Esempio n. 1
    complex_coordinates[1, 0] = 10.0 * units.angstroms

    # Create temporary directory for testing.
    import tempfile
    output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # Initialize YANK object.
    from yank import Yank
    yank = Yank(receptor=receptor_system,
    yank.solvent_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol
    yank.complex_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol
    yank.restraint_type = 'flat-bottom'
    yank.temperature = temperature
    yank.niterations = 100
    yank.platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference")

    # Run the simulation.

    # Analyze the data.

    results = yank.analyze()

    # TODO: Check results against analytical results.
Esempio n. 2
def notest_LennardJonesPair(box_width_nsigma=6.0):
    Compute binding free energy of two Lennard-Jones particles and compare to numerical result.

    box_width_nsigma : float, optional, default=6.0
        Box width is set to this multiple of Lennard-Jones sigma.


    NSIGMA_MAX = 6.0 # number of standard errors tolerated for success

    # Create Lennard-Jones pair.
    thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(temperature=300.0*unit.kelvin)
    kT = kB * thermodynamic_state.temperature
    sigma = 3.5 * unit.angstroms
    epsilon = 6.0 * kT
    test = testsystems.LennardJonesPair(sigma=sigma, epsilon=epsilon)
    system, positions = test.system, test.positions
    binding_free_energy = test.get_binding_free_energy(thermodynamic_state)

    # Create temporary directory for testing.
    import tempfile
    store_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # Initialize YANK object.
    options = dict()
    options['restraint_type'] = None
    options['number_of_iterations'] = 10
    options['platform'] = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference") # use Reference platform for speed
    options['mc_rotation'] = False
    options['mc_displacement'] = True
    options['mc_displacement_sigma'] = 1.0 * unit.nanometer
    options['timestep'] = 2 * unit.femtoseconds
    options['nsteps_per_iteration'] = 50

    # Override receptor mass to keep it stationary.
    #system.setParticleMass(0, 0)

    # Override box vectors.
    box_edge = 6*sigma
    a = unit.Quantity((box_edge, 0 * unit.angstrom, 0 * unit.angstrom))
    b = unit.Quantity((0 * unit.angstrom, box_edge, 0 * unit.angstrom))
    c = unit.Quantity((0 * unit.angstrom, 0 * unit.angstrom, box_edge))
    system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(a, b, c)

    # Override positions
    positions[0,:] = box_edge/2
    positions[1,:] = box_edge/4

    phase = 'complex-explicit'

    # Alchemical protocol.
    from yank.alchemy import AlchemicalState
    alchemical_states = list()
    lambda_values = [0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0]
    for lambda_value in lambda_values:
        alchemical_state = AlchemicalState()
        alchemical_state['lambda_electrostatics'] = lambda_value
        alchemical_state['lambda_sterics'] = lambda_value
    protocols = dict()
    protocols[phase] = alchemical_states

    # Create phases.
    systems = { phase : system }
    positions = { phase : positions }
    phases = [phase]
    atom_indices = { 'complex-explicit' : { 'ligand' : [1] } }

    # Create new simulation.
    yank = Yank(store_dir)
    yank.create(phases, systems, positions, atom_indices, thermodynamic_state, options=options, protocols=protocols)

    # Run the simulation.

    # Analyze the data.
    results = yank.analyze()
    standard_state_correction = results[phase]['standard_state_correction']
    Delta_f = results[phase]['Delta_f_ij'][0,1] - standard_state_correction
    dDelta_f = results[phase]['dDelta_f_ij'][0,1]
    nsigma = abs(binding_free_energy/kT - Delta_f) / dDelta_f

    # Check results against analytical results.
    # TODO: Incorporate standard state correction
    output = "\n"
    output += "Analytical binding free energy                                  : %10.5f +- %10.5f kT\n" % (binding_free_energy / kT, 0)
    output += "Computed binding free energy (with standard state correction)   : %10.5f +- %10.5f kT (nsigma = %3.1f)\n" % (Delta_f, dDelta_f, nsigma)
    output += "Computed binding free energy (without standard state correction): %10.5f +- %10.5f kT (nsigma = %3.1f)\n" % (Delta_f + standard_state_correction, dDelta_f, nsigma)
    output += "Standard state correction alone                                 : %10.5f           kT\n" % (standard_state_correction)
    print output

    #if (nsigma > NSIGMA_MAX):
    #    output += "\n"
    #    output += "Computed binding free energy differs from true binding free energy.\n"
    #    raise Exception(output)

    return [Delta_f, dDelta_f]
Esempio n. 3
def notest_LennardJonesPair(box_width_nsigma=6.0):
    Compute binding free energy of two Lennard-Jones particles and compare to numerical result.

    box_width_nsigma : float, optional, default=6.0
        Box width is set to this multiple of Lennard-Jones sigma.


    NSIGMA_MAX = 6.0  # number of standard errors tolerated for success

    # Create Lennard-Jones pair.
    thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(temperature=300.0 * unit.kelvin)
    kT = kB * thermodynamic_state.temperature
    sigma = 3.5 * unit.angstroms
    epsilon = 6.0 * kT
    test = testsystems.LennardJonesPair(sigma=sigma, epsilon=epsilon)
    system, positions = test.system, test.positions
    binding_free_energy = test.get_binding_free_energy(thermodynamic_state)

    # Create temporary directory for testing.
    import tempfile
    store_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # Initialize YANK object.
    options = dict()
    options['restraint_type'] = None
    options['number_of_iterations'] = 10
    options['platform'] = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName(
        "Reference")  # use Reference platform for speed
    options['mc_rotation'] = False
    options['mc_displacement'] = True
    options['mc_displacement_sigma'] = 1.0 * unit.nanometer
    options['timestep'] = 2 * unit.femtoseconds
    options['nsteps_per_iteration'] = 50

    # Override receptor mass to keep it stationary.
    #system.setParticleMass(0, 0)

    # Override box vectors.
    box_edge = 6 * sigma
    a = unit.Quantity((box_edge, 0 * unit.angstrom, 0 * unit.angstrom))
    b = unit.Quantity((0 * unit.angstrom, box_edge, 0 * unit.angstrom))
    c = unit.Quantity((0 * unit.angstrom, 0 * unit.angstrom, box_edge))
    system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(a, b, c)

    # Override positions
    positions[0, :] = box_edge / 2
    positions[1, :] = box_edge / 4

    phase = 'complex-explicit'

    # Alchemical protocol.
    from yank.alchemy import AlchemicalState
    alchemical_states = list()
    lambda_values = [0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0]
    for lambda_value in lambda_values:
        alchemical_state = AlchemicalState()
        alchemical_state['lambda_electrostatics'] = lambda_value
        alchemical_state['lambda_sterics'] = lambda_value
    protocols = dict()
    protocols[phase] = alchemical_states

    # Create phases.
    systems = {phase: system}
    positions = {phase: positions}
    phases = [phase]
    atom_indices = {'complex-explicit': {'ligand': [1]}}

    # Create new simulation.
    yank = Yank(store_dir, **options)

    # Run the simulation.

    # Analyze the data.
    results = yank.analyze()
    standard_state_correction = results[phase]['standard_state_correction']
    Delta_f = results[phase]['Delta_f_ij'][0, 1] - standard_state_correction
    dDelta_f = results[phase]['dDelta_f_ij'][0, 1]
    nsigma = abs(binding_free_energy / kT - Delta_f) / dDelta_f

    # Check results against analytical results.
    # TODO: Incorporate standard state correction
    output = "\n"
    output += "Analytical binding free energy                                  : %10.5f +- %10.5f kT\n" % (
        binding_free_energy / kT, 0)
    output += "Computed binding free energy (with standard state correction)   : %10.5f +- %10.5f kT (nsigma = %3.1f)\n" % (
        Delta_f, dDelta_f, nsigma)
    output += "Computed binding free energy (without standard state correction): %10.5f +- %10.5f kT (nsigma = %3.1f)\n" % (
        Delta_f + standard_state_correction, dDelta_f, nsigma)
    output += "Standard state correction alone                                 : %10.5f           kT\n" % (
    print output

    #if (nsigma > NSIGMA_MAX):
    #    output += "\n"
    #    output += "Computed binding free energy differs from true binding free energy.\n"
    #    raise Exception(output)

    return [Delta_f, dDelta_f]
Esempio n. 4
    import simtk.unit as units
    complex_coordinates = units.Quantity(numpy.zeros([2,3], numpy.float64), units.angstroms)
    complex_coordinates[1,0] = 10.0 * units.angstroms

    # Create temporary directory for testing.
    import tempfile
    output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # Initialize YANK object.
    from yank import Yank
    yank = Yank(receptor=receptor_system, ligand=ligand_system, complex_coordinates=[complex_coordinates], output_directory=output_directory)
    yank.solvent_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol
    yank.complex_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol
    yank.restraint_type = 'flat-bottom'
    yank.temperature = temperature
    yank.niterations = 100
    yank.platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference")

    # Run the simulation.
    # Analyze the data.
    results = yank.analyze()

    # TODO: Check results against analytical results.

Esempio n. 5
    complex_coordinates = units.Quantity(numpy.zeros([2,3], numpy.float64), units.angstroms)
    complex_coordinates[1,0] = 10.0 * units.angstroms

    # Create temporary directory for testing.
    import tempfile
    output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # Initialize YANK object.
    from yank import Yank
    yank = Yank(receptor=receptor_system, ligand=ligand_system, complex_coordinates=[complex_coordinates], output_directory=output_directory, verbose=True)
    yank.solvent_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol
    yank.complex_protocol = yank.vacuum_protocol
    yank.restraint_type = 'flat-bottom'
    yank.temperature = temperature
    yank.niterations = 100
    yank.platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference")
    yank.verbose = False

    # Run the simulation.
    # Analyze the data.
    results = yank.analyze(verbose=True)

    # TODO: Check results against analytical results.