Esempio n. 1
 def test_import_wrappers_nonexistent_dir(self):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     wrappers = set()
     directory = "nonexistent_directory"
     with pytest.raises(NotADirectoryError):
         fg.import_wrappers(directory, wrappers)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_get_function_unknown_func(self):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     with pytest.raises(UnknownItem):
         f = fg.get_function("foo")
Esempio n. 3
 def test_import_wrappers(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     wrappers = {"WrapperOneOne", "WrapperOneTwo",
                  "WrapperTwoOne", "WrapperTwoTwo"}
     fg.import_wrappers(func_dir, wrappers)
     assert len(fg._imported_wrappers) == 4
Esempio n. 4
 def test_import_functions_nonexistent_func(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     functions = {'function_which_does_not_exist'}
     with pytest.raises(ItemExistenceError):
         fg.import_functions(func_dir, functions)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_get_function(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     functions = {"function_1_1"}
     fg.import_functions(func_dir, functions)
     f = fg.get_function("function_1_1")
     assert f() == "This is function_1_1."
Esempio n. 6
 def test_import_wrappers_nonexistent_wrap(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     wrappers = {'wrapper_which_does_not_exist'}
     with pytest.raises(ItemExistenceError):
         fg.import_wrappers(func_dir, wrappers)
Esempio n. 7
 def test_import_functions_nonunique_func(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     functions = {'function_redundant'}
     with pytest.raises(ItemUniquenessError):
         fg.import_functions(func_dir, functions)
Esempio n. 8
 def test_import_functions(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     functions = {"function_1_1", "function_1_2",
                  "function_2_1", "function_2_2"}
     fg.import_functions(func_dir, functions)
     assert len(fg._imported_functions) == 4
Esempio n. 9
 def test_import_functions_nonexistent_dir(self):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     functions = set()
     directory = "nonexistent_directory"
     with pytest.raises(NotADirectoryError):
         fg.import_functions(directory, functions)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_search_items_in_file_empty(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     file_path = "{}/".format(func_dir)
     functions = {"function_1_1", "function_1_2", "function_foo"}
     ret = fg._search_items_in_file(file_path, functions, "function")
     assert ret == set()
Esempio n. 11
 def test_search_items_in_file_nonexistent(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     file_path = "".format(func_dir)
     functions = set()
     with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
         ret = fg._search_items_in_file(file_path, functions, "function")
Esempio n. 12
 def test_search_wrappers_in_file(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     file_path = "{}/".format(func_dir)
     wrappers = {"WrapperOneOne", "WrapperOneTwo", "WrapperFoo"}
     ret = fg._search_items_in_file(file_path, wrappers, "class")
     assert ret == {"WrapperOneOne", "WrapperOneTwo"}
Esempio n. 13
 def test_get_wrappers_unknown_wrap(self):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     with pytest.raises(UnknownItem):
         wrap = fg.get_wrappers({"foo"})
Esempio n. 14
 def test_get_wrappers(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     wrappers = {"WrapperOneOne"}
     fg.import_wrappers(func_dir, wrappers)
     wrap = fg.get_wrappers(wrappers)
     assert wrap["WrapperOneOne"].wraptest() == "This is WrapperOneOne."
Esempio n. 15
class SequenceRunner(object):
    """Class that manages the run of a sequence.

    The aim of an instance of `SequenceRunner` is to run the nodes and manage
    the transitions.

    This object uses a `FunctionGrabber` to access functions that have to be run
    and a `SequenceAnalyzer` to know which function must be executed, and
    determine the order of the nodes.

    `SequenceRunner` has an API to:
        * Initialize the sequence
        * Run the sequence
        * Pause the sequence
        * Stop the sequence


    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Private methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init__(self,
                 sequence_path: str,
                 func_dir: str,
                 constants: dict = None,
                 logger: Union[bool, Logger] = True):
        """Initialize the runner with a given sequence.

            func_dir: directory where to search the node functions for.
            sequence_path: path to the sequence file to run.
            constants: sequence constants given for this run.
            logger: this configures the logger and can have the following
                    * False to disable the logger.
                    * True to enable the default logger in console.
                    * A logging.Logger object to use this one to log. It must be
                      already configured.

            Exceptions from SequenceAnalyzer and FunctionGrabber.
        # Create logger
        # Get the name of the sequence file without the extension
        self.basename = os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(sequence_path)))[0]
        entry_format = ('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s '
                        '- seq. {} - %(message)s').format(self.basename)
        if logger is False:
            self._logger = get_logger(name=__name__,
        elif logger is True:
            self._logger = get_logger(name=__name__, entry_format=entry_format)
        elif isinstance(logger, Logger):
            self._logger = logger
            raise ValueError("logger must be either a boolean or a "
                             "logging.Logger instance.")'Started initialization of sequence '
                          '{} now referred as {}'.format(
                              sequence_path, self.basename))

        # Create basic objects
        self._funcgrab = FunctionGrabber()
        self._seqreader = SequenceReader(sequence_path)

        # Define the set of variables that are read-only
        # There are yapyseq built-in variables, sequence constants,
        # and given constants
        self._read_only_var = {'results'}
        if constants:

        # Initialize the dictionary of variables.
        # It contains both read-only and writeable variables
        self._variables = dict()
        if constants:
        # Add an empty dict of results in the variables
        # It will be filled with node results while the sequence is running.
        self._variables['results'] = dict()

        # See for the uses of the following attribute.
        self._result_queue = mp.Queue()

        # Grab all functions and wrappers
        # This is where all the imports can fail
            func_dir, self._seqreader.get_node_function_names())
            func_dir, self._seqreader.get_node_wrapper_names())

        # Get the dictionary of nodes
        # keys are the nids, and values the node objects
        self._nodes = self._seqreader.get_node_dict()

        # Set callable of each nodes with the ones imported earlier
        # This is necessary before running the nodes
        for node in self._nodes.values():
            if isinstance(node, FunctionNode):
                node.function_callable = self._funcgrab.get_function(
                node.wrapper_classes = self._funcgrab.get_wrappers(

        # Initialize new_nodes as a set of objects of type NewNode.
        # At first, new nodes are the start nodes of the sequence.
        self._new_nodes = set()
        start_nid = self._seqreader.get_start_node_ids()
        self._add_new_nodes(start_nid, None)  # previous nodes are None

        # Initialize running_nodes
        # A dictionary of nodes that are currently running
        # Node ids are keys, and their processes are values
        self._running_nodes: Dict[int, mp.Process] = dict()

        # Update status
        self.status = SeqRunnerStatus.INITIALIZED
            ('Finished initialization of sequence {}').format(self.basename))

    def _add_new_nodes(self, new_node_ids: Union[int, Set[int]],
                       previous_node_id: Union[int, None]) -> None:
        """Add one or several new nodes to self._new_nodes.

            This method should only be used in the run() function of this class,
            or during initialization in __init__().
            It modifies the internal state of the SequenceRunner object.

            new_node_ids: The ID or a set of IDs of the new nodes to add.
            previous_node_id: the ID of the previous node of the new one.
        # Transform the argument into a set if it is not
        if type(new_node_ids) is not set:
            new_node_ids = {new_node_ids}

        for new_node_id in new_node_ids:
            # Get the corresponding node object
            new_node = self._nodes[new_node_id]
            # Update the previous node of this node
            new_node.previous_node_id = previous_node_id
            # Add this node object to the set of new nodes

    def _manage_new_node(self, new_node) -> None:
        """Manage a new node in the running sequence.

            This method should only be used in the run() function of this class.
            It modifies the internal state of the SequenceRunner object.

            new_node: the node object to process.

            UnknownNodeTypeError: if the given node has an unknown type.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # If the node is a "start" node, just get the next node
        if isinstance(new_node, StartNode):
            next_node_ids = new_node.get_next_node_id(self._variables)
            self._add_new_nodes(next_node_ids, None)
                ('Node {} engaged. Type is "start". '
                 'Next node is {}').format(new_node.nid, next_node_ids.pop()))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # If the node is "stop" node, do nothing
        elif isinstance(new_node, StopNode):
  'Node {} engaged. Type is "stop". '
                               'Nothing to do.').format(new_node.nid))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # If the node is a "parallel split", get all next nodes
        elif isinstance(new_node, ParallelSplitNode):
            next_node_ids = new_node.get_next_node_id(self._variables)
            self._add_new_nodes(next_node_ids, new_node.nid)
                ('Node {} engaged. Type is "parallel split". '
                 'Next nodes are {}').format(new_node.nid, next_node_ids))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # If the node is a "parallel sync"...
        elif isinstance(new_node, ParallelSyncNode):
            # Initialize this parallel sync node if not already done
            if not new_node.is_sync_initialized():
                # This synchronization node must wait for all its
                # possible previous nodes.

            # Update the history with the previous node

            # If all transitions met the parallel_sync
            # Get the next node after the parallel_sync
            if new_node.is_sync_complete():
                next_node_ids = new_node.get_next_node_id(self._variables)
                self._add_new_nodes(next_node_ids, new_node.nid)
                    ('Node {} engaged. Type is "parallel sync". '
                     'Synchronisation is completed. '
                     'Next node is {}').format(new_node.nid,
                    ('Node {} engaged. Type is "parallel sync". '
                     'Synchronisation is not completed yet.').format(

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # If the node is of type 'variable', evaluate expressions
        elif isinstance(new_node, VariableNode):
            var_dict = new_node.variables
            # Do not allow to modify read-only sequence variables
            inter = self._read_only_var.intersection(set(var_dict.keys()))
            if inter:
                raise ReadOnlyError(("Node {} tries to modify variables "
                                     "{} but they are read-only variables."
                                     "").format(new_node.nid, inter))
            # Evaluate expression for each variable
            for var_name, expr in var_dict.items():
                value = evaluate_expr(expr, self._variables)
                # Update the writeable sequence variable
                self._variables[var_name] = value
            # Apply transition
            next_node_ids = new_node.get_next_node_id(self._variables)
            self._add_new_nodes(next_node_ids, None)
                ('Node {} engaged. Type is "variable". '
                 'Next node is {}').format(new_node.nid, next_node_ids.pop()))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if the node is of type "function", run the function in a process
        elif isinstance(new_node, FunctionNode):
            # Create a new Process to run this function
            process = mp.Process(,
                                 name="Node {}".format(new_node.nid),
                                     'result_queue': self._result_queue,
                                     'variables': self._variables.copy()
            # Store this process in the dict of running nodes
            self._running_nodes[new_node.nid] = process
  'Node {} engaged. Type is "function". '
                               'Function is started.').format(new_node.nid))

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
            raise UnknownNodeTypeError(
                ("Type of node {} is unknown: {}").format(
                    new_node.nid, type(new_node)))

    def _manage_new_function_result(self, new_result: FunctionNodeResult):
        """Manage a new result of FunctionNode in the running sequence.

            This method should only be used in the run() function of this class.
            It modifies the internal state of the SequenceRunner object.

            new_result: the FunctionNodeResult object.

        # Get the node of the result
        node_object = self._nodes[new_result.nid]

        # Save this result into the sequence variables
        self._variables['results'][new_result.nid] = new_result

        # If a name has been given, store the return object into a
        # sequence variable with this name.
        if node_object.return_var_name:
            self._variables[node_object.return_var_name] = new_result.returned

        # Remove this node from the running nodes

        # Get the next node according to transitions
        # and add it to the set of new nodes
        next_node_ids = node_object.get_next_node_id(self._variables)
        self._add_new_nodes(next_node_ids, new_result.nid)'Function node {} is terminated. Next node is '
                           '{}.').format(new_result.nid, next_node_ids.pop()))

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Public methods
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def run(self, blocking: bool = True):
        """Run the sequence.

            blocking: (optional) Set to True to make the run() method as
              blocking, meaning it won't return until there is no more nodes
              to run. If set to False, the runner will be launched in a new
              thread. This is useful if one wants to be able to call pause()
              and stop() while the sequence is running.
        # TODO: implement the non blocking feature
        # This implies to manage a new call to "run" after pause has been called'Running sequence {}'.format(self.basename))
        self.status = SeqRunnerStatus.RUNNING  # useless if blocking call

        # Continue to run the sequence while there are still some nodes to run
        while self._running_nodes or self._new_nodes:

            # Continue to process all the new nodes until none is left
            while self._new_nodes:
                # Retrieve a new node
                new_node = self._new_nodes.pop()
                # Do the appropriate action for this new node

            # Finally, if there are some running nodes,
            # just wait for the end of one of them.
            if self._running_nodes:
                self._logger.debug(('There are currently {} running '
                # A single queue is shared by all threads to provide function
                # node results. To know when a function node is over the queue
                # is polled for a result.
                # The queue provides objects of type FunctionNodeResult
                new_result = self._result_queue.get()
                # Process the new result

        self.status = SeqRunnerStatus.STOPPED'END of the run of sequence {}'.format(

    def pause(self):
        # TODO
        raise NotImplemented'Pausing sequence {}'.format(self.basename))
        self.status = SeqRunnerStatus.PAUSING
        # Some code...
        self.status = SeqRunnerStatus.PAUSED

    def stop(self):
        # TODO
        raise NotImplemented'Stopping sequence {}'.format(self.basename))
        self.status = SeqRunnerStatus.STOPPING
        # Some code
        self.status = SeqRunnerStatus.STOPPED

    def variables(self) -> Dict:
        """Copy of the current sequence variables (read-only)."""
        return dict(self._variables)
Esempio n. 16
 def test_import_functions_not_dir(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     functions = set()
     directory = "{}/".format(func_dir)
     with pytest.raises(NotADirectoryError):
         fg.import_functions(directory, functions)
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self,
                 sequence_path: str,
                 func_dir: str,
                 constants: dict = None,
                 logger: Union[bool, Logger] = True):
        """Initialize the runner with a given sequence.

            func_dir: directory where to search the node functions for.
            sequence_path: path to the sequence file to run.
            constants: sequence constants given for this run.
            logger: this configures the logger and can have the following
                    * False to disable the logger.
                    * True to enable the default logger in console.
                    * A logging.Logger object to use this one to log. It must be
                      already configured.

            Exceptions from SequenceAnalyzer and FunctionGrabber.
        # Create logger
        # Get the name of the sequence file without the extension
        self.basename = os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(sequence_path)))[0]
        entry_format = ('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s '
                        '- seq. {} - %(message)s').format(self.basename)
        if logger is False:
            self._logger = get_logger(name=__name__,
        elif logger is True:
            self._logger = get_logger(name=__name__, entry_format=entry_format)
        elif isinstance(logger, Logger):
            self._logger = logger
            raise ValueError("logger must be either a boolean or a "
                             "logging.Logger instance.")'Started initialization of sequence '
                          '{} now referred as {}'.format(
                              sequence_path, self.basename))

        # Create basic objects
        self._funcgrab = FunctionGrabber()
        self._seqreader = SequenceReader(sequence_path)

        # Define the set of variables that are read-only
        # There are yapyseq built-in variables, sequence constants,
        # and given constants
        self._read_only_var = {'results'}
        if constants:

        # Initialize the dictionary of variables.
        # It contains both read-only and writeable variables
        self._variables = dict()
        if constants:
        # Add an empty dict of results in the variables
        # It will be filled with node results while the sequence is running.
        self._variables['results'] = dict()

        # See for the uses of the following attribute.
        self._result_queue = mp.Queue()

        # Grab all functions and wrappers
        # This is where all the imports can fail
            func_dir, self._seqreader.get_node_function_names())
            func_dir, self._seqreader.get_node_wrapper_names())

        # Get the dictionary of nodes
        # keys are the nids, and values the node objects
        self._nodes = self._seqreader.get_node_dict()

        # Set callable of each nodes with the ones imported earlier
        # This is necessary before running the nodes
        for node in self._nodes.values():
            if isinstance(node, FunctionNode):
                node.function_callable = self._funcgrab.get_function(
                node.wrapper_classes = self._funcgrab.get_wrappers(

        # Initialize new_nodes as a set of objects of type NewNode.
        # At first, new nodes are the start nodes of the sequence.
        self._new_nodes = set()
        start_nid = self._seqreader.get_start_node_ids()
        self._add_new_nodes(start_nid, None)  # previous nodes are None

        # Initialize running_nodes
        # A dictionary of nodes that are currently running
        # Node ids are keys, and their processes are values
        self._running_nodes: Dict[int, mp.Process] = dict()

        # Update status
        self.status = SeqRunnerStatus.INITIALIZED
            ('Finished initialization of sequence {}').format(self.basename))
Esempio n. 18
 def test_import_wrappers_nonunique_wrap(self, func_dir):
     fg = FunctionGrabber()
     wrappers = {'WrapperRedundant'}
     with pytest.raises(ItemUniquenessError):
         fg.import_wrappers(func_dir, wrappers)