hklin).file_server.miller_arrays) # TODO Copy non-intensity arrays to new mtz! if len(arrays) == 0: print "No intensity array" return print "Intensity arrays:" for ar in arrays: print "", print colin, colano = "", "" if len(arrays) == 1: coltmp = arrays[0].info().label_string() if arrays[0].anomalous_flag(): colano = "/*/*/[%s]" % coltmp.replace(",merged", "") else: colin = "/*/*/[%s]" % coltmp elif len(arrays) == 2 and sum(map(lambda x: x.anomalous_flag(), arrays)) == 1: tmpano = filter(lambda x: x.anomalous_flag(), arrays)[0] tmpnoano = filter(lambda x: not x.anomalous_flag(), arrays)[0] colano = "/*/*/[%s]" %",merged", "") colin = "/*/*/[%s]" % else: print "What should I do.. exiting." return hklout = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hklin))[0] + "_ctruncate.mtz" cmd = "ctruncate -hklin %s -hklout %s " % (hklin, hklout) if colin != "": cmd += "-colin '%s' " % colin if colano != "": cmd += "-colano '%s' " % colano call(cmd=cmd, stdout=open("ctruncate_%s.log" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hklin))[0], "w"))
def run(params): xdsinp = "XDS.INP" kwds = dict(get_xdsinp_keyword(xdsinp)) orgx_org, orgy_org = map(float, (kwds["ORGX"], kwds["ORGY"])) dx, dy = params.dx, params.dy if params.unit == "mm": assert "QX" in kwds assert "QY" in kwds dx /= float(kwds["QX"]) dy /= float(kwds["QY"]) backup_needed = files.generated_by_IDXREF + ("XDS.INP",) bk_prefix = make_backup(backup_needed) try: results = [] for i in xrange(-params.nx, params.nx+1): for j in xrange(-params.ny, params.ny+1): work_name = "bs_x%+.2d_y%+.2d" % (i, j) orgx = orgx_org + i * dx orgy = orgy_org + j * dy print "Trying", orgx, orgy modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("JOB", "IDXREF"), ("ORGX", orgx), ("ORGY", orgy), ]) call("xds") make_backup(backup_needed, work_name+"_") results.append([work_name, orgx, orgy]) for ret in results: print ret, analyze_result(ret[0]+"_IDXREF.LP") finally: revert_files(backup_needed, bk_prefix)
def run(params): xdsinp = "XDS.INP" workdir = os.getcwd() params.wfac1.sort() params.minpk.sort() digit_wfac1 = str(get_digit(params.wfac1)) digit_minpk = str(get_digit(params.minpk)) backup_needed = files.generated_by_CORRECT + ("XDS.INP",) bk_prefix = make_backup(backup_needed) try: for wfac1 in params.wfac1: for minpk in params.minpk: work_name = ("CORRECT_wfac1_%." + digit_wfac1 + "f_minpk_%." + digit_minpk + "f") % (wfac1, minpk) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("JOB", "CORRECT"), ("WFAC1", wfac1), ("MINPK", minpk)]) call("xds") # make .mtz file xds2mtz.xds2mtz( os.path.abspath("XDS_ASCII.HKL"), dir_name=os.path.join(workdir, "ccp4_" + work_name), run_ctruncate=True, run_xtriage=True, ) if params.mtz_free is not None: copy_testflag( mtzfree=params.mtz_free, mtzin=os.path.join(workdir, "ccp4_" + work_name, "XDS_ASCII.mtz") ) make_backup(backup_needed, work_name + "_") finally: # 6. Revert XDS.INP, etc. revert_files(backup_needed, bk_prefix)
def run_for_symm(self, hklin=None, xdsin=None, logout=None, tolerance=None, d_min=None, choose_laue=None, xdsin_to_p1=False, setting="c2"): assert (hklin, xdsin).count(None) == 1 assert setting.lower().startswith(("c2", "cell", "symm")) tmpfile = None out = open(logout, "w") if logout else null_out() # Merge in P1 before pointless for quick evaluation if xdsin and xdsin_to_p1: out.write("Merging in P1 symmetry before Pointless..\n") xac = xds_ascii.XDS_ASCII(xdsin) xac.remove_rejected() i_obs = xac.i_obs(anomalous_flag=True) i_obs.show_summary(out, " ") i_obs = i_obs.apply_change_of_basis(change_of_basis="to_niggli_cell", out=out)[0] i_obs = i_obs.customized_copy(space_group_info=sgtbx.space_group_info("P1")) i_obs = i_obs.merge_equivalents(use_internal_variance=False).array() tmpfile = util.get_temp_filename(prefix="", suffix=os.path.basename(xdsin) + "_p1.mtz") i_obs.as_mtz_dataset(column_root_label="I").mtz_object().write(tmpfile) xdsin, hklin = None, tmpfile out.write("\n") filein, wdir = self.input_str(hklin, xdsin) # Need centre keyword? stdin = """\ SETTING %s %s """ % (setting, filein) if tolerance is not None: stdin += "tolerance %f\n" % tolerance if d_min is not None: stdin += "resolution high %f\n" % d_min if choose_laue is not None: stdin += "choose lauegroup %s\n" % choose_laue exitcode, output, err =, stdin=stdin, wdir=wdir) parsed = parse_pointless_output_for_symm(output) out.write(output) if tmpfile and os.path.isfile(tmpfile): os.remove(tmpfile) return parsed
def tst_xds(): print "Testing XDS.." tmpdir = util.get_temp_local_dir("xdstest") rcode, out, err ="xds_par", wdir=tmpdir) if tmpdir: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) # just in case; xds shouldn't make any files if rcode != 0: print " Not installed. NG" return False if "license expired" in out: print " license expired. Get latest version. NG" return False print " OK" return True
def check_xds_version(): tmpdir = util.get_temp_local_dir("xdstest") rcode, out, err ="xds", wdir=tmpdir) if tmpdir: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) # just in case; xds shouldn't make any files # Expected outout: # ***** XDS ***** (VERSION Mar 15, 2019 BUILT=20191211) 6-Jan-2020 # Author: Wolfgang Kabsch # Copy licensed until 30-Sep-2020 to r ="VERSION (.*[0-9]) *BUILT=(.*)\)", out) if r: ver, built = r.groups() return ver, built return None, None
def calc_cchalf_by_removing(wdir, inp_head, inpfiles, with_sigma=False, stat_bin="total", nproc=1, nproc_each=None, batchjobs=None): assert not with_sigma # Not supported now assert stat_bin in ("total", "outer") if not os.path.exists(wdir): os.makedirs(wdir) datout = open(os.path.join(wdir, "cchalf.dat"), "w") datout.write("idx exfile cc1/2(%s) Nuniq\n" % stat_bin) cchalf_list = [] # (i_ex, CC1/2, Nuniq) # Prep runs tmpdirs = map(lambda x: _calc_cchalf_by_removing_worker_1(wdir, inp_head, inpfiles, x, nproc_each), xrange(len(inpfiles))) # Run XSCALE if batchjobs is not None: jobs = [] for tmpdir in tmpdirs: job = batchjob.Job(tmpdir, "", nproc=nproc_each) job.write_script(xscale_comm) batchjobs.submit(job) jobs.append(job) batchjobs.wait_all(jobs) else: easy_mp.pool_map(fixed_func=lambda x:, wdir=x), args=tmpdirs, processes=nproc) # Finish runs cchalf_list = map(lambda x: _calc_cchalf_by_removing_worker_2(wdir, x[1], x[0], stat_bin), enumerate(tmpdirs)) for iex, cchalf_exi, nuniq in cchalf_list: datout.write("%3d %s %.4f %d\n" % (iex, inpfiles[iex], cchalf_exi, nuniq)) cchalf_list.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1]) print print "# Sorted table" for idx, cch, nuniq in cchalf_list: print "%3d %-.4f %4d %s" % (idx, cch, nuniq, inpfiles[idx]) # Remove unuseful (failed) data cchalf_list = filter(lambda x: x[1]==x[1], cchalf_list) return cchalf_list
def unique(mtzin, mtzout, sg, wdir, logout): ## # unique -> cad -> mtzutil (EXCLUDE FUNI SIGFUNI) # m = mtzutil.MtzFile(os.path.join(wdir, mtzin)) cell = m.get_cell_str() sg_org = m.get_spacegroup()[1] resol = min(m.get_resolution()) call( cmd="unique", arg="hklout unique.mtz", wdir=wdir, stdin= "CELL %s\nSYMMETRY '%s'\nLABOUT F=FUNI SIGF=SIGFUNI\nRESOLUTION %f" % (cell, sg_org, resol), expects_in=[], expects_out=["unique.mtz"], stdout=logout, ) call( cmd="cad", arg="hklin1 %s hklin2 %s hklout %s" % (mtzin, "unique.mtz", "unique_cad.mtz"), wdir=wdir, stdin="labin file 1 all\nlabin file 2 all\nend\n", expects_in=[mtzin, "unique.mtz"], expects_out=["unique_cad.mtz"], stdout=logout, ) call( cmd="mtzutils", arg="hklin %s hklout %s" % ("unique_cad.mtz", mtzout), wdir=wdir, stdin="EXCLUDE FUNI SIGFUNI\nSYMMETRY %s\nRUN\n" % sg, expects_in=["unique_cad.mtz"], expects_out=[mtzout], stdout=logout, ) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "unique.mtz")) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "unique_cad.mtz"))
def run_for_symm(self, hklin=None, xdsin=None, logout=None, tolerance=None, d_min=None): assert (hklin, xdsin).count(None) == 1 filein, wdir = self.input_str(hklin, xdsin) # Need centre keyword? stdin = """\ SETTING SYMMETRY-BASED %s """ % filein if tolerance is not None: stdin += "tolerance %f\n" % tolerance if d_min is not None: stdin += "resolution high %f\n" % d_min exitcode, output, err =, stdin=stdin, wdir=wdir) parsed = parse_pointless_output_for_symm(output) if logout is not None: open(logout, "w").write(output) return parsed
def unique(mtzin, mtzout, wdir, logout): ## # unique -> cad -> mtzutil (EXCLUDE FUNI SIGFUNI) # m = mtzutil.MtzFile(os.path.join(wdir, mtzin)) cell = m.get_cell_str() sg = m.get_spacegroup()[1] resol = min(m.get_resolution()) call( cmd="unique", arg="hklout unique.mtz", wdir=wdir, stdin="CELL %s\nSYMMETRY '%s'\nLABOUT F=FUNI SIGF=SIGFUNI\nRESOLUTION %f" % (cell, sg, resol), expects_in=[], expects_out=["unique.mtz"], stdout=logout, ) call( cmd="cad", arg="hklin1 %s hklin2 %s hklout %s" % (mtzin, "unique.mtz", "unique_cad.mtz"), wdir=wdir, stdin="labin file 1 all\nlabin file 2 all\nend\n", expects_in=[mtzin, "unique.mtz"], expects_out=["unique_cad.mtz"], stdout=logout, ) call( cmd="mtzutils", arg="hklin %s hklout %s" % ("unique_cad.mtz", mtzout), wdir=wdir, stdin="EXCLUDE FUNI SIGFUNI\nRUN\n", expects_in=["unique_cad.mtz"], expects_out=[mtzout], stdout=logout, ) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "unique.mtz")) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "unique_cad.mtz"))
def run(search_dir, pf_logfiles=None): for img_template, min_frame, max_frame in dataset.find_data_sets( search_dir, skip_symlinks=False): print "Dataset found:" print " NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES= %s" % img_template print " DATA_RNAGE= %d %d" % (min_frame, max_frame) pdir, ppath = os.path.split(img_template) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pdir, "xds")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(pdir, "xds")) else: assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pdir, "xds")) prefix = ppath[:ppath.index("?")] if not prefix.endswith("_"): prefix += "_" if pf_logfiles is None: wdir = os.path.join(pdir, "xds", "xds_%s%d-%d" % (prefix, min_frame, max_frame)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP")): print " Already exist:", os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP") continue os.mkdir(wdir) cmd = 'generate_XDS.INP "%s"' % os.path.relpath(img_template, wdir) print " launching", cmd call(cmd=cmd, wdir=wdir) else: for minf, maxf in split_runs_based_on_pf_logfiles(pf_logfiles): if maxf < min_frame or max_frame < minf: continue if minf < min_frame: minf = min_frame if maxf > max_frame: maxf = max_frame wdir = os.path.join(pdir, "xds", "xds_%s%d-%d" % (prefix, minf, maxf)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP")): print "Already exist:", os.path.isfile( os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP")) continue os.mkdir(wdir) cmd = 'generate_XDS.INP "%s"' % os.path.relpath( img_template, wdir) print " launching", cmd call(cmd=cmd, wdir=wdir) # XXX dirty hacks.. inp = open(os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP")).readlines() ofs = open(os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP"), "w") for l in inp: if l.startswith("DATA_RANGE="): l = "DATA_RANGE= %d %d\n" % (minf, maxf) if l.startswith("SPOT_RANGE="): l = "SPOT_RANGE= %d %d\n" % (minf, (maxf - minf) / 2 + minf) ofs.write(l) ofs.close() print
def do_clustering(self, nproc=1, b_scale=False, use_normalized=False, html_maker=None): self.clusters = {} prefix = os.path.join(self.wdir, "cctable") assert (b_scale, use_normalized).count(True) <= 1 if len(self.arrays) < 2: print "WARNING: less than two data! can't do cc-based clustering" self.clusters[1] = [float("nan"), [0]] return # Absolute scaling using Wilson-B factor if b_scale: from mmtbx.scaling.matthews import p_vm_calculator from mmtbx.scaling.absolute_scaling import ml_iso_absolute_scaling ofs_wilson = open("%s_wilson_scales.dat"%prefix, "w") n_residues = p_vm_calculator(self.arrays.values()[0], 1, 0).best_guess ofs_wilson.write("# guessed n_residues= %d\n" % n_residues) ofs_wilson.write("file wilsonB\n") for f in self.arrays: arr = self.arrays[f] iso_scale_and_b = ml_iso_absolute_scaling(arr, n_residues, 0) wilson_b = iso_scale_and_b.b_wilson ofs_wilson.write("%s %.3f\n" % (f, wilson_b)) if wilson_b > 0: # Ignoring data with B<0? is a bad idea.. but how..? tmp = flex.exp(-2. * wilson_b * arr.unit_cell().d_star_sq(arr.indices())/4.) self.arrays[f] = arr.customized_copy(*tmp, sigmas=arr.sigmas()*tmp) ofs_wilson.close() elif use_normalized: from mmtbx.scaling.absolute_scaling import kernel_normalisation for f in self.arrays: arr = self.arrays[f] normaliser = kernel_normalisation(arr, auto_kernel=True) self.arrays[f] = arr.customized_copy(, sigmas=arr.sigmas()/normaliser.normalizer_for_miller_array) # Prep args = [] for i in xrange(len(self.arrays)-1): for j in xrange(i+1, len(self.arrays)): args.append((i,j)) # Calc all CC worker = lambda x: calc_cc(self.arrays.values()[x[0]], self.arrays.values()[x[1]]) results = easy_mp.pool_map(fixed_func=worker, args=args, processes=nproc) # Check NaN and decide which data to remove idx_bad = {} nans = [] cc_data_for_html = [] for (i,j), (cc,nref) in zip(args, results): cc_data_for_html.append((i,j,cc,nref)) if cc==cc: continue idx_bad[i] = idx_bad.get(i, 0) + 1 idx_bad[j] = idx_bad.get(j, 0) + 1 nans.append([i,j]) if html_maker is not None: html_maker.add_cc_clustering_details(cc_data_for_html) idx_bad = idx_bad.items() idx_bad.sort(key=lambda x:x[1]) remove_idxes = set() for idx, badcount in reversed(idx_bad): if len(filter(lambda x: idx in x, nans)) == 0: continue remove_idxes.add(idx) nans = filter(lambda x: idx not in x, nans) if len(nans) == 0: break use_idxes = filter(lambda x: x not in remove_idxes, xrange(len(self.arrays))) # Make table: original index (in file list) -> new index (in matrix) count = 0 org2now = collections.OrderedDict() for i in xrange(len(self.arrays)): if i in remove_idxes: continue org2now[i] = count count += 1 if len(remove_idxes) > 0: open("%s_notused.lst"%prefix, "w").write("\n".join(map(lambda x: self.arrays.keys()[x], remove_idxes))) # Make matrix mat = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(use_idxes), len(use_idxes))) for (i,j), (cc,nref) in zip(args, results): if i in remove_idxes or j in remove_idxes: continue mat[org2now[j], org2now[i]] = cc open("%s.matrix"%prefix, "w").write(" ".join(map(lambda x:"%.4f"%x, mat.flatten()))) ofs = open("%s.dat"%prefix, "w") ofs.write(" i j cc nref\n") for (i,j), (cc,nref) in zip(args, results): ofs.write("%4d %4d %.4f %4d\n" % (i,j,cc,nref)) open("%s_ana.R"%prefix, "w").write("""\ treeToList2 <- function(htree) { # stolen from $CCP4/share/blend/R/blend0.R groups <- list() itree <- dim(htree$merge)[1] for (i in 1:itree) { il <- htree$merge[i,1] ir <- htree$merge[i,2] if (il < 0) lab1 <- htree$labels[-il] if (ir < 0) lab2 <- htree$labels[-ir] if (il > 0) lab1 <- groups[[il]] if (ir > 0) lab2 <- groups[[ir]] lab <- c(lab1,lab2) lab <- as.integer(lab) groups <- c(groups,list(lab)) } return(groups) } cc<-scan("%(prefix)s.matrix") md<-matrix(1-cc, ncol=%(ncol)d, byrow=TRUE) hc <- hclust(as.dist(md),method="ward") pdf("tree.pdf") plot(hc) png("tree.png",height=1000,width=1000) plot(hc) hc$labels <- c(%(hclabels)s) groups <- treeToList2(hc) cat("ClNumber Nds Clheight IDs\\n",file="./CLUSTERS.txt") for (i in 1:length(groups)) { sorted_groups <- sort(groups[[i]]) linea <- sprintf("%%04d %%4d %%7.3f %%s\\n", i,length(groups[[i]]),hc$height[i], paste(sorted_groups,collapse=" ")) cat(linea, file="./CLUSTERS.txt", append=TRUE) } # reference: library(rjson) HCtoJSON<-function(hc){ labels<-hc$labels merge<-data.frame(hc$merge) for (i in (1:nrow(merge))) { if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]),list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node", merge[i,1], ", list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]), node", merge[i,2],"))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node",merge[i,1] , ", node" , merge[i,2]," ))")))} } eval(parse(text=paste0("JSON<-toJSON(node",nrow(merge), ")"))) return(JSON) } JSON<-HCtoJSON(hc) cat(JSON, file="dendro.json") q(save="yes") """ % dict(prefix=os.path.basename(prefix), ncol=len(self.arrays), hclabels=",".join(map(lambda x: "%d"%(x+1), org2now.keys())))) call(cmd="Rscript", arg="%s_ana.R" % os.path.basename(prefix), wdir=self.wdir) output = open(os.path.join(self.wdir, "CLUSTERS.txt")).readlines() for l in output[1:]: sp = l.split() clid, clheight, ids = sp[0], sp[2], sp[3:] self.clusters[int(clid)] = [float(clheight), map(int,ids)]
def copy_testflag(mtzfree, mtzin): call(cmd=" -r %s %s" % (mtzfree, mtzin), wdir=os.path.dirname(mtzin))
def run_xdsstat(wdir): comm = "xdsstat" out = open(os.path.join(wdir, "XDSSTAT.LP"), "w") sys.stdout.write("\r\x1b[K Running XDSSTAT"), wdir=wdir, stdin="\n", stdout=out)
def run(params): xdsinp = "XDS.INP" workdir = os.getcwd() # concerning DELPHI= if len(params.delphi) == 0: params.delphi = [get_delphi_defined(xdsinp)] params.delphi.sort() digit_delphi = str(get_digit(params.delphi)) # concerning REFINE(INTEGRATE)= if params.all_refine_combinations: refine_params = make_all_refine_combinations() else: refine_params = get_refine_defined(xdsinp) backup_needed = files.generated_by_INTEGRATE + ("XDS.INP",) if params.run_correct: backup_needed += files.generated_by_CORRECT bk_prefix = None try: for rp in refine_params: rp_str = "refine_none" if len(rp) == 0 else "refine_" + "+".join(rp) for delphi in params.delphi: delphi_str = ("delphi_%."+digit_delphi+"f") % delphi bk_prefix = make_backup(backup_needed) # Backup existing XDS.INP and others work_name = "INTEGRATE_%s_%s" % (rp_str, delphi_str) inp_params = [("JOB","INTEGRATE"), ("DELPHI", delphi), ("REFINE(INTEGRATE)", " ".join(rp)) ] if params.run_correct: inp_params[0] = ("JOB","INTEGRATE CORRECT") modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=inp_params) call("xds_par", stdout=sys.stdout) # Move files into a new directory. os.mkdir(work_name) for f in backup_needed: shutil.move(f, work_name) if params.run_correct: # make .mtz file try: call("xdsstat", stdin="\n", stdout=open(os.path.join(work_name, "XDSSTAT.LP"),"w"), wdir=work_name) xds2mtz.xds2mtz(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(work_name, "XDS_ASCII.HKL")), dir_name=os.path.join(workdir, work_name, "ccp4"), run_ctruncate=False, run_xtriage=True ) if params.mtz_free is not None: copy_testflag(mtzfree=params.mtz_free, mtzin=os.path.join(workdir, work_name, "ccp4", "XDS_ASCII.mtz")) except: print traceback.format_exc() print "Ignoring xds2mtz error.." print revert_files(backup_needed, bk_prefix) # Revert XDS.INP and others finally: # 6. Revert XDS.INP, etc. revert_files(backup_needed, bk_prefix)
def run_dials_sequence(filename_template, prefix, nr_range, wdir, known_xs, overrides, scan_varying, nproc): log_out = open(os.path.join(wdir, "dials_sequence.log"), "w") pointless_log = os.path.join(wdir, "pointless.log") # Prepare img_files = find_existing_files_in_template( filename_template, nr_range[0], nr_range[1], datadir=os.path.dirname(prefix), check_compressed=True) if len(img_files) == 0: mylog.error("No files found for %s %s" % (filename_template, nr_range)) return nproc_str = "nproc=%d" % nproc log_out.write("Importing %s range=%s\n" % (img_files, nr_range)) log_out.write(" Overrides: %s\n" % overrides) log_out.flush() override_str = "" # TODO support other stuff.. (wavelength, distance, osc_range, rotation_axis,..) if "orgx" in overrides and "orgy" in overrides: override_str += "slow_fast_beam_centre=%.2f,%.2f " % ( overrides["orgy"], overrides["orgx"]) if len(img_files) == 1 and img_files[0].endswith(".h5"):'dials.import "%s" %s image_range=%d,%d' % (img_files[0], override_str, nr_range[0], nr_range[1]), wdir=wdir, stdout=log_out, expects_out=[os.path.join(wdir, "datablock.json")]) else:'dials.import %s template="%s" image_range=%d,%d' % (override_str, filename_template.replace( "?", "#"), nr_range[0], nr_range[1]), wdir=wdir, stdout=log_out, expects_out=[os.path.join(wdir, "datablock.json")]) "dials.find_spots datablock.json filter.d_max=30 %s" % nproc_str, # global_threshold=200 wdir=wdir, stdout=log_out, expects_out=[os.path.join(wdir, "strong.pickle")])"dials.export strong.pickle format=xds", wdir=wdir, stdout=log_out) index_ok = False for index_meth in ("fft3d", "fft1d", "real_space_grid_search"): for index_assi in ("local", "simple"): if index_ok: break cmd = "dials.index datablock.json strong.pickle verbosity=3 " cmd += "indexing.method=%s index_assignment.method=%s " % ( index_meth, index_assi) if known_xs is not None: # not in (known.space_group, known.unit_cell): cmd += "unit_cell=%s space_group=%d " % ( ",".join( map(lambda x: "%.3f" % x, known_xs.unit_cell().parameters())), known_xs.space_group().type().number()) elif index_meth == "real_space_grid_search": continue log_out.write( "Trying indexing.method=%s index_assignment.method=%s\n" % (index_meth, index_assi)) log_out.flush(), wdir=wdir, stdout=log_out) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, "experiments.json")): index_ok = True else: for f in ("dials.index.log", "dials.index.debug.log"): util.rotate_file(os.path.join(wdir, f)) if not index_ok: return files_for_integration = "experiments.json indexed.pickle" if scan_varying: "dials.refine experiments.json indexed.pickle scan_varying=true", wdir=wdir, stdout=log_out) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, "refined.pickle")): files_for_integration = "refined_experiments.json refined.pickle" else: log_out.write("dials.refine failed. using intedexed results.\n")"dials.integrate %s min_spots.per_degree=10 %s" % (files_for_integration, nproc_str), wdir=wdir, stdout=log_out) "dials.export integrated.pickle integrated_experiments.json mtz.hklout=integrated.mtz", wdir=wdir, stdout=log_out)"pointless integrated.mtz hklout pointless.mtz", wdir=wdir, stdin="SETTING SYMMETRY-BASED\ntolerance 10\n", stdout=open(pointless_log, "w")) "dials.export integrated_experiments.json integrated.pickle format=xds_ascii xds_ascii.hklout=DIALS.HKL", wdir=wdir, stdout=log_out)"aimless hklin pointless.mtz hklout aimless.mtz", wdir=wdir, stdin="output UNMERGED\n", stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, "aimless.log"), "w")) #job_str += "touch dials_job_finished\n" ret = calc_merging_stats(os.path.join(wdir, "aimless_unmerged.mtz")) ret["symm"] = get_most_possible_symmetry(wdir) pickle.dump(ret, open(os.path.join(wdir, "kamo_dials.pkl"), "w"), -1)
def do_clustering(self, nproc=1, b_scale=False, use_normalized=False, html_maker=None): self.clusters = {} prefix = os.path.join(self.wdir, "cctable") assert (b_scale, use_normalized).count(True) <= 1 if len(self.arrays) < 2: print "WARNING: less than two data! can't do cc-based clustering" self.clusters[1] = [float("nan"), [0]] return # Absolute scaling using Wilson-B factor if b_scale: from mmtbx.scaling.matthews import p_vm_calculator from mmtbx.scaling.absolute_scaling import ml_iso_absolute_scaling ofs_wilson = open("%s_wilson_scales.dat" % prefix, "w") n_residues = p_vm_calculator(self.arrays.values()[0], 1, 0).best_guess ofs_wilson.write("# guessed n_residues= %d\n" % n_residues) ofs_wilson.write("file wilsonB\n") for f in self.arrays: arr = self.arrays[f] iso_scale_and_b = ml_iso_absolute_scaling(arr, n_residues, 0) wilson_b = iso_scale_and_b.b_wilson ofs_wilson.write("%s %.3f\n" % (f, wilson_b)) if wilson_b > 0: # Ignoring data with B<0? is a bad idea.. but how..? tmp = flex.exp(-2. * wilson_b * arr.unit_cell().d_star_sq(arr.indices()) / 4.) self.arrays[f] = arr.customized_copy( * tmp, sigmas=arr.sigmas() * tmp) ofs_wilson.close() elif use_normalized: from mmtbx.scaling.absolute_scaling import kernel_normalisation for f in self.arrays: arr = self.arrays[f] normaliser = kernel_normalisation(arr, auto_kernel=True) self.arrays[f] = arr.customized_copy( / normaliser.normalizer_for_miller_array, sigmas=arr.sigmas() / normaliser.normalizer_for_miller_array) # Prep args = [] for i in xrange(len(self.arrays) - 1): for j in xrange(i + 1, len(self.arrays)): args.append((i, j)) # Calc all CC if self.use_sfdist: worker = lambda x: calc_sfdist(self.arrays.values()[x[0]], self.arrays.values()[x[1]]) else: worker = lambda x: calc_cc(self.arrays.values()[x[0]], self.arrays.values()[x[1]]) results = easy_mp.pool_map(fixed_func=worker, args=args, processes=nproc) # Check NaN and decide which data to remove idx_bad = {} nans = [] cc_data_for_html = [] for (i, j), (cc, nref) in zip(args, results): cc_data_for_html.append((i, j, cc, nref)) if cc == cc: continue idx_bad[i] = idx_bad.get(i, 0) + 1 idx_bad[j] = idx_bad.get(j, 0) + 1 nans.append([i, j]) if html_maker is not None: html_maker.add_cc_clustering_details(cc_data_for_html) idx_bad = idx_bad.items() idx_bad.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) remove_idxes = set() for idx, badcount in reversed(idx_bad): if len(filter(lambda x: idx in x, nans)) == 0: continue remove_idxes.add(idx) nans = filter(lambda x: idx not in x, nans) if len(nans) == 0: break use_idxes = filter(lambda x: x not in remove_idxes, xrange(len(self.arrays))) # Make table: original index (in file list) -> new index (in matrix) count = 0 org2now = collections.OrderedDict() for i in xrange(len(self.arrays)): if i in remove_idxes: continue org2now[i] = count count += 1 if len(remove_idxes) > 0: open("%s_notused.lst" % prefix, "w").write("\n".join( map(lambda x: self.arrays.keys()[x], remove_idxes))) # Make matrix mat = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(use_idxes), len(use_idxes))) for (i, j), (cc, nref) in zip(args, results): if i in remove_idxes or j in remove_idxes: continue mat[org2now[j], org2now[i]] = cc open("%s.matrix" % prefix, "w").write(" ".join(map(lambda x: "%.4f" % x, mat.flatten()))) ofs = open("%s.dat" % prefix, "w") ofs.write(" i j cc nref\n") for (i, j), (cc, nref) in zip(args, results): ofs.write("%4d %4d %.4f %4d\n" % (i, j, cc, nref)) open("%s_ana.R" % prefix, "w").write("""\ treeToList2 <- function(htree) { # stolen from $CCP4/share/blend/R/blend0.R groups <- list() itree <- dim(htree$merge)[1] for (i in 1:itree) { il <- htree$merge[i,1] ir <- htree$merge[i,2] if (il < 0) lab1 <- htree$labels[-il] if (ir < 0) lab2 <- htree$labels[-ir] if (il > 0) lab1 <- groups[[il]] if (ir > 0) lab2 <- groups[[ir]] lab <- c(lab1,lab2) lab <- as.integer(lab) groups <- c(groups,list(lab)) } return(groups) } cc<-scan("%(prefix)s.matrix") md<-matrix(1-cc, ncol=%(ncol)d, byrow=TRUE) hc <- hclust(as.dist(md),method="ward") pdf("tree.pdf") plot(hc) png("tree.png",height=1000,width=1000) plot(hc) hc$labels <- c(%(hclabels)s) groups <- treeToList2(hc) cat("ClNumber Nds Clheight IDs\\n",file="./CLUSTERS.txt") for (i in 1:length(groups)) { sorted_groups <- sort(groups[[i]]) linea <- sprintf("%%04d %%4d %%7.3f %%s\\n", i,length(groups[[i]]),hc$height[i], paste(sorted_groups,collapse=" ")) cat(linea, file="./CLUSTERS.txt", append=TRUE) } # reference: library(rjson) HCtoJSON<-function(hc){ labels<-hc$labels merge<-data.frame(hc$merge) for (i in (1:nrow(merge))) { if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]),list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]<0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node", merge[i,1], ", list(name=labels[-merge[i,2]])))")))} else if (merge[i,1]<0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(list(name=labels[-merge[i,1]]), node", merge[i,2],"))")))} else if (merge[i,1]>0 & merge[i,2]>0) {eval(parse(text=paste0("node", i, "<-list(name=\\"", i, "\\", children=list(node",merge[i,1] , ", node" , merge[i,2]," ))")))} } eval(parse(text=paste0("JSON<-toJSON(node",nrow(merge), ")"))) return(JSON) } JSON<-HCtoJSON(hc) cat(JSON, file="dendro.json") q(save="yes") """ % dict(prefix=os.path.basename(prefix), ncol=len(self.arrays), hclabels=",".join(map(lambda x: "%d" % (x + 1), org2now.keys())))) call(cmd="Rscript", arg="%s_ana.R" % os.path.basename(prefix), wdir=self.wdir) output = open(os.path.join(self.wdir, "CLUSTERS.txt")).readlines() for l in output[1:]: sp = l.split() clid, clheight, ids = sp[0], sp[2], sp[3:] self.clusters[int(clid)] = [float(clheight), map(int, ids)]
def copy_testflag(mtzfree, mtzin, mtzout): call(cmd=" -r %s -o %s %s" % (mtzfree, mtzout, mtzin))
def run_xscale(xscale_inp, cbf_to_dat=False, use_tmpdir_if_available=False): ftable = {} outfile = None count = 0 inpdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(xscale_inp)) wdir = inpdir # may be overridden tmpdir = None if use_tmpdir_if_available: tmpdir = util.get_temp_local_dir("xscale", min_gb=1) # TODO guess required tempdir size print tmpdir if tmpdir is None: print "Can't get temp dir with sufficient size." if tmpdir is not None: shutil.copy2(xscale_inp, tmpdir) xscale_inp = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(xscale_inp)) wdir = tmpdir os.rename(xscale_inp, xscale_inp+".org") ofs = open(xscale_inp, "w") # Check line length and make symlink if needed for l in open(xscale_inp+".org"): ll = l[:l.index("!")] if "!" in l else l if "OUTPUT_FILE=" in ll: outfile = ll[ll.index("=")+1:].strip() # TODO what if the file is not in current directory? if "INPUT_FILE=" in ll: # and len(l) > 132: # one line is limited to 131 characters! filename = ll[ll.index("=")+1:].strip() if "*" in filename: filename = filename[filename.index("*")+1:].strip() assert " " not in filename lnkf = "lnk%.6d.hkl" % count assert not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, lnkf)) filename_abs = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(inpdir, filename)) if not os.path.isabs(filename) else filename os.symlink(filename_abs, os.path.join(wdir, lnkf)) print "xscale: %s -> %s" % (lnkf, filename) count += 1 ftable[lnkf] = filename l = l.replace(filename, lnkf) ofs.write(l) ofs.close() assert outfile is not None if len(ftable) == 0: os.rename(xscale_inp+".org", xscale_inp) # Run xscale, wdir=wdir) # Replace file names if needed if len(ftable) > 0: for i, f in enumerate(("XSCALE.LP", outfile)): f = os.path.join(wdir, f) if not os.path.isfile(f): continue os.rename(f, f+".org") ofs = open(f, "w") if i == 0: for l in open(f+".org"): if ".hkl" in l: for lfn in ftable: l = l.replace(lfn, ftable[lfn]) ofs.write(l) else: ifs = open(f+".org") while True: l = ifs.readline() if ".hkl" in l: for lfn in ftable: l = l.replace(lfn, ftable[lfn]) ofs.write(l) if l.startswith("!END_OF_HEADER"): break shutil.copyfileobj(ifs, ofs) ofs.close() os.remove(f+".org") for lfn in ftable: os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, lfn)) os.rename(xscale_inp+".org", xscale_inp) if cbf_to_dat: xscale_lp = os.path.join(wdir, "XSCALE.LP") cbfouts = glob.glob(os.path.join(wdir, "*.cbf")) if len(cbfouts) > 0: xscalelp.cbf_to_dat(xscale_lp) for f in cbfouts: os.remove(f) # Move to original directory if tmpdir is not None: for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*")): shutil.copy2(f, inpdir) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def calc_delta_cchalf(prev_lp, tmpdir, with_sigma=False, precalc_cchalf_all=None): """ Obsolete function. Maybe useful when starting with the last XSCALE.LP... """ assert not with_sigma # Not supported now if not os.path.exists(tmpdir): os.makedirs(tmpdir) newinp = os.path.join(tmpdir, "XSCALE.INP") newlp = os.path.join(tmpdir, "XSCALE.LP") rel_org = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(prev_lp), tmpdir) if precalc_cchalf_all is None: # read CC1/2(all) from cwd orgtable = xscalelp.read_stats_table(prev_lp) assert orgtable["dmin"][-1] is None # None for total cchalf_all = orgtable["cc_half"][-1] else: cchalf_all = precalc_cchalf_all datout = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "delta_cchalf.dat"), "w") datout.write("# CC1/2(all)= %.4f\n" % cchalf_all) datout.write("idx exfile cc1/2 delta_cc1/2\n") # Read inp and extract input files. # XXX What if reference file is included??? orgkwds = xscalelp.read_control_cards(prev_lp) inpfiles = map(lambda x:x[1], filter(lambda y: y[0]=="INPUT_FILE", orgkwds)) # XXX Need to take care of xscale specific inp manner - order matters!! delta_cchalf = [] for iex in xrange(len(inpfiles)): print "Doing", iex files = inpfiles[:iex] + inpfiles[iex+1:] ofs = open(newinp, "w") for k, v in orgkwds: if k not in ("INPUT_FILE", "INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE"): ofs.write("%s= %s\n" % (k,v)) for f in files: if not os.path.isabs(f): f = os.path.join(rel_org, f) ofs.write("INPUT_FILE= %s\n" % f) ofs.close(), wdir=tmpdir) table = xscalelp.read_stats_table(newlp) assert table["dmin"][-1] is None # None for total cchalf_exi = table["cc_half"][-1] delta_cchalf.append((iex, cchalf_exi - cchalf_all)) os.rename(newinp, newinp+".ex%.3d"%iex) os.rename(newlp, newlp+".ex%.3d"%iex) datout.write("%3d %s %.4f %.4f\n" % (iex, inpfiles[iex], cchalf_exi, cchalf_exi-cchalf_all)) delta_cchalf.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1]) print print "# Sorted table" for idx, dch in delta_cchalf: print "%3d %-.4f %s" % (idx, dch, inpfiles[idx]) return delta_cchalf, cchalf_all
def run(hklin, pdbin, wdir, anisotropy_correction=False): arrays = iotbx.file_reader.any_file(hklin).file_server.miller_arrays i_arrays = filter( lambda x: x.is_xray_intensity_array() and x.anomalous_flag(), arrays) f_arrays = filter( lambda x: x.is_xray_amplitude_array() and x.anomalous_flag(), arrays) if not i_arrays and not f_arrays: print "No anomalous observation data" return if os.path.exists(wdir): print "%s already exists. quiting." % wdir return os.mkdir(wdir) xs = crystal_symmetry_from_any.extract_from(pdbin) sh_out = open(os.path.join(wdir, ""), "w") sh_out.write("#!/bin/sh\n\n") sh_out.write("shelxc anode <<+ > shelxc.log 2>&1\n") sh_out.write("cell %s\n" % format_unit_cell(xs.unit_cell())) sh_out.write("spag %s\n" % str(xs.space_group_info()).replace(" ", "")) if i_arrays: obs_array = i_arrays[0] infile = "%s.hkl" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hklin))[0] in_opt = "%s" % infile print "Using intensity array:", else: obs_array = f_arrays[0] infile = "%s_f.hkl" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hklin))[0] in_opt = "-f %s" % infile print "No intensity arrays. Using amplitude arrays instead:", ).label_string() sh_out.write("! data from %s : %s\n" % (os.path.abspath(hklin), obs_array.crystal_symmetry().show_summary(sh_out, prefix="! ") check_symm(obs_array.crystal_symmetry(), xs) n_org = obs_array.size() obs_array = obs_array.eliminate_sys_absent() n_sys_abs = n_org - obs_array.size() if n_sys_abs > 0: print " %d systematic absences removed." % n_sys_abs if anisotropy_correction: print "Correcting anisotropy.." n_residues = p_vm_calculator(obs_array, 1, 0).best_guess abss = ml_aniso_absolute_scaling(obs_array, n_residues=n_residues) tmp = -2. if i_arrays else -1. b_cart = map(lambda x: x * tmp, abss.b_cart) obs_array = obs_array.apply_debye_waller_factors(b_cart=b_cart) sh_out.write("sad %s\n" % in_opt) iotbx.shelx.hklf.miller_array_export_as_shelx_hklf( obs_array, open(os.path.join(wdir, infile), "w"), normalise_if_format_overflow=True) sh_out.write("+\n\n") sh_out.write('ln -s "%s" anode.pdb\n\n' % os.path.relpath(pdbin, wdir)) sh_out.write("anode anode\n") sh_out.close() call(cmd="sh", arg="./", wdir=wdir) pha_file = os.path.join(wdir, "anode.pha") if os.path.isfile(pha_file): pha2mtz(pha_file, xs, os.path.join(wdir, "anode.pha.mtz")) print "Done. See %s/" % wdir fa_file = os.path.join(wdir, "anode_fa.hkl") if os.path.isfile(fa_file): r = iotbx.shelx.hklf.reader(open(fa_file)) fa_array = r.as_miller_arrays(crystal_symmetry=xs)[0] print "\nData stats:" print " # Cmpl.o = Anomalous completeness in original data" print " # Cmpl.c = Anomalous completeness in shelxc result (rejections)" print " # SigAno = <d''/sigma> in shelxc result" print " d_max d_min Cmpl.o Cmpl.c SigAno" binner = obs_array.setup_binner(n_bins=12) for i_bin in binner.range_used(): d_max_bin, d_min_bin = binner.bin_d_range(i_bin) obs_sel = obs_array.resolution_filter(d_max_bin, d_min_bin) obs_sel_ano = obs_sel.anomalous_differences() fa_sel = fa_array.resolution_filter(d_max_bin, d_min_bin) cmplset = obs_sel_ano.complete_set( d_max=d_max_bin, d_min=d_min_bin).select_acentric() n_acentric = cmplset.size() sigano = flex.mean( / fa_sel.sigmas()) if fa_sel.size() else float("nan") print " %5.2f %5.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f" % ( d_max_bin, d_min_bin, 100. * obs_sel_ano.size() / n_acentric, 100. * fa_sel.size() / n_acentric, sigano) lsa_file = os.path.join(wdir, "anode.lsa") if os.path.isfile(lsa_file): print "" flag = False for l in open(lsa_file): if "Strongest unique anomalous peaks" in l: flag = True elif "Reflections written to" in l: flag = False if flag: print l.rstrip() if os.path.isfile(("anode_fa.res")): x = iotbx.shelx.cctbx_xray_structure_from(file=open("anode_fa.res")) open("anode_fa.pdb", "w").write(x.as_pdb_file())
def xds2mtz_normal(refl, mtzout, sg, wavelen, logout, use_ctruncate=False, dmin=None, dmax=None): wdir = os.path.dirname(mtzout) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(wdir, "original")): os.symlink(refl, os.path.join(wdir, "original")) ## # prepare XDSCONV.INP and run # # for I print "generating MTZ for IMEAN,SIGIMEAN" ofs = open(os.path.join(wdir, "XDSCONV.INP"), "w") ofs.write("OUTPUT_FILE=tmp.hkl CCP4_I\n") ofs.write("INPUT_FILE=original\n") ofs.write("GENERATE_FRACTION_OF_TEST_REFLECTIONS=0.0\n") ofs.write("WILSON_STATISTICS= TRUE\n") if None not in (dmin, dmax): ofs.write("INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= %s %s\n" % (dmax, dmin)) ofs.close() call(cmd="xdsconv", wdir=wdir, expects_in=["original"], expects_out=["F2MTZ.INP", "tmp.hkl"], stdout=logout ) call(cmd="f2mtz", arg="hklout CCP4_I.mtz", stdin=open(os.path.join(wdir, "F2MTZ.INP")).read(), wdir=wdir, expects_in=["tmp.hkl"], expects_out=["CCP4_I.mtz"], stdout=logout ) # for F print "generating MTZ for FP,SIGFP" ctruncate_ok = False if use_ctruncate: call(cmd="ctruncate -hklin CCP4_I.mtz -hklout ctruncate.mtz -colin '/*/*/[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN]'", wdir=wdir, expects_in=["CCP4_I.mtz"], stdout=open(os.path.join(wdir, "ctruncate.log"), "w") ) ctruncate_ok = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wdir, "ctruncate.mtz")) if ctruncate_ok: call(cmd="cad", arg="hklin1 ctruncate.mtz hklout CCP4_FI.mtz", stdin="""\ labin file 1 all xname file 1 ALL=XDS dname file 1 ALL=XDS dwavelength file 1 XDS XDS %s symmetry %s end """%(wavelen,sg), wdir=wdir, expects_in=["ctruncate.mtz"], expects_out=["CCP4_FI.mtz"], stdout=logout ) else: print "Ctruncate failed. Use xdsconv instead." if not ctruncate_ok: ofs = open(os.path.join(wdir, "XDSCONV.INP"), "w") ofs.write("OUTPUT_FILE=tmp.hkl CCP4_F\n") ofs.write("INPUT_FILE=original\n") ofs.write("GENERATE_FRACTION_OF_TEST_REFLECTIONS=0.0\n") ofs.write("WILSON_STATISTICS= TRUE\n") if None not in (dmin, dmax): ofs.write("INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= %s %s\n" % (dmax, dmin)) ofs.close() call(cmd="xdsconv", wdir=wdir, expects_in=["original"], expects_out=["F2MTZ.INP", "tmp.hkl"], stdout=logout ) call(cmd="f2mtz", arg="hklout CCP4_F.mtz", stdin=open(os.path.join(wdir, "F2MTZ.INP")).read(), wdir=wdir, expects_in=["tmp.hkl"], expects_out=["CCP4_F.mtz"], stdout=logout ) ## # CAD all mtz files print "concatenating MTZ files" call(cmd="cad", arg="hklin1 CCP4_I.mtz hklin2 CCP4_F.mtz hklout CCP4_FI.mtz", stdin="""\ labin file 1 all labin file 2 all xname file 1 ALL=XDS xname file 2 ALL=XDS dname file 1 ALL=XDS dname file 2 ALL=XDS dwavelength file 1 XDS XDS %s symmetry %s end """%(wavelen,sg), wdir=wdir, expects_in=["CCP4_I.mtz", "CCP4_F.mtz"], expects_out=["CCP4_FI.mtz"], stdout=logout ) ## # Generate all unique reflections print "Genrating all unique reflections" unique(mtzin="CCP4_FI.mtz", mtzout=os.path.basename(mtzout), wdir=wdir, logout=logout) # remove files os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "CCP4_I.mtz")) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "CCP4_FI.mtz")) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "tmp.hkl")) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "XDSCONV.INP")) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "XDSCONV.LP")) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "F2MTZ.INP")) os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "original")) if ctruncate_ok: os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "ctruncate.mtz")) else: os.remove(os.path.join(wdir, "CCP4_F.mtz"))
def find_spots(img_file, params): """ Use XDS to locate spots. If params.xds.do_defpix is true, DEFPIX will be run. For DEFPIX, dummy XPARM.XDS is needed. Thanks to DEFPIX, we can mask beam stop shadow and remove areas outside the resolution range. If false, we need to set TRUSTED_REGION to exclude regions outside resolution range, but it is independent of beam center. Maybe we should remove spots outside the resolution range after XDS run? """ # Test if ramdisk available if os.path.isdir("/dev/shm"): work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix="shika_x_" + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_file))[0], dir="/dev/shm") else: work_dir = os.path.join( params.work_dir, "xds_" + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_file))[0]) xdsinp = os.path.join(work_dir, "XDS.INP") spot_xds = os.path.join(work_dir, "SPOT.XDS") if not os.path.exists(work_dir): os.mkdir(work_dir) template_str, min_frame, max_frame = dataset.group_img_files_template( [img_file])[0] im = XIO.Image(img_file) # Remove lines if None (means to use default) params_maps = [ ("strong_pixel", "STRONG_PIXEL="), ("minimum_number_of_pixels_in_a_spot", "MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PIXELS_IN_A_SPOT="), ("background_pixel", "BACKGROUND_PIXEL="), ("maximum_number_of_strong_pixels", "MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_STRONG_PIXELS="), ("spot_maximum_centroid", "SPOT_MAXIMUM-CENTROID="), ("reflecting_range", "REFLECTING_RANGE="), ("value_range_for_trusted_detector_pixels", "VALUE_RANGE_FOR_TRUSTED_DETECTOR_PIXELS="), ] tmp = xds_inp_template.splitlines() for p, x in params_maps: if getattr(params.xds, p) is None: tmp = filter(lambda s: not s.startswith(x), tmp) inp_template = "\n".join(tmp) # Prepare XDS.INP inp_str = inp_template % dict( template=os.path.relpath(template_str, work_dir), framenum=min_frame, orgx=im.header["BeamX"] / im.header["PixelX"], orgy=im.header["BeamY"] / im.header["PixelY"], distance=im.header["Distance"], osc_range=im.header["PhiWidth"], wavelength=im.header["Wavelength"], strong_pixel=params.xds.strong_pixel, min_pixels=params.xds.minimum_number_of_pixels_in_a_spot, background_pixel=params.xds.background_pixel, max_strong_pixels=params.xds.maximum_number_of_strong_pixels, spot_maximum_centroid=params.xds.spot_maximum_centroid, reflecting_range=params.xds.reflecting_range, nx=im.header["Width"], ny=im.header["Height"], qx=im.header["PixelX"], qy=im.header["PixelY"], defpix_trusted1=params.xds.value_range_for_trusted_detector_pixels[0], defpix_trusted2=params.xds.value_range_for_trusted_detector_pixels[1]) open(xdsinp, "w").write(inp_str) if params.xds.do_defpix: xp = xparm.XPARM() xp.set_info_from_xdsinp(xdsinp) open(os.path.join(work_dir, "XPARM.XDS"), "w").write(xp.xparm_str()) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("JOB", "XYCORR INIT DEFPIX"), ("INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE", res_range_for_xds(params.distl.res.outer, params.distl.res.inner))]) call("xds", wdir=work_dir, stdout=open(os.path.join(work_dir, "xds.log"), "w")) shutil.copy(os.path.join(work_dir, "BKGPIX.cbf"), os.path.join(work_dir, "BKGINIT.cbf")) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("JOB", "COLSPOT")]) else: modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[ ("TRUSTED_REGION", res_range_to_trusted_region(params.distl.res.outer, params.distl.res.inner, im.header)) ]) open(os.path.join(work_dir, "xds.log"), "w").write("") # Run XDS rotate_file(spot_xds) call("xds", wdir=work_dir, stdout=open(os.path.join(work_dir, "xds.log"), "a")) # Extract results spots = [] # (x, y, d, intensity) if os.path.isfile(spot_xds): for l in open(spot_xds): x, y, z, intensity = map(lambda x: float(x), l.strip().split()) d = coord_to_resol(x, y, im.header) spots.append((x, y, d, intensity)) # Delete dir shutil.rmtree(work_dir) return spots
def find_spots(img_file, params): """ Use XDS to locate spots. If params.xds.do_defpix is true, DEFPIX will be run. For DEFPIX, dummy XPARM.XDS is needed. Thanks to DEFPIX, we can mask beam stop shadow and remove areas outside the resolution range. If false, we need to set TRUSTED_REGION to exclude regions outside resolution range, but it is independent of beam center. Maybe we should remove spots outside the resolution range after XDS run? """ # Test if ramdisk available if os.path.isdir("/dev/shm"): work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="shika_x_"+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_file))[0], dir="/dev/shm") else: work_dir = os.path.join(params.work_dir, "xds_"+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_file))[0]) xdsinp = os.path.join(work_dir, "XDS.INP") spot_xds = os.path.join(work_dir, "SPOT.XDS") if not os.path.exists(work_dir): os.mkdir(work_dir) template_str, min_frame, max_frame = dataset.group_img_files_template([img_file])[0] im = XIO.Image(img_file) # Remove lines if None (means to use default) params_maps = [("strong_pixel", "STRONG_PIXEL="), ("minimum_number_of_pixels_in_a_spot", "MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PIXELS_IN_A_SPOT="), ("background_pixel", "BACKGROUND_PIXEL="), ("maximum_number_of_strong_pixels", "MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_STRONG_PIXELS="), ("spot_maximum_centroid", "SPOT_MAXIMUM-CENTROID="), ("reflecting_range", "REFLECTING_RANGE="), ("value_range_for_trusted_detector_pixels", "VALUE_RANGE_FOR_TRUSTED_DETECTOR_PIXELS="), ] tmp = xds_inp_template.splitlines() for p, x in params_maps: if getattr(params.xds, p) is None: tmp = filter(lambda s:not s.startswith(x), tmp) inp_template = "\n".join(tmp) # Prepare XDS.INP inp_str = inp_template%dict(template=os.path.relpath(template_str, work_dir), framenum=min_frame, orgx=im.header["BeamX"]/im.header["PixelX"], orgy=im.header["BeamY"]/im.header["PixelY"], distance=im.header["Distance"], osc_range=im.header["PhiWidth"], wavelength=im.header["Wavelength"], strong_pixel=params.xds.strong_pixel, min_pixels=params.xds.minimum_number_of_pixels_in_a_spot, background_pixel=params.xds.background_pixel, max_strong_pixels=params.xds.maximum_number_of_strong_pixels, spot_maximum_centroid=params.xds.spot_maximum_centroid, reflecting_range=params.xds.reflecting_range, nx=im.header["Width"], ny=im.header["Height"], qx=im.header["PixelX"], qy=im.header["PixelY"], defpix_trusted1=params.xds.value_range_for_trusted_detector_pixels[0], defpix_trusted2=params.xds.value_range_for_trusted_detector_pixels[1] ) open(xdsinp, "w").write(inp_str) if params.xds.do_defpix: xp = xparm.XPARM() xp.set_info_from_xdsinp(xdsinp) open(os.path.join(work_dir, "XPARM.XDS"), "w").write(xp.xparm_str()) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("JOB", "XYCORR INIT DEFPIX"), ("INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE", res_range_for_xds(params.distl.res.outer, params.distl.res.inner)) ]) call("xds", wdir=work_dir, stdout=open(os.path.join(work_dir, "xds.log"), "w")) shutil.copy(os.path.join(work_dir, "BKGPIX.cbf"), os.path.join(work_dir, "BKGINIT.cbf")) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("JOB","COLSPOT")]) else: modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("TRUSTED_REGION", res_range_to_trusted_region(params.distl.res.outer, params.distl.res.inner, im.header)) ]) open(os.path.join(work_dir, "xds.log"), "w").write("") # Run XDS rotate_file(spot_xds) call("xds", wdir=work_dir, stdout=open(os.path.join(work_dir, "xds.log"), "a")) # Extract results spots = [] # (x, y, d, intensity) if os.path.isfile(spot_xds): for l in open(spot_xds): x, y, z, intensity = map(lambda x:float(x), l.strip().split()) d = coord_to_resol(x, y, im.header) spots.append((x, y, d, intensity)) # Delete dir shutil.rmtree(work_dir) return spots
def reindex_with_specified_symm_worker(wd, wdr, topdir, log_out, reference_symm, sgnum_laue, prep_dials_files=False): """ wd: directory where XDS file exists wdr: wd to return; a directory where transformed file should be saved. If wd!=wdr, files in wd/ are unchanged during procedure. Multiprocessing is unsafe when wd==wdr. """ out = StringIO() print >> out, "%s:" % os.path.relpath(wd, topdir), # Find appropriate data xac_file = util.return_first_found_file( ("", "XDS_ASCII.HKL_noscale", "", "XDS_ASCII_fullres.HKL", "", "XDS_ASCII.HKL", "", "DIALS.HKL"), wd=wd) if xac_file is None: print >> out, "Can't find XDS_ASCII file in %s" % wd log_out.write(out.getvalue()) log_out.flush() return (wdr, None) if xac_file.endswith(".org"): xac_file_out = xac_file[:-4] else: xac_file_out = xac_file xac = XDS_ASCII(xac_file, read_data=False) print >> out, "%s %s (%s)" % (os.path.basename(xac_file), xac.symm.space_group_info(), ",".join( map(lambda x: "%.2f" % x, xac.symm.unit_cell().parameters()))) if xac.symm.reflection_intensity_symmetry( False).space_group_info().type().number() == sgnum_laue: if xac.symm.unit_cell().is_similar_to( reference_symm.unit_cell(), 0.1, 10): # XXX Check unit cell consistency!! print >> out, " Already scaled with specified symmetry" log_out.write(out.getvalue()) log_out.flush() if wd != wdr: shutil.copy2(xac_file, wdr) if prep_dials_files and "DIALS.HKL" not in xac_file: prepare_dials_files(wd, out, moveto=wdr) return (wdr, (numpy.array(xac.symm.unit_cell().parameters()), os.path.join(wdr, os.path.basename(xac_file)))) cosets = reindex.reindexing_operators(reference_symm, xac.symm, 0.2, 20) # XXX ISN'T THIS TOO LARGE? if len(cosets.combined_cb_ops()) == 0: print >> out, "Can't find operator:" xac.symm.show_summary(out, " ") reference_symm.show_summary(out, " ") log_out.write(out.getvalue()) log_out.flush() return (wdr, None) if wd == wdr: dest = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="multiprep", dir=wd) else: dest = wdr hklout = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(xac_file_out)) newcell = xac.write_reindexed(op=cosets.combined_cb_ops()[0], space_group=reference_symm.space_group(), hklout=hklout) if "DIALS.HKL" in os.path.basename(xac_file): outstr = 'output.experiments="%sreindexed_experiments.json" ' % os.path.join( dest, "") outstr += 'output.reflections="%sreindexed_reflections.pickle" ' % os.path.join( dest, "") for f in ("experiments.json", "indexed.pickle"): if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(xac_file), f)): continue 'dials.reindex %s change_of_basis_op=%s space_group="%s" %s' % (f, cosets.combined_cb_ops()[0].as_abc(), reference_symm.space_group_info(), outstr), wdir=os.path.dirname(xac_file)) elif prep_dials_files: prepare_dials_files(wd, out, space_group=reference_symm.space_group(), reindex_op=cosets.combined_cb_ops()[0], moveto=dest) newcell_str = " ".join(map(lambda x: "%.3f" % x, newcell.parameters())) print >> out, " Reindexed to transformed cell: %s with %s" % ( newcell_str, cosets.combined_cb_ops()[0].as_hkl()) log_out.write(out.getvalue()) log_out.flush() if wd == wdr: for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(dest, "*")): f_in_wd = os.path.join(wd, os.path.basename(f)) if os.path.exists(f_in_wd) and not os.path.exists(f_in_wd + ".org"): os.rename(f_in_wd, f_in_wd + ".org") os.rename(f, f_in_wd) shutil.rmtree(dest) ret = (numpy.array(newcell.parameters()), os.path.join(wd, os.path.basename(xac_file_out))) else: ret = (numpy.array(newcell.parameters()), hklout) return (wdr, ret)
# Check all needed files exist if not check_needed_files(): sys.exit(1) xdsinp = "XDS.INP" workdir = "scale_exp" os.mkdir(workdir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(workdir, "scaled")) anomalous = is_anomalous(xdsinp) # *. INTEGRATE_forscale.mtz call("pointless -copy xdsin INTEGRATE.HKL hklout %s/INTEGRATE_forscale.mtz" % workdir) # 1. Backup XDS.INP, etc. (Make copies; not renaming) bk_prefix = make_backup(backup_needed) try: # CORRECT with a modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("JOB","CORRECT"), ("CORRECTIONS", None), ("NBATCH", None), ("MINIMUM_I/SIGMA", None), ("WFAC1", None) ]) call("xds", stdout=open("CORRECT_a_xds.log", "w"))